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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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The warm food sitting in front of him, he was momentarily distracted by what to do next - eat the meal, or tune the guitar. Then his stomach rumbled, answering it for him. He went for the fork, only for Bianca's leading yeah to intercede.

He couldn't remember - was it considered rude to talk with your mouth full? Somewhat bashful, he took a nibble from the tenderly roasted carrot.

"Yeah, it was like... a traditional pack, I guess so..." he waved vaguely, "Lots of hunting and uh... stuff..."

He cut a piece of the roast. Maybe it wouldn't taste as delicious as it smelled. But it was Bianca's cooking - it probably tasted better. When he thought it wouldn't be too rude to do so, he popped it in his mouth and found it every bit as good as he hoped.

"You don't seem like that kind of guy." Bianca said, matter of factly, then regretted it as soon as the words came out of her mouth.

"Dude-wait, that sounded bad. I mean like... You're super docile. This is hard enough, I don't think I would have survived in that kind of pack."

It was clear Bianca wouldn't stop talking unless dismissed.

"This is kind of left field, but just curious-uhm-how did dating work? Did you have dating between pack members? Assuming you guys weren't all related."

Toby was once again in his bedroom, hunched over the side of a desk he had brought there earlier. Around him hung plastic curtains from floor to ceiling and even stretched across the floor, forming a barrier around him. Upon the face of the table were a couple of things, most of them scientific tools. There were also a couple of open books which Toby went back and forth between like a bee among colorful flowers. His focus most continuously returned to a small microscope. Several desk lamps lined the wall along the back of the table, all on and shining down. At his side was a small carrier case on the floor next to him, wherein were glass vials and other such things. This makeshift laboratory was awkward, but the most he could do.

Theo didn't have a word of response to Bianca's measure of him - in part because he didn't know how to disagree or agree with it, and in otherwise because his mouth was full of roast beef.

It turned out, he didn't need to. She had already moved to the next beat and he blinked, feeling as though he must have missed something in the roast beef stupor. Was this a theoretical question? Was she asking for .... advice?

He swallowed hard.

"Um..." his face flushed, not sure why he felt embarrassed by it. But they were all packmates, right?

"Usually... yes... if someone wasn't part of the pack before, then they would be after they got together... my parent's pack was big. And we didn't all live in the same place, so maybe it wasn't as um.. awkward...  I guess"

He fiddled at his fingers, momentarily distracted away from the tender aroma of the meal.

"But it was uhm, pretty serious.. basically getting together was a marriage proposal.. especially if that other person had to be turned.. uhm... I mean, usually it worked out. If it didn't it was ehm," he winced, "dramatic for everyone".

Bianca looked thoughtful. Theo’s reprieve would undoubtedly be short. In reality, there was something else bothering her that she was trying to avoid thinking about.

“That’s… intense. Did you have someone that you liked..?” she asked.

Theo had chosen a poor time to stuff his mouth with a giant bite of roast. His cheeks bulged as he struggled to chew while fighting the impulse for a sharp intake of surprise - and finally, struggling a bit in the motion, managed a hard bite and swallow. He breathed a bit heavily and glanced shyly to Bianca's gaze.

"N-no, not r-really, I mean I was like.. uhm... 14, 15 when I left so..."

He turned aside. This was a pack, wasn't it? Pack was supposed to trust each other. Even if, in his heart of hearts, he hadn't trusted his last one. He knew Bianca meant well by her question and hadn't necessarily been meaning to prod deeply - and yet that question did, gouging deep along an old scar he thought had healed over.

"It was my parents," he said softly, "When I was 14, they uhm... separated... but it was s-still the same pack"

He spread his arms out, "The island was only so big".

"Oh... was everyone... yknow.. ok..?" she asked, hesitantly.

"O-oh! U-um, y-yeah, just..." he flopped his arms down, "Awkward. Island... only so big..."

His face flushed and suddenly his interest was entirely on the pot roast. He didn't seem inclined to volunteer more.

"Yeah.." the blonde said at length, long after Theo finished talking. Bianca wasn't looking at the awkward teen to notice his red cheeks. Her eyes went somewhere far off with the last word, back to wherever her thoughts had been before he approached.


Logan had spent the day engaging with and learning about pack members. Each interaction was unique, and carried with it it's own weight. Past hurts had been resolved, new wounds had been opened, tears had been given freely and in other interactions, foul words soured the air. By the end of it all, she was frustrated, drained, and weary.

It was nothing that rest couldn’t fix.

At first she did not mean to go so far, but the distance came easily in spite of sore joints, and she continued past the little plot of land she had claimed, and continued on for a while until she reached the Sounding Cave. Now she lay stretched out on her furry side before the mouth of the cave, sleeping heavily with her thick head lulled to the side.



While much had happened where buildings still stood, where Jackie had ventured there would be no such signs of civilization.  She had made it far since she had departed. Portions had been run, portions had been walked, and portions had been cursed at (owing to the stone she had stumbled on and scraped the top of her foot), but now no such vestiges of civilization remained.

She was truly alone, ascending the impressive height of the mountain with the surefootedness of a (slightly injured) goat. Not for the first time did she yearn for her second skin, which would have made quick work of the terrain. Yet even in her present form, unshoed, she had honed it to a fine tool. She knew where to step so she wouldn't fall. She knew how to breath so she wouldn't tire. She knew how to keep her pace, save for the most challenging of obstacles. And she knew how to direct herself.

Or so she thought.

Though she had become pressingly familiar with the mountains by the alpha's direction, she had done so with what advantages even her primary form lent. Sight and smell were her best instructors.. and at present, she had foolishly squandered the latter.

All around her lay the path of the phantom herb. It had come across her so suddenly, she might have sworn it truly was a ghost - and now enmeshed in the center of it, she need carefully find her convenient exit. She scanned the peaks for a feature she recognized, yet admittedly this was a portion she had not yet traversed. So, she turned her gaze, taking in the breathtaking view of a world seen from up high.. but simultaneously, not finding much information which was presently helpful.

"Les choses qu'on fait pour l'amour," she mumbled to herself inaudibly then sniffed mirthlessly a laugh.

She turned aside and began the less enjoyable task of tracing back her steps.

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