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Riding Bear Back (SP RP5/RP6)

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Jackie struggled to think of a good metaphor describing her liberation from the plastic artificialness of the mall.  It wasn’t like seeing sunshine—that is what it had been like walking in. More like the opposite. Like seeing the nice ordinary darkness after some idiot shined a flashlight in your eyes.  Or maybe what Charlie must have felt when he walked out into the streets after being stranded in Oompa Loompa land with a crazy chocolate maker.

Wistfully she cast a glance behind her; the tall strange shape of the mall already feeling an awful lot like a foggy perfect memory.  Well, alright, it hadn’t gone perfectly, but she was already starting to miss her reintroduction into the 21st century.  She supposed this might be the feeling one might have with an ex boyfriend-- certainly you wouldn’t want to come crawling back, but all the same kept missing some stupid tiny things.  Like how funny it had been to see Logan in heels and a dress, or what they had done to poor Steve, or the glorious glorious taste of deep fried food…

It was the sight of a police car parked out front that sent that kind of sentiment out the window.  Never mind the mall; she just wanted to get out before she was trapped for good!

Yeah let’s avoid the bars for now.  I don’t think Kratos would approve if we led less than… upstanding good doggy manners”.

Her eyes wandered furtively around.  Where were they again? They seemed to be some place in the parking lot, but exactly where seemed to be a question.

Ummm Logan, do you remember where we parked?

Now there was a question she hadn’t missed from the 21st century.


Kyle was sad.  But it was hard to see, because the young security guard was enthusiastically drooling over all the new games in Gamestop (and occasionally asking a very frazzled Steve details on the newest releases).  Sometimes he would touch the radio at his side when it rattled off with a series of very official orders. He didn’t answer back, of course, because he had nothing to report; and in any case, David Krieger had made it endlessly clear he was “not to touch the radio, ever, unless in absolute emergency”.

Suspect was not found on premises of Gamestop.  Appears to have fled. Over…”

Suspect is traveling with an associate, a female roughly over 6 feet, in a red dress and heels…

Every now and again Kyle would stir, when a particularly interesting snippet would catch his ears.  Then he would sigh, turn and look significantly to David Krieger, who was generally too busy talking to the police or issuing official sounding things over the radio himself to meet Kyle’s gaze.

Suspect and associate have been spotted in the West Wing of the Parking Lot, over.  Nearby to Macy’s department store. Prepare to surround...

Ah man,” Kyle sighed after he had looked over every game in the store and had sufficient time to interrogate Steve on the release date of the newest Final Fantasy game,”We were so close to catching her and now she’s probably on the run or something.  My buddies are never going to believe this.


Logan followed Jackie's gaze to the police car parked around the front. Where did they park? It could have been a mile away for all she knew - the mall seemed to stretch over an infinite amount of ground. Especially when it stood between them, some police cars and their truck.

Then she saw an area between two sections of the mall, where things like dumpsters and air conditioning units were kept. Even if her truck wasn't around the corner after the gap, finding it in a roundabout way sounded like a much better plan if it meant narrowly avoiding the officers.

So it was she began in that direction without so much as indicating her plan to Jackie, possibly in hopes the female would simply catch on. Jackie seemed good at that, and Logan decided she wasn't good at explaining these things anyway.

Coming around to the other side, she found a parking lot full of cars. A couple of police cars looming in the background, but maybe they were looking for reckless teens..? It never hurt to be optimistic. Logan scanned over each row of cars as quickly and thoroughly as possible.

Of course, it wasn't nestled safely within the concealing rows of cars. It was parked way out, by itself, in the most barren area of the whole parking lot. Of course, it made sense, it was easier to navigate in and out of the lot instead of making your way through a mess of mad teens.. but now, especially considering the officer parked just yards behind it, it wasn't so practical.

"Your turn to think of something." Logan muttered, cocking a brow as she considered the situation. Though there wasn't much to consider, it looked basically bleak from every angle.


Jackie followed Logan, her eyes taking in the strange turn of events with sharp acuity.  What exactly she was seeing and what alternatives she was considering would have been impossible to guess from just a glance—as it was, Jackie’s thoughts seem to venture sporadically from ‘I hate these stupid heels’ to ’A shame we can’t be in an awesome car chase already’.   When Logan stopped Jackie followed her gaze, at last finding their beaten up pick up somewhere in the back.  And the police car parked directly ahead of it.

But unlike Logan, Jackie didn’t seem at all  upset by this strange twist of events. In fact, there was utter glee in her eyes; at last, there seemed to be a puzzle worth solving around here!

Aw man Logan, why do I have to be the creative one around here?  Well, if you insist… I’d recommend you stay close and try not to ask too many questions.  Think you can manage?

Jackie didn’t even wait for an answer;  she seemed convinced Logan’s answer would be yes.  With no time to lose she sprinted forward. But instead of drawing nearer to the blue Chevy pickup in the distance, Jackie ran the opposite way.  She was drawing closer to the mall and closer to the line of police cars parked out front. She ducked low behind cars, hiding her form as best she could (and praying Logan would be able to do the same), drawing closer and closer until she was at last at her prize.

A police car sat on the curb in park.  The key was in its ignition and it was issuing a low hum—no doubt the two policemen who drove the vehicle had intended to step out just for a moment.  It might have seemed a perfectly logical conclusion that a police car would be safe under the watch of passing coworkers. Sadly, this was not a good day to draw logical conclusions.

Before any could even comprehend what had happened, Jackie opened the police car and sat herself quickly into the driver’s seat.  She motioned quickly for Logan to do the same. She quickly geared the police car into drive; the motor yowled in delight and sped happily into the sunset.


Officer Trevor Jennings really was not had a good day.  He had already spilled coffee on his uniform, his wife had informed him she would not be making pot roast since she had accidentally burned it, and his partner was out sick.  Worse than that, it seemed some mall shenanigans had gone down and two crazed mall rats were being searched for.  With his partner out sick, he had to take on twice the work; by lunchtime the willowy man found himself starved for a quick bite before he scampered off back to work.

Just as Officer Jennings was about to say – “And my day couldn’t get any worse”—he stopped himself.  He wasn’t about to invite the universe to get creative with “worse”.   Sadly the thought had already been said in his mind and this was enough for the universe to begin her work.  Just as he was about to sigh in relief, believing he had prevented from such a jinx from transpiring—

Suspects have stolen a police car.  Repeat, suspects have stolen a police car.  Over

Officer Jennings had a sinking feeling of what would be said next even before they were said; although he was desperately praying that by some miracle it would be otherwise.

Identification of emergency vehicle is 832 AXC.  Repeat, Identification of emergency vehicle is 832 AXC

The officer swore with such profuse language that people began giving the disgruntled man a wide berth.  He shook his head after his head cleared some. “The Sergeant will have my head for sure!  Who has ever heard of a police officer getting his own car stolen


Logan had made herself more or less comfortable in the passenger seat of the vehicle. More or less. Needless to say, the truck had more leg room. And wasn't so close to the ground. It seemed she could feel the vibration of every pebble the weary tires hit, every bump in the road. She clasped a hand over her face and sunk into her seat. "Not so good.." she murmured. For a lady who could stomach almost anything, apparently crazy drivers, tight cars and bumpy roads weren't some of those things.

"Are you sure about this?" she asked, peering out her window. Already a couple of officers were getting ready to head out and follow.

"Suspects seen headed towards the east frontage road; cancel, the subjects are on the east frontage road going approximately 60 miles per hour." the radio chimed out, and Logan looked sat up, managing to find a volume button and turn it up.

“Copy that, barricades are being planted at both ends of the frontage road. Corral the suspects from the north and south and close in."

"You're making it worse, Jackie. We will definitely go to jail now, I think." she commented sheepishly. "Ah, this dress is SUCH uncomfortable. Too bad there's not an extra suit I could borrow, while we're borrowing their car." she sighed, fishing under the seat briefly. And then the sirens became apparent.


Ah, the sergeant. This one in particular a well aged man by the name of (Sergeant) Bob Chapman. Well built (despite the bit of belly pudge present) for his age, with what white hair he did have combed back and his moustache - something reminiscent of the Monopoly Man - just as groomed. His skin was dark from days spent in the sun, his blue eyes showing years of wisdom. The lines around his eyes spoke volumes of his line of work; the headache present in his forehead and the bridge of his nose, the sarcastic smiles present in the heavy lines around his mouth.

Coming up behind Officer Jennings, he gave the man a couple of heavy pats on the back, a gesture that would make anybody who didn't know him lose their footing.

"Officer Jennings, please, there are ladies present. Now how about we take my car for now? Anyway, before this is all over, we might have to blow the wheels off it, if it means slowing that crazy red head down.. oh well, they were a little worn out anyway. My dad told me not to trust those Irish women, boy oh boy was he right on the money." he sighed, giving a slightly amused smirk. "Look lad, as precarious as the situation seems, you have to take these situations with a grain of salt. You're too young to go loosin' your mind like I have." already as he spoke, he was loading into his vehicle and starting the engine. His tone had that sort of heavy, old wise grandpa feel to it. And yet you knew that if you pulled the wrong cords he wouldn't cut you much slack.

"Ok, so we're chasing two women in designer clothes, and they've got your car? Well, is there something I need to tell your wife?" he raised a teasing brow, waiting until Jennings had loaded in before hitting the gas and slightly speeding his way out of the parking lot.


Jackie acknowledged Logan’s discomfort with a simple shrug and a sour chuckle, as if Logan were the one being ridiculous.

Aww come on Logan, where’s your sense of adventure?  It’ll be fine, I promise. And if not, I’m sure you’ll have no problem making friends in jail.”

In the meantime, Jackie had taken the advice of the radio; instead of driving directly down the road (and into the paths of waiting police officers), and abruptly turned the wheel to the right.  It seemed there was finally fortune to be had in the rural town—instead of a fence lining the edges of the road, there was simply an empty field of grass. The police car gave a nasty squeal as it upturned the turf, but otherwise obeyed and carved nicely into the grass.  Another road was parallel to the one she had been on; after traveling some distance down the green turf, she again commanded the police car a sharp turn to the left onto a winding roadway.

Huh, although I suppose we should probably ditch the ride?  See anywhere good?”


Officer Jennings turned a pleasant shade of scarlet.  Of course he hadn’t let his head get away with him, he wanted to say.  But no matter how hard he tried, the words only seemed to build in his throat as a sad sort of whine that made his face grow all the more colorful.  Explain this, to his wife? Poor Sharon would have a heart attack to think of what her timid husband was up to! And speaking of which, Jennings felt like he ought to have a heart attack.

For reasons beyond him, he followed the Sargent’s invitation into the other seat.  He felt intimidated, of course, to be so close to his boss; but certainly given the day, there were other things to be afraid of.  He took seat without question, and before long the two were off after these crazy kids!

The two had travelled some distance.  Trevor had kept a close ear to the radio, hoping he might deign whatever plans these women might have from what was going on.  He suddenly froze, as a nasty thought struck him.

“Err Sarge, if they’ve stolen my car…. Wouldn’t that mean they can hear what’s being said over the radio?”


While some officers were sent off to be a part of the chase, a few were left behind to help the security guards tidy up the ruckus the women had made.  Their responsibilities namely involved answering the frantic questions of mall goers (“Will Timmy be okay? “ “Hey since there was a big showdown here today, can I get 40% off the things I bought?”).  It was hardly a desirable job, and most officers left behind to deal with the mess were sulking.

Another car stopped amidst the scene—not an emergency vehicle, but this was hardly a surprise as many officers drove such cars if they were undercover (although more likely, many off-duty officers had been called in during off-hours and had to drive their wife’s mini-van in order to make the call in a timely fashion).  Those officers who did bother to look up merely shrugged with disinterest. Others entirely disregarded it.

Only one officer—a young woman by the name of Officer Lyra Kendels seemed particularly intrigued.  It was an older car—by the looks of it, a black Mustang? She spent some time trying to decide the year (1972, no 1974?) and taking into account it’s general upkeep (well they did a good job on the paint, but the rims could use some work…) before at last drawing the conclusion that the driver must have been affluent; far richer than any ordinary officer might be.  And certainly no officer who could afford such a car would bother to take it into work, in fear it might get damaged.

Who was it that had come in?  The deputy?

She watched with interest as a woman exited the vehicle, dressed in a crisp professional suit and carrying a brief case. Lyra tried to decide if she had seen this woman at some event, but steadily came to the conclusion she had never seen her before in her life.  She was confident in her assessment—she had been good with faces from a young age. Then who… ?

Melinda Channing,” the woman recited, as if that was all she would need to know.  Lyra narrowed her eyes, but otherwise remained silent as she waited.  The woman dug into her brief case and gathered some papers and continued, “I’m with a special division and will be overseeing this situation.  These papers should be all you need to know

Numbly Lyra took the papers, not quite sure what she should be looking for.  She handed them back.

You’ll probably want to take that up with him,” she motioned vaguely to her overseeing officer, Frank Calypso, “But  I hope whoever you are, you can get this fiasco under wraps

Oh I’m sure,” Melinda said with a pointed smile, before following Lyra’s motion and showing the stack of official looking papers to the man Lyra had motioned to.


"Yup." Chapman responded nonchalantly. The speedometer read 80 and rising. He did have a dirty reputation for being a bit old fashioned; if he was pursuing someone who was speeding, by golly you'd bet he'd be speeding right behind them! Given his positions he had a few immunities, but maybe this would be his last ride on the driver's side of a police car. In any case, he'd made it his mission, more or less, to bring these girls into custody.

His old eyes weren't what they used to be, but in the distance he saw Jennings car cut off into the fields, dust and grass flying up  behind it.

Then, setting his radio so it could only communicate between 832 AXC and his own, he picked up his mouthpiece and switched it on.

"Alright ladies, party's over. I'm in a good mood, so I might buy you a drink before we go downtown, but don't make me change my mind. I'm sure we could all use a stout one right about now."

Logan listened to the radio, confused as to why they were talking directly to them instead of just rambling on about what hardly made sense to her.

"OK, I'm going to be honest with you; the other guys can't hear me. Except Mr. Jennings here, but don't worry, he's a good Chap. Now listen, I've got your location and this engine has been prepped proper to chase down your tail into midnight if it has to. So listen, you'd honestly be best off stopping. You've stolen a police car, caused damage to public property, and I'm sure there's at least one person who will need therapy now. If you pull over, I'll talk to you. No handcuffs. I want to get this story straight before the other guys take you and lock you up no questions asked. And I can help you. Or, you can keep driving and running until you've been caught and I'm not around to put my say in the matter. It's your call. But, the lockers really no place for women and I'm willing to cut you a deal here."


“Well what do you say, Logan?,” the redhead grinned widely.  Her arms made a speedy grab at the steering wheel—once again the police car was sent reeling and the tires squealed against the pavement.  But instead of away from the other cars, her own car was veering right towards the Sergeant's! , “Should we have a chat with the nice gentlemen?”

But rather than slowing down, Jackie’s car continued to accelerate;  90 miles per hour went to 120 miles per hour the span of thirty seconds.  Jackie drove closer to the Sergeant's car (and Officer Jennings began breathing exercises).  Closer closer until.


She passed by it altogether.  The redhead howled wildly like some crazed teenager in a nightclub.

Aww nuts, we seemed to have just missed him.  Oh well, another time we’ll just have to drop in!”

In the meantime, Officer Jennings saw his life flash before his eyes.  It was actually quite pathetic, to realize his life boiled down to a handful of awkward encounters in his youth, and tender moments scattered in between a bunch of monotony.  When he saw the danger had passed, he exhaled.

“Geez, doesn’t make much sense.  We weren’t even seeking to arrest this lady when we first started.  It’s almost like she wants to be caught”


Ok, Logan was a thrill seeker sometimes. But usually her thrills involved fists and maybe a little blood, a good show of strength or something along those lines. And usually they'd all wake up the next day and be friends or something like that. This was definitely not her idea of a thrill, it was something foreign and something she did have control of. Now she one hand on the dash in front of her and with the other she gripped the handle above the door tightly enough that her knuckles became white. Forget breathing exercises, who needed to breath anyway?

"Jackie, stop." she muttered quietly. "I will knock you out and stop it myself if I have to!"

Never before had she so longed the sensation of stable ground beneath her feet.

But like Jackie, the Sergeant was having himself a field day. Hitting his breaks and turning at just an angle that the car twisted elegantly around, he began to speed up again and after Jackie and Logan.

"Get comfortable Officer Jennings. Anyway, considering how avoidant she seemed in the beginning, I'm starting to wonder if there's something more she's hiding. Alright then, how do you like action movies? Oh well, that doesn't matter. Just get your gun ready, and try to shoot their back wheels. I want to see if it's as easy as it looks.." watching his speed raise, he began to quickly gain ground on the other, his engine roaring out in protest, but he pushed it anyway!

"Alright Jennings, get ready!" he shouted, coming up beside them.


Jackie felt much like a puppy that had just had it’s favorite chew toy taken away.  Stop, now, when they were having so much fun?

Aw man Logan, if you had an issue with it, you shoulda said so from the get go.  As it is, it’s too late now to really turn back”

Jackie did not slacken her grip on the wheel nor did her speed decrease—she could hear the steady pursuit of the Sergeant behind.  After the little show she put on, there could be no sudden stopping and giving in. She had signed up for a game, and so she would continue until knocked out cold.  Which may or may not be a state of being drawing ever nearer from her. Judging by Logan’s rather… firm stance on the matter, she had to think of something quick to keep Logan’s fist from her face.

Hey, don’t worry too much about it Logan.  Think of this a lot like my version of spring cleaning.  I’ve been out of the loop for a while. No idea what’s on my police records at this point.  And let’s face it, police aren’t going to volunteer that kind of information if you just call.

See the easiest thing to do is just commit a crime.  Then I’ll guarantee you find out every nasty little rumor they’ve got stacked up on you.  It’s a great approach”


There was a hesitation in the next few words she spoke, and for good reason

Of course, you have to get caught first”

Between Jackie and the Sergeant, poor Jennings was convinced he would never get a chance to eat his wife’s burned pot roast.  He had long ago given up breathing exercises, since his body quite clearly wanted to hyperventilate and he was in no mood to argue with it.  Why had he agreed to get in the car with this maniac again?

And in fact, where were the other police cars?  He was certain more than him and the Serge had been in pursuit when they had started this rollercoaster of death, but now everyone was gone.  This felt an awful lot like a bad setup. Why hadn’t they gotten a call over the radio, informing them about the situation.

Oh.  Of course.  The Sergeant had disconnected from the main radio when he had taken the liberty of connecting directly to his stolen wheels.  Whatever new information that had just come in had not reached their ears. It seemed a terrible inconvenience… unless this had been Serge’s plan all along?  Judging by the look of delight on his face, this did not seem to be a terribly misplaced conclusion.

With quivering hands, he drew his gun and rolled down the window.  This wasn’t going to end well for him, was it?


To understand the disappearance of the police cars, one must take into consideration the two strangers that showed up to the mall.

One of course had been one Melinda Channing.  After having a very long and confusing conversation with the supervising officer Frank Calypso, she had handed off a stack of very long and confusing papers for him to read. Poor Frank spent most of his time scratching his head and making phone calls; but other than determining the references seemed valid, he found himself far more confused on this woman than he had began.

The other stranger had come driving up in a nice luxury car.  Lyra Kendels remembered eyeing it with disapproval—the other stranger had far better taste!  Who stepped out was yet another Suit, a trim man with a dorky checkered tie and thick glasses.  He had come with a brief case as well, but with a much clearer identity. He was with the IRS; apparently Miss Jacqueline Ryder was very popular today.  After discovering that her credit card had been in use—an impossibility since this woman had been reported missing some three months ago—they had been all too delighted to take interest in the case.  Cue mismatched IRS representative with dorky glasses.

Lyra felt like just shaking her head—how could the situation get any more confusing?  And then it did. Melinda Channing had become something of background noise once the IRS man had shown up.  Now out of the eye of other officers, she began doing the impossible—ordering commands like she was top dog!

“I want you to recall every police car in chase.  This woman is dangerous and should not be taken down this way!”

Lyra starred in flabbergasted outrage.  She turned to Frank Calypso—certainly he’d do something about this upstart?!

“Sorry kid,” Frank sighed in dejection,” I’m afraid she’s got the power.  Don’t ask me how, because heck if I can figure out where that paper trail goes, but she’s got it.  And I wouldn’t question it, unless you want to find yourself in a steaming heap of doo doo”

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