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Werewolves (RP13.2) Many Decisions: Secrets

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Ulric returned in that minute with a cup of broth and a bowl of meat. When he saw Bianca by the door he was more than a little alarmed. But he ascertained the trouble quickly and knelt down so she did not have to rise.

"Here," he said. He placed the warm bowl in her lap. "You need to eat too."


Kratos led the way once more. He and Logan traveled in a eastward direction for a short time, but when time turned out and no traceable scent of their lost pack mates turned up, Kratos began to fear they were headed in the wrong direction.

At length Kratos stopped. A sense of uneasiness and anxiety was growing. Had the mysterious shadows turned westward upon the lost werewolf youths? Was it their purpose to divert  Kratos and Logan and reach the lost pups ahead of them? As time passed and no sound was heard from Chime, Levi, and Theo, Kratos began to feel that they were already captives of the mysterious mountain inhabitants. It became thus his intent to do the opposite of his original determination, and turned thus westward.

Bianca took the bowl with a quiet thank you and rested against the hall wall, feeling all the sudden very weary in body, but less in spirit than before with her troubles and frustrations in the air. After letting the soup warm her hands for a moment, she began to eat, until the bowl was emptied in haste, and she sat staring at the opposite wall with a cloudy, tired gaze.


The Alpha's anxieties were felt and met with like concern from Logan. Time was passing - the sun would be gone soon and two nights the young pack members would be lost. In the grand scheme of things, it was but a drop in time - but with lives at stake, it was an eternity.

Then in the distance, there was a crack and a thump! An animal fell from the canopy of a tree a distance in front of Kratos and Logan-though not an animal, it was a werewolf, small and lithe, and it landed with the agility of a cat. Its back faced the Alpha and the woman, but it turned to look in their direction with pale, unblinking eyes. From a distance it was hard to discern if the gaze met them or looked beyond them, and the next instant, it had turned and began to run!

Kratos' massive paw landed in the snow in front of Logan's feet before the stranger hit the ground. He watched the werewolf run away, narrowing his eyes at its passing. When she was gone, he bent his ears back.

"That is the rogue that came over the mountains behind you last night." He said. "She has one other companion, but appears to have lost him. We'll not hinder her."

And so he did not. Kratos continued westward, walking in a slow manner, as if time itself were a matter nugatory.

Logan watched unmoving as the small werewolf vanished among the birch trees and snow.

Upon Kratos’ leisurely pace, she continued, but more annoyed now-he was moving slow by her standards.

In the distance up ahead, a howl was loosed-short and haunting in tone-the message unclear. Was it a warning or a search call?.. Either way, Logan feared it would draw unwanted attention.

Left in the darkness once more, the stranger to the Calagathorm pack had fallen silent. Eyes closed tightly now, ragged breath escaped his lips as he tried to suppress any sound that would indicator how much pain he was in. Sweat rolled down his brow, as to what he had previously been calling someone for was left unspoken.

Ulric stayed with Bianca for a quiet moment before he entered the dark room.

Defied at its limits is the concealment of one's own weaknesses when the ears that listen and the eyes that see are keener than the eyes and ears of mankind. Saber did not need to indicate the trouble he was in, for the beat of his heart and the laboring of his breath answered for him before Ulric stepped through the door. The smell of his sweat boasted of his dwindling strength, and the general agitation of his being set at naught his pride to confess his weakness. Thus are those ears informed which listen beyond the hearing of man, and those senses which see through the guarded fallibility of mankind.

Ulric quietly set a bowl of broth on the nightstand beside Saber's bed, and solemnly left the room without a word. Outside, Bianca had finished her meal, and was sitting despondent by the stairs. Ulric softly sat down beside her.

"He's in a bad way." He whispered gently. "Kratos told me to call your grandfather. He is the only one that can help him."
Ulric indicated with his eyes at the dark room. "The woman Jackie and I ran into last night is still up there. She needs help too."


Logan was right, Kratos was walking slower now. Indeed, his stride had decayed to the point that it could easily be considered strolling, or meandering. Either way, he made very little sound with his paws, despite the crunching of the leaves and fresh snow on the valley floor.

The howl of the stranger came both as a warning and a summons, - it was strange that Kratos predicted it, or felt that it would occur before its coming. He knew not by what means. That they saw the werewolf rogue, and that she cried out seemed to come as a surprise, and yet, as sure as the Alpha passed beneath the aspen boughs, he knew a haunting song would raise in the ears before they came to their quarry. It was something to consider, for it was not the first time a mysterious howl had warned him of imminent danger.

Through the white aspen trees, across the colored ground, while the sun sank lower and the shadows grew longer, the two werewolves walked all alone for a time. Then a man appeared between the trees in front of them, bringing about an immediate halt.

"Stop." The man said. He was an old man with a wiry beard and bushy brows, draped in many fur skins and bending over an old stick-cane.
"Your kind has not passed over the mountain into this valley in over a hundred and fifty years." The man said. "But we see your token. Bring it forward."

Bianca’s eyelids lifted and she looked at Ulric as he spoke with a heavy tone.

“Alright. It’ll be OK, Ulric.” she said, her own voice solemn, though she reached over and gave Ulrc’s hand a pat and offered a smile. Then she stood and went downstairs.

”Grandad... hi-no, I’m alright-but we need help.. could you bring grandma out, too? No... he’s newly changed, has a lot of allergies.. I mean almost everything. Yes. He’s really weak... yeah. And there’s a missing woman-no, not a werewolf-I’m not sure why-no-right... mhm... yes.. you can get that many? Wow.. good, perfect. I had no idea. See you in a bit.”

There was a light clang as she hung up the phone, then some rustling downstairs, and the sound of her footsteps coming back up. She offered a bowl of soup to Ulric and sat beside him again.

”He’s sending in the whole Canine Unit for the woman. Grandma can help him.”

She said with a morion of her head fo Saber’s room, then drew her legs in close. “Will he.. be a problem for them?” She glanced to the room where Timothy was.

Logan froze. She studied the elderly man with knit brow and careful breath. One hand rested tightly along the shaft of her makeshift apear and another at the nape of the Alpha’s neck.

When the man spoke, she looked at Kratos in brief question, before tilting her chin back, considering. Then she looked to the flute, clattering agaunst the spear with every small movement. Carefully she undid the knot on it, then crouched, leaving the spear on the ground with deliberate movement.

Now she moved forward, bare feet crunching the leaf litter beneath them with less grace than all of Kraros heft. She stopped an arms length from the stranger and extended the flute in her hand, holding it in front of him with an open palm.

Ulric waited and listened from the stairs until Bianca returned. Then his eyes met hers as she looked past him at the room where Timothy slept.

"Probably." Ulric said quietly. "We'll need to keep him away from them. He's in his human form now, but..."
He looked over his shoulder briefly. "I don't think he's ever been predictable around strangers."


The man looked at the flute without expression, then he took a step forward to take it from Logan's hand.

"Why are you here?" He said.

Kratos stood where he had stood without moving; he was in appearance a wild animal, and yet he walked behind Logan like a tame one. Logan herself was a monster in disguise, and yet she stepped forward looking if not tame than at least human. What would the stranger think of such an encounter? There was no doubt he had encountered creatures like them before.

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