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Robert and Eleanor Chapman


 Officer Robert ("Bob") Chapman

Name: Robert Chapman

Age: 66

Description: Bob is an outspoken, friendly individual. He's a long time resident of Middlecrest, and lives in a modest home in the country on the outskirts of the city with his wife, Eleanor (also late 60's, retired nurse for Middlecrest Emergency Hospital). As of the present time, he is now a retired former chief officer of Middlecrest. Bob is the father of the late Rebecca Hale-Chapman, father in law to Perceval Hale  (her widowed and remarried husband who lives across the country with Bianca's three younger sisters and half brother), and grandfather to Bianca Chapman.

Bob is a sturdy built man; tall and large with the same olive complexion as his granddaughter, only a warmer tan. His has blueish gray eyes and once blonde-gray hair, but plenty of it, always neatly groomed, with no facial hair except the occasional mustache.

Backstory: Bob is a friend to all and a stranger to no one. His position places him precariously within the reaches of Svalnaglas territory, but they've somehow lived this long without hindering each other. Bob may even help their cause by redirecting lost werewolves that may stumble through their territory. His wife Eleanor (who also goes by her middle name Diane), is a retired nurse for the Middlecrest Hospital, and their combined efforts helped ensure their race wasn't discovered by prying officials. Bob has taken in multiple werewolves, making his house and his cabin a temporary haven from their troubles. Some of his refugees include Robin, Valentine ("Uno"), Zander and Silas at various times in their pasts.

Bob has recently and hesitantly allowed his granddaughter, Bianca Chapman, into Alpha Kratos' pack. There is some skepticism and distrust as to the Alpha's level of experience, and he has been observed on a couple of occasions around Reknab Bend.


Eleanor Diane Chapman

Name: Eleanor Chapman

Age: Late 60's

Description: Eleanor is a taller woman with once auburn-turned gray hair, fair skin and hazel eyes. She's of average height and build. A long career in nursing keeps her in shape, sturdy, but thinning with age. Her face is marked with many lines although her smile remains as pristine and genuine as in her youth.

Eleanor is the opposite of Bob in many ways - where he is outspoken and social both at work and at home, she tends to be inward and opts to blend into the background when not at work. When at work at the hospital, she's ever hard working and dedicated, often picking up extra shifts and hours. She plans to retire within the next two years.

Backstory: Eleanor and Bob met in their early 20's. Eleanor was seeing another gentleman at the time, but Bob never gave up. They were engaged and married at 25, and had Rebecca at 27. Eleanor has worked at the hospital since the age of 18, working as a volunteer while getting her nursing degree.


  1. Chapman makes his first appearance in Riding Bear Back, where he briefly assists in the attempted arrest of Jackie and Logan. He's called off the case and never becomes aware that they were werewolves.
  2. His second appearance is in Where Phantoms Reside, where he had followed his Granddaughter into Reknab Bend, and was investigating the area prior to her being accepted into Krato’s pack, when a fight broke out in town and he aided it breaking it up.
  3. He appeared again in the roleplay a couple of days after, in A Time for Questions and Answers, to ensure all was well, and had to break up a brief scuffle in the process.
  4. He appeared again in Many Decisions: Secrets, where he and his best team were instrumental in the recovery of Mercy Danbrook and her son Charlie, which continues into The Way of the Trusted.
  5. He appears briefly in Sunflowers and Moonmonsters to delivery Mercy to the care of Robin at his hidden cabin.
  6. He meets Kimberlys uncle in A Stranger Here.

Other Trivia

  • Chapman drives a black Crown Victoria called Bessie.
  • Chapman and his wife have been married for over 40 years.
  • Chapman will be officially retired as COP with Middlecrest. He'll continue to do administrative work for the department. The police department work he does is instrumental in being able to keep rogue werewolves out of the public eye.
  • Chapman's wife is a soon to be retired RN, and they have an entire basement of medical supplies they've accumulated over the years, including defibrillators, medication, IV's and blood stores for transfusions.
  • Chapman and his wife both come from generations of werewolves.
  • Chapman and his wife struggled with infertility and were only able to have one biological daughter, Rebecca, who went missing when Bianca was 12. A year prior to that, their son in law, Perceval, had divorced Rebecca and moved across the country with their other three granddaughters, but allowed Bianca to stay with her grandfather per her request.
  • Due to the high demand and stress level of Chapman's job, his health has begun to decline in the form of high blood pressure.
  • Chapman has multiple safe houses besides his own home. He's mentioned a Lake House, he owns a cabin outside of Middlecrest where Robin is currently staying, and has many other locations between Middlecrest and well outside of it, that not even all of his own pack are privy to. Each serves a different purpose, including, at a point in history, sheltering Alpha Abravious and his wife Resme when they fled the Svalnaglas' eye.

Rebecca Chapman

Name: Rebecca Chapman

Age: Would be early 40's

Description: Long brunette hair, olive skin, gray-blue eyes.

Backstory: Rebecca was a year into her law degree when she met Perceval. They got married and had their first daughter two years later when Rebecca was 21. Rebecca went on to graduate when Bianca was three, and began working alongside her father. Her job occasionally put her in Pinerich among other cities. Perceval often expressed his disdain in Rebecca's career choice but she was undeterred. This was an ongoing source of contempt in their relationship. Finally, when Bianca was 11 and their youngest was two, they filed for civil divorce with shared custody of the girls, and Rebecca took full custody of the youngest.

Rebecca went missing a year later, and Perceval took the youngest. Rebecca is assumed dead.