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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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Kiton snarled at Kale. "Sorry if you aren't recieving much desired gratitude from me, but tough. I'm not all sure what's going on. I'm not necessarily the nicest person, especially right now. I'll probably simmer down from the shock in a few days."


If she had been in wolf form, Kale's hackles would have risen. "I don't want your gratitude, but Zeit deserves it. And shock from what? As I recall, you walked in on them, not the other way around." Her temper and crankiness flared up and her weariness was getting the better of her. She let out a frustrated sigh and looked at him with deadpan irritated eyes, waiting.


The town was already lively with people again as Samuel reached the market. It didn't seem like a single person could get away without saying something as they all seemed to talk to each other like good friends, however when Samuel passed by, some people would go quiet.

He walked through the small store searching for some wire, until at last he found some. He searched over the different kinds until he found a wire which he liked, then he picked up a roll and proceeded to the purchase counter.


Standing already at the counter was a young woman whom apparently was buying a couple of plump juicy peaches. She seemed a bit shy and reserved her conversation with the clerk to small talk.

She smiled politely and thanked the clerk after paying him, then took her peaches and turned to go. As she went she glanced fleetingly at Samuel, her hazel-green eyes meeting his for only a moment before she turned away.

There was something distinctly different about him, she noted. He certainly wasn't from around here, she was sure, for her aunt (with whom she was visiting for the summer) would have told her about him if he were. Her aunt had told her about nearly everyone else that lived here - surely such an interesting fellow would not have slipped her mind had she known of him.

Sabrina moved away from the counter to let Samuel pay for his goods. She went to a bench towards the exit of the small store and sat down to eat one of her peaches. As she nibbled on it a bit she kept an eye on Samuel.

His posture, the way he moved... both were very intriguing to Sabrina and piqued some curiosity in her. But he also intimidated her in a way no one else ever had before... excepting only her father who carried the same sort of air of authority. Given that her father was a werewolf and had come from a long line of such, Sabrina had been trained to be keen to pick up on subtle things in a person's body language: to watch, to learn, to size up those around her.

Samuel was different from the others in this store. He was different from even the men of the city she called home. The idea that other werewolves existed was not foreign to her, and Samuel showed all the earmarks of such a one. So she was curious, and watched him. Some part of her was worried he would notice her gaze, the other part hoped he would.


Immediately as Samuel approached he was aware of the female, so he looked up to try to see who it was and the first thing he saw was Sabrina's hazel-green eyes. She must have been aware of his presence as well, for her eyes looked at his and none other for just a moment before she turned away.

A short breath escaped him but he kept a casual form and simply took his turn at the counter. He glanced over his shoulder only once to see her sit down, but pretended to pay her little to no mind.

He did well to contain his surprise at coming upon her so suddenly, usually he caught the scent of another werewolf long before he got in a five foot radius of them. But he blamed it on his weariness and loss of focus at not having slept all night.

As he came away from the counter he pulled the roll of wire out of the paper bag and threw the paper bag away. Then he made his way towards the exit and stopped just before leaving the store. He looked down at Sabrina and nodded. "Good morning," he said, taking the small moment to scan her features.

Then he looked forward again and left the store.


Marcus started to wonder if Kale was doing OK out there... Plus, he wanted a piece of this. He smirked slightly and hurried over to the door, shutting it quietly behind him and hurrying after Kale. He listened for a few moments, but knew all that would happen was one of them would get too angry and turn into their wolf form, then try to eat the other. Despite how much the other male irked him, he didn't want any bloodshed, so he laid a hand on the girl's shoulder softly. "You're not going to get anywhere with him... Come on, let's go inside."


Kale agreed and followed Marcus back inside. The day went on rather uneventful, she had a hearty breakfast of pancakes, and had to admit Zeit was the better chef. She napped a little and waited for nightfall, and ultimatly, for hell to break loose.


As he returned to the broken fence, Samuel thought of every feature he had seen upon Sabrina's face... she seemed familiar to him in some way... But it wasn't until he tied the last wire around the post when he suddenly was able to place the memory...

She was an aspiring singer who's name was quickly becoming known in the cities.. Or at least this was as close as Samuel could get to remembering where he had seen that face before, but it was just as likely that he was wrong...

But even so, he couldn't remember the singer's name and whoever he had seen in the store was, in fact, a werewolf.

As Samuel finished fixing the fence he had intentions of returning to the house, or even the store, but he never made it that far. He sat down beside the fence in hope of catching a short rest, but he instead fell to sleep.


Paws raced over barren fields followed by the cawing and cries of ravens. Blood dripped from a unseen creature's jaws and suddenly the splashing of water filled his ears.

Samuel was standing in a dark pool of water, it's depth unseen through the blackness of it. The full moon shown across the lake's surface and a dark figure stood on the other side of the lake.

He pointed to the trees and the large dark figure seemed to obey, it moved on four massive paws and vanished into the shadows of the trees. He soon followed and he got the feeling that he and the werewolf were searching for the exact same thing.

As he rounded each tree the search became more desperate until he passed into a clearing and saw the dark figure fighting with another of it's own kind. He heard the howling and growling as the two wolves fought and blood poured from both figures.

One fell and tumbled upon the ground, then the red eyes of the second lifted and beheld Samuel! It raced forth with it's jaws gaping open and it's body covered in the blood of the other werewolf!


Samuel shot up from his nightmare panting! He searched around for the other werewolf, but found none.. Slowly as he began to calm down, he noticed that black fur covered his hands, his nails were sharp, and his face and ears were longer.. Though he had not fully shape shifted to the wolf, the nightmare had caused him to begin the transformation

With a sigh he wiped the sweat from his forehead and forced himself back into human form. As he calmed down, he lifted his eyes and looked around to discover that the sun had slipped from the sky and had begun to fall beneath the fields while he had slept!

"Blast it! How did that happen?" He exclaimed!

Hour Glass

Zeit watched as the sun blazed by in the sky. She sighed, after firing everyone that worked for her, and having to make up a reason why, she felt the need for a run. She quickly made her way up to her room, and changed into her werewolf clothes, feeling her body change to it's wolf figure. She opened her window and leapt onto the roof, letting the night wash over her, already feeling at peace. She walked to the edge of the roof and jumped off, and began making her way to her woods, and a nightly hunt.


Marcus sat on a couch, flipping through channels mindlessly. Nothing good seemed to be on... he wasn't used to the channels here. He just kept flipping through, thinking of it as a finger workout. That would always be... useful?

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