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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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Bianca nodded to herself, and observed Kratos in his contemplation.

With his thick black mane, rich red mantle, and a deep, calm voice-he had the appearances of a king in the storybooks she read as a child. Not the plump, brutish kings that commanded the handsome and valiant knights to the gallows-no, he was wise, and powerful, but kind and sensitive, and could use his giant hands to create delicate articles of clothing and carry men down ladders like little swaddled babies. If he had been a ruler in any of those stories, he would have been a king among kings.

It begged the questions-how did a man in the prime of his life end up here? Did he have a family back home? What did he give up to lead these few and lost in the woods?

And if he was this wise king, how could she defy his reasoning? She couldn't-but it felt better to, because his logic didn't give her the justification she sought to her to seal off her heart and soul.

She lifted an arm and swiped it across the top of her muzzle and opened her mouth to speak, but a scent carried on the tailwind of the breeze gave her pause, and instinctively she dropped to the ground on four legs and circled closer to Kratos, standing downwind with one paw off the ground. Her nose twitched and she looked in the direction the breeze had come, with an ear forward and one turned towards the Alpha.

Among the scents, she recognized Jackie's... she could smell blood, but it wasn't her pack-mates blood. Her ears both tilted back as she turned her eyes on the Alpha, and then raised again as she looked back to the trail. Her paw came down.

Kratos detected the change on the wind at the same time Bianca did. Whether or not Timothy detected it, the change in his packmates was enough to set him on alert. He immediately stood up and looked in the same direction that garnered Bianca's interest. Kratos looked likewise, but there was nothing about him that said he was alarmed.

As they came down the mountain, Jackie could feel the change on the air. Colors had become duller, smells sharper, and her hearing more acute to the stirrings of the wildlife. If she dug, would she find her other self as easily as it felt right now? It was within her fingers, within inches rather than miles. Yet the clock had not yet precisely struck its moment, but rather the hand seemed poised in waiting.

Though perhaps even in her inaptitude she might still have come to it early, it seemed rude to destroy the poise of machinations. Besides, what better way to savor what was to come, than to prolong the hinderance of her human arms and legs even longer? So she did, watching Liam as he trotted, the head of the dead mountain goat swaying from his shoulders like a fancy stole on a woman's dress.

No words seemed proper to intrude in the moment, so she offered none and amused herself with how high she would soon jump just as soon as she was able.

To be arrayed as beautifully as a twilight sky.

The mountains were cloaked in blue, and the land was enrobed in hues of purple, orange and gold. Dawning her evening gown, the sky put on her diamonds, and a round white locket about her neck.

With a hush, she bid some of the creatures to rest, and others to wake in their place.

Logan had fallen asleep to the sounds of the Perigrine falcons, of the corvids and the mountain swallows and bluebirds. Then, the sun setting in the East had still penetrated her eyelids.

When she opened her eyes now, she was greeted with the gentle hues cast over the valleys to the south, and the cool shadows veiled over the belly of the Phantom Mountain range.

The violet of the sky and the violet of her eyes were one in the same, if only for these brief few moments.

Now the call of the owl and her prey could be heard, and the bats with their screeches as they hunted insects. The sounds were amplified by the cave, which was an efficient echo chamber for the many voices of the mountains.

Logan blinked her eyelids heavily and a gentle breeze ruffled her topcoat, thoroughly unable to penetrate the thick, dense undercoat. She had not slept long-no more than an hour or so, and yet the rising moon brought with it a second wind of energy.

The defender rose onto her haunches and collecting her bag, withdrew under the arch and into the cave. When she emerged again, she was wearing her change suit, but was for now a human.

Using her teeth, she pulled tight the leather cord that held a thick, leather cuff to her left arm, in place of the metal one that so often adorned it. Less, lately-as she shifted more freely between forms, it was impractical.

The air and the stone under her bare feet were cooler now in this form, but she was unbothered. She went to sit at the ledge of the white rock with her legs crossed, brushing out her long black hair and waiting for the moon to rise.

In her secondary form, her hair would be replaced once again by a short coat with only a black stripe down her spine to indicate the presence of where it once graced her neck and back. Yet, there was a certain ceremonial appeal in preparing for the moon in this way. Logan did not believe herself to be very spiritual, but she could find the importance in established rituals, and the beauty in symbolism.

There was something grounding and profound about connecting with and taking care of the human, before feeding oneself into the beast.

Bianca jumped to see Timothy move in the trees, almost imperceptibly among the shadows. She froze a moment longer, then seeing as Kratos' disposition was unaltered, she relaxed a little.

Jackie and the stranger weren't far, but far enough still that their scent was only discernible on the breeze. If Kratos wasn't worried, she didn't see the need to be, for now. Her ears swiveled to the pit and her head followed...


Kratos' yellow eyes closed. The soft black fur on his face felt the wind down from the peak and the altitude of the clouds. The tree branches tapped and rattled together around the clearing. The metal links in the fence clinked. The smell of wet, living wood, mixed with the smell of streams and the microorganisms that thrived in the soil. Kratos opened his mouth and breathed it.

When his eyes opened again, the world had gotten darker. The sun was bidding farewell. Twilight had come.

Kratos' turned one large ear in the direction of Timothy. The shadow had uncharacteristically lingered in the clearing, despite the smell of blood to which he always responded. It was well enough.

The great alpha stood from his place, and the red mantle fell down around his shoulders. He walked like a man to the training arena and looked down. There, his golden eyes were perceived from the well of shadows as two points of light in a black silhouette.

Bianca watched Kratos approach the training area once more. He must have had something on his mind, that maybe he couldn't put it into words, or he needed to think about it, because he kept going to the same place. Maybe he was just proving a point, whatever that was.

Still, from the perspective of the captives, Tiffany and her ally must've felt an awful lot like a couple of caged mice with a big tomcat staring at them constantly. It really was a terrible situation... they had no privacy at all, and maybe they didn't deserve it-yet, there was an uncomfortable pit in her stomach to think of two women stuck like animals in a glorified concrete pool, without so much as a tent or canopy.

Her ears went back and her tail hung low, and she felt sorry about the whole day.

She was missing Chime, and all of her wisdom and charisma. Certainly, the younger member would have had something encouraging to say.

She wanted to visit with Sabrina, but the healer was never around; and if Sabrina knew how she behaved with Saber today, she would think poorly of her. She was homesick for Middlecrest, and now it felt continents away. Her tail tucked further under her legs and she slunk to the treeline, on the opposite side of the cabins from Timothy.

The evening air seemed weightless to the returning member. The familiarity of this side of the mountain was welcoming in a way Chime hadn’t notice prior to her misadventures, her steps knew the path before her racing mind could think it.

To feel the wind through her fur as she sped towards the cabins was so freeing, and she knew that even if the moon wasn’t full that night she would be hard pressed to give up her current form, that she, out of respect, refrained from it for so long.

She waited until she was closer to the cabins before letting out a short but melodious howl, ‘I’m here, I’m home.’

Chime slowed shortly after, trying to pick up on scents that wafted. While excited, she still didn’t know if the mountain claimed any of her pack mates, were the cabins safe? The fear of them just not being there tightened in her chest.

She stopped, feeling her heart pound as she waited either for a response or her senses to confirm their whereabouts.

Bianca paused and looked over her shoulder, her ears pointing up at the sound. They went back against her head and she tilted it, then back up again with the likeness of a confused dog.

Her tail wagged, hesitantly at first, then as she processed the sound, it began rapidly thrashing and swishing behind her, stirring up leaf litter and loose dirt like a wild broom!

"No way," she said, grinning in a wolfish way, and then threw her head up in a response!

'We're here, come home!'

No sooner did she finish, did she looked over to Kratos. "Kratos-Chime's back! She's coming back! We should go meet her-Ihavetotelleveryone-someone needs to make sure she gets here safe!" she said, frantically and as if it weren't obvious to anyone else (her mouth was moving faster than her mind).

She leapt to her hind legs and rushed to up the steps of one cabin, throwing the door open;

"THEO! CHIME'S BACK! Ulriiiiicc, Leviii! TOBY! Guys!!"

The door was left hanging open, and Bianca bolted down the steps like a dog after a rabbit! The blonde fur and white of the change suit whizzed past like a blur, and around the pit she went, sending up a cloud of dirt and kicking loose gravel behind her!


Theo had finished with his meal and had found himself woefully unaware just how much of the day had crept away till he saw the darkening of the sky. How much he had planned yet to do in the day...

And suddenly the cabin door flew open as a blonde-wolf proclaimed her good news. All thoughts of his day's missions vanished. He stood at once, coming out the door, and looking outside to see if indeed it was true. Truly, sure, mustn't it be so ? It had seemed like a small eternity since last he saw his friend.

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