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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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Jackie thought about Kratos' answer and his question. She had supposed many things might be inferred by touch - blood lust, certainly, would. But she wondered to what lesser emotions could be felt in it. Certainly, it would be something that would require experimentation, and test subjects...

The question was considered far less. She mused it briefly, and shrugged, "Eh.. someone I met once in the woods mentioned it, I think? It was a long time ago".

Kratos peaked a brow, dissatisfied with Jackie's answer. Just someone by the sounds of it was a werewolf, and one that existed across the threshold of knowledge.

"Jackie, don't play with werewolves." Kratos cautioned.

"Come, the moon is almost at its peak."


Ulric turned his chin down and away from Logan, though his eyes held onto hers. Bianca and Logan did not get along on the best of days and the mildest of circumstances. Why would she ask him to leave when Bianca was clearly struggling?

For perhaps the first time, Ulric looked at Logan with distrust. His heart, too, remembered when Kratos and Logan sent him away from the mountain ledge, with Timothy following. As well did his heart remember Logan's reproachful gaze only just this morning... was it the sign of her failing confidence in him? Had she seen so much of his failings now that she did not respect him? 

Though Ulric did not think it, his heart replied with pained bitterness. Logan had no authority to command him. She was the Defender. Bianca was the Den Mother, and Ulric himself was the Peace-Keeper. If anything, this was his place; his right to stay. What was more, Bianca was his friend. He esteemed he knew her better than Logan did.

No, Ulric would not comply with Logan's glance. He remained steadfastly braced and took a step nearer to Bianca.

Tiffany folded her hands around her shoulders and shivered. Her eyes were held tightly closed and her thin dark brows were knit tightly together. But Ionone's soft voice called her gaze out, and she looked at the silky form of the kitsune under the moon. What a beautiful creature Ionone was.

Tiffany breathed deeply and closed her eyes again, her brows softened.


Timothy appeared very intrigued with the goat and that the stranger would simply give it to him... but presently he turned his attention swiftly away.

What was this, a sound? A scent? There was distress in the air.

Liam likewise turned his head same as Timothy...


Logan watched Ulric make his feelings and stance clear. He did not need to speak a word. As he moved closer to Bianca, Bianca brought herself in towards him, and turned her back to Logan, tucking her face into Ulric's shoulder.

Could she fault the Peace Keeper for his actions? He put his own self interests aside earlier in the day for the sake of others, and now again he seemed willing to risk his welfare for another.

Logan did not want to see him hurt again-she still remembered vividly how he looked on top of that mountain, like a child in Kratos' arms and appearing to the eyes lifeless. Had he not also been scarcely delivered from the hands of hunters, and nearly stolen from them on another occasion? And if the Svalnaglas intruders had not been so weary.. yet, it was his instinct as it was hers to defend, especially in matters of the soul. She found no reason to look down on him for being compelled to protect his friends just as she did.

Her violet eyes looked up to see that the moon, scarcely visible beyond the peaks of the fir trees, was reaching it's apex...

A low groan from Bianca brought her attention down again; Bianca gripped Ulric's arm tightly with one hand. She had chosen to fight the change.

"Go, away... please. Just gooooouuugggghhhh.."

Logan's concern was evident, but she looked to Ulric, and bowed her head before turning away. Well encompassed in Ulric's scent, Bianca should not see him as an enemy... but her own presence was unwanted, and would not help the matter.

As she disappeared behind the brush and evergreens, she went on all fours and surrendered her will to the change. Her ears went back to hear Bianca scream, but she continued forward with a sigh in her chest and weariness in her soul.


Bianca's head was tucked lower than her shoulders, and she held Ulric's arm so tightly that her nails were digging into his flesh! Her whole body trembled fiercely, and her breathing and heart rate were all rapid. She shook her head and groaned again. The adrenaline in her veins made her body feel light, and she felt a certain dread come over her.

"Don't let anything happen to me ok? Please.."

It was not only Kratos' word that confirmed it, yet in stating the obvious Jackie could no longer ignore that impossible tug in the pit of her being. It was but a thread she held to her humanity. At every other time of the month, she lamented her inability to take the change freely. Now forced upon her, she found it a curious thing to stand upon its precipice. It was the same feeling she might feel looking down an impossible slope, knowing she would descend it, but not certain how. She felt neither a concern nor a rush to launch herself down it.

Bringing her attention elsewhere she flashed a sly grin in Kratos direction as she followed him, "Why, you worried?"

She had meant it as a light-hearted thing. Yet the moment the words left her mouth, she realized he was worried about a great number of things. She had never seen the apprehension in him before, not until she had felt the touch of his bones and muscles beneath his skin. Now she couldn't imagine any less. Every full moon was a threat of chaos and bloodshed... And there they stood at the edge of it.

And so came the dawning of a powerful tide. So incrementally it had come, moment by moment, and day by day, awakening within the werewolves a natural state of mind and body. Seldom did they feel it, yet, at the high-peak of the lesser light, when it's brightness and brilliance filled the dark world with darker shadows, it came suddenly forward, all at once.

Light is a curious thing, which fills the world. The greater light, color and life shed. The lesser light, only illumination. And yet, light exists beyond the mortal eyes. Waves of light undetected, pass and penetrate bodies of flesh and stone; celestial bodies, reflecting and casting light of their own, while mortal bodies must be changed by it. For all creation it was so, but for the werewolves, this night alone they were entirely at it's command.

And so came the light of the moon.

To be continued ...

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