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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Samuel smiled as Kale dashed off, then went to collect his own clothes from his bag. "Marcus you might as well come down and join us." Samuel called to the tree tops as he unzipped his pouch. "Or would you prefer to sit in the branches all night long?"


Gathen growled as he turned to face Sabrina, "Puh, I'm not afraid of ya sweet heart." He sneered, but he would be a fool not to see the danger of what stood before him. Though her face could be mistaken for an angel's and the forest mist swirling beautifully at her heels like some enchanting magic, the woman was a werewolf and therefore a danger.

But who knew how much of a danger until challenged? Gathen looked back at Kiton for a moment, then forward at Sabrina. "Fine, but I'll see you tomorrow night when the power of the moon has awakened and the wolves battle over blood."

With that, the wretched creature turned and vanished into the forested night.


Kale got changed and raced back to were she had left Kratos. She enjoyed the feeling of running, her paws skimming over the ground, the wind whistling past her ears. The night seemed vivid from the eyes of the wolf. The moonlight brighter, the shadows forms of everchaging darkness. Tree branches black against the sky. It semed eternal. It seemed erethial. Unreal.


Kratos had already changed his clothes and stood quite prepared to challenge Kale. He stood tall upon a large mountain stone, his long black-red fur waving in the night breeze. For the first time since he had met Kale, he had tied his mane back and seemed very human despite being a werewolf.

"Would you like me to give you a head start?" His deep voice laughed as Kale approached. His bright yellow eyes glinted in the moon light as he turned to look at her.


"I'll be polite and take that as courtesy, not an insult." Kale smirked, wich looked rather wicked when done in werewolf form. "And it's a courtesy I'll politely decline. However, would you like a headstart? It's only fair I treat you with equality isn't it?" Her smirk turned into a grin (again wicked) as she kept up her joking manner.


Marcus peered down at Kratos, thinking it over for only a moment or two. "Sure, I guess I'll join you." He leaped down from the tree, landing by him. He smiled over at Kale, this whole situation being quite amusing to him. "So where are we racing to?"


Kale turned to Marcus. "It would probably be better if we had a finish line huh? Any of you know any landmarks?"


A smile seemed to cross over the huge wolf's yellow eyes as he lifted his head strait in the air. His howl rose to the moon and the deep power of his massive body was released within his vocals.

When his call was slowed to a halt, he lowered his head and looked down at his companions. "Let's race to the western edge of the forest, there are tall oaks in that part and the first to reach an oak wins!"

With that he jumped from the large stone and landed with a thud onto the soil. Dirt flew up from where he collided with the ground and his huge paw prints were left as the starting line.


Kale gave a sharp yip and took off after Kratos fast disapearing form. Her paw slipped into one of the massive prints he had left behind him and she found herself slightly amused. She grinned in her wolfish way and sped up, as much as she could at that point, and flowed through the trees as swift as the wind.


Kiton burst out of the woods like a white blur, slamming into Kale, who was herself, blazing fortward through the trees. Inertia kept them tumbling for a bit, but the momentum died and Kiton leapt backwards off the wolf, baring teeth.

He looked up and down them, and recognizing the smell, shifted into the hybrid hominid form to speak. "Oh, I, sorry. I thought you were..." He paused, he didn't know the stranger wolf's name, so he simply stopped there. "Hello Kale, are the others near?...I hope I didn't break anything so you'd stop speaking."


Kale snorted to clear dirt out of her nose and looked at Kiton. She blinked at him a few times. Then she leaped forward and nipped him! She danced back away from him and smiled. "No hard feelings. You just scared me a little."

She sniffed the air, to see just how far behind she had gotten. "Me, Kratos and Marcus are racing to the oaktrees. Too much pent up energy with the moon out, care to join? You get to be quick though because I'm taking off now. Can't let Kratos beat me flat out now can I?" And she took off like a shot!

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