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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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"Indeed... You know, being a member of a pack offers some protection against things like that?" Kratos's smooth voice inquired, "Have you ever been in a position to join such a thing?"

His sharp yellow eyes glancing at Zeit for a moment, then falling back to Marcus. Samuel walked closer to the window, rested his right forearm on the window sill and relaxed his left arm behind his back.

A warm, summer's night wind blew past his back and barely whisked in through the window when Kratos caught the scent of another male. The smell was too vague to really give any description or useful information, but there was something about it that seemed almost familiar..

For a moment Samuel turned his face in the direction the scent had come to catch the scent more fully, but in vain. The scent had vanished just as quickly as Samuel had caught it, too vague for anyone else in the room to notice.

Samuel looked downwards, trying to discern the ever distancing memory, but as that too was vain, Kratos returned his attention to Marcus' face.

Hour Glass

Zeit sighed and got up, leaving the two guys to finish their conversation. "I'm going to start breakfast, what do you guys want?" she asked, walking to the kitchen. She began to pull out ingredents to make pancakes, but then hesitated, these newcomers may not like pancakes. She thought for a moment , then contiuned on with her cooking. "Also, would you guys like anything to drink?" she asked pulling out a large bowl for mixing.


"A... a pack?" Is he inviting me to join this one? "Well, yes sir, I have. But I've come across other packs before. They're not all good.... some are quite hostile, sir. You work your butt off for the alpha or his guards kill you. The whole thing seems quite risky, and you'd definitely need to know everything about this pack before joining. So I guess I wouldn't be opposed to joining one, but I'm not seeking one out. No matter what I'd need to know a lot of them."

He turned to Zeit, only taking a moment to think before he spoke. "Ooh, pancakes? Yum. And water would be nice." He didn't have a problem asking for things, he already felt pretty at home here.


The early rising weak rays of dawn peeked over the horizon and penetrated the curtains. A beam fell across Kiton's eye, which slowly opened, the pupil shrinking. "Gruh, morning already?"

He got up but quickly jumped out of bed in shock, where was he?...oh, yes, that house. Were the other werewolves still here? His hearing detected clattering of plates and bowls downstairs as well as talking. He slipped down the stairs and looked into the kitchen, yes, at least 3 were here.

Kiton snarled, "I'm a ninja.."

Hour Glass

"So do you want pancakes or not?" Zeit said, shaking her spoon at Kiton, splattering some of the batter on him. "Whoops", she said, continuing the pancake making. She set down the bowl and placed a skillet on her stove, and turned on one of the burners. "Can someone get me a plate?" she asked grabbing a spatula and the bowl, and placing a small bit of batter on the pan.


Kiton edged closer and sat down at the table, still wary of the others. He looked at the others around him, staring a bit, but his paranioa told him this was mistrust. A stood up and yelled, "Well how do you expect me to trust you? I barely know you!"

He poked his finger into the batter, "For all I know, there could be poison in this."

(What a spazzy jerk) He however, let his nasty mood simmer down, for he again decided to sit down. Who really cared if they were eating posion pancakes?


Marcus looked up at the fellow male, being quite irritated with how he was treating Zeit. He merely pulled out a chair, sitting in it and waiting for the girl to finish breakfast. He'd help, but he was extremely tired, and would probably just end up messing up the recipe. That would lead to a bunch of cranky werewolves. So he just sat.


The slight scent of food reached Kale's nose, mainly the smell consisted of pancake batter. Dust motes floated in the sunbeams as they poured through her window. She knew that at the most she'd only have slept an hour because when she had gone to bed, it was nearly dawn. Rubbing her eyes she got up and went downstairs to find four people in the kitchen area. Wait a sec.. four?..... Zeit... Marcus... Kratos... mystery guy... at that point the pancake batter in the skillet had started to fry and the smell caught her up again. "Morning. Zeit do you need any help?" she asked, then turned to Kratos, who was leaning against the window. "You took too long outside, sorry but I fell asleep before you finally came in."

Hour Glass

"Yeah, just get out a second skillet and a plate," Zeit said, flipping the pancake over. "Since we all are werewolves, it means we all are going to need a alot of pancakes. She pointed her spatula at two drawers, "There are the plates, and there are the pans," she said, "Also, there are ingredents out to make more batter, because I think we are going to need more". She then turned back to the skillet, watching the pancake beginging to brown. "We also will have to get out the drinks for everyone," she said.


Kratos had nodded to Marcus' answer but was unable to reply before Zeit had stood up and began making breakfast. Not two seconds afterward the other male came down the stairs, sat down at the table, and made a random comment.

"You are a very paranoid creature to believe that she would allow you a place to sleep and then attempt to put poison in her pancakes." Kratos said to Kiton, he was obviously amused. "She is a werewolf, as I'm sure you are aware. If she wanted to kill you it would be much more sport to become the wolf and crush your bones with her fists."

Just then Kale walked down the stairs, looking rather tired, and Kratos' attention was immediately drawn to her. When she had noticed and addressed him, Kratos smiled and nodded understandingly.

"Good morning Kale." He said softly through his deep voice, then he looked towards Zeit and called "Do you mind if I come in Zeit?"

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