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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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Logan didn't go far, and from her vantage, she could easily ascertain any potential threat that may lie at the cabins..

Near the cabins - between them and the stream that flowed out behind them, the recent storms had damaged a few of the trees; the wood of which Logan had used to stock the cabins for the winter.

There was one tree in particular Logan took Levi to. It was no longer a tree, but a stump; the stump was large, indicating it had been a great tree - but now was broken and hallowed out at the base, appearing to have been the work of a lightning strike. The center was filled with ash, but the stump itself  (which came up about three feet) was mostly intact around it, with a small "door" created at the base.

Logan's eyelids were softly lowered halfway over her eyes as she slowed to a stop near it, and she rested her weight on one hip. Her hand was held out towards the tree with the palm upward.

"I came to take this stump..." she said, then squatted on the balls of her feet, "Do you see?" she asked, pointing inside. In the center of the tree, a sapling of the very same kind had begun to sprout up from the ash.

"This tree is no more. How-ever.. the purpose of it is not gone; it has not died without cause. Even in death, it protects the child. This sapling will grow strong from the ash-" she picked up a piece of charcoal and broke it between her fingers, "-and the stump of this tree will help it to stand any storm." her head tilted slightly as she observed the little sapling tenderly. When she spoke, it was slowly, and with intention, and she seemed to contemplate each of the words before they left her lips.

"It is sad - this tree was large," she looked overhead and imagined the branches that shaded the area, "still the value of this small one is the same. We may mourn what is gone. Yet, we cannot forget the value of what is left behind." she lowered her chin as she looked to Levi.

"No!! In fact -" John cried out in reply. He winced when the rabbits hit the cement.

"We hate rabbits..." He said. "It's all we've had to eat for weeks." Nonetheless, John went over to look at the rabbits and see if they were good, fat rabbits, or skinny rabbits.

Meanwhile, Tiffany leaned off the wall and came to sit down by Ionone.


"Oh..." Ulric replied. For every answer, there is another question to follow it, for that is how people unfold each other's mysteries. "You look like something is bothering you... where is your dad buried?"


Kratos nodded briefly and led the way back outside. The basement room was a better place for solitude, and provided the most privacy for conversation. But today, the cabins felt confining to the great alpha. So he chose the outdoors.

Sabrina and Kratos were both adept at reading their surroundings. They would know if they were followed. So Kratos did not go far from the dens, but entered the woodline and proceeded down toward the back road that led to Zeit's cabin.
He stopped along the way and folded his arms.
"Alright, Sabrina." He said. "What is it?"

"What is it?" Sabrina asked incredulously. She stabbed a finger back in the direction of the Pit. "That's a Svalnaglas and a Kitsune that our little miscreants somehow managed to wrangle up and survive. And are now locked up in your pit. And you act like this is just another Tuesday. It was one thing when you put Levi down there. No one was going to come looking for him for a while. Those two will be missed. And no questions asked what they're doing here, I suppose."

She threw up her hands. "Honestly sometimes I wonder if you have any idea of what you're doing, what you're meddling with, why you even decided to start a pack here at all. These are delicate matters, which you ought to know."


Levi listened quietly, observing what Logan showed him and taking her meaning.

He felt a lump the size of a golf ball well up in his throat. He wasn't going to start crying again. Not in front of her, or anybody.

He understood what she was saying but... The tree had been worth so much. Meant so much. Its death was random and senseless and left the sapling all alone. Not without protection. Or nourishment. But all alone nonetheless.

"She loved trees," he mumbled. "And flow'rs. Vegetables. She had a wonderful garden. Courgettes, sweet peas, an' aubergines." He swallowed hard. "Daffodils were her favourite."

It felt awkward to share his pain. His loss and loneliness. They were his burdens to bear. Logan didn't need to be weighed down with his baggage. Some part of him felt guilty for sharing it, as though he had the responsibility to stay upbeat and positive so that his burdens wouldn't drag anyone else down. Yes, it felt very selfish to share.

But, in this moment, it felt too heavy to continue bearing on his own. It had been five years since he lost his mother, and he told himself he had come to terms with it. Yet the pain felt fresh this year, for the distance between himself now and the only home he had ever known.

Logan stared on at Levi, turning on her heels to face him completely. She could see the pain behind his eyes. Yet she could not take it from him. He was not completely comfortable with her - and what cause would he have to be?

Nonetheless, maybe all he needed was a friend to listen.

“Levi..” she stood and put a hand on his shoulder. “You are not weak to cry.”



Dakota's eyes were drifting to Jackie throwing the rabbit into the pit and John trying to examine the offering. He looked back at Ulric." My father wasn't able to be properly burried, but his grave is near the top of the mountain." Dakota said, pointing away from the dens towards a peak far off. " But that's not what bothers me. Timothy... He's over there, isn't he? It feels like he's waiting for something."

Ulric was surprised to hear about Dakota's father, but he hoped it wasn't seen on his face. He followed Dakota's finger to the peak and made note of it. Dakota was only four years younger than himself, but what a difference those four years make! It differentiates child from man, and yet Dakota carried himself like a man already. Ulric returned his gaze to Dakota, then looked across the pit.

Timothy was still there, laying in the shadows with his turquoise eyes watching him. Ulric felt uncomfortable meeting his gaze, so he looked away.

"Timothy isn't safe in that form." Ulric answered in a whisper. "Someone hurt him a long time ago, before the alpha found him. He'll change like he can control it... but he doesn't think the same way he does when he's human. It's more like, it controls him.  Just... don't go over there, okay?"


"I'm not going to interrogate them in front of the pack, Sabrina." Kratos answered evenly. "My prerogative is not to terrify and traumatize those who do not deserve to be terrified. When I want them to answer, they will have to answer me honestly, and there are some things our pack does not need to know yet."

Kratos unfolded his arms and lowered his chin. "I have caught them trespassing on claimed territory. If it were Jackie and Timothy on their land, their alpha would have to deal directly with me, so I will deal with their alpha."

Sabrina blinked. "You want to bring the Alphas of the Svalnaglas and the Kitsune into this?" she asked, like she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Well. This should be... interesting," she said. "For one, the Svalnaglas Alpha is all but defunct. He hasn't acted in the official capacity of Alpha for years. You'd have better luck trying to reach one of the Betas, but who knows which one our trespasser answers to? And given as this is not the first time Svalnaglas have trespassed here since we claimed the territory, one would wonder if they even recognize us as a proper pack. It's a question to your authority, to be sure."

"As for the Kitsune," she went on with a tilt of the head, "They're a satellite pack to the Svalnaglas. They specialize in assassinations. So. I do wonder what they're doing here." She looked at him meaningfully, asking him to put the pieces of the puzzle together.


At the touch of Logan's hand, the dam broke. Tears streamed down Levi's face and his shoulders shook with silent sobs, at first. Then he clenched his fist and pressed his palm into his brow, but could hold it back no longer. The pent-up stress of the last seven months, the loneliness of the past five years, his frustration at the lack of control he had over any of it, over where he ended up or what he had to do, every tear he'd wanted to shed but hadn't been able to then, it all rushed out of his control. It wasn't a pretty cry. It was a wracking cry that took the strength of his knees out from under him and reddened his face, with tears and a nose that ran freely as he sobbed.

Logan watched Levi crumble to his knees as his tears came freely. It was not with judgment or coldness that she looked on at his figure; sympathy, rather, was painted on her expression.

She knelt very near to him him and gently guided his head to her shoulder, keeping a hand there on top of his head with the other arm wrapped around his own shaking shoulders.

While unable to take his pain, she was able to meet him in his suffering. His sorrow affected her.

“Nejsi sám,” She whispered, “You are not alone.” she added quietly, and expected no response.

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