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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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"Mmm," Jackie grunted in response, neither agreement nor disagreement.

"And do you always offer strangers shallow compliments?"

By now she had traversed the worst patch of the phantom herb, yet now was marooned in an island of freedom - and all around her, herb everywhere in sight. Her mind must have wandered far to allow her to get this deep into the middle of it.

“You think they’re shallow?” he asked, surprised.

“I can call your Alpha, if it would help.” he said, observing Jackie’s tense energy-and the flowers that surrounded them. The dark he didn’t mind, but the flowers were beginning to make him feel foggier with each passing moment.

"Yeah," she replied flatly.

For a moment she thought to prove to him exactly how, yet doing so would require explanation by default - and it would be as though to say to a stranger 'here are my weak points. Please don't push them', so she fell silent to that whim.

"I don't need you to 'call dad' to make me feel better," she said finally, observing how the stranger's voice had gone softer.

"Anyways, I think you'll have enough of your own problems when you meet him... don't tell me it can't end in more than tears and a little heartbreak," she glanced at him, now observing the grand magnitude of what he had carried over the mountains. And he had traveled like this from wherever the place Logan had grown up?

"You really came all this way, just to find her? Don't take this personally but.. if it was that important to cross mountain ranges and more, why didn't you come sooner?" she flashed a devious grin, "Was it because you were afraid?"

Liam took Jackie’s response and noted her discomfort on the subject. Clearly involving the Alpha was not ideal, and he did not press it. One way or another, they would find their way down the mountain.

Liam stretched his neck as they walked and seemed a little more solemn, but returned her devious smile with a little smile of his own.

”Alaska,” he said, simply.

”No. I should be. She might hate me, but… it’s complicated.” He said. “I wanted to come sooner. But I am Alpha intended in my fathers pack, and we knew I could not return at least until Summer. It is a six month journey both ways, and if I didn’t come back-for one reason or another—such as your Alpha eating me—we needed a plan for the next Alpha. We sent a scout to follow her trail, instead. As soon as the scout returned, I left. I didn’t know if she had stopped when she got here, but, it’s in our nature to know the way home.”

Jackie stopped navigating the uncertainties of the phantom herb a moment to take in the sight of Liam. He had come to her as an almost pathetic figure in her mind - half bedraggled with a dead goat on his back, a body full of scars, and searching for a fiancée he had left at least over a year ago. Yet she should have known better than to underestimate a person simply by appearances. She was not surprised to learn of his significance outside of the soap opera. Nonetheless, the intricacies of pack politics was a topic she found uninteresting and thus devoted no more thought to Liam's present predicament.

Yet she was more surprised by another fact.

"They do have planes, you know. Cars. Boats. Why would you need to walk the entire way... through other packs' lands.... don't tell me all packs are so old-fashioned"

“No, we use planes and cars when we need to. For emergencies, normally. We’re rural and ritualistic, not out of touch.” He laughed lightly. “Logan walked this way less prepared. I owe it to her to walk in her footsteps.”

He said, more serious. Still, he had traveled over the summer, while she went in the dead of winter, and as said-he didn’t come without tools for hunting, and he came in possesssion of both forms. It wasn’t equal.

“Where did you come from?”

"Uh huh," Jackie replied, no less convinced. Far be it from her to point out the obvious - if he had just taken reasonable transportation, then he might have found Logan far sooner than a year later.

It seemed to her he might either be afraid, or stupid, or perhaps both. Yet she decided to grant him the mercy of not pointing it out further besides a breathless laugh.

"Germany, as you heard me speaking earlier," she continued now to make her way past the herb, spying potential freedom from its clutches at the edge of a rocky overhang. If they could carefully climb down the boulders, then they would be free.

"And before that, the fine land of Canadia"

“You’re full of it,” he said, laughing. “We’re speaking Spanish right now, is that right?” 

He spied the same boulders as Jackie, and followed her trajectory but went ahead. If he could find the safest way down he would. He found a place in the crevices between two boulders to grip and did so with his hands, and with a quick jump he was down below Jackie. He waited for her head to come over the boulder to offer his hands.

“No,” he shook his head and rubbed the back of it, “that can’t be right. I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice.”

"Peut-être si j'étais pas allemande, ca serait vrai," she sighed, shaking her head slowly.

She was clearly irritated that Liam and come ahead of her and showed off with a skillful maneuver - all while carrying the goat and giant pack behind him. She came to the top of the boulder. She ignored the hand. Part of her debated using Liam's head as an ideal steppingstone down, but she knew he would take it with far more grace than would be satisfying.

Instead, she came down much the same way Liam had, carefully landing where the sharp rocks below wouldn't further snag at her feet.

"Anyways, you've clearly never been to a hockey game. A good game has a body count".

Liam put his hands up, quickly backing off in his endeveors to help Jackie. He laughed at her remark and continued down the rocks, and was relieved to see the white flowers were more scarce here.

”Somehow… I might wonder if those games are ones you were at.” He said, looking back and grinning.

“I’m surprised we haven’t seen your pack mates, yet. Your dwellings are at the foot of the hills… how big is this territory?”

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