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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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Time moves relentlessly, but growth and change are not linear.

Kratos once measured time by the thickness of his father's skin. As a boy, he thought nothing stronger than the flesh of that man. But as a young man, he began to see the effects of time in the subtleties of the flesh.  At one time, he believed his life would mirror the life of that man. But age alone is not the teller of the deeds that make a life. Age comes to all. Kratos' life had been far different than the life of his father; or rather, the imagined life of him. For as a boy, he could only imagine the choices of the life that made his. As a man, however, he could now understand the events of the past and measure them against the experience of his years. He could see, now, what part decision and circumstance plays.

Kratos had spent the morning and much of the afternoon visiting between the members of his pack, assessing their strengths and weaknesses; buoying them up, if possible, for the challenges ahead. Now, as the sun sank slowly into the west, he could be found quite easily. He sat in the clearing.

The roast beef simmered inside the dutch oven. Outside, fish had been cooked and the nets emptied. Theo’s new guitar still sat propped up against the banister.

Bianca sat at the table in the younger members cabin. She was picking at the pot roast on her plate, and looking to be far off in contemplation. 

The hood to the barbeque was set overtop as smoke rolled lowly from the coal. Theo nodded, pleased at his work, and went to take the bones and guts down to the stream. Had the kitchen been an option, he would have liked to make it into a nourishing stock - but alas, he recalled all too well Bianca's warning on Saber's fish allergies. So he compromised to place the entrails out in the woods, where at least the scavangers might enjoy and appreciate them.

He looked at the sinking sun the sky, feeling the pull of the moon in turn. Once, he might have howled beneath the moon with his pack, believing as they did of their prowess and might. And in yet another, he would have feared it for the monster he would become. Now, however, he found only a kind of peace in feeling the movement of the sun and moon as deeply as a werewolf might. Just as birds flew, fish swam, and snakes slithered, so too was he but serving the role he had been given.

He nodded and returned inside to the younger member's cabin. The fish would need to smoke for several more hours yet. As he entered, he saw Bianca sitting in distant thought. There was something lonely in a person eating a well-made dinner by themselves.  Not certain if she was thinking something too important to interrupt, or seeking the intrusion, he lingered just at the threshold of the kitchen.

Yet this too was a choice, and surely no matter how distant her thoughts she would notice him shortly.

Bianca did notice Theo's arrival, and turned to look at him shortly after he came in.

“Thanks for cleaning up the fish,” she said in earnest, smiling. “I appreciate it.”

Now she pushed the plate back and stretched her back and legs, before slumping into the chair.

“This sounded good when I made it.. oh!" the thought struck her suddenly as if it reminded her of something, and seemed to imply the following would be along the lines of "do you want some?", but her brain-train was on a totally different track.

"I’ve been meaning to ask-do you play guitar at all?” her eyes lit up and her brows were high as she and turned her body to face Theo, with one arm over the back of the seat. 

Theo's gaze skirted sheepishly at Bianca's observations - yet her warm words quickly brought his eyes back to hers.

"Oh, it was nothing, I m-mean yeah, it looks --"

He slowblinked, catching the entire shift off the train tracks in the conversation far too late.

"Oh, well, I played a ukelele once.. and before that, I used to like to play, w-well, it's a bit weird, amandola - it was a gift from my uncle once.. but I like anything with strings, except maybe violins I just don't understand the bow.. But uh, yeah I just uhm, fidget with it till it sounds right, you know?"

“Awesome!” Bianca said, standing and grabbing the plate. “I have mine outside, but, I wanted you to have it. It's pretty out of tune... anyway, I left it sitting by the banister. Maybe you can mess with it and play something someday?” she said quickly, even as she went over to put the leftovers away.

“Thanks again. I don’t really do fish. Grandpa took me to fish almost every summer and I got burned out.” the dish was rinsed and sat aside to dry on a rack, and Bianca turned around to face Theo and leaned on the counter with her palms rested on it.

Ever since word got out one of the newer werewolves had changed unexpentently, Samantha refused to leave her room. Dakota had to grab her dinner from downstairs, and by her pleadings, was initially stuck keeping her company since then.

But now as the sun began to set, and feeling the hours pass with the comfort of her brother by her side, she was in a better state but still refused to leave her room. Dakota however was not there anymore. She knew he needed to prepare for the full moon, and so she did not beg him to stay any longer when the darkening skies could be seen through the window.

And so while Dakota went off to prepare for the coming night, (likely eating much of the roast beef Bianca had made) Samantha was doing her own kind of preparations.

Upon asking Dakota, he had gotten out one of their fathers calenders of a past year, where dates of the full moons were written down.

With a plate of some roast beef next to her she was nibbling on, Dakota's Guitar propped up against the wall behind her, and the calender in front of her, she carefully counted the days from full moon to full moon and saw that it did indeed have a pattern.

She had never noticed it before; Honestly, she hardly looked at the calendar unless it was December and she was eagerly counting down in anticipation for Christmas. Even then, she had never noticed how the full moon was on a different day each year. But it seemed odd to her that the dates of the full moon moved around and did not stay consistent like all the other days of the calender.

After the confrontation with Sabrina, and following the conversation that occurred between the Healer and Omega (as well as once discerning that her charges were no longer in immediate danger), Logan departed--not for the first time that day--into the woods on her own.

She said nothing when she left, yet all was telling in her body language that she did not want to be followed, wherever she was going.


In truth, Theo was a bit hungry. The fish wouldn't be ready for several more hours, and he'd been planning to help himself to the leftovers Bianca was just putting away. Certainly he could have said something. It wouldn't have been rude. He was pretty sure it wouldn't have been.

But the thoughtfulness of the gift warranted some care, he thought.  While she put the food away, he went to retrieve the object Bianca had mentioned. He inspected the varnish and the strings, and was surprised to find it in far better condition than his packmate had mentioned.

Before he could think to start tuning it by ear, she'd moved on to the next beat.

"Ah, um, it's no big deal..." he took a seat on the chair, the guitar sitting across his lap, "I used to help prepare all kinds of things with my mom. Herbs and stuff, cooking too.. my family was really into hunting for our own food so uh, I always had a lot of work..."

While Theo had gone to get the guitar, Bianca had in fact, prepared him a plate-her own leftovers were put away, but the rest of the roast left in the oven to keep warm. She deposited the plate in front of him and took a seat in the one nearest.

"Yeah?" she asked, hoping it was enough to urge him to continue.

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