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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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Sabrina just watched her as she passed, placid as a still body of water. Until she spoke.

"Trust? Again, irrelevant. I believe you. It's not trust that holds you back at all. No, it's pride. And dare I say, selfishness. What sort of defender are you to be tonight in your present condition? This isn't about the discord between you and I. This is about our obligations to our Pack. I have no magic that I might snap my fingers and make you well, but I have skill enough to ease your pain and make you a more efficient defender this night. And you reject it. Very well. The choice is yours."

Now she deigned look in Timothy's direction: specifically to meet his eye.

There was one word that stuck like an ice pick. Logan paused and her grip on the staff tightened.

If I fail, I will answer to the Alpha.” She said lowly, turning sideways. Her black hair trailed after her head like liquid behind her.

“You say I have failed in my duty when I still stand breathing, and accuse me of selfishness?” She asked, angrily, and faced Sabrina wholly, bringing down the butt of the walking stick onto the rock beneath her in the same moment.

Then she waved the other hand accusingly hand at the healer, “Still-you are idle as a healer when there is no end to the pain around you! Why do you choose to see only the wounds on the flesh? When our flesh heals faster than man! Tell me this! If you answer honestly, you may do your worst to me!”

Samantha looked at Toby with wide eyes, the crack of the door ever decreasing till it was practically closed. " But it's dark out- A-aren't you going to become a wolf soon?" Samantha asked with a tremble in her voice.


Timothy's gaze was placid and cool, presently set simply to observe. He watched Logan's movements with calculated keeness that never came to his features and did not rise from the undergrowth. Now, he met Sabrina's gaze. What would he find there? A question? A command? Aggression, perhaps?

Timothy's thoughts were his own, and yet there was far too much intelligence in his eyes to believe the look of dumb thought that possessed his features. No, it seemed rather some knowing, some sort of idea, or amusement was there. But it could never be discerned on the surface. One could only guess at those thoughts.


Unhindered, Bianca stepped into the forest and shot off like a bullet after Ulric. She called out to Chime again as she ran, but also intended to make Ulric aware of her approach so he would not be caught off guard.


Tiffany set her dark eyes on Saber's drowsy form and turned to face him. Whatever the night should bring now, with its many hazy and misty forms, it would have to be faced. She was uncertain, as yet, what the disposition of this young werewolf was to be. Would he know her? Though she had not played a prominent role in the front of his tragedy, she had been a piece of it, and knew how he had become a wanderer in the hills.

The moon still had not cast its white rays into the pit, but it's presence was growing ever more potent in the limbs of the werewolves.


Kratos was made aware of Saber's stir from slumber by the end of Tiffany's song. He now turned his attention toward the Training Arena. His black silhouette again appeared against the light of the cabin, and his shadow fell on Saber's form.

Then, the Alpha's white-tipped ear turned back, to hear how long Jackie and the stranger would abide and obey.

Indeed, Jackie's patience for Kratos' command had worn thin... or rather the memory of it, faded. More concerning was the manner of the aroma of smoked fish on the air, and the realization a day of toil had made for an impressive appetite.

She did not see Kratos' ears flick to her direction, for she had already set off towards the barbeque to acquire her rightfully earned prize.

Liam did not move, and was wise enough not to speak again unless addressed. His ears were now erect and alert, and while one hand gripped his knee, the other bore the weight of his bowed torso, with his strong arm braced against the earth and furry white fingers splayed out over the gravel. One ear tilted towards Jackie, who remained close-but he wondered at the Alpha's stern command to the scout, while the young member was free to wander into the forest.

"I don't know that I could shift even this close to the moon."

He remembered what she had confessed to him, and knew it must be for her safety she was commanded to stay close. After all, if he was not who he was, and she had met another man on the ridges, her story may have ended too soon. Still, could she not feel it? In her limbs-like a cool fresh spring just beneath a thin crust of earth, it begged to be drawn from.

His eyes, with his head bowed, had few places to wander, so he considered the goat that lay before him.

As of yet, the Alpha had not accepted his offering, but it was not uncommon for an Alpha to wait for his members to be joined altogether. Some Alpha's chose to eat first and before them, and some would allow their pack to eat first. A fresh kill was better, but Liam regretted that it was not fresh when delivered, and maybe it was not suitable..


Logan waited for a reply, and considered the glance to Timothy, her violet eyes moving from Sabrina's position to his, and back again.

Timothy did little to hide his anxieties. Words were difficult for him, and he seemed to use them only when they served and immediate purpose. Otherwise, he appeared as he did now; like an animal, and responding in a manner appropriate to one.

Logan had not witnessed wolves in the wild, but she was cautioned about their behaviors and techniques when she was set to guard the village and the livestock, and would hear them collaborating in the mountains and plains even miles away.. she imagined Timothy to behave very much like a wild wolf; opportunistic, and cunning.

She drew parallels between the two of them-Sabrina and Timothy. Sabrina also used words primarily to get what she wanted-and though her motivations were different, they both presented themselves in much the same way... Timothy however, was shameless, and embraced this manner of existence without apology. Sabrina... Sabrina she believed, wanted more.

Logan exhaled a long sigh, and her dark lashes lowered over his eyes, which for a second, caught the blue hues of the night and seemed to reflect them back with an almost neon intensity. Perhaps it was just an illusion.

"I do not fault you," Logan said, in continuation, and with a calmer tone, even gentle.

"You can not give to others that you do not have to yourself. You do not love yourself," she said in observation, yet as if it were fact, and there was a sadness in her tone as she whispered the last sentence. Her brow was knit.

"This, ah.." she gestured to her shoulder scars and tilted her head a little, "this-caring for wounds of the flesh-is the only way for you. Maybe you think-in time, you will learn to care, ah? You are trying. That is worthy."

There was something changed in Logan's disposition, and all the anger was melted away.

"You may anger me still-but not as my... not, as, eh-opak...," she struggled to explain, "but- it is as my sister. If I am angry, it is because I love you."

"You're gonna become a wolf too." Toby replied, tilting his head in confusion. "I mean-- Probably not tonight, but eventually. Besides, Dekota is a wolf and your dad was a wolf, so what's the big deal? I assure you, we can bake a cake as wolves just as well as well as we can when we're human. I actually pride myself in my ability to bake."

As the shadow of the alpha crossed over Sabers face, his wolf was drawn to look once more in the direction of the cabins. The figure of the alpha loomed beyond the fence, the light behind him casting his shape in an eerie ominous glow. Even with the world around him a blur, the wolf recognized the shape and started to growl. Although unsteady, he got up on his feet seeming far more awake now. Slowly he backed away from Kraros’ direction.

When he was back a few steps, he seemed to catch Tiffany and Ionone in his peripheral view and turned to look at them. His growl faltered for a moment as he sniffed in their direction, trying to determine who was trapped down here with him. But whatever scent he had picked up didn't seem to matter, for he began to growl once again, his teeth showing his aggression. He began to back away from both parties.

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