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Werewolves (RP 3): A Time to Teach and Hunt (04/11-12/11)

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Footsteps hovered in the entry way, so light and so delicate that Jackie knew she wouldn't have heard them without her now-heightened senses. Alarm swept her face and she shoved the empty syringe under the bed. Who'd seen her? Now taking full advantage of her new-found abilities, she scented the air and, to her surprise, thought she smelled someone else near the room with her. She couldn't tell who, or how many; she wasn't that yet adapt. But what she could tell made her face turn hard and panicked.

"Who's here? Show yourself you big wus? Don't make me-"


Kieoki burst through her door like it was completely normal to barge in on someone. Panic seemed to drain away; if she had been behind the door the entire time, then it was doubtful she had seen anything. Just heard her. Still, this didn't make her any happier on being interrupted.

"Hey! Get out! Shoo!"

And Kieoki left without another word. Mystified, though now a little irritated, she exited the cabin in a huff. Several other werewolves had gotten a similar idea and she could see them running off into the woods. Huh. If they could leave, why couldn't she? Furtively glancing around to see if anyone spotted her, she began a slow jog back down the road they had come.


Theo wasn't one to make anything a big deal. So after arriving at the cottages and shifting back to his human form, he hadn't exactly made it complicated in selecting. Her choose one at random, not even bothering to see who would be living with him. He sprawled back on his bed, then found the ceiling already pretty boring and stood up again.

"'May as well see the roomies," he mumbled to himself.

Exiting his room, he knocked on another.



Savannah whipped around when she heard footsteps in her room. A young male werewolf stood in the doorway. Savannah grew irritated when he began happily asking questions as if he was actually welcome. "The name's Savannah, I came in my wolf form, I've been a werewolf my whole life, and today is no more spectacular than any other day. Anything else you'd like to know before you'd be so kind as to get out of my room?"


Kaleb stiffened as the curt werewolf snapped back to his questions. He didn't really know her, but apparently she wasn't very happy with him being there. His lip twitched slightly, a symbol of slight anger. He straightened.

"Sorry for trying to be nice. I didn't know who you were, and I'm not in your room."then he took a step in, then out."That was in your room." He turned and walked to a vacant room away from the rude female.


Kale followed Kratos through the house, learning her new enviorment more by scent and sound than actually looking around. her mind was on other things and she barely registered enough to nod when Kratos mentioned speaking with her and zeit about house-gamma's.

just how had Kratos built this place? with noone finding out? sure, whenever e was gone kale just kinda went with it, thinking he was the alpha, he had alot of stuff to do so it was normal for him not to be around her area all the time. but to come build this place? these were no small cabins, the cement outside could have been no easy feat, and the chain link ence? the ravine? Kale briefly wondered if she was just daft to not have noticed anything. sure, most of the time she was passive and just went with whatever was going on, but really? this much, really?

Kale shook her head and watched Kratos walk away, wondering just how he worked. in all honesty, she hardly knew anything about him. hell, she kardly knew anything about anyone in this place, they all just sort of fell together with only one thing really keeping them together; the fact that they were all werewolves, and Kratos, otherwise known as Samuel, which few in the pack actually knew.

With an irritated sigh Kale found her way back outside, briefly noting she wasn't the only one. and that he had to notice by sight.

The packs many scents already soaked themselves into the area, the scent of so many details beginning to blur together, and Kale didn't care enough at the moment to sort them any further than individual people. with only half of a purpose in mind, Kale set on her way towards the ravine and the chain link fence, still pondering the big mysteries that were her alpha, and herself in this pack. she would sort those two things out untill she was okay with them, then perhaps move on to Zeit and everyne else. Zeit was easier, while Kale knew practically nothing about her, she knew Zeit as a person, and Zeit as a person was enough to trust without details.


Chime had indeed got here by paw, she had enjoyed it, the wind had felt wonderful. Chime now stood, still in werewolf form, sparkling eyes and staring at the houses. She looked the outside of one of the houses over, it was perfect! Well, in her eyes. She had indeed heard the alpha say something about house gammas but wasn't about to offer herself as one! She had no intention of keeping the peace and later being the target of the angry werewolf that she had told to be peaceful. She has never being very good at doing things like that. Chime looked around and saw the alpha and Kaleb asking what a house gamma was. She wanted to tackle the alpha and thank him for the houses, which she still needed to explore, but she didn't, she had a lot of respect for the alpha and was a tad bit intimidated of his size.

Sighing, Chime decided to thank him later and get back into human form. She hid went into house number two and started looking at the rooms. She decided fairly quickly, mainly because she was growing quite uncomfortable in her werewolf form, and closed the door, turned back, and changed her clothes. She smiled comfortably and looked around her new room, her room, the thought made her giggle with excitement! She never really had her own room, well, sort of when her mother left, but not one of her very own. She left the room, leaving her backpack behind to mark it, so she could look out at the rest of the place. She looked around and notice something straight off, Timothy was still in the truck. Chime walked to it and looked in, he didn't seem to want to get out. She then gently knocked on the window, "Hey, don't you want to see the houses?" she asked.


Kratos walked back along the road slowly with his neck bent down and his head low to the ground. His ears were mainly focused behind him to where the pack had been gathered, for he had no intention to wander far from them and certainly not out of hearing of them.

The Alpha's only purpose in returning down this road, leaving his pack mates with so little explained, was to find the reason of his seemingly 'abscentminded' behavior.

A short while ago, during the time when Kratos was seeking a place for the new houses to be established, he had come upon a unfamiliar scent on the territory. It had been some days old and was hard to pick up, but not so old that it should have been so difficult to follow, yet it proved just that and often Kratos lost the trail. However he managed to follow it very near the area where Chime and Toby had met the pack, and found that the scents of those pack members whom were present then were just as old as the scent of this stranger.

All this lead the Alpha to the conclusion that the maker of the scent was no amateur and was very likely to be a trained scout; worse yet, this scout was well aware of the Calagathorm pack and had witnessed the fight between Zeit and Chime.

But since then, Kratos had lost the trail completely and could obtain no other sign of the stranger's passing, thus he had been very anxious lest the scout be a member of his father's pack... That is, until this morning on the way up the road just after the stop at the forest's edge. Kratos finally caught that devious scent again, fresh and cleverly cloaked in various plants and herbs which could be found on the territory. However, Kratos dared to ignore the scent for the pack's sake, so as to lead them to the new dens without distraction or variation of course.

Now, as the Alpha retraced his steps, he once again found what he had long been seeking. "This time." Kratos thought to himself with a sly grin. "This time, I get to see who's at the end. This time we're not loosing him."

Indeed Kratos thought "we're" for he made a sure note of where that scent lay, and immediately turned back to get the rest of the pack.


Timothy's head jolted up at the sound of Chime's knock on the truck door. For half a second; and only half a second; his thoughts were a blur. But after that he seemed wholly returned to an orderly state of mind and even managed to reply.

"Uh.. Uhm, no, I don't think I do." He said slowly, and then he did something he thought surely he was incapable of doing.. He stretched his hand out and rolled down the window.

"I don't want to look at the houses, because I will never call them home." Timothy said, but he did nothing else to explain himself.


"Well, that was close... too close fer comfort," the lone wolf muttered to himself softly. His short jackrabbit coloured pelt blended well into mottled forrest floor upon which he was laying. This he thanked for his narrow escape a few minutes earlier.

He had been padding down a path when a large number of wolves and people came parrading up. He'd heard their noise some distance off, but marked them off as hikers that would think little of spotting a wolf should their paths meet. Almost too late he had caught the scent of werewolves, realized that they were indeed the pack he had been tracking, and scrambled out of their way.

They hadn't seen him, at least he didn't think that they did, or else his pathetic hide would be hung up on their alpha's wall already, he was sure. What should his next course of action be? He was confident in his abilities to mask his scent so that his trail would not be noticed until it was too late to track him--but he had not intended to have been this close to them so soon. They might have scented him.

He debated on whether to follow them some distance to be sure what they knew, but quickly decided against this. When they discovered his trail, for it was only a matter of time now, he wanted to be as far away from the group as a whole as possible. A few untrained wolves - he could handle that if it came to a fight. Their Alpha alone--not likely, but more likely than facing him with his whole pack at his side.

At last he rose from the soft earthy soil. He glanced anxiously down the path that the rival pack had taken, then darted off towards the town. He'd learned little from observing this pack the past few days, but he was willing to bet his life on the fact that they desired secrecy. Their Alpha would not lead a pack of werewolves into town... it would buy him some time at least.



Kieoki sat up with a blink and a glance around herself. She hadn't fallen asleep, right? And she hadn't fallen out of the tree, so why did she feel so jittery all of a sudden? When a soft breeze blew through her hair she shook her hair, musing that her mind was just playing tricks on her. But it wouldn't hurt to get just a bit closer to the cottages though...

With a grind of her teeth and a half snarl at herself and her silly mind, Kieoki dropped to the ground silently on her bare feet. She took off running towards the cottages promptly. She hadn't gone far in the first place, and so it wasn't to soon until she almost ran into the fence. Kieoki cursed, stopping just short of it. She didn't feel like walking the whole way around the fence though. I mean, she could see the cottages and the dirt clearing thing so why not just wait? Well, she did.

Kieoki glanced up then, looking for a tree that had branches that hung over the fence. She had to walk for a moment, but she soon found a good tree that would work. A running start with a jump and a swing up onto the lowest branch and Kieoki started climbing. She climbed to the largest branch that hung over the fence and she sat there, leaning against the trunk as she let her feet sway in the breeze with a half close of her eyes. Anyone who'd see her should assume she was sleeping.


Sabrina decided not to choose a room just yet. She was tempted to claim the one she had ducked into to avoid Jackie's detection, for the sole purpose of learning more and keeping an eye on the newbie. But she held her peace for now instead. She wanted to be closer to Timothy. When he chose a room, then so would she.

Where was the boy now, anyway? Sabrina left the room, briefly glanced into Jackie's room, and exited the cottage.

Outside she found that the Alpha was gone, and the rest of the pack were dispersed throughout the grounds, some exploring, others wandering, some standing around aimlessly as though they knew not what to do next. She did not see Timothy though. Where had--oh. Classic. He hadn't budged from the truck. She started a slightly aggressive stride in that direction, but stopped short when she noticed one of the new girls near the truck, talking to him. The window was down--he was talking back? That was a first.

Rather than scare him back into his shell, Sabrina wandered away from them instead. Anything that got Timothy to interact with pack members--even tentatively--should not be disturbed as far as she was concerned. She kept an ear open for what transpired between Timothy and the new girl, just in case, but otherwise focused her attention elsewhere...rather, her attention drifted elsewhere. For some time she was lost in her own thoughts until she found herself at the edge of the forest. She extended her hand and traced the bark of the large tree she now faced.

Sabrina snapped out of her musing when she heard a noise over her head. She paused looked up. She spotted a pair of bare feet hanging over the branch. "Oh?" she asked, but upon leaning back to get a better view of the figure in the trees she recognized yet another one of the new girls that she had yet to be formally introduced to. "Oh, good evening," she said softly.


Chime stared at Timothy, she wanted to ask why, but held her tongue. If he didn't feel at home here then what was her business asking him about it? "Oh? OK.." She said, moving her legs to get a little more comfortable, then started thinking, "Hmm.. I wonder..." she just stood there for a few minutes, just stood in awkward silence. "Would you like to stretch your legs? We could go away from the houses for a bit." She asked in a friendly way and quite quickly, in true she wanted walk around, though she had walked all the way here. She was also trying to make him a little more comfortable, not knowing how good she was doing, but figured if he didn't like the houses he would want to get away from them.

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