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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Kratos did not follow Zeit in, but stood firm outside. He briefly looked down at Kale when she came to stand beside him, but he did not answer her question.


At first Zeit was greeted by cold silence and bones crackling under her paws.

Suddenly there was a gurgled growl from the darkness and then the beast shot out and attacked Zeit! It's heavy body thrashed her to the wall of the cave and its teeth gripped her neck, then it's head began to violently rip back and forth while its paws hammered into her sides!

Hour Glass

Zeit was surprised by the creature's attack, but she fought back. She felt the teeth against her neck, a no no for Zeit. She kicked her back paws out, digging her claws into the creature, pushing it away enough for her to slink away from under it. She then bolted tot he entrance of the cave, stopping when she reached Kratos and Kale, her neck dripping from the fresh would. She took deep breaths, her head down, and slightly lightheaded.

She looked into the cave, the thing was sure to follow her, and the scent of her blood seemed overpowering to her senses. She growled slightly, her limbs shaking a bit, two times that she had been attacked, the blows had landed on her head and neck which now throbbed. she took a deep breath, she wouldn't be going to town anytime soon, and she wouldn't go back to her human form until the worst of the injuries were cleared up, the pack would just have to cook for themselves and help out around the farm.


Kratos jumped when he heard the growl and was moments from coming in before Zeit struck from the cave.

Zeit's condition infuriated Kratos and he instantly placed himself between her and the cave, waiting for her attacker to show it's face. But it did not come. The creature remained at the back of the hole growling and snarling.

No doubt it was a werewolf.


Sabrina had seen to Kiton's wounds, now she went ahead to check on the rest of the pack. They weren't hard to track - the smell of blood was very potent, and Gathen's territory was even more pungent. Just before she made it up to his cave she heard the sounds of growling...was the fight not yet over?

She picked up her pace to a trot and soon came upon the pack gathered at the entrance of the cave. She approached them cautiously and accessed the situation. When she discovered Ziet's wounded neck, she pinned back her ears and offered submissive sympathy. "Your wound must be seen to; here, I brought some cayenne from the house, it will stop the bleeding."

Then she moved on to Kratos' side and peered into the cave at Zeit's attacker.

She could see nothing, but the other werewolf in the shadows was making a fearful racket. To listen to him, one would have thought him twice the size than Sabrina decided he actually was. The wound on Ziet's neck was serious, to be sure, but it was tackily done... the concealed werewolf was not one of any real experience... the wound had been inflicted in a rash lunge of terror; such as any cornered animal would make. "We're dealing with a mere boy," she muttered under her breath, glancing at Kratos' raised hackles and completely aggressive stance.

Hour Glass

"I'm not leaving until we that werewolf out, I don't care if it is a child, it will be a danger to the pack and to the town, don't forget, it has to eat too." She replied, taking up a stronger stance. She took another deep breath before raising her head a bit, "But how to get a scared child out of a dark hole?" she thought aloud.

Zeit sat down, resting for a mintue, she was going to need Sabrina's help with her neck injuries, but she wouldn't leave her duty to remove the child. Depending on the situation, there might be another death today, or another member to the pack. She let out a soft growl, barring her teeth a bit. "Kratos, isn't there some way you could led it out, that way we could get a good look at what we are dealing with?"


Kale stepped back in alarm when she heard the werewolf attack Zeit, and when Zeit emerged with fresh blood seeping into her fur Kale was shot with fury, both at the werewolf and at her own helplessness in the human form. She hovered nervously as Sabrina tended to Zeit, listening to the conversation and pondering on the problem.

If the werewolf was a child, cornered and scared then it wasn't much of a threat, but its fear made it dangerous at present. Kale paced between the entrance of the cave and her companions.

"Kratos trying to entice the child out might not be such a good idea at present." Kale added in, gesturing towars the towering, and intimidating figure that was her alpha. "If it's a child....why don't we just....." she kept muttering off the end of her sentances, thinking out loud and talking at the same time, after a few moment she got as close to the cave entrance as safly possible, sitting herself to one side so it couldn't leap out and attack her very easily, once situated, she started humming.


Kratos flashed a look of confusion at Sabrina when she explained that it was a child within the cave, and not an actual danger... Hesitantly Kratos moved away from the cave and simply listened to the others speak.

In truth, the Alpha could not think of a decent thing to do, so he moved further away and allowed the others to do what they thought was best.

Zeit needed to get cleaned up and rest, but there was only a slim chance Kratos would be able to get her to leave with the matter unresolved. Still though, Sabrina seemed to have a good knowledge of herbs and treatment and took good care of Zeit's wounds.

Breifly Kratos watched Kale approach the cave, quietly listening to her hum. Then he turned away and went to dig a hole where he would bury the bodies of Gathen's victims.


The growling continued even as Kale drew near. There wouldn't be a change for many hours, until at last the growling would cease.

By then, Kratos had removed all the carcasses from the area and turned the soil to hide most of the smell. While under Sabrina's careful hands, Zeit's wounds were well dressed.

Morning birds sung their graceful songs high above the tree branches and many rushed to gather the seeds from the ground.

Kratos lay on the dirt a little ways from the cave watching one such bird hopping this way and that when he noticed the peaceful silence. The Alpha's bright yellow eyes turned wearily towards Kale, "What's it doing now?" He asked softly.

The figure at the back of the cave could no longer be seen pressed against the wall, but rather, it had fallen and lay crumpled up beside a large stone.

Hour Glass

Zeit's ears perked up from where she had dozed off at. She had a headache for the moment, and planned to go straight ti her room when they got back to her house, not even caring how much damage had been done tot he walls. She looked up, sleep still on her her eyes, and her mind foggy. "What ever it is seems to be asleep maybe, but I'm not going near it again, I've had enough with the fighting," she said, "Though I am glad we have Sabrina here to tend to those who need patching up."

She yawned, before shifting to another sleeping postion, pulling all her paws under her, and wrapping her tail around her body. She laid her head on her side, her tail tickling her muzzle, but she wasn't asleep yet, She watched the cave, wondering what truly was into there, and the harm it was capable of doing. She took a deep breath, making her hackles lie flat, there was no harm now, and Kale's little tune had been soothing enough to get her to sleep a bit, somethign she needed. She closed her eyes, cat-napping, but her ears perked up and alert.


Kale hummed her little tune untill the growling stopped. then she kept humming, eventually the only sound coming out of the cave was quiet, deep breaths. the child werewolf had fallen asleep! curious now Kale scotted over so she was just outside the opening, peering in she could barely see the childs slumped over form in the darkness.

"What's it doing now?" Kratos asked softly.

Kale stopped humming and replied in equally a soft tone "Slee-ping." her voice cracked a bit, dry from humming the entire time. Looking back into the cave she listened for a moment more, making sure it was indeed in deep sleep, before begining to slowly scoot herself into the cave, feet first, so if need be she could make as quick an exit as possible. Or give it a swift kick in the head, whichever the more nessecarry at the time.


Kratos stood and approached the cave behind Kale. Gently he slipped into it, his eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness.

Kratos' large black head peered over Kale's shoulder to where the boy had fallen.

Indeed, it was a young boy, no longer in the form of a werewolf child. His hair was dark and his body was thin, and he lay as if he had been struck on the back by a stone.

Kratos noticed the boy's clothing was torn and dirty, but also that the boy was beaten, bruised, and covered in the smell of old blood. It became quite clear just then that this boy was one of Gathen's victims. But one that the Wretch had kept alive for whatever purpose.

"Kale... please take Zeit back to the ranch." The Alpha whispered, "When Sabrina has dressed his wounds, I will carry the boy down."

To be continued...

Read the next chapter, "A Storm In The Mountains" ->

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