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Werewolves (RP 7): Where Phantoms Reside (10/15-9/16)

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Upon seeing her Grandmother, Cherise stood still and waited. Without blinking even once, her eyes focused completely on Mrs. Buttermilk and her actions in looking without the window. When she was beckoned to follow there was no second wasted. "Is this the pack you spoke of before?" the inquiry fell as though elegantly from the young woman's mouth.

It was a bit surprising to Cherise that she could see almost as it were perfectly though no lights had been turned on. Following down, through, and to the open door, she looked out to where Granny had mentioned. Peering lightly she began "I see at least six young people standing in the rain. They seem to be distracted by something.." Cherise flinched a bit forward. She felt a pull of curiosity, but leaned back and raised her chin slightly in a statement of control.


Logan was inclined to watch what she could see, as Kratos stepped over the car. There was little to aside the occasional flash of lightning to define anything but the outline of his figure, otherwise it was nearly lost to the darkness. Her brows knit at the bridge of her nose and with the command that was uttered from the alpha, she stood.

An unfamiliar face, that the Alpha called on by name, was brought to her attention, and every movement Levi made from that moment until he reached the car was noted. She turned away and walked some paces towards the ranch, and would then wait until they had gone ahead of her to continue forward.


It unfolded so quickly, Bianca scarcely had time to breathe, let alone think. Two wolves circled them. When she dared to move her gaze from Timothy and Jackie, she glanced immediately towards Tammy and Jenn, before returning in time to see the eyes of the black wolf passing over the women.

Why were they here? Had they gone mad? Where was their alpha - or worse, had he sent them? Certainly, Bianca thought, her grandfather would know what to do. Again she examined the werewolves. The first call she knew to be made in fear or uncertainty. The second dog followed and seemed much more resolute in his call and movements. These and many other thoughts flashed through Bianca's mind.

'Breathe.' she reminded herself, and took in a large, subtle breath.

It seemed every situation that could possibly arise given the circumstances, would conclude in a negative outcome. At least for now, the attention was upon their own group. However, there was no telling when someone might open their door to see what was occurring on the streets outside..

Now she took the slowest step back so she stood nearly side by side with Zander, and leaned in to speak to him, without removing her eyes from the beasts. "Stay with me. We'll figure this out.." she whispered. "Look - she's scared, isn't she? And he's acting according to her. We can't let her feel threatened." of course, that didn't mean they wouldn't attack anyway. Bianca knew she and Zander were trespassing, which was enough reason to warrant their attack unprovoked. "Whatever happens, we have to keep them away from the townspeople."

Everything for the moment, seemed to ride on who made the first move...


Having fallen into line as they left the area, Chime walked aside Ulric, noting his injury. Though the thought had to share her attention, for she had also noticed Sabrina. Both mystified and happy at her return, she was thankful for her good timing. Though despite leaving the danger behind them, she couldn't shake the feeling that the storm wasn't quite over.

Watching as Kratos talked to the woman, Chime was a little surprised when he sent Ulric, injury and all, after Jackie, though tried not to worry. After all, if he believed him well enough, it must be so, right? Her thoughts then turned to Jackie, worry filled her. She hoped nothing seriously bad would happen.. not like last time.

Sitting quietly as the conversation played out, she felt a little sorry for Melinda. Unfortunately for the woman, her alpha was really intimidating, whether he was doing so on purpose or not did not matter. ..Or was that just her?

At the sound of Levi's name, Chime was surprised again, this one of a more happier nature. She thought fondly of him for what he did that night.

Watching as the two got ready to escort Melinda, Chime looked towards Kratos, wondering why they all didn't head back to the ranch, were they going to help the others with Jackie? Or was there something she didn't see? Taking a half step towards him, she wasn't aware of how easy it was to read her confusion in the stance.


Melinda swallowed a shriek as she heard the suspension of her car give a weary moan. The paw on her door was gone. Now she only had to worry about damages caused by a werewolf sitting on her car like it was a lawn chair. She steadied the faint trembling in her bottom lip with thoughts on how she might explain the unusual wear of the car to the rental insurance.

And as the beast spoke, low in soft in spite of what was clearly a display of power, Melinda’s nerves steadied. Man or beast, this being was rational. She listened quietly to its words, her eyes flashing rapidly in consideration with each possibility it’s language provided.


In unison with the lightening a terrible weight was brought back quickly down on the hood of car, only distinguishable to her based what followed after : the reverberation of struck metal. By now Melinda had already accepted damage to her poor rental was unavoidable and only grimaced at this development.

Wolf,” she addressed the thing after the air had settled, her voice now low and pensive instead of the earlier curtness,”I appreciate the circumstances you are in and how tempting it may seem to shuffle me aside conveniently

Melinda’s eyes narrowed as a young man behind her– a familiar face she pretended to have no recognition of – offered his hand. She turned her head tightly away, leaving the opened palm empty.

But how well do you truly know Miss Ryder? You may know her wolf, but I can assure you I know the human far better. You wish to hold me hostage? Very well. But I would prefer to be a hostage of more value

She’s scared and she’s hurt and conflicted,” Melinda let those words sink in, not for the benefit of the audience but more for her own: the last image of her sister after all, had been just that,”Running away comes naturally to her, particularly when faced with difficult circumstances. In the past I have dealt with it simply: allow her to go where she will, clean up the aftermath, and with enough time she comes willingly back on her own. However,

Melinda winced before continuing,”That is clearly not an option here. She will rage and run as long as she must and will not respond well to being cornered. She could likely be overpowered with enough force used against her, though I don’t know if it is possible for it to be done quickly enough to avoid irreversible damage. Nor do I think those are consequences she could live with

The woman turned her head away and took a long steady look at the empty void of night. Her features were blank of expression and only her eyes moved, as though she were trying to see many yards away. Just as the quietness might be enough to invite a response, she shifted abruptly

I’m tired of being wet and cold,” Melinda concluded, her tone returning to its prior curtness,”I have a rain coat and a reasonable pair of shoes in the back of my car. Unless you intend for me to die of pneumonia, I’m going to fetch them

The woman didn’t wait for permission and instead made right for the back door. Only her hand trembled faintly as she reached to open the back door.


The wolf’s eyes never left the intended targets– the two loners and their human companions—even after the pack circled. One, two, three… possibly four or more of her the pack were nearby, if the third’s howl was intended to summon others. Only the slightest shift in her footing betrayed her uncertainty, and even that faded quickly: it was the pack’s duty to chase off intruders. And she was pack.


No? It wasn’t a command from the pack. The voice felt alien and familiar all at the same time. But the wolf was not a complicated creature and did not dwell. Her eyes returned with laser focus back to the intruders.

She bared her fangs, taking into account the size of her two foes. With Timothy’s help, she was certain the two might be easily subdued. The female loner looked the most likely target. She did not appear as tall or strong, nor did she possess any sort of weapon. The male had a pack and a long, wrapped staff that made her feel less certain. Neither had fallen into their other forms, however, so the odds still favored the attack. If she attacked the female first, this would undoubtedly provoke the other’s attention… but perhaps a diversion was in order. The wolf grunted lowly in the animal language she knew to her counterpart, her eyes shifting rapidly to the human woman who had just arrived.

Attack the loner female first, while her pack member attacked the human woman to occupy the male loner until the first was subdued.

No!’, the alien-familiar voice cried so loudly that this time the wolf could not ignore it. ‘He is not pack

Not-pack? But the pack surrounded her, their eyes glittering in the darkness. She found their sight reassuring. It was what compelled her to attack and gave her strength when her own faltered.

They are not pack

Then who is pack?

It did not reply. But it did not need to. Some being at the center of her had awoken from its slumber. There was pain that had nothing to do with the burning on her pelt. And though many of its words could not be interpreted and the surge of emotion near incomprehensible, the wolf understood.

She lunged. At first her direction pushed her towards Bianca; yet as the distance between the two shortened, it was clear her momentum was intended to carry her much further. In fact, it appeared her target had shifted altogether.


Zander had been expecting trouble, but the current scenario seemed an unusually cruel twist of fate even for him. They had gone from encountering two pack members in human form, to being surrounded by what could very well be half the pack. The two nearest wolves circled, preparing to attack.

Look, we mean no ha--

Zander’s voice caught in his throat. Words weren’t going to help. Bianca had come to the same conclusion he had—these two were out of control. There was no way they could be anything else; while he had heard many rumors of the pack’s presence in the woods, he’d never once heard anything to indicate they ever had ventured into town like this before. Their attention was focused on them for now, but that could very well change in an instant. Zander nodded grimly to Bianca.

We will protect you,” he murmured to the two women in a voice far more steady than he felt,”Don’t run. Don’t move, just stay where you are

Still, he couldn’t risk slipping into his other form, even to protect Jenn and Tammy. Such a thing would undoubtedly provoke the wolves; and in any case, might frighten the very two he sought to protect. Instead her reached for the long, wrapped staff attached to his backpack and pulled until the strings tethering it snapped. There wouldn’t be time to unwrap the bindings, but it would still serve better protection than just his two fists.

Right as he had a secure grip on the staff, one of the wolves lunged in their direction. Zander held out the stuff and prepared for whatever was to come… but instead the creature sailed right passed them.

In fact, it appeared the creature was aiming for it’s fellow pack member.


Did Theo recognize the howl? No, not at all. He had just been about to tell his friend as much when the howl’s owner appeared and his heart skipped a beat. Maybe he didn’t recognize the howl, but it would have been difficult to not know the wolf. He starred back at her, his eyes unwavering and his face filled with dread.

Without realizing it, his hands had found way to the tiny necklace he’d fashioned from his own hands. He’d meant for the gift to serve as repayment to the woman that helped him. But no, it was more than that too. For every good deed done in this world, his mother would tell him, another must follow. But for every bad deed, two more would seed. And this wolf standing before him, was the result of a very bad deed.

Almost as though in slow motion, he watched the scene unfold. Another wolf joined the first, his pelt sleek and his form unmistakable. Sabrina came, and then another he thought, out there in the distance. This Theo could observe calmly. But as the final form came, joining her red-haired friend… Theo’s blood stopped cold.

It was her! The one he’d come to thank. Her dark hair and face was unmistakable. And now wolves surrounded her. Words caught in Theo’s throat. He wanted to call out to her, to say something, but he didn’t know where to begin. Sorry? Don’t move? I made you a good luck charm?

That girl had done something good, and now she was caught in his bad deed. Theo starred on, helplessly, tugging more at the beads of the necklace.

He watched the first wolf jump. She was heading towards the loner-woman… Theo watched on, knowing he was too far to help her and hoping she could react in time. But then something funny happened. She didn’t slow down as she neared the loner-woman, though that was who her logical target. In fact, she was heading for…

Toby!” Theo cried, turning to look where exactly his friend was.

Just like that, one bad deed had turned into two. There was no way Toby could defend himself in time or survive an assault like that!

With only seconds to spare before her claws would hit their mark, Theo threw his body forward to intercept the creature’s path. There was barely enough time to move, let alone transform, and so Theo flew through the air knowing it was not much of a move at all. It was going to hurt… but maybe that one good deed would be enough.


Levi glanced uncertainly up at the Alpha as Melinda spoke. His facial expression was one who was looking upon a dangerous stranger, but one by whose rules he had agreed to play. He wasn't sure where this was all going, but he would go along with it.

He gathered, though, from Melinda's words that there was a deeper connection between herself and the wolf called Jackie than he had been led to believe. Sabrina had done most of the digging. She had given him extensive details concerning the local hunters and their captives of the Calagathorm Pack, but had only told him what she had called "the most pressing details" about the "company" which intended to claim them. That Sabrina probably knew more than she let on did not surprise him. Since his assignment to locate and retrieve her after she failed to return from this place almost half a year ago, his question for Sabrina had always been more of why than how, when, or where. It hadn't taken him long to find out that Sabrina had successfully neutralized the threat of the rogue werewolf at Reknab Bend and that she had then joined or helped to form the Calagrathorm Pack, for instance. What was not clear was why. But in the past few months of working very closely with her, he had come to the conclusion she was going to keep her whys to herself. If he ever brought them up she would shut him down with his surrender and capture.

As she continued to speak to the Alpha, his outstretched hand slowly sank until he lowered it entirely. He spied Chime standing with the others in the grass, and his expression brightened a little. Ever since their little escapade with the hunters, he had counted her and Theo as friends, at least, though he was not entirely certain what they made of him by now.

“I’m tired of being wet and cold,” Melinda concluded, her tone returning to its prior curtness,”I have a rain coat and a reasonable pair of shoes in the back of my car. Unless you intend for me to die of pneumonia, I’m going to fetch them”

Levi straightened his back and came to her side, raising the umbrella. "Allow me," he said, offering to keep the rain off of her as she did so.


Sabrina stood, seeming confident and yet aloof somehow, her body language presenting to the wolves that she was an authoritative presence, but also just a bystander, an overseer. She was here to observe, she told them, not to interfere.

It was a lie.

The tension on the street was building like a bottle of soda ready to burst. She did not want to attract Timothy's attention, or even Jackie's, as hairy encounters in the past had often proved sour. She would not be a welcome presence if she presented the intention to interfere. Yet, she watched the pair on either side of the humans with intense interest, calculating possible moves--every move they might possibly make and what could be done to prevent the most damages. Every player was taken into consideration. Ulric she could count on to catch her subliminal cues--but she also had to factor in his injury and thus the possibility his reaction might be delayed. She counted on him a a mediator between both Jackie and Timothy, as he was a friend to both. Every human, and wolf in human form, could only be a possible casualty should worst come to worst. Toby was a Half Blood--he would be able to change at the drop of the hat, she reasoned. The role of an Omega often served to diffuse tense relations within the pack, but in a situation where subordinates had disregarded already the Alpha's wish that they stay out of town, Toby would be of little use to help her bring them back into order. Theo was a Pure Bred, he would be able to change at will if the situation demanded it. But would he be able to react in time to defend the innocent bystanders?

Innocent bystanders... Sabrina could smell that at least two of them were wolves, outsiders. She did not know their ancestry, nor could she guess their motives for coming here in the first place, but they certainly would not respond to any direction from her. They could just as easily be additional threats as victims. If they responded aggressively to any move Jackie or Timothy made, they would become enemies. There was no way to know their level of restraint--if they could change freely or if they would kill their attackers. Family came first.

Timothy of course was Sabrina's main concern, he was the wildcard she could never get used to, and he had proven already to be violent even if unprovoked. Most of her attention was on him. But she quickly realized he was waiting: he was waiting for Jackie to make the first move. Now Jackie was the wildcard, and one she did not have much experience with. Since the night she had turned, Sabrina had ascribed to her all the traditional strengths and weaknesses of a First Generation. Sabrina's mother was First Generation--experience had taught her to expect them to be undisciplined, wild, often unreasonable, frustrated animals that would attack haphazardly. Jackie wasn't acting like that at all. Even now, she seemed to be planning, but there was hesitation, an inner conflict.

Sabrina never got the chance to try to deduce the root or cause of that conflict, for it was a brief struggle and its resolution was a decision to attack, which decision was acted upon as soon as it was concluded. Sabrina had seen Jackie eyeing the intruders, sizing them up. She had seen the hesitation based on the male's weapon, and, like everyone else, assumed that when Jackie struck it would be at the female who had appeared to be a more favorable target. The plan was calculated within seconds--Jackie had motioned to Timothy to attack the human, and when she lunged it seemed for all the world that she was going for the female. Sabrina responded in kind. Her order to Ulric was to prevent Timothy, while she shot towards Jackie with a short bark that she was out of line. Her intent had been to catch Jackie by the nape of her neck and drag her down in disciplinary action, but as she had miscalculated the target, she had also miscalculated Jackie's trajectory and missed her entirely. Jackie sailed over Sabrina just as easily as she had sailed over the loner female.

Then who--?

She had to change her plan quickly, even in the middle of the motion. Jackie was going after either Toby or Theo! There was no time to discern which, only how to prevent her! Sabrina twisted her body midmotion as Jackie's body passed over hers in the air to lurch around and catch Jackie by the back leg. She clamped down as hard as she dared to get a good grip on her but not cause injury. She gave her a sharp yank in the hopes that the momentum Sabrina's body was already carrying would be enough to pull her back. The change was so sudden and unexpected, the attempt would be sloppy at best. They would slam as a tangled pile right into the arms of the very humans she was trying to protect.


Toby's mind was racing. His heartbeat had quickened, causing his wolf to be more alert. He wasn't sure if he knew these wolves or not. Were they pack members? The male might be that unfriendly troubled guy, Timothy.. But who was the female again? Inwardly, Toby cursed himself for not having been more interactive with the other members of the pack. Now he didn't know who was friend and who was foe.

...But even if they were a part of his pack, would it really matter if they decided to attack? What were the rules in a situation like this; especially where Toby was concerned? He was the omega. Whoever these two were they almost certainly outranked him. Would it be right for him to defy them if they tried to attack the others--- Pffft! Of course it would be right! Duh! Kratos would surely forgive him for overstepping his place if it was to save lives, right?... Boy, how Toby wished he could be more sure. What did "omega" mean anyway? What was his purpose in the pack really? What was he expected to do in situations like this? Was he supposed to go for help or something?

No. It didn't matter.. Stupid wolves, stupid wolf rules.
It's all too confusing! Toby was just going to think like a human this time, and see what happened. He was in doubt on group loyalties, so the logical thing to do was to defer to friendship rules: Tammy and Jenn were his first friends, and as far as the pack went, Theo was his only friend. Tammy, Jenn, and Theo were all in danger here. So whether the two wolves were pack members or not, it was Toby's responsibility to protect his friends.. That made sense, right? He would just act by that.

No sooner had Toby come to this conclusion and resolved on a course of action when many things suddenly happened at once: Jackie flew at him. Theo jumped in the way to defend him, a white wolf suddenly appeared from nowhere and tried to catch the female mid-strike-- And with adrenaline surging through his veins, Toby himself stuck the foot of his crutch up toward the Jackie's eye!

Yet, all these noble actions only served to create a big miserable pile in the mud as one being toppled over the other. The white wolf and attacking female came down on top of Toby's broken body, probably catching Theo somewhere in between them. Toby was no longer cognizant of anything but horrible pain and suffocating weight on his body. Face down in the mud, he felt he was drowning! There was a pop from somewhere within him as his hip was displaced and all he could manage was a strangled scream before everything went black.

...Oh, why did this always happen to him?


Granny watched from the door with growing uneasiness. Without her glasses, she couldn't quite make out the details of who was who, but she could discern what was going on at least: There were two wolves actively bent on causing trouble, circling a group of five or six teenagers. Another wolf, white in color, contrasted the dark forest and made out to just be watching. Was that wolf a superior of the other two? It was impossible to say, considering she couldn't even tell whether or not she knew them. Surely this wasn't Kratos' pack. He'd never condone an attack on the town.

Granny made a motion to ask Cherise describe the human children when suddenly one of the blurry images sprung. The white wolf moved quickly, and whatever it was she did, caused the two of them to roll like a bowling ball into the group of humans. Granny winced, sure of some kerfuffle now taking place, when suddenly a sound reached her ears: Toby! Toby was one of the humans in the fray!!

Instantly, Granny Buttermilk was gone and the large black cane she'd been carrying clattered to the floor..

Years and years and YEARS of trying to tame it were gone in an instant-- Half blind and old as she was, she was back. She was awake again and surging across the distance at a surprising speed. Mouth curled into a horrifying toothy snarl and vicious growl resonating from her throat, she didn't pause second to assess the situation. She knew the danger was still very close to Toby, and all her energy was bent on getting it away.

The shaggy, white accented cream and orange elder had seen the foggiest image of a wolf fly at her grandson, and now her jaws poised to bear down on that selfsame she-wolf! She didn't really care who else was in that pile; they were of no consequence. Only one had tried to attack Toby, and teaching that one runt her place was the main point of her focus! How dare she attack an alpha's pup! She would live to regret it-- She would live, but she would never make this mistake again!



In this moment, nothing gave anything time to think. Cards had changed too suddenly, Cherise's wolf took complete charge. Her eyes now shot through with glowing gold. In the place of the young lady, a new creature took form. Following the signal of the only alpha authority in her life, Cherise shot beside her grandmother racing to the aid of her cousin.

Midst the moments it took to reach the group, she took in deeply the cold wet air. There were more then just the two wolves she had previously seen hiding in the darkness. What was more, her cousin smelled like them. This was his pack, would not that make them family?... No, not like this. Toby was her flesh and blood and the only one she and her grandmother were coming to protect.

In the breath of an instant Cherise took an unexpected dive straight for Toby. Ready to become violent in her efforts to release him from the weight that crushed his body, and next to protect it at any cost.


The sky lit up with light, and then all the windows of town and the streetlamps went dark. The rumble that followed and the deafening sound that hit the air told how strong and near the bolt had been, and seemed to rattle everything beneath the sky!

Had Jenn been more informed, she might have been scared; that is to say, if she had known better, Jenn would have considered quickly retracing her steps and getting a door between herself and those monsters as soon as possible. But Jenn thought she was looking at wolves, wolves with the reputation of attacking people, but wolves nonetheless. It was common sense; this was a large group of people, and there were at least two large, strong fellows among them to take the first step to get an animal to think twice. If worse came to worse, they were on a populated street, and one good, sharp scream would do the trick to wake the neighborhood.
Things like, "defend your neck" and "hold your ground" played through Jenn's mind as a matter of course, so she wasn't afraid enough to run - even if the lightening did cause her to flinch.

That was all moments before the white wolf lunged - was it the lighting that caused the animal to look blotched in blue? Jenn forgot to scream as she instinctively fell to the ground and guarded her neck with her arms - she missed everything that happened fast-pace over her head by milliseconds and feeble inches.
By now, adrenaline was her friend, and being kicked only once in the scuffle, Jenn managed to get out none the worse.

Ulric arrived too late to obey either of Sabrina's commands, and Timothy had acted so swiftly that Ulric had missed seeing him entirely.

"Jackie! Jackie stop!" Ulric hollered desperately! If even a second was wasted to prevent Jackie from killing someone then Jackie would never forgive herself. Ulric was given no opportunity to act however, and was subjected to a grand view of everything that unfolded.

The chaos that poured out on the streets of Reknab were altogether too much at once to respond to, and it was hard to tell what took place exactly. Toby and Theo were too close to Jackie to avoid the collision, Sabrina had caught Jackie's leg, but there were too many unexpected turns to prevent injury - the two fully transformed tumbled right toward the Loners, and still, there was no time to react. If Jackie retaliated on Sabrina there would be a brawl with all the werewolves involved, someone in the crowd was crushed between body and pavement - it sounded like Toby - and then two new werewolves joined the tussle.

Human mobs were hard enough to control, werewolf mobs were impossible. There would be a lot of snarling and growling, biting and clawing in the first few moments, then hopefully the pile would break apart and each player would duel off... but the common foe was Jackie, and if she survived, she would be gravely wounded.
Not even Sabrina possessed enough self-mastery to prevent or control the alarming drive that now fueled through every being in the vicinity.


There was nothing she could do. Bianca was at a standstill. She might have wished that the crazed wolf jumped after her and set the attack on the loners. But in an instant the path was changed. Another moved to block the attack that would never land. A white wolf entered and came in behind, attempting to halt what was happening. Two more were soon involved in the fray, and the cry of one was heard. And she was frozen. How she desperately wanted to take a hold of the situation! Everything had to be considered, and yet there was no time to consider a thing. She lifted a trembling hand to cover her mouth and lowered her brows, looking at the mess of fur and rainwater that blurred against the pavement! "Please, they have to stop.." was all she could mutter to no one in particular. Her mind drew to a bitter situation that might have been all too similar, however she had not been there to know that for herself..

In a crash of lightning, Bianca gazed on, unaware of the white glint of eyes fixed on her from alongside the restaurant. The next moment they were gone to the darkness, and still they would not remain hidden much longer..

A large grey wolf hurled himself right into the fray! Without hesitation he grabbed for a clump of fur and skin, and caught Jackie's scruff with both hands. Lifting her up off the ground, he moved to give a swift kick to the white wolf with every intention of moving her from the pile, and proceeded to hurl Jackie some few feet away from the others!

His eyes quickly fell to the men laying on the pavement. One was conscious, if barely. He reached down and plucked Theo up by the pit of his arm and steadied him briefly. "Get your wits together son. Help me clean up or get those bystanders to safety." then he looked towards the young female wolf who had been trying to get to Toby. "You're going to get yourself killed, back up!" he barked, reaching down and carefully picking up the injured omega. "Chapman, look alive!" another order was shouted. Bianca shifted. "Don't just stand there! Take care of the girls! Zander, come take this pup off my hands! Pronto! Get him to the truck!" with a heavy expression he looked at the boy in his arms, before scanning the area around him for what it was worth.

"Jenn!" Bianca called out, and bolted towards to the woman, "Are you hurt? We need to go. Tammy!"


Jackie’s wolf soared through the air, her trajectory seemingly clear and the intent obvious. Certainly those that scrambled to stop the creature from committing a terrible tragedy would see only this. Yet to the keen-eyed observer, subtleties would not go easily unnoticed. Inches before Sabrina’s teeth latched onto the end of her foot, the preparation of yet another movement rippled through her spine. It was too controlled to be pure accident, and yet too incomplete to know it's ultimate outcome.

The creature took the moment’s time to lock her gaze with the only sound that had caught her attention: Ulric. Then Sabrina’s teeth hit their mark and she fell to the earth like a stone, and yet all the while her eyes trailed their last focal point as though, even in the midst of the chaos, that was all that truly mattered.

Thud. Her vision went dark as she made contact. She was in a mass pile of fur and flesh. She could feel the forms shift both below her and above her, pinning her in such a way that freeing herself would be near impossible. When her vision returned, the first sight she saw was the distant-but-swiftly-approaching form of… a very angry elder she-wolf with her eyes steeled firmly on her own. The position she was in was vulnerable. She thrashed her body against the masses pressed around her, trying to break free with what was clearly a desperate effort of survival, but there wasn’t the time for it to do much good.

Another form came up from behind and took a firm grip by the nape of her neck, pulling her away from the others. She landed in a heap, momentarily too stunned to process what or who had just happened. Then she remembered the last look she had of the elder wolf’s eyes and the terror returned. She must escape! She stumbled to a stand and took a few shaky steps forward.


Theo wasn’t aware of much after the collisions settled. He knew he had failed in protecting his friend; he could feel him somewhere underneath his elbow. He subtly rearranged himself so he might bare the most weight, but such a thing was hard to do in close confines and he doubted it helped much. But Theo wasn't one to dwell in dark thoughts. He patiently awaited the next move (in spite of some very insistent struggling) by trying to remember all the constellations he learned when he was little.

He was trying to recall the shape of ’The Hunter’s Arrows’ when a crack of light peered through the bodies and hands reached in. Theo let his mass go limp, knowing struggling wouldn’t help until he knew more. Shortly thereafter he felt himself tugged to his feet and found himself starring into the calm features of an older werewolf he didn’t recognize.

Theo blinked a few times, confirmed that the wolf was still there, and accepted his presence and requests as they were. He then immediately turned to see Toby’s limp body, dangling in the older wolf’s arms.

Toby!” Theo cried. He looked pretty…. No he wouldn’t say dead. Unconscious. Knocked out. He hoped. He moved forward, his hands shaking to know more, but he stopped himself quickly. He’d just seen Toby’s chest rise and some of the panic faded. And Theo remembered he wasn’t any kind of healer and this older wolf and the two loners seemed much more capable hands than his.

I’ll be back in a moment,” Theo promised his friend firmly, then he shifted his thoughts altogether.

Bystanders” Theo repeated, trying to remember who those exactly were. There’d been the red haired girl that had been running to them and… yes, the other, with her distinctive raven-black hair and pale face. He spun quickly on his heel and found the redheaded girl cowering safely out of harm’s way.

But where was the other?

He walked carefully up to the cowering girl and he gently kneeled to his knees.

Miss?” he spoke aloud softly but firmly before gently tapping her on the shoulder,”We should go somewhere safer. We just need to find your friend and leave. Do you know where she went?”.


Zander was not someone easily caught off guard. This night had been a poor example of it, of course, for very few people might predict half the pack surrounding them in a few seconds time. Yet with the arrival of the other wolves, he was not so easily shocked. He had a good inkling on the identity of the elder she-wolf and the younger one that came running beside her. And to the final arrival, the large grey wolf that had just broke apart the mob of werewolves like building blocks, he only raised an eyebrow in bemused acceptance.

He…. followed us, didn’t he?” Zander sighed in exasperation, yet there was a lingering amount of respect in those words too.

Zander was reasonably concerned, however, when Chapman lifted the unconscious form of the pack member into his arms. He swiftly moved to take the load, if only due to concern Chapman might accidentally drop him. That didn’t mean he exactly… agreed with this.

The truck?,” Zander repeated,”You want me to take this local pack member to the truck while half the pack watches? This is pack affairs, you can’t just -- ” Zander’s voice cut when he realized how useless the tirade would be.

He sighed bitterly and shook his head instead,”What, are we kidnapping him?

Zander looked down at the sad (and surprisingly light) lump in his arms. He wasn’t in good shape. Maybe the pack would have the resources to properly treat him, but he hated to think what might happen to him if it wasn’t done soon. He’d known Chapman a long time and the man may very well be crazy, but he didn’t often do things without a good reason.

Just please tell me you have some sort of plan,” he grumbled, and with grudging acceptance he started making his way down to the truck.

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