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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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"Uh huuh, that'd be real impressive since I was like, three, when I moved," she deftly hopped to the next rock. The way had begun to look more familiar again.

"Hm? I mean it's like" she stretched out her hands broadly, "Big, I guess... I haven't seen most of the mountains yet, even. Goes from the river in the south till before Middlecrest til the winding road in the east. Anyways, they probably have enough of their own drama. Doubt we'll see them around until we're basically there".

"They're all a bit shy of strangers. Who could blame them? We've had more than our share cross these paths in fewer months."

The voice was heard before it's owner, the sleek, white werewolf, was seen. And coming up from behind them, no less. How else would she make her entrance, but to imply that she had been in their presence for a time, without their knowledge of her?

"But you at least had the decency to announce your coming. Manners are so hard to come by these days."

Liam turned around—like the phantom herb, the white werewolf had manifested without a trace and come up on him before he knew what was happening. The hair on the back of his neck might have raised a moment too late, and he stared in admiration a moment, before incling his head to Jackie.

“You were the distraction, she’s the one who will kill me. I see how it is.” he said, obviously-but pretending to be sly.

”I am Liam, but, I get the feeling you know that.”  

"That would be her style," Jackie tried not to act as surprised as she felt. Clearly, someone was talented with the phantom herb and ready to show off.

"But not mine. Too much work and planning," she turned behind her to squint at Sabrina, "What are you doing all the way up here. Bored?"

Black lips curled in an actual smile. Something super cliche was on the tip of her tongue, something like If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead. But that much was obvious, and needn't be said.

Instead, she tilted her head towards Jackie just so and said simply, "He called."

“I took a chance the pack wasn’t as dangerous as the mountain,” he said, sheepishly.  “I’m glad I was half right, at least.” he added, giving the same narrow eyed smiled as before.

”I don’t mean to sound pushy, but, do you mind if we get going? This is starting to get heavy.” He said, jutting his thumb back at the objects strapped to him.

"Oh, don't let me stop you," the white wolf said easily. "I simply meant to make myself known. A token of my goodwill. Please, proceed. Our Alpha awaits you."

“I’m grateful for that.” He said in earnest, flashing an honest smile at the fair wolf.

“This way, yeah?” He added, and kept on the direction Jackie had been going. In spite of Jackie’s intention to lead, he put himself in front of the women with purpose.

They were being passive, but he knew he was a stranger and their passivity was not mistaken for friendliness. Nonetheless, he kept his guard down intentionally.

Jackie rolled her eyes as Liam took the lead. She gestured her hands out broadly before her.

"By all means, lead the way".

Liam heard Jackie’s complaint but it didn’t give him cause to stop-even if he wanted to be polite to the scout. He felt the white werewolf’s presence and took it as a warning; that she willfully let him lead—or rather, be escorted down the mountain—showed experience that the first woman might not possess, or else she was in training or accompanied and was only toying with him while the second woman watched.

In any case, leading was not his intention as much as allowing himself the position of a compliant stranger. What Jackie had interpreted as a slight on her abilties was intended to have the opposite effect. After all, a turned back and a smile over his shoulder was a human gesture as much as a wolf one-it said “you have the advantage, you’re in a dominant position, I’m not a threat ”.

In his pack, a stranger encroaching the borders would not always have good intentions—the evidence of as much covering Liam’s body from head to toe—and therefore would not be treated so passively.

The path here was more evident, and without the flower to interfere with his senses, he could pick up on the breeze the scents of the pack, and the stories it told of them.

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