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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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"It is," Bianca responded, spooning out a dollop of dough and passing it to Sami to ball up. "Are you nervous about something?"

Samantha's looked confused. " But I thought the full moon was later in the month....?"

Bianca tilted her head, confused. Then she understood, or at least thought she did.

"It's every twenty nine days... so it doesn't have to be the end of the month. When I was younger I thought it was the last day of every month so it was a surprise for me too. I have a calendar in my room!" she laughed.

" Oh," Samantha replied simply, but still looked confused. She had the dough ball Bianca gave in her hands now. She spun it around in a few circles in her little palms till the dough was a smooth little sphere. She then plopped it on the cookie sheet and looked back at Bianca, her brows knitted.

" So the full moon moves around in the month because it's only twenty nine days? What about the months there's only twenty nine days? Is it at the end of the month then?" She asked.

“February is the only month with only twenty-nine days. And that’s only every four years-uh-I’ll explain leap years later. But sometimes February doesn’t get a full moon and instead March gets two.”

Bianca gave Sami another dollop and had already rolled a few herself.

”Sami, what was the last grade you finished? We’re gonna have to get some textbooks ordered..”

Ulric stayed low. Until he could recover from his confusion, he could be of very little help anyway. What he could do, he could do from the ground. Presently, he analyzed the threat; The kitsune was spent. She had one advantage and it was gone. Her companion was not a kitsune, and thus a much lesser threat. But what was her rank and faction? Until she changed forms Ulric would not be able to know. And why hadn't she changed? There could only be three reasons - 1. She did not want to use the energy before the full moon; an unlikely reason, given that she was in a dangerous situation and the risk was greater to remain in her primary form. 2. She was at a better advantage without it; doubtful, as her fighting technique did not lend itself to an advantage over Timothy. 3. The most likely reason was that she could not take her secondary form, either due to injury or another form of weakness. From his vantage, Ulric knew that both the Svalnaglas intruders could be overcome. And so did Timothy.

Timothy's eyes gleamed with anger, but in them was a sort of excitement as well. He knew he was at an advantage. The fight was a game, and one he knew he could win. It must have thrilled him to his bones. Now, to play into his advantages and win the game! His legs tensed under him. His opponent braced herself. And then -

"Down!" The Alpha's voice boomed over Timothy's head and he ducked like a cowardly dog! No sooner had he done so when that massive beast the pack knew as their alpha flew over Timothy's shoulders. He landed before the woman with the wild hair - How terrible it must have been to see him appear from behind Timothy! She gave a cry of fear and turned from him, but he caught her arm with his massive paw and pinned her against a tree,  her arms held behind her. -

"You are surrounded!" The great alpha declared to both the overwhelmed Svalnaglas. "Now drop your weapon! Return to your first form or be killed!"

Samantha took the next dough ball and rolled it, watching as it twirled around in her hands.

" I know about leap year," Samantha said, confused Bianca thought she wouldn't. Wasn't that the only month that had twenty nine days? ...Or was that wrong too?

She was quiet for a moment at the next question. " I don't know, papa didn't use grades like the lady's at the orphanage did. I learned how to read and write though, and how to do math. I learned how to draw and play several instruments, and even make some flutes too. Dakota's were always better than mine though." Samantha was smiling now as she reminisced. " But Dakota's been teaching me for a while now, so he'd know."

Bianca nodded with a soft smile, glad Sami was talking about her upbringing.

“That’s awesome! I hope you two will play for everyone sometime. That reminds me, Ulric plays drums and Theo plays a guitar or-uh-the small one? A ukelele I think. Maybe you can all play tonight? How amazing would that be? I actually had a few presents if you want to help me give them out! One was my old acoustic guitar. I’m thinking Theo.”

Bianca beamed excitedly. There were only a couple of dough balls left to make by now.

" Oh, um.. I'm not actually good at playing," Samantha said, dropping her last dough ball on the baking sheet. Because of just being a little too short, she leaned on the table to reach and place it. She rested her arms on the table as a smile grew back on her lips. " Dakota's amazing though. He has a guitar too, I'm sure you've heard him play in his room before. He's so good at any instrument he touches. I'm much better at drawing."

Bianca smiled to see Sami have to lean on the table. Even giggled. She picked up the sheet and put it in the oven before setting the egg timer.

”Did you bring anything with you to draw with? A sketch pad or pencils? I might have a blank journal you could use. I’ll bet you’re really good.”

She leaned with her back against the counter as she looked over at Sami, contemplating. It woupd be a while before her Grandpa could come out again, and she was doubtful Kratos kept that stuff around.

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