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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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Bianca felt relieved by Ulric's grin. All of her troubles were left at the cabins for now, and seeing his bright disposition helped aid in that.

"Thank you." she said, and followed Ulric's gesture outwards with her eyes and body in turn. "Uhm... honestly, I should have payed better attention; I was just excited to hear her voice. She might have been higher up or just crossing over the ridge... I can't guess. Hopefully she'll update us." she said.

"Anyway, she'll be back tonight," she added, and met Ulric's eyes again, determined.

Jackie had decimated a fish in the time at her grill and had proceeded to the next. Most of the bones and organs had been devoured whole, although the tougher pieces which would not cooperate with her human teeth had been set aside - as though perhaps shortly, they likewise would be finished as well.

It was strange to find herself beneath the night skies in the solitude of others. Once she might have found such casual presence stifling. Now she found herself merely content in it. She didn't want for anything.  She was rested, she was full, she was free beneath the stars, and she wasn't alone to greet the moon. There was nothing to run from, or anything to run towards. For just this night, it felt as though she had been given everything she needed.

There were times to speak, and times to listen. Whatever Sabrina's gaze said when it met Timothy's eye was said only between them. She returned her focus to Logan, and she listened. But she did not speak. Perhaps it would have been different if just they two spoke upon the mountain. But Timothy was there,  and so was another. So Sabrina held her peace.

There was more to hear and more to say, but with the current audience, the discourse came to a pause.

Logan’s eyes went from Sabrina to Timothy, then the location where the other ally was hiding, before returning to Sabrina. She inclined her chin a little more, then, exhaling, turned away and began down the mountain. Her weakness was concealed as she went, and she did not intend to take her secondary form again until the moon called for it.

Her arrival was anticipated, and certainly there was much to be felt; but Liam did not allow himself to express any of it. His heartbeat was willed to slow, and his breathing was paced. Excitement and anxiety would cause a reaction, and he was aware that there was quite enough of it in the air.

As she approached, he did raise his head, and looked to the treeline.

Her staff came out ahead of her, and her violet eyes were fixed on the Alpha. She came into the clearing and approached Kratos.

Liam noticed the clothing she wore, and her scars; otherwise she was as he remembered her in appearance. In disposition, he saw things he did not anticipate..

Had she come into their world so easily? What gave her the confidence to approach the Alpha? Had she established trust in these strangers in such a short time? Seeing this, his brow knit a little-he regretted more deeply that they had not brought her sooner into their world.

As for Logan, she looked over the Alpha's countenance, then at last turned her eyes on the intruder.

"This is the one who called?" she said, rhetorically, looking from the white wolf to Kratos, "You want that I send him away?" she asked, waving her free hand in his direction, accompied with an upward-and-askew tilt of her head.

Theo had emerged from the brush not long after he was heard. He came looking not unlike a lost child in the woods, looking from Sabrina to Timothy to Logan, and sensing himself to have far greater issues than his own predicaments.  His own prerogative, the basket full of herb, was momentarily forgotten amidst the thick tension in the air.  He followed hesitantly only as they did, giving Sabrina a meaningful look - yet all the same not trusting himself to voice his purpose.

As they came upon the cabins again, he stood several paces away apart from it. He shrank into himself, holding the basket closely to his chest. What he had envisioned as something simple had become something complicated, and now he wondered if perhaps it might be better to do as the phantom herb empowered him to and vanish for a little while longer.

As Logan started off, with Theo behind her, Timothy turned his face to meet Sabrina's eyes again. Was that a light, or a smile in his eyes? What was that look? Whatever it be, he did no more to express it than an ant or insect might to express its emotions.

Timothy stood a moment afterward and turned after the other two, but he would take his own way down the mountain; a strange way, one that made his going easier; he would use, for example, rocks that seemed to sit just right in the earth over a ledge, as if they were stairs intended for that purpose; he would come to an opening in the foliage here, a well beaten path through the scentless white faces there, all as if he already knew they were waiting... Of course, Sabrina had followed him in such a manner before now. It would come to her as no surprise.

Thus, Timothy entered the clearing well ahead of Logan and Theo. When they came, he was waiting there - sitting in plain sight adjacent the alpha with his head and ears high. He waited, and looked from Logan to Liam with strange boldness...

Kratos was standing upright with his arms folded again and the blood-red mantle hanging over both shoulders. Shadows were cast on either side of him on the cold grey gravel under his feet. His eyes held the yellow light from the cabin windows while the forest round about gathered blackness.

"He believes that he knows you," Kratos said in reply. His deep voice turned the matters of his mind into words that told nothing of their state. "What is more," he continued, "He has promised you his life."

The Alpha keenly observed how this would be recieved by Logan, among a few other things less apparent...


Ulric partly wanted to challenge himself as a tracker, and partly knew that if he went too far from the cabins tonight, he would be out of assisting range if and when things went wrong. But he only conveyed this thought with a halting glance up the mountain, and a soft turn of his head back.

"Right." He said in agreement.

Ulric shifted his stance away from the prepared and playful and stood a little more at ease. Now he considered which direction to take next, and it seemed a poor choice to be too hasty.

"By the way," he spoke, willing to make conversation rather than appear idle for even a moment. "I don't think I've ever asked you.. What was your first change like? I figure everyone's got a story, right?" And unlike Jackie and Logan's traumatic encounters, Bianca shared a similar genealogical connection to the change as himself, thus Ulric felt more at ease to inquire.

The question was, of course, a way to bide the time as well as answer to his curiosity. Ulric was excited and eager to see Chime again, just as much as he was to get back into his second skin, but he couldn't forget that the mountain hid pockets of the Phantom Herb everywhere. It posed a particular hazard to himself, and it was impossible to detect until one was practically in the center of it. Thus, running off with reckless abandon, as the tempting allure of the moon was want for him to do, was entirely impractical... at least on the mountain.

Logan looked between each of Kratos’ yellow eyes as he spoke. Regardless of which form he took, there was a calmness to her disposition in his presence-not lacking respect.

At his first words, her brow knit a little, and at his last word, her eyes went back to the stranger and her head lowered without turning to look at him… she leaned just slightly on her left hip, before straightening and turning to face the white wolf completely. However, she did not depart from the Alpha’s side.

The stranger faced away from the cabins, and although he was lightly colored, with his head beneath his shoulders his face was shadowed.

Liam dare not speak, and hoped Logan would recognize him… he could still take on the appearance of a man for a little longer, and yet there was a purpose to staying in his second skin. He did not want to consider the consequences if she contradicted him just then. Nonetheless, he held both his form and his tongue, and looked on hopefully.

A gentle breeze came by. Logan gazed with more intensity at the man bowed before them, and the carcass of a goat at his feet.. with intention, she observed his features; the scars on his torso and face, the cut of his shape, and his coarse, wolfish mane-braided carefully and tied off with leather and beads.

There it was; a flash of recognition, followed by some indiscernible emotion. Her hand held the staff a little tighter and her chin went up a few degrees almost imperceptibly. Liam’s breath hitched and he watched where her eyes went next.

Logan returned her mauve gaze to Kratos, “I have known him since my youth,” she said honestly, and there was a 'but' implied at the end of that. Liam looked hopeful, until she returned her gaze upon him with her brow narrowed. "Maybe, have I known only half of him?" she said, bitterly. Liam's head dropped.

"I hope he has not come to renew a promise made in darkness. Muž dvoch tvárí-keep your life as your own. I have made new promises."

Kratos was satisfied enough with Logan's answer for the both of them; he would let her decide whether Liam's offering and presence here would be accepted, or not.

In the Alpha's eyes, it was fair to say that such a thing as this, kept in ignorance, was enough to warrant the end of like negotiations; that is to say, if Logan and Liam had made promises, and Liam had not spoken his true nature to her, than by that unadmitted truth alone came the automatic and immediate dissolution of their contract. Nonetheless, Kratos would let Liam answer for himself.

Kratos was also satisfied with Logan's answer in another way, - that she stood by him, and cited her newer promises, - spoke to him in two of her three languages.

Thus, the Alpha withdrew. He signaled to her with a short bow of his chin that he would leave the matter entirely in her hands. Then he turned away, to see that other promises were kept.

"Jackie," he called. "Come with me."

Logan watched Kratos turn away and looked on with curiosity as he called for Jackie. The moon’s influence would be on them soon-did he have some advice for her? She wondered, but let her curiosity rest there. 

She returned her gaze the crestfallen man before her, and waited in silence for her friend to depart with the Alpha before she would speak again.


With Jackie’s earlier reactions to his confession, Liam was grateful Logan was kind enough to spare him that fate. His heart ached, and Logan’s words—which lacked the heat he had anticipated, but rather burned like ice—lingered in his soul.

His obedience to his father had always taken presidence over Logan, and he knew it might some day cost him his future with her. He held onto some sliver of hope that she might yell at him, and have all of her anger out, and that he could somehow lighten her spirit and they could move past it.

And yet, she had changed-in a short nine months, she was already so different in attitude than he last knew. She chose to use the English language primarily, when she had sworn in the past she would never have a use for it. Her anger wasn’t at the forefront of her reactions, and her words were slower and altogether less rash. What brought about this rapid change?…

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