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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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The spear went down hard! Whatever was at the other end continued to struggle fiercely, and Logan changed forms, diving at it!

After a fit of thrashing, she came back up with a large salmon clasped in her jaws, walking into the shallows and onto the bank on all four paws with her head and ears held high as water came down off of her furry body.

In spite of spear in it’s back and teeth about it’s neck, the creature continued to struggle… Logan grasped the shaft of the spear in her black paws and removed it. The fishes head was clamped in her jaws and went limp!

Logan sneezed the water from her nose and shook her coat, her stubbed tail wagging briefly before she hunkered over her prized catch and began to eat right there on the bank…

Jackie didn't bother to look up as Logan caught her prey. She could well-sense it between the violent splashes and the crunch of teeth through scales. She nonetheless exhaled, lifting a thin tendril of hair with her breath, and peered all the more intently to the water.

"Show-off," she muttered to Logan's direction - although nothing seemed especially bitter about it. Her attention was largely focused on the water itself, with Logan but a minor note.

She had managed to catch several nets now of trout, but none as impressive as Logan's catch. And certainly that would be down her gullet in short order - in taking her other form she may have gained advantage, but so too did she loose energy in doing so. Though not as versed on the issue, she had observed enough in the pack to know it was so.

In any case, to make up for what Logan had done, she would need to catch at least two fish that size.  It was a feat worthy of her attention.  The water was cold, loud, and urgent. She could feel the motion of things that moved in the water, from the silt to the reads and occasionally the brush of fish.  Now without Logan to take the better fish in front of her, there might be hope enough to catch something....

Minutes pressed into hours - yet so too did they feel like seconds. Ever watchful beneath the flicker of the water, the pull of the current, she waited as only a predator can.  She dispersed several nets along the river to increase her catches of smaller fish and focused her attention wholly in catching something as large.

Suddenly she sensed something. Before her net tugged, before the water so much as rippled, the hair at her arms stood on end. The water was not empty... something was in there, as much predator as it was prey...

And when the net suddenly swerved, threatening to pull her over - she did the only logical thing she could think to do. She reached her arms outwards and lunged forward simultaneously attempting to hug the unseeable fiend as she was constricting the net around it.

Kratos' bright yellow eyes surveyed Levi's countenance, and though very little changed about his expression, there was perhaps just the slightest inclination that he was pleased.

"Ulric," The alpha turned his attention. "The rest will wait for you. Go get the car."

Ulric complied with a humble nod of his head, and was just about to turn, when then Timothy suddenly charged out of the woodline!

John instinctively turned on a heel, threw up his hands, and ran screaming - quite possibly in an attempt to get back into the pit - but ran face first right into Kratos' thigh. He collided into the alpha with an audible thud, paled over, and passed out.

"Timothy!" Ulric said reproachfully.

Timothy's bluff charge hadn't come nearly as close as John thought it did, but Ulric still visibly jumped and clearly John panicked. Now, Timothy stood under the trees again, looking as composed as a cat.

Ulric's shoulders sank with a sigh. "Man, this guy..." He muttered as he left.


When Ulric returned with the car, Kratos helped deposit the fainted John in the backseat. Kratos watched the car drive away before he left the clearing and went to the first cabin.

He had other business to attend to before the rise of the moon... the intruders would have to wait on him.


When everyone but Timothy had gone from the clearing, Tiffany dropped her poker face. She looked very stressed. She paced back to Ami in a long stride and swiped a large sweatshirt out of Bianca's bag, throwing it on over her sleeveless tunic as she sat down. "Well," she said with a smile, "Just you and me, now, sugar."

To be continued...

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