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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Hour Glass

"Not at all, just don't get in the way," she replied. She looked at the pancake, "Well I still have no plate so heads up!" She said tossing it into the air. She quickly reached into a cabinet and grabbed a plate and watched as the pancake landed on the plate. She then poured more batter into the skillet, "Because you stuck your grubby hands in my batter" she said to Kiton, "You're mucking the stalls after I fire my employees" she said.


Kale laughed at Zeit's manner and poured a lump of batter into the second skillet, breathing deeply as the smell reached her nose. "So are we making enough for a crowd or a small army?" she said as she flipped the now golden pancake. It landed in one side of the pan so she poured more batter into the other side . I never would have imagined I'd be cooking for four other werewolves and be at ease.... it's nice to almost blend in, at least until we walk out the front door... Her thoughts trailed off as she remembered how she had gotten to Zeit's last night. Ummm... those tracks will have to be dealt with.... "Kratos, are your tracks from last night still there? Did you erase them when you were outside last night or does somthing still need to be done about them?"


Upon recieving permission to enter the house, Kratos was about to leave the window when Kale asked him the question. For a moment he turned to look behind him, and of course, his tracks being large and left in mud, were very obvious.

He rolled his eyes and laughed then turned back towards the window. "No Kale, but I could take care of that before breakfast if you'd like." Kratos replied, and oddly there was a new sense of a warmth in his voice... "And how about you Zeit? Is there anything you would like me to do before breakfast?"

Hour Glass

"I'm good, considering you're fixing my fence later," she said, flipping another pancake onto the plate. "And I'm thinking enough for a small army, because we all can eat at least 10, or I can anyways," she said to Kale. She smiled, "I've never been in a house full of werewolves, and I find it quite strange that I'm making breakfast for them," she said with a chuckle.


Kale felt it irresistable to not smile back at Zeit, so she did. "You don't have to cover the tracks now, if you don't then I'll probably take care of them later. Come have some pancakes," she called over her shoulder as she flipped the two pancakes from her pan onto the plate, then poured more batter into her pan.


Kratos smiled at Zeit's reply, she was a very interesting woman for sure. "Thank you Kale, but I'll take care of the issue before I eat." Kratos replied, then he left the window.

The mud was still wet, so Samuel had no problems covering up his tracks with boot prints and rake scuffing.. After he had finished, he looked up and searched for the broken fence that Zeit had mentioned.

After patrolling the ranch for a few minutes, he found it on the opposite side of the corn fields. He checked it over a few times, calculating what it would take to fix it and found that wire was needed along with a few nails maybe... Samuel could have returned to the house and asked Zeit if she had any, but he didn't, instead he returned to his bag in the corn fields where he kept his werewolf clothing.

Inside the bag was several things which Samuel always kept close by, but usually not in his immediate possession. Among the things in the bag was some cash which he used when necessary, and he decided that he would go to town and buy some wire before returning to Zeit's house.

Hour Glass

Zeit continued adding onto the growing pile of pancakes. She had soon whipped out enough, and she had run out of batter, so she looked in her fridge for some syrup. She grabbed the two bottles she had, and set them on the kitchen table. She then went to her cupboard and grabbed plates and cups, also setting them on the table along with silverwear. " So, what does everyone want to drink?" she asked, grabbing the orange juice and milk. She looked around, grabbing one of the plates with pancakes on it. She carefully walked over to the table, and placed the pancakes down. "Well the first of breakfast is ready" she said.


Kiton simply walked over, grabbed a flapjack and stormed out the door. The door clattered shut. He ripped off a chunk of the pancake as he walked side of a fence. Tall grass swayed with wild flowers and persistant weeds. He sat down on a length of the fence and stopped to think about his situation; were they attempting to recruit wolves for a pack? Apparently. Should he let them? ...He got up, okay, for now.


Kale set the skillet down and followed the man/werewolf out the door a few moments after it slammed shut. She spotted him over by the fence and walked up to him, her eyes carrying malicious intent. "Would you care to explain yourself, mister mutt? You enter her house without knocking, you sleep in her rooms, and you eat her food without so much as a thank you, or a polite gesture of any sort? I find that rather disrespectful and rude. Also, storming out of the house for no apparent reason seems to me rather dramatic and unnecessary, you had no cause to slam the door. So would you kindly take the time to explain your attitude?" Her voice was cold and seething. Zeit had let them all in without a single complaint, she at least deserved respect for her hospatility, it angered Kale that this man had barely even made a kind gesture to anyone, nearly ignoring them completely, and hadn't said a single thanks to Zeit. It took a really good person to offer to house five werewolves.


Marcus nodded his thanks to Zeit with a smile of appreciation and reached out a hand, grabbing a pancake and taking a bite out of it. He wasn't in the mood for sticky syrup so he just ate the warm, fluffy cake plain. He couldn't help but grin when he saw Kale chase after Kiton, hearing her voice faintly from outside. He knew she'd give him a piece of her mind

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