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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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Bianca had left the conversation and excused herself to her room, leaving Theo to eat his food in peace.

Still wearing the change suit that Kratos had given her, she decided to get ready. The lights in the room were on, and she was sitting cross legged in front of the full length mirror with her long blonde tail curled under a leg. The hair in this form was still a little longer than in her human form, but not quite long enough to do in her usual fashion. Instead, she braided three braids-one from her crown and into the nap of her neck, and two on either side of her ears and meeting in the middle with the first. She pulled a few strands of hair loose at her brow and tilted her long muzzle down as she looked at her face and eyes in the mirror.

'What good is this, in a modern world? It's not. It's a burden and a curse. Back when we were hunter gatherers, I could see the advantage. Now we have superstores, and restaurants.'

She reflected, opening her mouth and looking at her white teeth in the mirror.

Did anyone actually enjoy this lifestyle?

She closed her mouth and knit her brow, tilting her ears back and looking down at her furry, padded hands.

'Why do we keep going on and having families? It's selfish, and stupid.'

Now she used a hand to push herself off the ground and checked to make sure everything fit right, and it did. With a last assessment, she went out of her room and down the stairs to the front door, opening it and stepping out.


Kratos appeared deep in thought. Nonetheless, his attention turned toward Bianca as she spoke his name.

Bianca saw the expression, and it caused her to change her tone a little. She sat on the porch and her tail drooped off the step.

”I was just wondering-do you believe that our race should have families?” she asked, ears erect attentively.

“As in, raising a family-not like finding a pack family. Getting married, having kids.” She clarified.

"I don't see that there is a difference." Kratos replied. His voice was like a well, always deep and always seemed to have some gravity. It was something one could fall into, if one wasn't careful.

The creeping creatures would begin their nightsong soon. Already, they were testing the strings on their instruments, preparing as it were their last ballad of love before the season of ice and darkness.

In the cement confines, twenty feet below where Kratos sat, Tiffany casually turned an ear up at the conversation. The shadows were much colder and much blacker now in the waning light. Tiffany was grateful to Bianca for the sweater and other things. But she still did not know her captors. Listening, it seemed, was all she was at liberty to do.

The answer was simple, yet profound. It gave Bianca pause as she looked for a way to counter argue it. Her tail flicked and she looked out to the treeline, then the chain link fence beyond Kratos.

"But we are different," she said, a little deflated. "You don't think it's irresponsible?" her eyes went back to the Alpha.

Kratos turned a glance down and then he, too, looked at the treeline. But it was not the treeline that he saw.

"No," he said. "For us, only one werewolf is needed to perpetuate his race."

Timothy lay under the boughs on the far side of the clearing, listening... watching... he was staying close today. An odd change in his routine.

Kratos observed Timothy's every movement and breath. In every turn of his ear he informed the alpha of what was happening around them; birds in the trees, a slight change in the wind, the attitudes and moods of the pack members - nothing seemed to get by him. Kratos could find all these things out by the inclination of his own senses, but as many hands made light work, so too, did many eyes make for better field of vision.

Kratos turned his gaze back to Bianca.

"Having a family isn't the irresponsible thing, Bianca." He said, "Not teaching them is."

Bianca listened, but with a limited degree of open mindedness. She came to have her opinion validated, and Kratos' own perspective didn't quite provide the ammunition she needed for her argument. Her ears went back when his gaze came back over her, and she averted her own eyes. Everything about her posture said 'I disagree, but I'm not going to argue'.

"Makes sense," she said, contrary to her body language.

She would have to find a better sounding board for her frustrations. Truthfully, she wished that Tiffany would chime in, but she doubted the prisoner was much in the mood to talk with the Alpha so close by.

Her ears and eyes went back to the treeline, and she needed a way to end the conversation or find another one, but nothing came to mind. Whenever something did, she didn't think it would be wise to ask in front of the Svalnaglas, or else Kratos might not answer and she'd feel silly.

"Oh, thanks for this," she said after a moment, tugging at the stretchy mesh fabric on her sleeves. "It fits perfect. I didn't know you could sew."

'I disagree, but I'm not going to argue' was the respectful amount of submission due the alpha, and Kratos asked for nothing more.

Bianca viewed the problems of the world through the narrow lens of so few years, and still expected to know the answer to the grand panorama of the human experience. No mortal man or woman alive could know the answers to all mysteries. But Kratos had traveled much, and learned to see life through the eyes of others; people of different and varied walks of life, people like Timothy, who had no parents to fault for his condition, - people like himself, who came of careful, prolongued plans between two people united in heart and mind to one end. The vast array of determinations and mistakes that dimpled and plotted the course of one human lifetime was too complicated a thing to sum up in so short an answer. Nonetheless, it would have to suffice. How could Bianca know the stories of Kratos' life unless he told her? There were simply some things that time, alone, would teach.

Kratos allowed Bianca to change the subject with as much tact as she wished. Nodding his head he said, "You are welcome."

He looked at the fence and the confines, thinking silently. Then, with his face still turned away, he asked, "Do you have any hidden talents, Bianca?"

"No, nothing useful," she responded, "Not like sewing or playing music or anything." she added, and considered the other talents of the pack members.

Ulric could talk to almost anybody, and even seemed to have Timothy's trust, to an extent. Toby was a genius-he was probably in his room reading his eight book for the day and building some cool tech thing. Theo could play any stringed instrument, Sabrina had her stealth and medicine skills, and Logan could whittle wood and skin deer. Levi, like Sabrina, could disappear at a moments notice, and Timothy had a freakish ability to stay in his wolf form, sometimes for days on end. Jackie could track down people even without using her secondary form, and must have had some kind of martial arts combat training.

Everyone seemed to have some unique skill or ability that added value to the pack in some way. Bianca had abilities, but they didn't yield any value in a group setting, so she looked to change the subject.

"Are you going to call everyone here? I was going to go find Ulric." she said, standing and dusting off her leggings.

Bianca's answer was anticipated, and inaccurate.

Kratos did not at first reply. He was staring over the training arena. His elbows still rested on his knees. Presently, a soft cold wind blew into the clearing from the treeline. The red hazy tips of his fur rolled over like waves of grass and his black undercoat appeared under it. There was just enough light in the sky presently to see it. When the light was fully gone, Kratos would appear black.

"They will come." Kratos said confidently.

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