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Werewolves (RP 3): A Time to Teach and Hunt (04/11-12/11)

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But of course, Sabrina wasn't just anyone.

Kieoki faintly jumped when Sabrina's voice sounded from below her and in a snap Kieoki had her legs gripped tight around the branch and she was about to swing upside-down. She thought though, in that small split-second, and remembered her dress. With a roll of her eyes she hastily untied the sash from her leg and push her dress to her ankles before she tied it securely there with her blood red sash. Another re-lock of her legs and a swing, and she was about eye height with Sabrina.

But all things accounted for, Kieoki was hanging upside-down.

She was slightly annoyed, well more than slightly, but she hid this, putting on a blank face before she spoke. "It is a good evening for you I suppose." Kieoki said with a not to friendly tone. It wasn't that she was being anti-social, it was just that she knew Sabrina hadn't met her yet (though Kieoki did know her name) and kieoki hadn't decided how she was going to act towards her just yet. Yes, she decided on things like this. It was for this reason that she was so straightforwards around Krat. She knew he didn't care for pleasantries around her and she gave him none. She could have amusing conversations with him at least. But Sabrina? Well, she just didn't know yet.

So Kieoki let the silence hang, like her own body, and decided not to say anymore.


Sabrina laughed a sort of laugh that expressed more of a release of long pent-up stress than actual merriment. "Not hardly, I'm afraid," she said. "It would seem our dear Alpha is ill at ease today--mostly my fault. And, with the Full Moon tonight and a house full of new weres--each one a token of our last Full Moon... well, to be short, I hardly question the Alpha's motives in moving the pack way out here. We're in for some fun, that's for sure."

Wow. Was that letting loose on a new wolf she barely knew or what? She inhaled sharply and swept her hand through her hair, then slowly exhaled through her mouth. Regaining her composure she smiled slightly. "Forgive me. What about you? I'm admit I was visiting my human relatives when you joined the pack. Might I inquire of you your name?"


Timothy looked at Chime and drew a gentle sigh, then his eyes wandered out at the clearing. For a moment Timothy was sure he would reject the invitation to have a walk with Chime, but then he found himself in a rather perplexing situation.. He recognized that her offer was a gesture of human courtesy and that to deny it might offend her. What was worse, he knew if he were to deny the offer with a reason to keep her from feeling awkwardly rejected, he would be forced to tell her that he was afraid; and that was something no boy would willingly do.

After a moment of hesitation, Timothy finally replied.

"Sure." He said, taking another quick look in the direction Kratos had gone. "I'll just role up the window real quick.."

Timothy rolled up the window as quick as he could, then he checked to make sure all doors were locked except his own, and finally he snatched the keys and exited the truck.

"It's not that I don't like the houses.." Timothy said, shoving both hands awkwardly into his pockets. "I'm sure they're as good as any home.. But they're obviously new; built in the past few weeks I would guess. And the only place I have ever felt completely at home is at Zeit's cottage on the ranch. I have never known any other place except.... Well, it doesn't really matter."



She said before she unhooked her legs from the branch and easily fell to the ground, landing in silence before she stood, brushing herself off while skillfully untying her sash from her ankles. Kieoki didn't look at Sabrina though, she was knelt down and hiking up her dress to tie the sash around her calf as she thought to herself. Sabrina talked to much for comfort, but it did bring questions to her mind. What was all this hubba about the full moon tonight and whatnot? And why would Krat be worried because of her or whatnot? Kieoki shook her head before she stood up, deciding to look at Sabrina and voice her questions.

Now all things granted, before Kieoki joined the pack she was almost always in her wolf form, and so she didn't have a clue what was so important about the full moon. Other than the fact that she normally stayed away from packs on that night because almost every member of a pack would be out that night for some reason. And after one bad encounter where she almost didn't fight her way free...she just avoided them on those nights. Kieoki glanced down at the cottages for a moment before she looked back at Sabrina and spoke, though her question may not be what she was really thinking. "You have relatives?"


Jackie made it pretty far before she ran into trouble, walking down the path she had come up. She hadn't exactly payed attention much on her way over, but she figured so long as she followed the road-way, she wouldn't get lost.

On later reflection, she probably shouldn't have focused so much attention on getting lost, but rather getting caught. Twigs cracked somewhere ahead of her and instinctively she froze. She was mere seconds away from darting off to a cluster of trees on the side, hoping to evade whatever she'd just run into, but unfortuneatly she was seconds too slow.

Something large and dark appeared just over the hil. The suddeness of it's appearance struck her by surprise and took her several more seconds to recognize it as her "alpha" Kratos. The woman swore loudly enough not only for sensitive werewolf ears to pick up, but also for several birds in the trees above to fly away from. Perhaps if Kratos had been human, she may have had a chance to evade him. But it was all too apparent Kratos was not human and he was far more in touch with his heightened touches than her, makin it all the more likely he had smelled, heard, or saw her far before she had.


When no one answered from behind the door, Theo knocked several more times only to hear silence. Frowning with intrique on why a paticular pack member would be avoiding him, he forgot all manners and simply shoved open the door.

Theo was lucky in the fact that the room was completely empty; apparently no one had chosen that room. However, the lack of company in the room beside him did nothing to alleviate the boy's boredom. Taking one last glance at the room, he turned on his heel and exited the door to the cottage to see if outdoors proved more interesting than indoors.


Savannah snapped at the young male's rude departure. "Well, whatever," she grumbled. Her temper had flared up quite a bit recently. Deciding to forget about her encounter with him, she walked over to the windowsill and stared out at the hills. The soft green of the grass was almost calming, and she could see from the trees that a light breeze was blowing. After shoving the bottom pane upwards, she stuck her head out and looked around.

There were still a few wolves gathered at the front of the house, yet Kratos was missing. In Savannah's short time in the pack, she had come to accept that Kratos might occasionally leave without warning. She shrugged it off, then closed the window until there was still a small opening so some fresh air could be let in. She then left her room and made her way towards the front of the house, hoping to remember which room she had chosen.


Creorran laid down on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Much to his dismay, it was lacking of any hairline cracks he could look at to lessen his boredom. He sighed, "I wonder what we'll be doing, 'cause this place is rather dull." Since he had nothing better to do, he decided to go outside and look around. He closed his door before wandering through the hallway to find the exit. I'm glad I didn't choose the same house as that obnoxious female; I bet I would've bumped into her and gotten yelled at again already, he thought.


Kratos had, in fact, noticed Jackie's scent on his way back to the houses and had stopped briefly to look for her. He caught sight of her just seconds before she caught sight of him and cursed aloud.

Kratos wondered why Jackie would be sneaking about and trying to avoid him, but he wasted no time considering it. In a few moments he stood on the road just ahead of her and cast his yellow eyes about her.

"Do you need something, Jackie?" Kratos asked casually. "I was just on my way back. I found something rather sporting for the pack to hunt."


Chime smiled from ear to ear when Timothy accepted, she was getting beginning to think he was going to sit there all day. She awaited for him to roll up the window and come out of the truck she had been crouching beside. She couldn't help but giggle when he started explaining awkwardly, "Heh, So you prefer more aged houses?" She asked "I see.. Bet you wouldn't get homey in my old house, it was always messy and it stunk nearly all the time." She said and started slowly walking towards the woods. "Yeah, I guess the houses are new, it's a exciting for me, I have never been in a new house before.... Well, till now."


Jackie was feeling jumpy, not only from Kratos' appearance but from the invisible clock that seemed to tick off in her head. She had maybe 8 hours before things went a little south. 8 hours to figure out a way to sneak off from Kratos. The dead-line made her irritable to everything that wasn't involved in getting what she needed.

Even to Kratos, who she had before at least loosely followed some line of respect towards him.

"No!," Jackie snapped,"I don't suppose it's illegal to take a walk?"

Toeing farther and farther from the line than she should have, Jackie cast one venomous glare for a few brief moments at Kratos. She knew that for humans, that was rather rude. For a wolf, that was plain insane and just about the most disrespectful move she could have made short of attacking. She figured the motion right there would have lay between those two lines. Why she did it was something beyond her; normally she would have choose to evade disrespect and find whatever excuse available to draw Kratos' attention away from her. But she was feeling reckless and afraid; a combination which apparently seemed to overcome logic.


Timothy started walking alongside Chime and shrugged. The newness of the houses wasn't exactly what Timothy was referring to, however he had allowed it to be believed as it was far less complicated to let the conversation go at that, than to explain his true feelings.

"Yeah.." Timothy muttered, then he tried to think of a way to change the subject. "What about, uhm, your family? I mean, didn't your family ever live in a new house?"

Timothy knew nothing about this girl; Kratos rarely told anyone about anyone in this odd gathering of people.. It seemed he just left it up to them to discover each other, which always left everyone very awkward and separated..


Kratos' ears flinched back when Jackie shouted, but his expression didn't seem to change.

"Oh, not at all. I was just wondering." The Alpha said pleasantly, despite even Jackie's glare... That reaction was a slip for her. Kratos knew the smell of fear well, and the body language which followed it.

"But I'd feel more comfortable if you took your walk on paws." Kratos said. "Or at least have someone on paws accompany you.. But, if you'd rather be alone, that is your decision."

Kratos turned away, giving a sharp yellow glance over his shoulder. "I know you can take care of yourself, but we're never far away if you need us.."

It seemed the only thing Kratos could do then was to leave Jackie be, she wasn't a child, but was obviously stressed by his presence. He took note of her position to track her whereabouts later and continued down the road.

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