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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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Where was she going? Why did she wander?

Maybe she was a scout.

Maybe she was a loner. He couldn't determine one way or another by her scent--as he could smell nothing at all--but by all appearances she seemed to be disheveled... but not hungry. She did not behave as a hungry werewolf.

Uncertain, he watched her, quietly and perplexed, from his vantage above her-behind a bush and a birch tree. For a moment, he thought he had been seen, then she turned away and seemed to be trying to retrace her steps. Now he dared to lean forward to inspect her a little closer, when the earth slipped on the loose dirt slope beneath his feet, and every effort to regain his footing was met in vain!

Liam went sliding down on his rear, muttering "no no no no no" all the way. When he reached the bottom, which wasn't all too far, he had somehow managed to stay upright enough to keep the goat on his shoulders, and the pack on his back, but the back of his baggy, tawny pants were thoroughly covered in mud.

He looked at the redheaded woman and raised a single hand in an open palm, smiling sheepishly in a way that drew his eyes up into narrow arches. "Hello, I'm Liam."

One step, then the other.. her attention was so fixed on placing her feet exactly where they had been - down to inspecting the broken leaves and disturbed ways of her passing- that she missed her visitor until he was almost on top of her.

As he came tumbling, Jackie navigated quickly to keep out of his path. And then looked him over, goat to sheepish expression, and narrowed her gaze on him. She had no doubt he had noticed her for a while.. and in the herb, had been blinded to sense him.

Next time, she would need to pay better mind of the sounds around her...

"Do you always come tumbling down on people?" Jackie looked at him, neglecting her own name - whether purposefully or simply forgetting the protocol.

"You're the guy from earlier, huh..." she mused, more to herself than to him.

"No - only one other time!" he responded quickly, laughing. "You are a scout? I wondered if you might be. Only, that is... an interesting choice in clothes." he said, gesturing to all of Jackie.

"Do you expect to find humans on this mountain?"



Kratos was sitting in the clearing with his long black feet under him and his elbows resting on his knees. His tail was spread over the gravel. The crimson cloak hung over his shoulders. His black and crimson hackles draped it, and the six strings were tied in his hair. His large, white-tipped ears swiveled here and there. He simply sat in the clearing.

There are times when haste is necessary, when the going is urgent and intense. But tonight, the setting of the sun is slow, and moderate.

The light was draining from the sky so gradually, and taking with it the colors of the day. The high sky would steadfastly draw on, thicker and thicker, like a blanket. But before it was black, little stars would peek through, like the miniscule pinpricks of light in the linen of said blanket.

It was a sight reminiscent of one Tiffany could recall, when she looked up into an abyss and saw light for the first time.

Tiffany reflected as she paced quietly in the training arena. Her hands, her human hands, cupped the outside of her elbows as she looked up into the sky. Her long, curly cascades hung over her shoulders and back. She still wore the pink sweater Bianca had loaned her. It draped loosely over one bare shoulder. For a moment, she closed her eyes and breathed. It was all the scents of the night breeze and the trees she took in. She remembered a place, faraway, where she had smelled pines for the first time... she recalled, too, the rustic yellow lantern of that place, and a smiling black face. Tiffany opened her eyes again.

Kratos shifted his feet under him. The gravel crackled. He lowered his head to see through the trees the light still on the horizon... but the sunset was not in view. His ears turned behind him as he thought in the direction. Middlecrest lay to the west, and the sun would go down beyond its forests and towers. But here, the long shadows of the cabins cast a coldness over the Calagathorm Alpha. The trees, too, cast long cold shadows. But the western mountains made a shadow too thick to percieve even the horizon beyond the meadow.


"Yeah, I'm scoutin' " Jackie crossed her arms, clearly vaguely annoyed by the motion towards her appearance. Though she cared terribly little for personal appearances - and it showed- being so quickly called out for it by a stranger was nonetheless grating.

"Well you're either the guy that called nicely to come in the front door, or some sneaky option B waiting to attack us at our most vulnerable," she shrugged nonchalantly and picked at her fingernails, "But what do I know. I'm just a humble scout. Maybe you are just a really weird human out for a walk with his dead goat".

“Maybe I’m a weird werewolf who also called nicely?” he said, sheepishly, growing quiet at the end. “I mean no offense. Scouting is honorable, and it comes with dangers. That you are able to walk calmly in that form is impressive.” he said, not condescendingly, and straightened up as he did. “What is your name?”

He knew she must have good confidence in her Alpha to walk around without weapons—teeth, claws or otherwise—so he started to draw a picture of the Alpha up in his mind.

“Huh,” was all she said initially. No doubt he was the sort for flattering, flowery words— and though she was pleasantly taken aback at the idea that coming in her present form as some indication of strength, she couldn’t entirely dismiss some ulterior motive.

“So what’d you come all the way up here for- to flirt ?”

She raised an eyebrow, “Jackie. But if you ask for my number, you’ll have another thing coming”

"In a way you are not wrong!" he laughed. "But not with you!--Wait!" his eyes went wide and then he smiled easily again, "That is, you are very beautiful. Yet I am here looking for my betrothed. And she might kill me if I flirt with you. She might kill me, anyway."

Where Liam smiled easily, Jackie witheld hers - instead she squinted at him with one eye more closed than the other and drew up the corner of her right lip, as though looking into the sun.

"Huh. Yeah, you seem like a guy lots of people want to kill".

Then she paused. He had come to this land intentionally. His howl had claimed that much. Could Bianca have been stashing aside a secret fiancé somewhere? She debated whether she cared on such trivial gossip... but when the mountains, such things were as good as television.

"So, what's her name then?"

“I think I’m a good guy,” he said honestly. Maybe the scars on his face and body said differently to Jackie, but the smile lines around his eyes told another story.

”Her name is Logan, Logan Ash. I’m hoping to find her here, or else have come… a very long way for nothing.”

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