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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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Jackie stopped dead. Of all the names she might have expected, that'd have been the last she would have anticipated. And somehow, coming from the earnest and friendly stranger, it struck her as perfectly tragic as she would have expected it to be on these mountains.

She started to laugh. At first just a chuckle, and then without fail, a deep, rolling belly laugh she had to clutch her side for. As she came up for air, she went back down again - and finally wiping the tears from her eyes, only barely managed to find her voice.

"Sooooo, sure you want to go down there, then? I can say I didn't find you.  Scout's honor".

Liam watched her laugh, and might've uttered a "what's so funny?" somewhere in her fit. He might've chuckled himself a couple of times too. Then she regained her composure and spoke again and he looked serious.

"So you know of me? Is she mad?"

"Ohhhhh yeahhh," Jackie barely struggled to keep her voice again, suppressing a fit of laughter.

"So mad, she's never once mentioned your name. I've heard all about her grandfather, but never you. So musta done something real bad".

Liam flinched visibly. “Maybe she just forgot… to mention it.” He said, unconvinced. “I am glad she made it, that’s all that matters.”

It was getting dark, and finding ones footing was perilous enough in the light. Liam began walking in the direction he saw the woman come from.

”You were speaking French before.” He observed.

"Whatever you want to tell yourself before she kills you," she grinned darkly.

She returned her attention to the herb, recalling again her present predicament. Although she wasn't terribly concerned by the dimming light, she nontheless did not want to spend the full moon stranded in phantom herb. Although Liam's intrusion had ruined some of the signs in the terrain, she started to piece together the way she had come. She carefully made a few steps the ways he had come.

"Nooo, it was German," she retorted sarcastically, none too impressed, "Clearly you hit your head on the way down".

“Not this time,” he laughed. “Your mountain is effective at keeping people out.”

“What is your Alpha like?” He asked, ready for a change of subject. He waited for Jackie and walked beside her, gripping the straps to his pack, which must have been five feet tall and protruding three feet behind him. Nevermind the goat tied at the feet around his neck.

"Eh, surprisingly not that well..." she replied honestly, perhaps not thinking through how much those words implied.

Was it a healthy thing to admit to a strange werewolf your pack seemed to be like a bright light to moths in attracting others of their own kind? Likely not. Yet the thought did not strike her, and instead seemed far more preoccupied with her footing.

She glanced at Liam briefly as he came up beside her, then dipped her head down again.

"I dunno. A person I guess. But way too huge for you to think he's human. I'm on his good side. Can't speak to what happens to those on his bad side".

“He sounded big,” Liam remarked with a chuckle. He had an accent when he spoke, but not thick and jumbled like Logan’s-it was more subtle, and softer, and he was clearly well versed in English.

His voice wasn’t as low as one might think by his build—broad shoulders, a strong back, and defined muscles—but his friendly tone at present made the true depth of it harder to identify. There were white tattoos like bands with symbols on his upper arms, and though they were not the only symbols, they were the only ones visible at present.

“I am impressed you found me without smell,” he said. “Unless-can you smell?”

Jackie raised an eyebrow. She hadn't expected to Liam to be easily intimidated - and it showed - yet she had been curious all the same. Threats of death from his fiancée and a massively powerful alpha didn't seem to sway him. His lack of apparent self-preservation was in its own way something admirable, or at the very least, familiar.

Such high esteem, however, evaporated quickly at his next sentence.

"Suuuure, why not. Surrounded in this phantom herb, yup, can smell you perfectly. I'm just wandering this stuff for kicks and giggles"

Liam laughed easily again. Jackie was clearly being sarcastic, but it was a language he enjoyed and made him feel more at ease.

“Phantom herb? The white flowers.. I’m not so crazy about them either.”

He grew quiet a very brief moment, then lowered his brows over his eyes and smirked. “Are you always so pleasant with strangers?”

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