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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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Ionone regarded the wolf as casually as one might a small, yappy dog. The creature would find neither malice nor reaction in her gaze, only that every manner of his movement was catalogued.  She was impressed he had held onto that form despite falling unconscious, despite only being a member of their race for so little time- yet everything else, from the flash of his teeth and retreating steps, alongside his clear lack of control, spoke of his inexperience.

Indeed, there was little to fear from him. Ionone did not move. She turned back to Tiffany, raising an eyebrow. She had noticed Tiffany's interest in him. Ionone was drawn to it, for she did not think it was a casual interest but rather a knowing one.  Had their paths crossed before? She could not guess it, yet instead asked the question with only her expression.


Meanwhile, a twig snapped ahead in the brush of Logan and Sabrina! From their vantage, they would not see anything- nor indeed smell anything. Yet unmistakably, something sizable breathed ahead...

Timothy turned his face in the direction of the sound. His ears raised just so, but he did not appear alarmed.


A werewolf without control of his secondary form must incur some level of sympathy, and wariness. Tiffany was mindful not to discredit the young man's potential danger against her own merit, nonetheless, she could not be unaware of the Calagathorm Alpha's looming presence. What was it he was testing? The stray, or the Svalnaglas? He could have trust in neither, and yet here they were. Perhaps, he also had no stake high enough in the game between them to care. If so, then why the blood-threat? It was all too casual, and yet so long as the young man kept his distance, there may yet come nothing of it.

Tiffany did not withdraw her stance, to do so was to invite attack, but nor did she advance on the withdrawal of the other. A stalemate was better for them all. To Ionone's inquiry she gave no answer. Ionone had kept her silence this far, in this matter Tiffany did no less; to explain the matter aloud was to give away cards she was unready, or else unwilling, to deal out.

The hazy view of the two women by the wall grew smaller as the wolf continued to back away. With several yards of distance, the wolf turned and bolted away only to find the wall at the other end of the pit.

It was clear from the fear in his sweat, the wolf was in a panic. He scratched at the cement floor, before suddenly jumping away with a yelp, afraid of his own paws. He barked, staring down as he backed away, the paws following as if they were his own. Then his head darted back to see if the two woman were still by the wall, his dark eyes swiftly checking the alpha hadn't moved either. His panic stirred.

The wolf moved back towards the wall, before he was once again looking down at his paws. He growled, soon grabing the sleeve of his jacket and aggressively yanking on it before tumbling over. He scratched at his face and soon was rolling over on his back, all four paws flailing as if he was fighting an invisible force. He growled and yelped as his claws continued to attack his skin. After a moment however the wolf stopped, sat straight up and looked back at the two women and the alpha again, his eyes wide, ears erect, heart pounding. Watching. Waiting.


Whether it was anxiety, or anger, or excitement, a combination of those emotions, or the adrenaline of it all; Bianca couldn't help it. The energy was high. She broke through the treeline, and was off like a golden bullet. It was better that she wasn't resigned to stirring batter, or around the children presently.

Tiffany's song echoed in her mind, and the many fleeting emotions bounced around like a ricochet in her limbs and heart. She didn't know how to feel, so she chose not to dwell on any of them, and let herself focus on the earth beneath her feet and hands, the smells of the forest, and the breeze in her coat.

Ulric came into view... Bianca leapt, and was a human again by the time she came down-ready to tackle Ulric from behind like a spidermonkey!


With the great Alpha's back turned, Liam dared to look up, just so, and see what he might of his stature and features. The Alpha had no noticeable scars on his arms, but his dark fur would make seeing any difficult.

Besides, an Alpha of his stature might be seldom challenged.

That he stood confidently with his back turned in the presence of a stranger told Liam enough.

With Toby's word, the door was completely shut closed. " I don't want to be a werewolf!" Samantha cried out.

Dakota crept silently up the stairs, listening carefully to the conversation unfolding on the upper floor. Once he reached the top however, Samantha had already shut the door and could now be heard crying softly in Levi's room. Approaching Toby from behind, Dakota saw the rolling pin still hidden behind the omega's back.

" Toby," Dakota whispered as to not draw Samantha's attention. " What is that for?" He asked, pointing at the rolling pin, a clear look of confusion and concern on his face.

In spite of Dekota's soft whisper, Toby wheeled around with a face of alarm. To strike was not his immediate instinct, so he didn't raised the rolling pin, and when he saw it was Dekota standing behind him he was glad of it. With a heavy sigh of relief, Toby clutched his chest. "Don't do that!" He exclaimed, possibly more desperately than he had intended.

Slowing his heart rate with a couple of calming inhales, Toby reevaluated Dekota's question in his mind and looked at the weapon in his hand. His face flushed pink with embarrassment. "It's for... Baking...?"

Dakota took in Toby's emotional state carefully. He eyed the rolling pin once more before looking back up at Toby.

" You should... Put that back in the kitchen," he advised.

Tiffany watched the other werewolf wage a war against himself. Her dark brows turned up with sympathy for him, but it was the sympathy of a stranger.

Behind Tiffany, Kratos also watched, but his back-turned ear went from Jackie to the cabin at the sound of Samantha's voice. To human ears such a sound may be imperceptible, but to Kratos, who could hear her soft sweet sobs, it was loud and clear.

Kratos turned away from the pit, now, and listened for a moment. He heard Dekota and Toby inside, and rotated his ears to listen to the other sounds on the mountain...


Ulric made a silent trek up the hill, mindful and aware of his surroundings.

Tonight, there was no room in Ulric's mind for all the thoughts and feelings that wanted to be thought and felt. All such were shoved aside to be in this moment, entirely present. To feel the cold wet earth under his feet, and hear the stirring of life in the trees and the undergrowth, to smell the pines and birches and ferns, to feel the soft silent approach of the moon, to be here was important.

As he gained altitude, Ulric sensed the familiar sort of nearness to the sky that always accompanied a night in the mountains. He knew then that if he could just get around the trees, he might see the moon rise before any of the others. Would it then be safe to change?

Ulric wasn't thinking on it so much as following the feeling in his fingertips and toes, when he then felt the prick of intention. He turned, and without thinking fell and rolled out of Bianca's path! He recognized her a moment later.

Ulric was faster than Bianca anticipated! She caught herself with a little grace, and looked at him with surprise. She hadn't expected him to move so quickly in this form.

"You're fast," she said, simply. "You're looking for Chime, yeah?" she asked, catching her breath. "Can I come with you? I really don't want to be at the cabins, right now."


Logan acknowledged Theo's presence, and waited for Sabrina's response-however, with two sets of eyes now on them, she was no longer keen to continue the conversation.

Ulric had surprised even himself, but oddly he didn't want to admit it.

"Nothing is catching me tonight." Ulric said with a grin.

"Yeah, of course!" He replied, straightening himself out and gesturing ahead. "I haven't heard or seen anything from her, actually... not yet. How far away did she sound like she was to you?"

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