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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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Sabrina led Levi back to the cabins: to her room, specifically. As a completely unnecessary gesture of domination, she had put her arm on his shoulder, her hand holding the back of his neck and turning his head the direction she wanted him to go.

He was humiliated, but said nothing and kept his eyes down.

He clenched his jaw and didn't make a peep as she cleaned and sutured his wound. At least she put on some kind of numbing agent so the pricks of the needle weren't as intense as they might have been without.

She made quick work of it, then wrapped it in medicated bandages and instructed him on how to clean and change it. "Twice a day," she said. "If the flesh becomes swollen or hot and painful to the touch at all, come back to me. You do not want to mess around with infection in a wound this deep, or you may end up like your attacker: short one limb. If you notice signs of an infection and hesitate to come to me, I will not hesitate to amputate your arm. Do I make myself quite clear?"

"Yes," he mumbled in reply.

"Good. Smells like Bianca is making cookies or something. Why don't you go see if she needs some help?"

There were two ways to interpret that suggestion, if it had been in writing. The condescending tone in her voice, however, made it quite clear: you can't do anything right, can you? Go some place you won't be in the way and when you do mess up it won't have any consequences.

She left him there to digest that, gathered her tools and marched briskly back down the stairs and out of the cabin on her way to the Pit. There was another that needed tending.

Jackie watched John stand like she was watching a baby fawn struggle to its feet - although far less cute.

"Sooo, are you going to follow me or am I going to have to carry you?"

John scrambled to his feet, fumbling and bumbling for something to help him up, or so it appeared. In the process, he managed to collect a rather large stick. When he finally got to his feet, he braced himself upon it like an old man upon a cane, complete with a hand on his bending back.

"Oh, uhmmm..." He muttered, "Is there an option three?"

And, with that, he swung the stick at Jackie's head and ran for the hills! (or for a tree.)


The branch hit its mark, although Jackie instinctively raised her arm so it caught her on the forearm. She blinked not once, but twice. For a man who had spent so long trying to stand, he sure could run fast.. She didn't spend long contemplating it. In a breath she was after him.

Although he might run quickly, Jackie had spent most of those last few months running through the woods, and struggling to keep up with her much larger packmates. John was not a match for the speed and agility she had won. As she came up on him, she leaped, aiming to tackle him straight to the ground if she had to.

John ran with his arms straight out in front of him, his knees bouncing high in what was almost a prance, and his hair bobbing behind him like one of Jim Henson's Fraggles. He didn't mean to outrun Jackie, per se, but it would've been nice. Just as he had managed to reach a tree he liked, and felt he could climb fairly efficiently, Jackie caught him. John squealed like a rabbit.

"So, carrried back it is then..." Jackie grunted, pressing her knee down on his back.

She presumed John wouldn't exactly stay still while she fireman carried him. She looked at her prey with a frown. John wasn't much larger than the deer she had hunted, but he would struggle a lot more since many of those methods wouldn't apply. She wanted him alive.  Considering her options, she withdrew a length of rope from her bag and started to secure it around his arms. If he wasn't going to cooperate nicely, then she was content to hog-tie him and go from there.

John struggled, of course, struggled and squirmed. But he was not able to escape. Naturally, then, he began to yell for help... as if anyone would hear him.


Ulric was standing near enough to Kratos to hear what was said and see what was done, but he was not so close as to be in the way. Every now and then he would glance down at the woman in the pit and her eyes would meet his.

Sabrina came to the Pit and impassively approached the Kitsune. Her first appraisal was not the wounded arm, but rather the woman herself. She looked her up and down, reading the story of the harrowing past week of her life that was written into her clothes, face, and composure. The fact that Levi had been able to survive his encounter with her at all had been telling to the state she was in. Now that Sabrina could see it for herself she was... pleased.

Some of that satisfaction showed on her face by the way she lowered her eyelids and smiled just so. She glanced at Kratos, almost excited, wondering if he recognized what she recognized. But that light in her eyes dimmed when she met his. Quickly her gaze flicked away from him, back on the injured woman.

"Logan, restrain her," she said. She approached and took the arm to examine her injury. To Levi's credit, it was certainly deep in places. But it was crude. Clearly a reactionary bite, not one that had any thought or purpose behind it. She'd expect nothing more from him. Even the crudest bite could be lethal. But intent made worlds of difference. Appreciable skill could be detected in an injury created with intention.

"So, a Svalnaglas and a Kitsune, in our neck of the woods," was her comment, as though on the weather. Yet her eyes were venomous as she raised them to meet the Kitsune's. "Fascinating. One might wonder just what they're doing here. Certainly they didn't come all this way just to bully our children, did they?"

She retrieved a bottle of clear fluid from her pouch. "This will burn," she stated, simply as a matter of fact, before pouring it on the bite to cleanse it. It hissed and frothed at the touch of the Kitsune's open wound.

The kitsune gave no remark to the blond woman's approach. However, as her eyes looked her over up and down, so too did her violet ones do likewise. To what end did she observe? She did not say or give any indication.  She did not answer the woman's rhetorical question. As the liquid sizzled, she did not flinch.

She tilted her gaze back to the alpha but did not voice a question. So long as they remained in his lands, it was to him to decide the next course.

Logan raised an eyebrow and her chin up slightly in the same motion at Sabrina's request. She saw no reason to restrain the woman. She was one armed, small, and frail by all appearances. Sabrina would be more than enough and surely the woman would do nothing with Kratos looming nearby.

Still, she did what was asked in the same moment, and held the Kitsune with one of Logan's great arms across her upper chest and the other gently on top of her head. Maybe she could bite.

She observed quietly as Sabrina tended the wound... she would certainly not be seeing Sabrina in the future.

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