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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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The kitsune's expression betrayed neither surprise nor fear to the alpha's approach, although certainly her situation was precarious. She had not yet managed to wrest her arm from Levi's jaws, and knew better than to make a show of force for it. Nonetheless, her arm had been badly damaged - with his fangs drawing close to the bone in one place. Certainly the irony of the injury was not lost on her.

She did as the alpha commanded and relinquished her secondary form and dropped the knife.  As the size of her arm decreased, she was able to pull it quickly away from Levi's jaws before they could close quickly around her, although the injury still bled freely even in taking her primary skin. The exhaustion about her was more apparent than it had been in her second skin.  She panted and her skin was pale and clammy. She could still keep steady to her feet, and run if she need be, but beyond that she would not dare to do more than that for the time being.

So she had no choice but to wait and see what it was this alpha's mercy would lend her.

Levi did not attempt to hold on to her longer. As Ionone transformed, he let go and backed up a step from her, looking to the Alpha with equal parts gratitude, respect, and fear.

His lemon-yellow eyes darted to Ionone, not relinquishing his own second form yet out of the concern she might still try something, even in the Alpha's presence. But he saw her condition, and felt sorry for it. He flicked back his ears and lowered his head, still whining.

He realized he was whining then. Realized he wasn't putting any weight on his injured arm. Tasted the blood in his mouth. He looked at the damage he'd done to the stranger's arm--her only arm. He winced and ducked his head even lower to try to spit discreetly.

There was a sound, the sharp snapping of twigs, and Levi startled to look.

There was Sabrina, practically skidding to a stop as she came into view. She was panting hard for the effort she'd devoted into getting there as quickly as she could. But she stopped, seeing the Alpha, and licked her lips. Golden eyes darting across the scene to appraise the situation and decide where she was most needed.

Something that ran, scurried, and stumbled through the underbrush like a rabbit but thundered like an elephant stood out in the forest. It did not go unnoticed. Two turquoise eyes watched the proceedings and the young man as he fled.  The gaze narrowed.

Without sound or smell, the owner of the selfsame gaze made herself scarce in the undergrowth. There was a trick to it, one she'd been meaning to fully master as she had seen Kratos, Sabrina, and others do - but this particular audience was sure not to notice her minor fumblings. The effect was no doubt going to be unsettling.

He might have noticed, however, as the bush directly in front of him gave a lot Achoo!

Jackie sniffled, irritated, then stepped out from the brush.

"Heeelllooooo there".

Logan’s form came near the area with much less grace, and still she hung further back than Sabrina while she recovered. Her stump tail was raised and her head low between her shoulders as she stood just barely out of sight.

Breathing hard, her ears swiveled back as she observed the scene; Timothy, looking scolded in the Alpha’s presence, Ulric-looking to Logan like a terrified baby fawn on the ground. A one armed werewolf in her human skin. Another werewolf secured by Kratos.

Inhaling deeply, she could smell the blood on Levi’s arm, the blood of the stranger. This put together some vague image of what had occurred.

She had seen it before; Timothy reacts to a trigger, Ulric reacts to Timothy, and Levi ever present and at the ready to be in the middle. The three worst possible members to have detected the strangers first.

There was no need for further show of power; Kratos commanded the air of the scene with certain control. To emerge full force would only show uncertainty and inexperience.

With a heavy sigh, Logan relented her secondary form and came to stand in front of Ulric, cutting him off from view of the others, but her back was turned towards him. A glance in his direction conveyed brief disappointment, and yet there was an apology also. A brief upward jerk of her chin asked him to stand and she watched to see if he was steady.

Ulric breathed a sigh of relief and sat up on his knees when Kratos appeared. Sabrina arrived a moment later, followed by Logan. The three of them took control of the situation. The danger was past.

Ulric moved to rise up from his knees when he caught the look in Logan's glance. He felt like a fool. She arrived looking so much the master of herself, prepared and dignified. How the tables turn...

Ulric looked away and stood up. He dusted himself off and stepped forward into the group, despite Logan standing in front of him.

"You are Svalnaglas." He said. "Why are you here?"

"Not now." Kratos said. He gave a look to Logan, instructing her to control the kitsune. It was clear in another glance that his expectation for Sabrina was to see to Levi first.

Meanwhile, Ulric looked past the alpha and saw Timothy pacing steadily back and forth outside the circle. His head was low and his eyes were sharp. He looked like he was waiting, waiting for any opportunity to get at the intruders, any opportunity the alpha would give him.... Ulric glared at him and looked back to the others.

"Take them to the dens." Kratos commanded. "Ulric, you run ahead and open the training arena."

"Look, sugar, we -" The wild haired woman began to speak.

"You can be silent." Kratos said. He pulled the woman off the tree, but did not release her.

The woman looked at Ulric as she came away. There was something strange in her glance that caused her eyes to linger on him, but Kratos did not permit her gaze long.

Just then, the young man's scream was heard again, not far off. The woman glanced at her companion and then in the direction it had come.

Timothy lifted his head at once.

"Timothy." Kratos said, before the rogue could dart off. "Get back to the dens."

"Ulric. Go." Kratos said.

Ulric obeyed. Timothy, likewise, obeyed... yet not before casting one long last look in the direction of the man's scream...


The young man fell over backwards and scrambled away from Jackie on his palms.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!" He cried. "I don't deserve to die!"

Logan did not feel dignified. She had failed in her first duty to the pack and her disappointment in herself was far greater than her upset at Ulric and the others.

Nonetheless, the outer confidence would not be cast aside in the presence of strangers.

When commanded, Logan did not hesitate to come up behind the small woman, taking notice of her violet eyes, although her gaze did not linger and she came behind her. With one hand on the woman's shoulder where she lacked an arm, and the other seizing her by her wrist and holding it behind her back. Logan did not push or shove but pressed the woman on calmly.

Sabrina bowed her head respectfully at the Alpha and shifted, the way one might smooth out their rumpled clothes, complete with a pat down and the tightening of the tied ribbons of her change suit to match her slim human figure.

She approached Levi and knelt down to examine his arm. Something was said quietly, and Levi flattened back his ears and turned his head away from her, embarrassed, and rubbed his face on his other sleeve.

Perhaps there was something of a smirk tugging at just the corner of Sabrina's lips. But she did her appraisal quickly and efficiently. She produced a thick linen from her pouch.

"Shift," she ordered him.

And he did, not meeting her eye. The moment his arm was as thin as it was going to get, Sabrina tightly wrapped his wound, like a spider cocooning its prey. She was done in seconds. "Come," she said to him, "You will need stitches for that. Let's get back to the cabin and I'll tend you there."

The kitsune moved willingly to Logan's push. Her expression was unreadable. Surely to have her arm held must have been painful, for to secure it Logan had to push against the injuries, yet she did not cry out or otherwise complain. Her gaze drifted once to confirm Tiffany was well. She did not check where it was that her third companion had scampered to...


"Heh," this seemed to amuse Jackie. She took another step forward.

"Nah, today's what... a Tuesday? Killing is only for Thursdays... and every third Sunday," she effortlessly put a hand on his shoulder.

"Although I think I should take you back with me, just to be safe," her expression narrowed seriously, "Did you know there's wolves in these woods?"

"Is that a joke? Tell me you're joking." The young man squealed, horrified. "Werewolves you mean! Yes, I know about you lot. And I know a thing or two about being a prisoner, too! Don't touch me - I can... "

John tried to get on his feet, if she would let him.


Kratos brought the Svalnaglas to the "training arena" or, as it had been not-so-affectionately nicknamed by the pack, "the pit." It was a twenty-foot deep enclosure, lined on all sides with one and a half feet of cement, and encircled by a six-foot tall chain-link fence. The barbed wire that ran along the top of the fence was likely an unnecessary feature that upgraded the whole thing from cautious to paranoid. All in all, "the pit" was not at all a pleasant sight for the Svalnaglas who would have to call it their new temporary home.

Ulric had done as he was asked by opening the gate in the fence and dropping the ladder that usually lay under the lip of the enclosure. The wild-haired woman was instructed to descend it without argument, which she did. The kitsune, however, was retained outside the enclosure until Sabrina had finished with Levi and had an opportunity to examine the kitsune's arm.

Now, came the uncomfortable silence as the Calagathorm werewolves had to determine what they were going to do with their captives...

Kratos stood outside the fence with his arms crossed over his chest, waiting on the kitsune. The giant was more than impossibly sized as a werewolf upon two legs. He stood three feet taller than the fence, which on one hand made the fence look small, but on the other hand it made him look like a mountain from inside the pit. Needless to say, the wild-haired woman said nothing more from the time the giant had silenced her to the present.


Bianca had taken Sami back to her cabin and gone to check on everyone immediately after.

Logan stayed guard nearby on the path within the cabin grounds, central most to the cabins, the ditch, and the path leading to Zeit's ranch. A sound in any direction would not escape her listening ears.

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