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Werewolves (RP13.2) Many Decisions: Secrets

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Bianca nodded and continued to watch Tinothy’s door, while they waited for Chapman to arrive with his entourage...

If Logan were sad to see the flute go, she didn’t show it, but slowly clasped her hand and brought it to her side.

“The storm divided three of our own from us.. we came seeking them only.” She responded steadily-her mind full of questions she did not at once voice.

Ulric likewise waited silently, sitting on the top of the stairs, listening... He could hear outside the cabin as well as in it, and for the first time he seemed perfectly aware of every movement in the house. In a way, he felt like he was extended ten feet out of his skin in every direction, with an additional twenty feet peripheral sense. Maybe this was the "attunement with nature" that Kratos meant to teach him throughout those summer months in the mountains. If so, Ulric found it strange that only now, while he sat in the safe confines of a homely cabin in the heart of pack safelands, was he able to do so. Kratos seemed enabled to call upon such an awareness with ease, in any place, at any time... if not all the time. Perhaps it was the strange sense of foreboding about waiting for the arrival of unfamiliar werewolves to arrive that enhanced Ulric's senses.

But no, it was more than that. Ulric's sense of uneasiness dug into the back of his mind and brought a lively sense of awareness to him because of his history. As a city boy, sitting in a house waiting for the police to arrive meant that something very bad was happening, or had happened. There wasn't a parent in the house, or an alpha within range. And the last time Ulric had waited for the sound of a siren in the woods, it was while holding Kimberly's hand outside


The man took the flute. It vanished under the heavy shawls of fur on his shoulders, perhaps never to be seen again.

"The storm acts in anger to drive your people from our lands." He said. "It would not bring them here, unless it has a reason. You should return to your own lands, and wait for them there."

The sound of a single siren did eventually fill the campground- no sooner did it silence was it followed by a knock on the door downstairs. A single, all black black Crown Victoria and a Chevy Express of the same color now occupied the campgrounds, we well as the scents of several strange werewolves.


Logan bristled visibly at the suggestion (or command).

“No,” she growled in quick response, eyes sharpening on the man. “No,” she said again, exhaling and attempting a change of tone.

“We will not leave without them. I do not trust them to you.”

The old man took a step back when he saw Logan's anger flare. He frowned gravely.
"Your fear is like fire." He said. "I do not ask for your trust. You must trust the mountain."

Kratos took a step forward and his greater form fell away like a shadow as he did. He rose from the ground a white-skinned man in black garment, but his eyes were still gold.

"I know you," Kratos said. His large warm hand cupped Logan's cold, scarred shoulder.  "You warned me of the hunters coming to the mountain some time ago."

The old man gave a solemn downward tilt of his head, the barest movement, and yet it was confirmation enough.

"We will not leave until we have secured our little ones." Kratos said.

"Then you must come with me." The old man replied.


Ulric did not go from the stairs, for a glance over his shoulder afforded him a view of the dark crack of his room wherein Timothy was. He looked at Bianca, waiting.

Logan held her peace, looking over her shoulder at Kratos and inwardly questioning his decision to change forms. The reason became evident when the man asked them to follow him, based on what Kratos had said.

And so she did-the tension ever present and keeping her alert. 

Bianca met Ulrics gaze with a delayed response-contrary to her aly, she was distant and seemed out of tune with her surroundings. Her eyes widened a bit and she jumped to her feet, making her way downstairs.

The door opened and in short time, the sound of footsteps could be heard coming back up. Bianca lead Chapmam and his wife into the hall.. without introduction, Eleanor went into Saber’s room with a duffel bag and backpack.

Bob, meanwhile, had been briefly warned about Timothy, and stood outside his door.

“Timothy? Listen -“ his voice commanded attention, although his tone was careful, “My name is Bob, I’m Bianca’s grandfather. Look, I brought a few allies with me - they’re members of my force - we’re going to try to find the woman lost in the mountains. We’re the good guys, we’re not here to hurt you or your pack, and the sooner we find the woman the sooner we get out of your territory. We don’t want trouble.”

When he finished, he stood across from Ulric and folded his arms over his chest.

“You look a little green in the gills...”

His eyes were on Ulric but even in his human skin, his senses were honed on the bedrooms. Outside, twelve werewolves began to file out of the chevy, and a table with a light and a map was quickly set up just outside their vehicle. A couple of them wandered to inspect the campgrounds, otherwise they all waited for instruction.

“This woman you found-could you point at a map and give us a general area of where she was found?”

Eleanor, Biancas grandmother, sat at Saber’s bedside, wispy brown and silver hair tied up into a messy top knot. Emerald eyes, well creased at the corners, looked down on Saber.

“Hello dear,” she said with a soft tone, “My name is Eleanor, I’m a nurse.” she put a hand gently on his shoulder, “We need to get your strength back up.”

Saber eyed the stranger that entered the dark room he resided in just as critically as when Ulric had come in to place a bowl of broth on the table beside his bed a while ago, which continued to remain untouched.

Darkness swallowed much of the woman's figure as she came in and sat by Saber, his pale face cast in shadow now as she blocked the light seeping through the opened door. No matter how much he might've still been exasperated, exhaustion limited it's expression as it remained openly on display throughout his whole body; From his labored breathing to the beat of his heart, shaking hands and the fatigue in his eyes.

He remained silent as the woman spoke, his eyes communicating for him. With her touch on his shoulder there grew a dark threatening sharpness to them despite their weariness. " Don't touch me," they seemed to say.

The old man turned aside and began walking back into the woods. A thick fog closed behind his heels.

Kratos looked at Logan. His eyes said, "Be passive, but be on guard," as steadily he glanced over his shoulder. There was no doubt but that the forest was full of unseen eyes.

Kratos allowed the fog to close before he followed the old man, for as the darkness rolled in he took his secondary form again. His change came without the slightest struggle... the least resistance. He moved through the forest as soundlessly as before, hindered by nothing.

The old man's shadow ever present led the way through white aspen trees and murky grey fog. He walked slowly, and Kratos followed. Until suddenly, the old man's shadow grew suddenly large and swallowed the forest around them. At that moment the fog peeled away and the werewolves found themselves come under the large shadow of an overhanging precipice. Under it, a massive triangle crevice opened into the rock wall, and the old man walked into it.


Ulric stood immediately when the front door opened. He waited at the top of the stairs, trying not to look as anxious as he felt. But ever his eyes strayed to the bedroom door wherein Timothy was placed, and he moved between it and Eleanor when she came up the stairs. From there, he watched her enter Saber's small room at the end of the hall, and felt if only in small part safe to control his surroundings. Then Bob Chapman came up stairs and he must have seen Ulric's anxiety, for he made it his first point to speak to Timothy.

"He doesn't listen." Ulric muttered warily.

So, this was Bianca's original pack. Despite knowing their intentions and origins, there was a strange sense of uneasiness that filled Ulric's being at the presence of so many strangers in the absence of all but three members of his pack. Where was that sense of human trust he relied on but a short time ago? It must have left him over the summer months... or else, there was something else causing his uneasiness.

"Yes," he said in answer to the officer's inquiry. "I can point out the general direction he was leading me this morning... but I can't tell you exactly where the cave was. I think it... I think it closed actually."


Kratos entered under the massive arch of blue stones, passing into the empty black hall. The fog stayed outside. At last the sound of Kratos' paws, echoing off the walls, could be heard. He followed the old man into a large cave, with a single beam of light shining into the center of it from a vaulted ceiling. Several stone slats, cut in perfect squares and arranged in a great circle, with one in the center taller than the others, covered the flat stone floor. Images, not unlike those under the arch on Phantom Mountain's peak, covered the walls from floor to ceiling. In the midst of it, even Kratos appeared small.

"This was once a meeting place of your kind many years ago." The old man said. His voice echoed loudly. "Wait here, and I will bring your lost ones to you."

Saber’s threatening gaze was met with an even, although empathuc stare. Eleanor had undoubtedly been faced with such threats countless times.

Unfazed, she turned on the bedside lamp and began to empty the contents of the duffel bag, placing some things on the nightstand and some at the end of the bed.

One of those objects was a stethescope and blood pressure cuff, which in spite of her heightened senses, she chose to use true to her profession.

“I’m going to take your vitals, and then I’d like to start IV fluids-just liquids and electrolytes.” She said, gesturing to the backpack. She put a hand on his arm to place the blood pressure cuff, allowinf a moment to see his reaction..


Bob nodded. “It’s alright, try not to think about that.” He said, already reaching into his back pocket. He withdrew a map of the mountain range and a red marker, holding the map up against the hall wall, and offering Ulric the marker. “Circle the vicinity you believe you found her, and make an arrow along the path Timothy was leading you.”

Bianca stood in the doorway of Saber’s room, quietly and protectively watching her grandmother tend to the stray.

Meanwhile, outside, three groups had been formed and one leader. Each group, all in specially made uniforms, had marked their necks and faces with a thick paste of a different color-white, blue, and red. Each color carried a unique scent. A single man had marked himself the same, but with black paste. Among the twelve, there were two groups of four and one group of three, and the scout. Only one woman, roughly in her thirties, was present.. they continued to wait for instruction.


Even the sound of Logan’s barefeet against the cold stone floor seemed to echo. She remained guarded as told, but in the moment her curiosity was stronger. She examined the markings first, transfixed for several moments on them, befor observing the center.. she moved over to the slabs and touched one of them, examining the cut of the stone before drawing her eyes to the ceiling.

“Heaven would hear you howl, from here..” she thought out loud.

In his state it was clear- Saber couldn't put up a real fight even if he wanted to. The only one he needed to fool with the threatening presence he portrayed was those who would be a threat to him; Eleanor was not one of them.

He watched passively as Eleanor pulled from her duffel bag. As she went to take his blood pressure, his gaze moved away before he closed his eyes, grumpy but compliant. He didn't have many other options.

His blood pressure would be found below normal, explaining his pale skin and general fatigue.

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