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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Hour Glass

Zeit gritted her teeth, "Whoever, or whatever has attacked my cows, I'm goign to hunt them down!" she growled, "Those calves would have given me enough money to help get new farming supplies." She looked around going over to the cow that had been bitten. She bent down, sniffing the wound, it would need to be cleaned and bandaged. "They also injured one of my prize dairy cows, who also has had most of my prize calves". She turned, walking over to her horse, taking off the rope she always carried with her for reasons like this. She then wrapped the rope around the cows neck and over it's muzzle, forming a halter with the rope.

"Kiton I'm going to need your help" she said, "First I'll need to lead this girl to the barn and put her in a stall until she heals". She began to lead the cow over to Night, "Then I'll need you to sattle up one of the horses and help me feed the rest of my livestock". She looked at him, awaiting his answer, "Do you even know how to ride a horse?" she asked.


Kiton looked a bit confused, he'd never heard of horses, really, there weren't anywhere he lived. There were a few, but those all were out in the desert, owned by the army. However, trying not to seem stupid, he replied, "Um, I can walk, that's alright."

Hour Glass

Zeit chuckled. "This farm is too big for walking" she said, "and you need your energy for tonight's big fight". She looked at Kiton, "You seem strong enough to keep on a horse, I'll let you ride an older mare of mine, shes nice and is less likely to throw you off". She handed him the cow's rope, "now you will help me lead her back to the stable" she said, "Then I'll teach you about riding and saddling a horse, you'll need it if you plan to join the pack". She chuckled again, "that reminds me, I'll have to go and teach the rest of the pack about riding horses if they don't already know".


Kiton wondered why they would need to ride horses. When you have 4 legs, why have 4 more? Anyways, he attempted to get on top of the horse, and fell off. Grouchily, he got on top of it again, only to once again, arrive at the ground. He decided, if Zeit can't show me how, then yup, back to walking.

Hour Glass

Zeit chuckled, "I'll teach you in a moment" she said, "Right now, I have to find who took my calves". She turned, and began to run forward, following the scent of the blood, letting her wolf track down the killer. Unlike most, the scent of blood didn't drive her nuts, it was her anger that that drove her on. "Kiton, if I come back and find anymore cows missing, I will kill you!"

She took off, leaping over the fence and gracefully landing on the other side. She began running down her farm, and through the corn fields. Her corn was pushed down in places, meaning whoever got her calves, had to pay for her destroyed corn.


As Kale wandered around she spotted Kiton and Zeit across the field. Kiton was repeatedly failing to mount a horse. Kale laughed to herself and decided against going over to them, instead she sniffed the air and tried to find Samuel's scent.

It took a while and seemed that the wind decided to change directions every five minutes.

"This reallly shouldn't be so hard..." she mumbled to herself. There!

She caught a whiff of Samuel's scent and ....... cow? He didn't eat a cow did he?, no scent of blood, besides why eat a cow when Zeit would shoot you in the head for doing so?


Samuel was lazily wandering through Zeit's corn field, his eyes only half open as he brushed his dirty blond hair back with his fingers. As a sigh escaped him, he finally stopped and decided to sit down to relax awhile in the security of the tall stalks.. But upon touching the soil, he found the tracks of what appeared to be a heavy creature, seeming to have dragged something else through the mud... weird.

Suddenly he jumped to his feet fully alert! The scent of blood was in the area, though maybe several hours old, it had caught Samuel's full attention! With such a start and the smell of blood, came the urge of the predator and the desire to hunt it.

"Blast it!" Samuel snarled, he hated the sudden werewolf thirst to kill, which was so bluntly inflicted upon him.. But the moon was to be full tonight, and thus it had to be expected. Tonight it would be nearly impossible to control himself, as it was, Samuel had no idea what The Wolf would do around other werewolves.. Samuel had never had the chance to test it...

Quite apparent that the blood was from a calf or two and that the predator was far from here, Samuel was not too troubled by the Wolf's instincts to pursue the threat.

Nonetheless, he was suddenly burdened with the dread of losing control of himself while in the company of the others.

Hour Glass

Zeit growled, running past Kratos, not caring if he was there, his scent didn't mix with the trail. She felt the urge to change, but she didn't have her wolf clothes on, which meant her outfit would be ripped. She growled again, she would find the predator, and it would be soon!


Samuel quickly watched Zeit pass, briefly wondering if she had lost her control or her temper.. being the kind of woman that she was, werewolf and ranch owner, it was quite likely she lost both. He knew what she was after but couldn't fathom why one calf was so important. Nonetheless, Samuel would help Zeit find the culprit for her sake, thus quickly taking up the chase after her.

"Zeit, what are you doing?" Samuel called out just behind Zeit, quickly gaining on her.

The trail and scent lead passed the corn field and up into the mountain forest.

Hour Glass

"I'm finding those calves!" she said, grinding her teeth, "Those calves are how I pay off the bills for this place!" She looked briefly behind her, seeing that Kratos was following her. We haven't fought yet, and he's already taking charge she thought, Well at least, if I get lost, I'll have someone to annoy. She followed the scent heading into the forest, remembering the paths the had lead out there. She stopped for a moment when she saw tracks, they weren't fresh, but they weren't old, which meant the killer might still be on her territory.

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