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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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“I will do nothing.”

Logan said, now in a firm and decisive tone. Her fur bristled and her eyes shone with resolution.


A small twig cracked.

Timothy was laying in the bushes, watching Sabrina and Logan converse, no evident expression on his face. His turquoise eyes simply watched.

The light was fading in the woods of which Dakota sat. He listened to the animals afar, the birds as they fluttered away, the squirrel's darting deeper into the foliage, all perparing for the night. He, too, needed to return home soon before the night fully fell.

Home wasn't far however, and with just a glance upwards, Dakota could see the back of the cabins off in the distance. He looked back down at the book in his hands a moment longer, before tucking a pen away into a sleeve woven into the books leather cover and closed it. With a thin string of leather, he wrapped the string around the book and tied it shut. Then he stood and faced the cabins to return home.

As Dakota approached, he heard many unusual sounds- someone singing, Jackie laughing, Kratos speaking to someone who's voice he did not recognize, as well as the alpha's calls. By the time Dakota had made it to the cabin to see what was going on, peaking from behind the cabin nearst to the pit, he saw that Bianca was crying and strangely.... Jackie was hugging and comforting her. It seemed this was certainly shaping up to be an eventful full moon.

Dakota turned back to check on Samantha next, and stepped inside through the back door into the second cabin.

Liam continued into each verse, and the heartfelt words of his song danced in stride with Tiffany's tune, which he would bring around to compliment her voice. Then, he would carve a path in another direction, to a bridge-sung only from the throat and belly. To his surprise, the stranger would contrast every note easily and gracefully.

Liam could sing all night without tiring, and for many nights more. However, it was not his intention to dismiss the present party...


Bianca only nodded to Jackie in response. She wasn't in the mood anymore to argue. She looked in the direction Ulric had gone in search of Chime, and hoped they would both return soon. She could also detect Dekota's return, and an ear swiveled back in his direction even as he went through the back door into the cabin. It made her nauseous to think about how poor Sammi must have felt, or Toby, and Dekota had seen her previous outburst. Oh, if only she could evaporate...

And that wasn't even to mention the stranger who stood behind them. Was he from Sabrina's pack? She turned her head towards him and saw the markings on his back and face, and all of the scars on his body. He clearly had experience and skill, but-why was he here? She knit her brow and listened to his voice as he responded to Tiffany's song, but for Liam's part, it came to a slow stop soon after she gave her ear to it. Her eyes went down to the goat, with it's large black eyes and tongue lolled out of it's head.

Then Liam spiked his brow to look at Kratos from his down turned head, and his almost-white eyes drew Bianca's attention. There was an ochre tint seen only for a second and around the iris', and they looked each like the full moon in all her majesty. Her breath caught for a second, and then he spoke and her eyes narrowed.

"I will hide nothing from you that you want to know." he said, as if he discerned Kratos thoughts. "My things are just beyond the treeline, by the young fir. In my pack among them, the paper with my oaths in full, which I have brought for you. You will also find the token of my promise, and will know it by her scent." he said, but made no move to recover any of those items, and remained unmoving.

Bianca's eyes lit up and she looked to Kratos. The opportunity to go through someones stuff was such a tempting prospect, and she visibly perked up. Her eyes said, "can I go get it?".


Logan turned a short round ear towards the sound of the twig snapping. Timothy could hide his presence better, if he wanted. Certainly he came looking again for an opportunity to see her removed from the pack. It served to remind her to remain in control of her emotions. She spoke again before Sabrina could respond,

"You will not touch a hand to me. I will go down the mountain alone, or not at all. My mind is made up."

"N-nope!" Toby said as cheerfully and convincingly as he could, his eyes darting fleetingly back toward his room. "But, ya know, you shouldn't be up here by yourself. Wanna come downstairs with me and-- Uh.. Uhm.. Bake a cake?"

Toby wasn't sure what he was afraid of: A mysterious knock, Bianca's reaction, or having seen his bedroom door close on its own. Ghost or an intruder, Toby wasn't about to leave Samantha up here with it.

Kratos narrowed his eyes and huffed a short but heavy blow through his lips.

"Logan herself will vouch for you," he said. Then he stood to his full height again and turned his ear into the clearing. He noted Timothy's absence.


Ulric picked his way through the growing darkness, finding his way with some difficulty. Oh, what good a werewolf form would be, in tracking and navigating in the dark. Ulric wondered if perhaps it was time; if perhaps, he needn't wait til the rise of the moon to take his secondary form. As yet, he could feel renewed energy and sharpness of mind. He could feel the change within his fingertips, but he did not feel it pulling him, or flooding over him. As yet, the moon had not shown her face.

Not for the last time, Ulric wondered what the connection was between the moon and the change. He remembered the last moon he stared up at with blurry eyes, and how dreadful it seemed to him then. He remembered the draining, aching throb in his limbs, as if it were drinking his life right out of him. In that respect, some part of him still dreaded to see the full moon. But he had looked up at the moon on so many other occasions, feeling the opposite. Life and energy and freedom was the light of the full moon, or, it had been. He recalled the first time he ever struggled against the change under that light. How had it gone from such a thing of beauty and power, to something he could dread? Last night, while he lay in bed, wrapped in his blankets, Ulric stared out his window at the moon waning full. It was so bright, and so clear, any person might have thought it full at a glance. He wondered why it did not have the same effect on him. Ulric did not know the connection, but he knew there was one - mysterious and strange though it be.

Thus were Ulric's thoughts as he sought Chime in the growing shadow of the mountain.


When the mountain stranger's voice withdrew, Tiffany took up the chorus of her song again, repeating it and setting it free.

"The music's playing! It's a celebration!
The music's playing, everybody dance to the rhythm of the night!
Forget about the worries on your mind!
You can leave them all behind, to the beat of the rhythm of the night!
Dance til the morning light!
Forget about the worries on your mind!
You can leave them all behind ~"

Now, her song came to a close and she softly let it sail, cooing and laaing as the volume of her voice decreased. Now, she let it go, and the night air resumed its quiet stirring.

Tiffany breathed a hot breath into her face, scattering several curly locks above her brow. Her chest rose and fell with feeling as she stared up at an ever darkening sky. The rim of her prison was pitch black against the hazy blue atmosphere. The golden light of her captor's cabin was cast on the fence and rim of one side, but beneath it was all blackness and shadows. She turned her face toward the only place where the light pooled on the cement floor, and there the other captive lay...

Bianca scrunched her nose up with confusion and looked back to the stranger. Naturally her curiosity was ignited, but since the stranger said nothing else in response, and Kratos seemed as ambiguous as ever, she lost interest for the time being.

Now she slunk to the edge of the clearing, and with Ulric’s scent still heavy on his heels, she moved to go searching after him. After all, nothing good could come from him going off alone.

A piercing sound. Blurring shapes. Steps from afar. Pain. Darkness.

Pain. He could remember all the pain.

The wolf’s eyes finally opened. His head lifted up slowly, his gaze looking dazed and confused. The wolf’s dark eyes looked in Tiffany and Ionone’s direction, before groggily turning to the side and seeing the cabins against the night sky. His head seemed heavy, and bobbed down for a moment, as he struggled to keep holding it up against the drowsiness the drug still caused. He looked back at Tiffany and Ionone, but seemed far too out of it to know exactly what he was looking at. His head bobbed again, but he kept fighting against the drowsiness and stared forward, trying to find some mental clarity.


"Your mind is not my concern," Sabrina said matter-of-factly, noting Timothy's presence on the scene with the same attention she may have paid a bothersome mosquito whining in her ear. "My responsibility is to see your body put to rights. I would much rather have your consent and cooperation for your recovery, but believe me when I say I do not require it. I will ask one more time: Would you lie down, please?"

The please was not an afterthought, but there was a distinctive pause in the preceding comma. And it came with emphasis.

“Do not make yourself the enemy of me,” Logan warned, her ears back and features turning violent as Sabrina spoke. Her chest rose and fell in her anger.

She then made a conscious effort to check her emotions, and felt the weight of the moon heavy on her mind, but the strength of it pulling on the invisible fibers of her being.

The defender inhaled deeply, and exhaled a hot breath; when the air had left her lungs she was human. When she spoke again her tone was changed,

“It is my body, and my pain to bear. You threaten to take my choice away from me? I will suffer a hundred scar deeper with gladness before this.” She said in earnest passion, withdrawing her walking stick from it’s place on her back and leaning her weight on it. She raised her chin.

“I do not ask you to understand, still it is not of trust I refuse. If I am not recovered by tomorrow, I will seek you-this I give my word. Know that if you lay a hand on me under this moon, as long as the moon rises you will be my enemy.” With the final sentence, she inclined her chin slowly, and then, began walking, albeit slowly.. the path would take her past Sabrina, and leave her exposed.. there was a solemnity in her feautures that carried more than their usual weight.

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