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Werewolves (RP 3): A Time to Teach and Hunt (04/11-12/11)

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If seeing Chime carry out a load of blankets made Theo hurt, seeing Sabrina return must have truly burned. What exactly she did while she was in the house could not be made certain of - only that she disappeared for a short time and reappeared just as Theo finished loading the barrel of water onto the truck. She did not seem to be carrying anything at all, save a white sack that she had tied to her waist! She wasted about as much time getting into the truck as she had getting out of it earlier, though, and within only seconds of assessing that Chime and Theo also were already in the vehicle she had it roaring back up the path it had come.

She might have muttered a thanks to the both of them, but it was too brief for anyone to be sure. Other than that, she was silent for the rest of the short ride until they returned to what had been so affectionately referred to as the Werewolf Boot Camp.

Again gears were changed, the brake employed, and the passengers given the whiplash of their lives... well, probably not that bad, but as the Pack Healer one would think that Sabrina would be more careful about her driving else more unnecessary injuries be caused.

"Let me see those blankets, Chime," Sabrina said as she pulled the keys out of the ignition. Without waiting for a reply, Sabrina hefted up the stack and exited the truck. Promptly, she shifted into her Were form and heaved the barrel out of the back of the truck too. "Let me know when the others start returning," Sabrina said. "Direct them to the First Den."

Sabrina carried her load to said den. She dropped the burden in a corner and set to preparing a makeshift infirmary in the main room--first she gathered the blankets and laid out beds on the wooden floor, then the towels were folded and laid on the oak table in the center of the room, whose decorations she had cleared so that it could double as an operation table should she require one. Several kinds of powdered herbs, medicines, and salves were produced from the white sack and placed next to the towels.

Next she lifted the barrel with some effort and dragged it to the kitchen. Hurriedly she searched various cabinets for large pots, which she was pleased to find had already been stocked. These she filled with water from the barrel and hefted onto the werewolf-sized oven. Flames roared as she turned up the stove to full heat. She found blades of varying sizes in drawers nearest the stove--though they all looked quite new (Kratos must have bought them specifically for the dens), she put them in the burners for sterilization anyway, just in case.

Returning to the main room of the den, she busily pulled several thick sheets of fabric out of her sack and set to tearing them into strips for bandages.


Little did her wolf know, but as she fell asleep, Kieoki herself drifted off too. Not that she was there much at all in the first place though. But before her wolf could realize it, Kieoki woke up before she did, realized that she was in her wolf form, and transformed back into her human form. Before her wolf could wake up Kieoki had taken back control and banished the wolf to the fringes of her mind. She hadn't waken yet, and Kieoki knew there would be a problem when she did, but she would have to deal with it then.

Glancing down at her human self with a small grimace, Kieoki stood, leaning heavily against the tree beside her because of feeling slightly dizzy. She frowned at herself and shook the feeling away before stepping away from the tree. Her injured arm hung lightly at her side, and she glanced down at herself in momentary confusion. Since when was she wearing this kimono? What had happened to her red and white o-

Oh yeah.

Kieoki sighed, remembering what had happened to have her this way. She shook her head slightly at herself and then looked up and around herself, not sure where she was in relation to the camp anymore. Not like it mattered much. Krat was off who knows where and she knew no one else would come looking for her. A touch of sadness filled her eyes, but she banished the emotions and started walking back towards the camp. She didn't know where that was, but she scented the air with her dull human nose and picked the direction that smelled the strongest of werewolf. It would most likely lead her back to camp. She walked with no hurry, not really wanting to get back to camp anytime soon.

As she walked, her bare feet silently skimming over the forest floor, she glanced down at herself again, having forgotten how soft and flowing this dress was in comparison to the others she wore. A smile fluttered across her face for a brief moment in her enjoyment. She closed her eyes and walked, enjoying the blissful peace. How soft this smooth and silky. Her eyes flickered open again and she kept walking, forgetting how long the run had taken her to get out here in the first place. After twenty-five minutes, she started to grow worried that she'd gone the wrong way until she remembered that she'd run out here as a wolf. Of course she wasn't back yet.

The ache in her arm was starting to flare up even more than it had before, and she gritted her teeth against the pain, realizing that she'd have to sew it closed before nightfall. Otherwise, it'd take too long to heal and she wasn't going to let anyone know she didn't heal right just yet. This got her to thinking of how to find some thread and a needle. That may be a problem...maybe someone would have one in their room? But no, she wasn't going to go digging through people's stuff here. They'd be able to smell her scent and would probably freak out. Rolling her eyes at herself, Kieoki kept walking and almost walked smack dab into camp. At the last moment she realized that she'd made it back and she stopped herself on the fringes of camp, slightly hesitant.

Why did she hesitate? She wasn't sure herself. Krat wasn't back in camp yet, that she could feel, but she still hesitated. Skirting the edges of the camp, she worked her way around to her room. It took her a few minutes, but she made it there without being seen -or so she hoped- and slipped into her room. She gently shut the window behind herself and walked over to her bed and plopped down on its edge, frowning at herself. Why did she hesitate? She lifted her good arm, starring at herself as a small blush spread across her face as she realized why she'd hesitated. Stupid. She banished the growing blush from her face and banished those silly thoughts from her mind. But what was she going to do now? Her thoughts flickered and switched to Timothy. Was he okay now? But no one had really done anything. And she knew he was injured, wasn't he? Kieoki slipped onto her feet, not quite sure why she was worrying about him in the first place. He was so much purer than her that it made her blanch at the thought. This stopped her hand on the knob of her door.

Kieoki rolled her eyes at herself for hesitating. She opened her door and walked out, determined to do something. She wasn't sure if she was going to go see Timothy or try to find Krat. Now there was another option. She could go find Krat. But what good would that do? Kieoki sighed to herself as she walked out of the cottage and stopped outside the entrance to it. Undecided, she ended up sitting down on the porch, leaning against the one support beam.


Kratos' attention again fell upon the stranger whom had collapsed to the forest floor. A burden was lifted then which the Alpha could neither recognize nor deny; his thoughts and emotions felt too hard to describe. But all such matters would have to wait to be evaluated, for the one thing he felt for certain was his responsibility, and that took priority over all other matters.

The spy, though seemingly unconscious, held his werewolf form which revealed more of his experience and rank. It would appear he had extended work in the area spying on the pack, or else his presence would not have even been known before he had already reported his findings. It would be hard to determine how much he knew now...

And as for the woman, Kratos could not guess whether or not her actions were intentional.

"Alright." He said after a moment, and followed it with a heavy sigh. "I will not risk sending a status report by voice, the morning is young and no doubt we have already raised enough alarms.. I will carry these two down the mountain, and I would have you go down ahead of me, Zeit, and see about the others before I get there.."

Kratos moved forward over the spy and changed form even as he walked, coming to stoop over the weakened werewolf. Then taking the cord from the leg of his pants the Alpha bound the spy's face that he could not open his mouth. Again without cruelty of manner but firmness, Kratos treated the stranger until his paws and limbs were tied as precaution against his sudden reawakening.

However the same would not be done to the woman, for such did not suit Kratos' pleasure. Her wrists were lightly bound with fabric but he placed nothing else to constrain her, supposing perhaps that she possessed no control of her werewolf form.

Hoisting the spy about his shoulders and the stranger in his arms, walking slow and cautious that he might not slip or loose hold on either of them, Kratos began down the mountain.


No sooner had Sabrina rent a cloth strip from a sheet when a crash was heard in the room above her head!

Timothy grit his teeth and lifted himself from his bed. His eyes though open could not see beyond his dreams and wildly he gazed at whatever it was he saw! Without a shadow of a doubt his human consciousness was collapsed and beyond reach, but while there was yet a bit of strength in his limbs he would not fall!

~~~~Thick and black and hard mounted upon its skull, the beast's jaws agape and its tail thrashing its haunches. Three large prongs protruded from the girth about the shoulders of the beast and scars were draped about its face. But in it all there was a face- no, two faces layered one on top the other which confused Timothy's mind.

For sure he had thought this face was one he knew and trusted, but just as quickly it was horrible and unfamiliar but in a way he seemed to recognize. Who were these? ... It didn't matter.

Again and again Timothy shot forward to attack the beast and again and again he was repulsed!~~~~

Teeth catching hold of the curtain of his window Timothy violently shook his head and ripped it from the wall! As the pole hit the floor he recoiled and growled with the white in his eyes visible and his ears buried in the fur of his neck!


Kieoki, who'd ended up closing her eyes as she leaned against the beam, was enjoying the silence when she suddenly heard a loud crash from behind her. Jumping because of the sudden sound, she was on her feet and facing the cottage in a flash, her eyes wide in wonder. What in the world could have caused such a loud-


As soon as she thought his name her feet were moving. Could someone have slipped past everyone and attacked Timothy? No...someone surely would have smelled the intruder. But, if that was so, then what was going on? A few seconds and Kieoki was dashing past the main room where Sabrina seemed to have been tearing up cloths. Probably in order to patch up Timothy's wounds. Kieoki didn't pause to see if Sabrina would follow her, but she hoped that she would.

Kieoki was up the stairs in a few more moments, hoping from foot to foot to keep her accent as silent as possible. Once she reached the upper landing -and because she didn't know what room Timothy was in- she slowed her pace down, choosing to walk down the hall with slow, silent steps. Kieoki basically froze before reaching an open door, before she'd slowly peer into the room. Seeing each was empty, she kept going until she peeked into a room and her eyes were assaulted with a flash of colors and chaos before she pulled herself back from the opening and stood against the wall beside the door. She blinked in shock and confusion. She'd seen Timothy, awake and presumably frightened, snarled at -of all things- a curtain. Had there been teeth marks on the curtain? He'd ripped it down, hadn't he? That would have created the loud sound.

But could he be frightened of a curtain? Unless, there was something else there? But Kieoki hadn't seen anything. Daring to take a second look, Kieoki slowly peered around the doorframe and into the room, confirming her thoughts when she saw no one else in the room. What could be frightening Timothy? There was no one there an-


Kieoki's eyes widened as she realized what might be going on. Of course no one was in the room, but something was frightening Timothy to the point that he seemed to be visibly threatened. So if nothing or no one was there that she could see, then what was Timothy seeing?

Pulling her head away from the doorway and back against the wall where she couldn't be seen from inside of the room again, Kieoki stood there for a moment, pondering to herself about what she could do. She definitely couldn't show herself to Timothy, that could frighten him more. Should she wait to see if Sabrina was coming? Maybe she would have a better idea? Kieoki frowned and glanced down the hall towards the stairs, hesitating for another moment before she took a shot in the dark. Staying out of sight, Kieoki hesitantly spoke, her voice mellow as she tried to sound concerned.



Sabrina paused in her work when she heard the loud crash in the room above her. "Oh, hello?" she muttered to herself, "Looks like someone else got back before we did." She had just risen to stand when Kieoki came bolting inside the cabin and up the stairs. Visibly less concerned, but no less hasty, Sabrina followed after her.

Having paused on the stairs to scent the air, she realized poor Timothy was still holding his werewolf form against the sunlight, which, in turn, told her almost everything she needed to know about this situation. She then returned quickly to her things to gather something before returning up the stairs. It was for that reason that Kieoki did not see her following until she looked back towards the stairs.

Now, after Kieoki had spoken, Sabrina took a look at the lad thrashing at shadows in the room. His injuries were at the first the most apparent thing to her, and she realized that some sort of madness held him. That meant one thing; there were be no gentle words to soothe him from her end of the arena. She acted promptly--with his attention almost wholly consumed by the curtains, she leapt into the room, caugth him by the shoulder and laid a stiff bite into the base of his neck before he had time to react. It was her signature move for dealing with maddened weres--a clean bite laid into the nerves that would merely paralyze and not break the skin.

He'd surprised her once before by all but overcoming that bite once, however, and she remained guarded to any counter attack he might try to employ before her bite took effect. Not missing a beat, she took the soft ball of rabbit fur she had collect from her supplies minutes before and applied it to Timothy's face. It was soaked with a combination of oils that almost resmbled mint in smell. This she hoped would utterly subdue him, as it was made to force a body to relax.


Timothy could not have noticed the two in the hallway, for his eyes were not truly seeing the world around him. However in the moment Kieoki had spoken Timothy and turned around and had Sabrina not acted in the time she did another wretched scene would have unfolded! But as it was, the crazed werewolf fell limp to the ground and did not get up again...

To Be Continued...

Read the Next Chapter, "Danger On The Horizon" ->

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