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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Kratos had moved quite a distance from his pack, when suddenly a horrid howl pierced the air directly in front of him! Quickly the massive werewolf came to a halt, carving up the forest floor with his heavy paws.

Mist swirled at the roots of the trees just ahead of him. As his bright yellow eyes scanned the darkness which covered the forest floor, he noticed that the ground seemed to slump downwards. He slowly took a few steps further when the ground seemed to vanish completely!

He was standing on the edge of a cliff well camouflaged by the mist which hung just above it.

His eyes widened in realisation of the others quickly approaching just behind him! Two sharp snarls followed by growling was sent to warn his companions of the danger.

"Kale, Marcus, Stop!"


Kiton looked over the edge, kicked a stone off, and listened to it clatter across the wall for a long while. The final clack wasn't heard even by straining ears. He turned to face Marcus and then simply walked off, away from the death trap, conceiled in night down.


Kale skidded to a halt beside Kratos and looked down. The thick mist swirled in her vision and she couldn't see very far. She crawled forward slowly in an attempt to see further down.

"How far down do you think it goes?" She looked up and around and she saw moonbeams shining in the mist as they poured through gaps in the branches. The pit was one pretty deathtrap.


Kratos, having nearly lead his pack off a cliff, hesitated to say anything.

"We should get back." Kratos whispered steadily. Though sounding quite firm in his words his heart within him beat faster then a humming bird's wings.

Had it not been for the odd howl, it would have been very likely that they all would have tumbled into that unsuspected fate. It felt much like the trap had been laid by the forest for a reason, yet warned the werewolves of it's plan before they stumbled into it...

It was quite easy to say that after going back and collecting his clothes, he returned with his fellow members to Zeit's farm at a slow pace.. who knew when they would stumble into the next "small ditch" in the moonlight...

The Next Morning...

Hour Glass

Zeit got out of bed before dawn, just like she normally did. She walked to her door, making sure it was locked before going into the shower. With newcomers in her home, especially male werewolves, she wouldn't take a chance with leaving that door unlocked. She quickly showered and put on an old shirt and a torn up pair of jeans. She wanted to get some work down before tonight's big fight, when blood would be spilled.

She walked down stairs and outside, careful to not wake anybody up. She began to jog to the stables, wanting to get a quick ride in, plus she needed to see where her cattle were so no werewolf would attack them tonight. She walked into the stable, selecting her favorite mount, a gelding named Night's Fury. She quickly saddled him up, and opened up the stall door, leading him out of the stables.

She then leapt onto his back and clucked her tongue, sending him off at a trot to the cattle pen. She slowed him down as she neared the pen, and got off again opening the gate enough to let Night in. Once he was in, she closed the gate and hopped onto his back again, sending him into a canter to try and locate the small herd she owned.


Kiton sat in the field, the grasses over his head, swaying in mild breeze. He heard clip clopping of hooves and stood. "Hello Zeit, how did you sleep?"

Hour Glass

"Good" Zeit bluntly said, "I feel refreshed, and well enough for a good fight tonight". She studied her cattle for a moment, counting them. She suddenly was confused, she was missing two of her prized calves! She shifted, counting them over again, and one more time after that. She let out a faint growl, of course when you let werewolves on your farm, your calves get taken. She urged Night to a trot, and went over to where the herd was.

She slid off of Night and growled, a signal for the herd to move away. She watched as each of them left, she noticed of the big females had a bite mark to one of her back legs. She grumbled, and began to sniff around. She noticed a faint scent of blood, and a wolf smell on the ground. "Kiton, I swear, if you killed any of my cows, you won't live to see the full moon!"


Kale sighed and hopped out of the tree. The breeze picked up slightly and Kale enjoyed the sweet, grassy smell of the fields and the rich scent of the farm animals. She smirked. Would we be considered 'farm animals?' Haha.

A restlessness stirred at her though, tonight was the full moon, and most likely a bloodbath. I don't have to fight though... She looked around and grimaced a bit as she thought of werewolves fighting. Terrifying.


Samuel's bright yellow eyes blinked slowly as he stared at the ceiling, he listened for a moment to the sound of birds just outside the window.. With a sigh, he pushed himself off his bed and stretched, then he walked over to the window and briefly glanced out.

The new morning light blinded him only for a second before he withdrew and went to his bag which lay on the floor beside his bed. From inside he retrieved his brown contact lenses and put them on, then flung the bag over his shoulder and left his room.

He went outside to the water trough where he dropped his bag and dunked his head into the cold water. Upon lifting his head out of the water however, he was greeted by the black nose of a large scruffy cow...

Samuel shook the water from his head and combed his hair out of his face with his fingers. Only then did he fully turn his attention to the odd animal which seemed very curious about the abnormally large man.

Samuel had to laugh when he realised that the creature was actually a female bison, and not in fact a tame cow at all.. Yet the bison seemed completely undaunted to have found such an odd creature as himself here. She was neither frightened nor angered and simply turned her attention back to a refreshing drink.

Briefly Samuel wondered if Zeit owned bison on her fields, but his mind was lead back to the other werewolves and wondered where they were this morning. So with that, Samuel scooped his bag back up on his shoulder and left the bison to drink.


Kiton stood taken aback. "I would not take one of your cattle, Zeit, if anything, it was that rougish wolf I ran into last night. This could be a warning...or maybe just a snack."

He patted the cow. It dopily mooed. "See? No trouble here." He walked around and looked at the bite, it was pretty bad. Even if this was making a threat, it looked dangerous.

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