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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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"Oh, well. I guess you've seen how my grandpa is,” she said, leaning down in a toe-touch facing Ulric, with her palms on the forest floor. “Nothing is low-key with him.” there was an eye-roll in that statement.

“He has some land for that, since he.. um, like….” she blinked and stared at the trees behind her and under her legs, “-‘rehabilitates’ isn’t the right word, but, y’know what I mean, right? So anyway,” she straightened and crossed her arms over her waist, “We went there. It’s a ton of acres but has chain link fence probably twelve feet high all around. He knew I’d change that night, so we went pretty early in the morning and got familiar with it. My grandma had made me my first change suit, and we went with them and another younger werewolf-I honestly can’t remember her name.”

If Ulric wanted to walk, she’d go, but as long as they weren’t moving she continued to stretch her arms, back and legs in various manners, and with ease of flexibility. She always spoke quickly, never lingering on one detail.

“I guess the day is kind of a blur, but, I do remember seeing the full moon that night; I remember the very moment I changed, and the sensations, and then a little later that morning, but it was a lot of stimulus.. he had a lot of ways to engage the senses, but in the end, it was so much more overwhelming physically and mentally than I felt prepared for. Maybe it’s just one of those things nobody can prepare you for until you just do it? Anyway-we had our first hunt, and our first howl, but even then Grandpa had to finish the kill-I got too squeamish.” she finished, sheepishly.

“Pretty boring, right? We went the next month to celebrate, he had this whole swanky party in a high rise, but I was twelve-I just wanted the dessert buffet. I ate like twenty chocolate covered strawberries.”

“What about you? Do you remember how it went?” her baby-blues settled on Ulric and she stood still, giving him her attention.

For a moment, no response was made to Kratos' request save the crunch of fish. Then it stopped- mid-crunch- and the redhead came over (still clutching a greasy fish to her hands). She glanced at Kratos curiously.

"Mmph?" she said, face-full of fish.

Logan's eyes trailed after Jackie. The redhead appeared content and calm, in spite of the full moon approaching. Meanwhile, the defender could sense Bianca's prior presence.

All of the young woman's emotions left an imprint, like a phantom of herself still lingered, and the various signatures of her scent told a story. She closed her eyes and waited for the Alpha and Jackie to depart, while allowing herself a moment to study the air.

"Come with me." The Alpha repeated. He waited for Jackie by the edge of the clearing, then led her away.

Timothy's turquoise eyes twinkled in the passing of the Alpha's shadow. He laid down on the gravel and looked at Logan and Liam.


Ulric smiled as he listened to Bianca talk about her family. His mind stirred up pictures of Bianca's life before now, and he thought about Kimberly, and Mercy...
Then, he looked up at the trees that hid the slowly climbing moon. He could see the white light somewhere beyond them, now. What he couldn't see, he could feel.

Bianca was restless tonight.

"When you get out of Pinerich, it's just gone." He said, opening with a description. "You go straight from a city wall to suddenly all forest. It was the first time I'd ever left the city, so I remember it  pretty well - there was this backyard, really small slum sort - barely anything in it except trash, with a chainlink fence pressed up against trees. It was right beside a back ally, with this one... one orange light."

If Ulric was not ordinarily a hand-talker, he was tonight. His eyes would fall in remembrance as he lifted his hands to give a sort of visualization to this scene. He indicated a perimeter, no more than ten feet wide, and raised his hand above his head to indicate the streetlamp. There was something in his face in recalling the streetlamp that unsettled him, but he did not elaborate on it.

"Abravious and I met Resme outside the city. Abravious didn't want us to be followed." Ulric shrugged, explaining, "Typically, we'd go to the stadium. That's where everyone did it - to be presented to the alpha, and to the pack."

"Anyway, yeah, I had no idea where we were going."


Kratos passed into the black wood and paused to look behind him into the well-lit clearing... then, he turned forward again and walked on.

When he had gone far enough into the cold mountain wilderness that the light of the cabin was out of view, Kratos stopped and took the Alpha's mantle from his shoulders, inverting it in the same motion. The bright red color then fell against his body and the strange dark underside now draped his back. Having done so, the Alpha became a blackness upon the brambles, for the mantle appeared to change in an unusual way as he moved in the dark light. If Jackie would remember it, this was the same way he wore the cloak when he appeared suddenly in the forest of Middlecrest...

"Jackie," Kratos said, "I told you that I would teach you something you could not learn on your own. Are you ready?"

Bianca watched and listened as Ulric explained the location of that night. He animated it so well that she believed she could imagine what it looked like, but there was no way to tell. She waited for him to elaborate further with an invested gaze.


When Kratos and Jackie had passed from the clearing, Logan opened her eyes and exhaled. When she did, she looked restful, with her expression as blank as a fresh canvas.

Liam did not yet stand, and his ears moved with Logan's every subtle action. He recognized the dominion the Alpha passed to Logan over the situation.

At last, he felt compelled to speak.

"Logan, I am s-"

"Never mind it. We will speak later."

"That's it?"

"You want that I cry, or fight you, ah?" the woman asked quickly, with a little tilt of her head. Her eyes narrowed and her brows went up.

"Yes-I mean, no-I want you to show me something. We've known each other our whole lives." Liam said, his brow pressed over his white eyes, which barely restrained his emotion.

"This is my home, and these are my family. I will not spend my energy on you, now; there are more important things this night." her expression softened a little as she spoke, and her head leveled, but her words were firm.

There was no arguing it... in spite of her calm features, Liam recognized the steeled resolve in her gaze. He was confident that he could press beyond it, and yet what were the consequences of trying to break through that exterior? What lay on the other side, and who would respond? There was more to discuss, but he took her on her word.

"What do you need from me?" he asked, defeated.

Logan's chin lowered thoughtfully. She also recognized the authority given to her over the man. Yet, if it was only her opinion that mattered, she would have reacted differently from the moment of recognition. There were others to consider; after all, she had told Jackie only earlier that she did not believe any choice Jackie made would be only about her.

Objectively, she must have recognized the usefulness of having an experienced werewolf among the members of the pack. If she thought so, it was indicated in a final sweeping glance at his scars, and the goat at his feet.

And yet... her eyes wandered to the treeline, where Theo tried to conceal himself, and up to the full moon, before they lowered and rested lastly on Timothy adjacent of her.

Now she came slowly into a crouch while rotating her body, to better meet his turquoise eyes and engage him. She still utilized the staff, but her hand came lower on the carved branch, while the elk-skin fabric that fell between her thighs bunched up at her bare feet.

When she looked on at Timothy, her features appeared neither too open or too narrow, and her chin was level. She did not speak, but there was a question in that mauve gaze.

Following Dekota's suggestion, Toby looked at the rolling pin in his hand again. He stared at it for a moment, contemplating ghosts and everything he knew about them: Did he really think there was a ghost up here? Because if he did, he should've grabbed salt. Wood was only good for dealing with vampires-- But then again, being a werewolf in and of itself was good enough for dealing with vampires if old legends were to be believed. As he thought about it, Toby reasoned that he would prefer a vampire to a ghost. The pack would be perfectly safe from a vampire-- Hang on. Did vampires even exist? ...Werewolves did, though not quite as they had been described. As a werewolf, did he have the luxury of saying some mythical creatures existed and some didn't, or did they all have to exist because he did? ...And if that were true, what didn't exist?

Toby looked at Dekota again and seemed rather miffed. "I'll put it back when I'm done with it, thank you very much." He said indignantly, "See here, I may be the omega of this pack, but I'm still older than you, so you don't get to tell me what to do unless I'm doing something stupid that could potentially injure myself or others."

No sooner was it said than he looked at the rolling pin again and contemplated the potential injury it could cause. His cheeks immediately flushed pink with embarrassment and he hid it behind his back. "I'll go put it back." He muttered, walking passed the boy. "Get your sister and come downstairs. It's not safe to be up here alone."

Her dinner was finished quickly in that short walk, as though sensing if it wasn't finished then it might never be - and indeed, by the time Jackie stood with Kratos in the clearing, she was only licking at the grease on her fingers. She watched the shiver in the colors of the cloak like a cat to a laser beam. Yet if she had questions on how it worked, she did not voice them. And if she recalled seeing it in action before, she gave no sign of recognition.

Instead her focus was everywhere. To the stars that peaked through the brambles, to the impressive stature of the trees, to the crinkle of foliage in the breeze, the voices of the cabin now lost to obscurity in their distance, and the thrum of the moon running beneath it all like the lifeblood of the night. Kratos' mantel had seemed but one small part of it.

Finally, the question came and her attention was back to him.  She had remembered clearly their conversation and had spent the month reveling in the intrigue of it- now a month later, she could no further guess the alpha's lessons. The suspense added another layer to the complexity of a full moon night. Creeping over her features was a scarcely concealed grin - as eager as a child on Christmas, yet all the same subduing that same excitement in concern the presents might just as suddenly be dashed away with too enthusiastic a display.

"Yeah. I am"

Bianca was restless tonight.

Ulric wasn't at all wrong in his observations. Even as she stood still waiting for him to continue his story, her heart raced; her pupils appeared more constricted and her eyes were wider and more alert. The signs of her restlessness were evident, to be perceived by the eyes and by all of the senses.

That little blonde girl from the suburbs, with her make-up and body sprays, jewelry, and her hair always just right, looked less human with the passing of minutes.

The culmination of the days events--or else weeks of repressed anxieties--were coming to a head...

Sabrina had adopted some degree of aloof indifference when Theo had arrived, and it was wordlessly agreed that all should return to the cabins. Logan went out to meet the Alpha and the stranger. Timothy, bold as brass, also went to meet them. Sabrina was not at all tone deaf to the look she'd caught in his eye before he passed her. Within, perhaps she was annoyed. Perhaps she would have liked to bite his face. But perhaps he would have liked that, so of course she did not.

She did not acknowledge the Alpha as they made their way back. Nor did he acknowledge her. So, aloof, and indifferent, more like a cat than a wolf, she made her appearance from the forest, before turning her attention to one who seemed to have every bit the knack for appearing and disappearing as he wished that she did.

"Those are flowers from the herb," she remarked to Theo. An unspoken question remained, and she looked at him, and his basket, expecting the answer to be given without a question needing to be asked.

Logan closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them again she was a werewolf, crouched on her furry blue-gray haunches. One dark ear flickered back towards Sabrina and Theo, and finally she broke her gaze from Timothy to look at Liam.

"You will answer to her this night; do not speak to me for this time." she said, and began in a lumbering walk to the other end of the clearing. Liam's eyes followed her, but he flinched at her next words.

"Darček pre teba, biela líška. Možno to nejedzte, pravdepodobne je to horké."

She said, to Sabrina, and went the way Ulric and Bianca had gone, leaving her staff by a tree.

The Alpha had given Logan dominion over the matter, and Logan just as easily deferred it to another. Her words and actions spoke for themselves, and Liam did not intend to defy her wishes tonight.

Now he looked at Timothy, and then towards Sabrina, who was occupied with another. He kept his ears on Timothy but swiveled his body towards the white werewolf.

He had met the woman earlier, when she materialized like a phantom in all white, and de-materialized just as easily a moment later.

He did not recognize the other one that she spoke with, and did not wish to interrupt, but he did at last stand.

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