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Werewolves (RP 4): Danger on the Horizon (12/11-08/12)

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Before Sabrina had reached the bottom of the stairs to catch his shoulder Timothy had jumped from the stairs and raced to the kitchen! Within a few minutes he had fled out the back door, crossed the space between the two dens, and disappeared from sight around the corner of the second building!


Ulric had watched the trio go with every intention to remain passive, until Chime had approached him and tapped on the window of his car. She made a gesture toward the stranger, whom was now joined by two pack members, as they followed the dirt road through the trees and vanished from sight of the dens.

In all honesty Ulric did not know what the young lady wanted him to do, but he opened his door nonetheless and got out to further investigate the problem.

"Is there something I may do, Ma'am?" He asked sincerely. 


After being forced to leave Jackie's hospital room Kratos had gone down in search of the unknown werewolf intruder. He had followed the subtle smell for a short time, down one hall and then the next, but with the passing of time and people it was eventually too thin to be detected in human form. 

At that point Kratos had come around to the lobby, tired and somewhat slow of judgement, so he sat down on a couch and casually pulled up a magazine to read.

The Alpha had memorized the smell of the intruder; he would know it if he smelled it again.. And though he had made the motion to do so, he never read one word off the magazine. His eyes were vigilantly trained elsewhere; his glance was constantly on the passersby as he took silent note of every face he saw and voice he heard.

Thus Kratos had sat for some time in silence and pretended interest when something else occurred.. An elderly man had entered the lobby minutes before, walked to the desk and and made an attempted to wait, then he had looked toward Kratos and at last approached him.

"Sir, may I sit here?" The elderly man asked.

Kratos looked up briefly to see the man's face, then to the seat next to him and nodded. The elderly man then smiled and sat down. Kratos immediately noticed a thick musky smell hanging in the air and clinging to the clothes of the man.

"Thank you." The man said after a moment. "I usually stand but it seems today is going to be a long one."

"I know what you mean." Kratos remarked, not really having any further interest in the old man. 

"I don't suppose you live in town," The man continued. "I've been around awhile and I've never seen your face before."

"No, I live near the foot of the mountains, I don't come into town often." Kratos said and he briefly glanced at the man again. His face was very wrinkled, with bushy brows and a wiry beard, a leather cap covered his forehead and most of his dark brown hair.

"Ah, so around the Buttermilk ranches, perhaps the Geltons or the Chandlers? Not many folk that haven't been there for generations like to settle at the mountain foot." The elderly man said. "Though I've heard there are some who own small cabins up there. I don't suppose you've seen the wolves around?"

Kratos lowered the magazine to his lap and tried to think back. "No, I don't recall ever seeing any wolves up there."

"That's good, a lot of folks around here have been worrying about the farms closer to the mountains. Livestock seems safe enough, but these wolves are known to come right on into town to attack people.." The man explained. "There's going to be a town council meeting in a few days to discuss the possibility of a hunting party. We haven't heard from several people in awhile; One woman was found dead in her house just earlier today, they concluded it was an overdose of something, but she'd been dead awhile and her son was nowhere to be found."

Kratos held a firm gaze, his attention had been captured by this stranger. "Do they believe wolves were involved, and I don't suppose you know the boy's name?" He asked.

The elderly man brushed a finger through his brow. "From what I've been told, the police found fur in the boy's room and prints in the yard. But no, though I've heard of the family and I recall the boy liked to photograph, I never knew their names and they don't have any relatives in town."

Kratos remained silent for a moment in thought, wondering if it could have any connection to someone in the pack.. He did not know that Kaleb had been by his mother's house just earlier that day.

But the elderly man did not pause long to consider the same thoughts.

"I've heard that Miss Chandler released all her farmhands earlier this year, and I've been worried that something has happened to her." The elderly man continued. "Some folks say they've seen her around town, but no one has had a chance to talk with her.. Her father, Mr. Chandler, was a fine man; he would often allow wanderers to stay at the ranch as signaled by a lit lamp on his porch. I believe she did the same for awhile.."

"She did," Kratos said thoughtfully. "That's how I came to be under her roof."

The man looked up to meet Kratos' face. "Ah, so how is she doing?"

"She's well, everything is always under control; she's quite a business woman." Kratos replied with a smile. "She's got plenty of help, and protection. I think most of her new farmhands come from out of town.."

The man smiled then was silent for a moment. "It's good to hear she is doing alright.. So what is your name?"

"Samuel Shragron." Kratos said without a moments hesitation. "I was raised in the city not far from here, I came to this town seeking a bit of quiet and perhaps a better future."

"It's good to meet you, Samuel. People around here know me as Mr. Trodder."

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Trodder."


Before Kratos had left the room he had subtly explained to Jackie that he suspected the stranger had lost patience, gave up the advantage, and would likely change the game. But it was not so..

The stranger never lost the upper-hand, what she wanted could only be achieved if she stepped away, thus she did so. 

The Alpha had assumed that she did not want to confront him, but it was more likely that she did not want to corner him.. She did not yet know how far he would go, and she was not yet willing to test him.

So down the stairs she had gone and around the corner. Very calculatedly she mingled her identifiable werewolf scent with the various perfumes she wore and which filled the hall. She had made a guess that the Alpha would not willingly go far from his injured friend, and used the time he wasted to her absolute advantage. 

By the time Kratos had actually gone looking for the intruder her scent was already too faint to be followed far. So she had gone up, nearly immediately after the nurse had directed the Alpha away, coming up the stairs opposite to the ones he went down and arriving quite ahead of Jackie's later visitor.

Casually she walked the hall alongside all the passersby, glancing toward the nurse as she exited only to pause as a tall masculine character came up the stairs and approached Jackie's room. 

The stranger wondered briefly about the identity of the man, for it seemed clear that he was not a werewolf. So subtly as he went in, she came slowly and listened alongside the door. Of course she only heard as much as they said, but it was not without some gain..

"Tom Felton," She thought to herself. "Now there is a name that deserves looking into... He clearly knows about the werewolves, yet he is not one. She is suspicious; she does not want her Alpha to hear whatever business they conduct."

The dark haired woman cast a glance toward the stairs that Kratos had gone down. Silently she stepped away from the door, nodded as if to herself, and slipped out of the hall just as the man excited the room.


Levi was debating on slamming his head into the dirt wall of his prison. Ultimately, he decided against it. His head had only just stopped throbbing from last night's abuse.

Still, he felt sure that if something didn't happen soon, he would certainly go mad. His stomach growled furiously at him. So that was it? Had he been cast down here to starve to death on account of the Alpha's inability to take his life personally? No, they wouldn't have bothered treating his wounds if that were the case.

Like a caged wild thing, he began to pace back and forth, considering the height of the walls and the likelihood of those barbed wire fences at the top being electrified...


Like a hound after a fox, Timothy had no sooner made it out the door than Sabrina was on his heels. She would not let him get away with a stunt like he had with Savannah again.


Chime watched as a boy, whom she had no idea of his name but had seen him around the pack, and Kieoki followed the stranger, well that's good, if she wasn't supposed to be alone she isn't anymore. Though that also felt Chime in an awkward position. She looked at this other stranger, feeling a little... silly. Not only did he seemed confused but she really wasn't used to being called 'ma'am'. 

"Well, erm, I was going to... er... Do you know her?" Chime finally asked, pointing again at the female stranger. Maybe she had been wrong about this dude knowing who the other was, then who was he?


Kieoki couldn't help herself. She softly laughed at Theo's answer of 'free food' when Logan asked why they'd joined pack. But she realized she didn't want him glaring at her and so she looked towards him to make peace. "I'm not laughing at you, but because it sounded funny." Kieoki said with a soft smile before she frowned and thought over the question herself. Like Theo, Kieoki would have been perfectly fine with letting the conversations fall to nothing and travel in silence, but she realized that it was nice to be able to hear other voices. The morning was warming up, but it still had that cold chill to it that Kieoki loved, and she wouldn't been content to enjoy it in silence. But now that she thought about it, she didn't mind the chatter too much. After all, she'd never really gotten the chance to chat with anyone about much of anything other than why she'd been on their territory.

Kieoki gave up trying to think of a reason though, and shrugged, glancing ahead as she spoke. "Truthfully, I have no idea. Krat managed to convince me, I guess? I was doing fine on my own, after all. I've been by myself for almost seven years." Kieoki said as she air-counted on her fingers the years to double check herself. Well, now that she thought about it, it was more like six years, but then again she'd just turned eleven when she'd set out on her seven years wasn't a lie entirely.

Amusing herself, Kieoki realized that she was telling them so much more than she'd ever planned to. Not that this was a terribly bad thing though...because she realized that it was nice to not lie about herself or box it in if it was just small things like this. As long as the topic stayed away from how they were turned, or if it was genetic, she realized she didn't mind talking about herself.

Being sociable was actually more pleasant than she'd expected.


Theo's reply was pretty predictable, considering he was a teenage boy, and an especially awkward one by Logan's standards. She probably would have been inclined to give a smirk if she were more comfortable around these people, but instead she remained stone faced and listened to Kieoki's own brief explanation. Neither of the answers were quiet to her satisfaction but they would do.

Part of Kieoki's reply, that she had been alone for seven years, piqued Logan's interest. Why was she alone for so long? Of course, no doubt everyone had their story to tell, and maybe she could hear this woman's another time.. No, she couldn't. She would be gone. Logan was going to leave this "territory" and continue her travels. There was no use in staying here. 

"What do you usually do?" she asked, then realized her question was somewhat vague. "What is the purpose of a pack?" her eyes examined the long path ahead, then moved to the trees. The road was probably the most direct route, but she wanted to avoid dealing with any more pack members that might come their way. And considering how the two teenagers had seemed so paranoid, she didn't think the scenario would be unlikely. Wordlessly, she began to walk to the trees - her intention to continue to follow the route of the path, but out of immediate sight of anybody who came down the road. She only looked back briefly to see if the others were following, before continuing on her way.


Theo seemed a little startled as Logan guided the two towards the trees. He didn't know much about her, but it seemed clear she didn't want to run into anyone; although Theo suspected she wanted to avoid werewolves more than the normal humans. Theo wasn't sure what this said about the woman, other than she was very suspicious. And perhaps she had very little experience with werewolves. Because if she had, she would have known that werewolves went more off of scent than sight anyways; well before the pack would have seen them, they would have smelled or heard them. 

Theo, however, said nothing to this thought. He knew that it would do little good, outside of elevating Logan's paranoia and painting an even nicer image of the savage werewolves who could hunt by smell and scent. At the very least, Theo liked the trees better than the road anyways. So perhaps it was not a total loss.

Of course, Theo's mind was at a total loss of Logan's questions. Again. That woman really seemed to like putting him out of his comfort zone. Hunting squirrels, running silent through a forest, tracking bears, he would have been the guy to go to. Soul-searchy type questions, the whole 'Why are we even here'... well, those were difficult.

Nontheless, Theo figured he might as well try to give her a straight answer. He tried to swallow the natural awkwardness that seemed to mount off of him, but he should have known that was useless.

"A pack.. right. A pack. Weelll," Theo's forest green eyes drifted uncertainly over the foliage above, before settling back to words,"You know how we were mentioning earlier about all of us being savage horrible monsters? Well a pack helps with that one... makes sure you can't do anything stupid. Or at least tries."

Theo coughed, then added as an afterthought,"And sometimes it helps with that whole sense-of-belonging thing people are always stumbling after, too".


Kieoki, considering she normally traveled in the trees when she was alone, didn't think anything about Logan moving their path into the trees. She didn't think that Logan was trying to hide from anyone's immediate sight though. Kieoki just guessed that Logan preferred the path in the trees as compared to the road. She didn't think to long on it actually. Kieoki just carefully stepped into the tree and started avoiding branches as they went. She didn't mind at all.

She frowned at Logan's question though, because she realized that she had no clue as to the answer. Kieoki glanced at Theo, and realized that he seemed to be having the same problem thinking of an answer. She raised an eyebrow at his answer though, realizing that it was a good one, though it didn't really apply to herself in too much of any type of way. Because, she had fairly good control over her wolf, or at least enough control not to do anything stupid while she was a wolf. But this only stemmed from the fact that she used to only travel in her were form because it was much faster and if she ran into any danger, she could fight better, or sprint away before anything could happen.

Nevertheless, Kieoki had to faintly smirk at Theo's answer and say nothing. Because, she really couldn't think of anything to add.


When Toby finally came to his senses, he found himself tangled in his bedsheets and partially sprawled across the cold floor of his room. The wall he found himself staring at was completely up-side-down and blurry, leading that the discopobulated Toby Buttermilk to briefly assume he had sustained a serious head injury.

Shakily, he lifted his hand and rubbed his face, at which time he realised he didn't have his galsses on. "Oh." he moaned aloud, struggling to loose himself from the stubborn embrace of his sheets and blanket. This took longer then it should've due to Toby being all but blind without his specticals. But when he was free at last, he scrambled about in search of his opticals and finally found them near the closet door. 

Ah. Now things were clearer. Toby could make sense of where he was at any rate: It was that strange cabin bunk place that Alpha Kratos had taken them too, and this was Toby' room in the establishment. But how had he gotten here?

Last night was all a blur, so were the past few days infact- And it wasn't due to his wolf-side.. Toby and his wolf were very much the same person; A terribley tidy, completely in control nerd. So then why was everything so fuzzy?

Last Toby could make sense of was chasing after Timothy in attempts to get him to calm down, but being repeatedly attacked and interrupted by some snotty she-wolf... Did one of the Betas show up and end it? Because Toby seemed to recall heading home, feeling relieved and tired.. But then, something else happened...... What was it?

Did he get lost? Yes... Yes.. He got lost.. Or something, and someone had attacked him and asked him a whole lot of questions!

But what kind of questions? Who were they?.. And how did he get home?

Toby shook these thoughts from his mind and quickly made himself ready for the day by brushing his teeth, combing his hair, taking a shower, changing into fresh clean clothes, and going down stairs for breakfast- All the while figuring a difficult math problem in order to clear his head. 

He came down the stairs as a regular young man in proper attire, not really looking for anyone imparticular, but keeping an eye out none the less.



When it became apparent that Kieoki wasn't going to respond to the question, Logan thought over Theo's reply. It had served to give her a little nip in the ego, and probably a well deserved one at that, given how judgmental she was being with the werewolves. She subconsciously rubbed the back of her neck - something that had become a habit - as she paced forward steadily. 

There were no other questions that sprung to mind, or rather, none that she felt like asking at the moment, so Logan chose to remain silent. The sound of leaves and stems crumpling underfoot, or the occasional sound of a bird chirping were, for the time, the only noises that kept the trio from remaining in complete silence. 

Theo and Kieoki seemed very different people. As did everyone else in the pack. She wondered about their backgrounds, how they became werewolves, how they came to find the pack. But most of all, she wondered why she even cared. Being a traveler, she came across so many strangers. So why was it now that she was curious about people she hardly knew? They were werewolves. If anything, she should have cared less. She blamed it on the fact she was still tired and tried to focus solely on getting to the town. 

Now they walked a decent distance from the path, but Logan kept them parallel to it, and didn't go too far out, for the sake of not getting them entirely lost. However, there were worse dangers present than getting a little off course, which Logan was completely naive of..


The silence was nice. Or at least the lack of awkward questions were. The teenager found himself enjoying the walk through the forest. Watching birds fly through the trees as they heard the group coming. Or listening to other creatures, farther in the distance, going about their day-to-die life. Or even just feeling the crisp forest air blow past his face. 

Of course life usually never let such moments last.


At first, Theo couldn’t process what had happened. All he knew that instead of walking, and now he was on the ground. Hunched over something. It wasn’t particularly uncomfortable at that moment, just unsettling. Then an intense burst of nauseating pain hit him. The boy groaned to himself, trying to see if the others had even noticed where he was. He realized his arms had been clenching something, unconsciously. It felt a lot like his foot; of course something about it was off. And wet. Daring himself to look, he nearly gasped in surprise. 

Something cold and metal seemed to be clamped on his foot. Although clamped wasn’t really the word. More like “trying to tear off his foot”. Because there was an awful lot of what… red? Theo felt dizzy just looking at it. 

He grit his teeth, trying not to start moaning like a baby. Although even his best efforts couldn’t hold back the pain, and he started to moan anyways. He tried to distract himself, starring at the strange metal contraption. It looked an awful lot like a fox trap, but Theo couldn’t understand how a fox-trap would trap a human. Maybe the name of the object wasn’t everything.

In any case, Theo had always been under the impression that those old fashion types of traps weren’t really used anymore. And that they were set more into the forest, where foxes were more likely to be. Theo tried to continue the train of thought, but the pain suddenly seemed to double and the teen felt himself consumed by the pain entirely.


Kieoki would've agreed with Theo that the silence surrounding them was nice. In fact, Kieoki almost forgot a few times herself that she was traveling with two other people. Probably because she was gazing off into the forest, imagining the feels of the trees brushing against her arms or her feet crunching on the bare ground. She was fairly zoned out when she heard the sudden snap. The sudden noise made her jump and her hand instinctively flew her her sash. Her dagger was out within seconds and she glanced around for the person who had caused the sound. She didn't look at Theo or the woman.

It wasn't until after a few seconds that Kieoki realized no one new was there. Confusion flashed into her eyes, and she turned to look at the others then, when she finally saw where the sound had come from. Her eyes widened as she saw Theo on the ground, moaning in pain, his one foot caught in a...a trap? What was that old looking thing doing out here? Kieoki frowned, not deterred by the sight of blood. Immediately, she was thinking about ways to remove it from his foot without hurting him further. She didn't know how they worked though. Did they have some sort of catch that if hit, would open? Probably not. Maybe she could pry it open? Thankfully, because of his ankle, there was a small gap where the teeth of the trap were apart because they hadn't cut through his whole ankle.

Kieoki dropped her dagger and knelt down by Theo's foot, untying the sash from her waist as she spoke. "Would you help me with this?" Kieoki said, referring to Logan as she looked at Theo. "Theo, I know it hurts but do me a favor and try not to pass or or something, okay?" Kieoki said as she wrapped her hand in her sash and gritted her teeth. "I'm sorry if this'll hurt, but we need to see." Kieoki said before she tried to gently wipe the top of the metal trap off in order to see the teeth and where it was digging into his ankle. Angry with herself for not knowing how to unlatch it, Kieoki slipped her fingers into the small space on either side of his foot, trying to leave room for Logan to get the other side. "Theo, I don't know how this works, but I'm going to try and pry it open, okay?" Kieoki said as she gripped the metal, hoping that Logan would help her.

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