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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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Tiffany came to the crescendo of her song as the mountain stranger picked up and joined in. Now, her voice filled in for the instruments, and gave place for him to lead with his wolf song. Tiffany was as good a backup singer as she was a lead, and this, 'sharing the mic' with a stranger, was not unfamiliar. She could listen to, match, and compliment a wide range of vocals.

Kratos was still sitting low on his haunches with his brow low and his eyes full of sympathy for Bianca. He placed his large warm paw on her back, comfortingly, and whispered, "I'm sorry you did not get to tell her, Bianca." Then he said, "The moon does not make it easy, but you must be careful to retain your mastery tonight."

Kratos withdrew his hand and looked at Liam, not for the first time wondering at this stranger who so seamlessly joined the Svalnaglas in song. The Svalnaglas had targeted Logan before, and this stranger had come from the same direction as the wild-haired woman and the Kitsune. If there was any deceit in this, then the Alpha, too, had a promise to fulfill...

….even if she did not want her.

Logan picked up the scents and visibly recoiled. Every foul thing that she dare not utter came to mind (for the taste of bitter words in her mouth still reminded her vividly of the vodka her grandfather once used to wash it…).

She cast her violet eyes towards the origination of the scent. Her thick fur bristled and she came to stand tall on two legs. And although one attempted to forsake her, she willed it to be steady and awaited the approach of the Healer.


Jackie was the last person Bianca might have sought comfort in (tied only with Logan, and maybe even after Timothy). But, the redhead was gentler than she might have guessed, and--as much as it would pain Bianca to admit--didn't smell as bad as she thought she would.

With Liam behind them, and Tiffany's tune changing in the pit beyond them, it was ever a wonder that Kratos' voice made everything else seem so far away when he spoke again. Coupled with his touch behind her and Jackie's embrace, she began to feel grounded-and would yet have to face the aftermath of every choice made that day. There were amends to be made, and bridges to gap..

She withdrew from Jackie but still appeared very small, with her ears still back and head still low. She turned her face to look at Kratos, who was looking at Liam. There was an apology caught in her throat, but she couldn't find the strength to voice it. She looked back to Jackie,

"The moon's almost up.. do you have anything to wear?" she asked.

The brightest stars were beginning to appear in the muddied twilight of a sky still light, but absent the sun in the wake of its setting.

These were the moments that belonged to shadows, when none was darker than another, yet all could still be seen even to human eyes.

Sabrina's footfall was naturally silent, but she took care to tread with enough noise that she would be easily picked out in the undergrowth of the forest.

Still some distance of Logan, but within eyesight, she raised her head and her own eyes caught some obscure light through the trees. From there, she simply sat, tall and lithe, a long shadow against the darkness with gleaming golden eyes, her ears erect and focused on Logan.

Logan looked through the blue trees, and her features curled up when she met Sabrina's eyes. Yet, agitated as she was, she was in possession of her faculties and would use them.

"What do you want from me, Healer? Go back the other way." she said with a jut of her jaw, in that thick accent, more guttural in this form. The snarl-or wince-or whatever it was in her expression-made it look like she had just eaten a sour lemon.

Silence. Eventually shoulders rose subtly, and sank. An unheard sigh. But the face remained without expression, as was her nature.

"I don't want anything from you. We do not even need to speak. But you have a job to do, and so do I. A truce, if you can extend me that."

A pause.

"Logan, you can barely walk. Do you expect me to turn and leave you like this, a mere hour before the moon crests the mountain? If nothing else, allow me to be a body to lean on."

“I can walk.” Logan said, defensively.

“Anyway, you think I will not crush your shoulder? Haha! Go down the mountain. I do not need help.”

Jackie held on to Bianca as long as she needed, trailing her fingers on her shoulders as the girl pulled away. She didn't meet Bianca's eyes. Not out of shame, but more concern of what quip might catch her if only she met Bianca's gaze.

Thus, Bianca's quip in turn caught her off guard.

"Eh? This is fine," she gestured broadly to herself.

Indeed, 'fine' might be a matter of opinion. She wore as she often did on full-moons of cobbled together clothing. Tonight, it was dark tank-top and oversized cargo shorts, with a drawstring closure. It would accommodate her alter-form fine, although fashion would be the least of its virtues.

A slow blink. "...Can you?" Sabrina asked after a moment. "Walk, or crush me. Either feat would be quite impressive at this point."

Somehow, Logan did not expect to be called out on her bluff. Her feautures unfurled and her ears went up, before returning to their previously disdainful state.

”You will have me sit and roll over, too? Agch, I do not think so. Find someone else for this game.”

She said, dismissively, and did not move except to cross her arms.

Sabrina stood on her feet and rose to her full height.

"On the contrary, I would have you lay down, on your belly, and trust me. Or is that too difficult for you?"

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