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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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Alpha Kratos did not appear impressed with the information Sabrina presented, nor her manner of presentation.

"I have seen the man they call their alpha at his best. And, at his worst." Kratos replied. "To reveal his weakness is to reveal their own. They cannot afford that. So they will let him deal with me as a formality if nothing else."

"As for the kitsune," he echoed back to her the words. "They are not the only pack to work in assassins, Sabrina. I have had the Sabre Alpha on my back lawn."

"Oh, have you?" Sabrina asked, doubtful of his interactions with the Svalnaglas Alpha.

Then she scoffed. "Are you quite serious? You honestly think that was a threat? If you want to have inter-pack negotiations, my father's pack was one to do it with. They came looking for me, to ascertain my safety. My father was never a threat to you. These, on the other hand, the only reason they could possibly have for their repeated offenses is to challenge your authority, and the fact that they come now with a Kitsune can only mean the situation is escalating."


Levi leaned against Logan's shoulder and wept for a long time, like he hadn't in a long time, until he couldn't anymore.

Then he was silent. Relieved, in a way.

"Thank you," he said quietly after a while.

Sitting quietly and resolutely as Levi wept, Logan would see that no eye was turned down on the young man in judgement. Occasionally she would stroke the hair of his head.

Eventually the calm came in, following the turbulent winds of the storm, and Logan could feel Levi's heart begin to settle while his breathing become more controlled.

When he spoke again, she moved back and kept her head low to meet his eyes at an equal level to his. Her eyebrows were fixed intensely over her violet gaze, and perhaps the ghost of tears could be seen in the whites of her eyes. All about her expression was somehow very solemn, intense, and still caring at the same time. She seemed to seek and perceive his soul; a question in that gaze, "is your heart lighter? is there more you need?"

"I am here always, ah? Do not be afraid to come to me, Warrior," she said, then retained his gaze a moment longer before standing and offering her hand.

"Your father came to do what he asked you to do - kill people on my land." Kratos corrected. "We do not know why the Svalnaglas are here. But it is clear from their unceremonious and weathered appearance that they have been wandering for some time. If it were not so, they never would have fallen into our hands. We never would have known they were here."

The alpha looked south, to where the pit and its prisoners resided beyond the trees. After a moment of thought he looked at Sabrina again.

"Their lives are mine to claim and I have not. For that courtesy I am owed in kind. I will deal only with their alpha, if he wants them back." Kratos' voice was low, steady, and unaltered by Sabrina's emotion. He spoke firmly, but peacefully. "For the moment, they are mine."

Kratos turned aside and raised his finger to Sabrina.
"I do not ask for their respect, Sabrina. I demand it." He said.

Meanwhile, in the pit...

The wild-haired Tiffany Tycoon sat down beside her down-trodden companion and put a gentle arm around her shoulder.

"Of course not, sugar." She said, lifting her chin just so and winking her dark brown eyes. "But I'm not about to let him chase me off, either. If I get back and find out that he intended it this way, I'll give him a piece of my mind he'll not forget. Don't you worry about it, sugar. You just get some rest now."

Tiffany was a beautiful woman. Nature seemed reluctant to dishevel her, for her unbrushed and untamable blond curls, bare feet, and dirty clothes all seemed to compliment her in some fashion. She was athletically built and well proportioned, tall, curved, and strong. Her face was soft, her features evenly pronounced. Her brows were smooth-lined and darker than her hair. Her black Svalnaglas change suit was a sight to be seen, of course, but it could hardly be noticed beyond her natural beauty. It seemed Tiffany wore maturity and vulnerability both at once, and unlike other women it made for no contradiction, for it was quite a pleasant thing on her.

How this woman had become a prisoner of the pit, well, the morning told it's own tale. What it didn't tell was the story of a pursuit by hunters, a long trek through the woods, day after day with little food to go on, all culminating in being in the wrong place at the wrong time. So long for freedom! Whatever that was. Tiffany and her companions seemed to have stepped from one frying pan into another fire.

Bianca set two roasts to cook; one in the oven and one on the stovetop in a dutch oven. She started the charcoal grill outside as well and waited for it to get hot to prepare the steaks of elk meat. It was all quick work, and the sides could be prepared in a bit, once the steaks were on.

She then retreated upstairs and grabbed an empty backpack, stuffing it with shirts and sweatpants, clean socks, beef jerky and protein bars, before running down, coming out the front door and jogging up to the pit.

Immediately the rabbits caught her eyes and she clenched her fits.

“Stinking Jackie…” she groaned to herself. Then, without a second thought, she tossed the backpack down, hopefully well clear of the rabbits.

”Hey! There’s clothes and snacks in there.” She said, waving and pointing to the bag, “If you put your dirty ones in I’ll wash them for you!“

She looked at each in turn and crossed her arms. It didn’t seem right to keep a lady (let alone two) in a pit. Anyway, how were they supposed to change with the human man down there? How improper! She blew up her cheeks with air and sighed angrily, glancing between the three.

Something in Dakota's eyes appeared to grow sorrowful hearing Ulric words, but he nodded. " I've warned Samantha already of him. Is he well in his human form at least? I haven't seen much of him."

Ulric noticed the commotion over his shoulder and glanced that way. It seemed these Svalanaglas were being showered in gifts this morning, and they hadn't even been here that long. Ulric returned his attention to Dakota.

"Mostly." Ulric said solemnly. "He's... quiet, careful..." and angry.

He had to keep his eyes from wandering in Timothy's direction again. The truth was, Timothy was a puzzle box, a jig-saw puzzle, a complex mystery waiting to be unfolded. But when the paper fortune teller was unfolded, would the person inside it be worth all the trouble? Ulric didn't know... he could only hope and believe that Timothy would be alright in the end.

"Hmmm," Ionone replied without commitment. Still the hint of a violet eye watched Tiffany. There seemed to be something else on her mind, but none she could manage to voice at just that moment.

Her interest in the rabbits was certainly there, but she was too exhausted to bother skinning and butchering them as she had in week's past.  Likewise to the backpack, it offered an easier meal and certainly something of better interest than more rabbits.  It would be foolish to deny a meal before the full moon. Without it, there was every chance they wouldn't make it to the dawn.

She removed a small blade hidden on the thigh of her person - for indeed, a kitsune was rarely to have but one weapon on their person. She tossed it in the direction of John, apparently disregarding his disgust over the matter.

"Go ahead. Skin and butcher them," she ordered, for no meal could be wasted. She wasn't in the mood to do so herself for tonight, and thought perhaps John would take the treat of offering up his labor he had been so wont for her to accept those last few weeks.

Everyone deserved a little present now and again, after all.

She came to her feet slowly, ignoring those aches and pains, then went to the backpack. It was as promised. She disregarded the clean clothing, for it was the last concern of hers at the moment, and went for a protein bar. She tossed one to Tiffany, and then grabbed one herself. She ate it slowly. Though it tasted like sawdust, to a hungry body it was godsend.


Jackie snacked along the path until it led into the woods, then veered east. She came across nobody on her way. The woods were silent, save the call of birdsong. Though her smell was impaired, she marveled at the complexity of all the birds' songs as they blended together. Could she pick out an individual voice? The question amused her until she reached the lake.

She kicked off her shoes and began to pull away her clothing. She knew she was alone - or next to, not considering the birds - because she was certain she would have heard another presence. After she had undressed, she waded into the water. In this section, the current was negligible. The water was cool, clear, and clean. Her arms pricked with goose bumps.

She dunked her head in all at once and felt the rush of sensation about her. She swam until the middle of the lake, then dove to the bottom. There she could feel those muddy silty depths. She could see nothing. The currents in the water rose against her skin, not unlike the stroke of a finger.

She ran her fingers along the silt and began to scrub it against her skin. It would not clean her in a traditional sense. Yet it would remove the strangeness that was the phantom herb, and moreover make her smell of the woods. She scrubbed until she ran out of air, took a breath, then dove down again to do it all over again. When she was finally done, her skin was pink.

She came again to the shore and quick redressed herself. The shorts and tank top were easy to slip on over wet skin, although she opted not to put on her shoes until her feet had better dried. She left them by the shore with the intent to return for them later.

Pleased, she set off again into the woods.

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