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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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The moment the blade failed to meet Timothy's throat, advantage was lost by the kitsune warrior. Her hand was caught by Levi's, and in precious moments the fangs of her enemy sought for her throat. She turned the blade in her hand and swung her arm into the meatiest portions of Levi's arm - he desired her blade so badly, then she was inclined to give it to him. Simultaneously she ducked her head low and raised her lips, in the hope to meet Timothy's fangs in like with her own.  Finally, she raised her back leg - balancing her force on one leg - and aimed it squarely at Timothy's center of mass so it would push him away.

Levi let out a high pitched part-scream-part-whine as the blade bit into his forearm and connected with bone. That hand involuntarily released the stranger's wrist, useless, but he held tight with the other, so that when she raised her foot and kicked Timothy, the combined momentum of his own body and hers yanked them both in the opposite direction of the striped wolf. Timothy went one way, Levi and the stranger went the other, tumbling in a tangled pile together onto the ground.

Before Levi even ascertained his own position, he raised his head and sought out Ulric, who he'd briefly seen dropped like a stone by the other stranger.

"Timothe, get Ulric out of here! Get the Alpha!" Levi barked in a desperate voice, half his language not English, but the language known by the wolf's natural heart--especially in regards to the Alpha; the sound he used instinctually expressed the most earnest plea, the deepest faith in the one each wolf should trust the most. He still clutched the stranger's wrist like his life depended on it. The next second, he steeled himself and he twisted the arm in which her blade was embed, hoping to wrench the weapon from her grip entirely.


Sabrina sailed past Logan on all fours, weaving through trees and leaping over obstacles like she weighed nothing.

Why. Why does something have to happen every full moon?

It wasn't an entirely fair assessment. The last full moon had been utterly uneventful. But that was disregarded in this moment. She wasn't sure what was happening, but Theo's call was a cry of pure desperation. Whatever was happening down in the valley, it was no mere skinned knee.

Samantha caught Bianca's hoodie and held it in her hands a moment like she was unsure what to do with it. She slowly put it on, one hand into a sleeve and then the next. She looked at how the sides dangled well past her hips before looking back at Bianca.

" He does go out sometimes, but he tells me when he's going to. He didn't mention anything last night," she explained as she followed Bianca only a few steps. Theo's cry was heard, and Samantha looked up at Bianca worried. A moment of silence followed after Bianca told her they should wait. She looked at the door, still worried.

" Is your pack in danger...?" She whispered.

Bianca's shoulders dropped a little. Their location was too close to the cabins for comfort.

"No, Kratos and the others are all out there. It'll be alright." Bianca said faithfully. "Come on, let's go check to see if Saber ate his breakfast." she added, picking Sami up and carrying her on a hip - regardless of her size. She crossed the distance between the cabins quickly and when she reached the Alpha's cabin, she sat Sami down inside and locked the doors.  It was a silly gesture-but if it was hunters, and Bianca couldn't be sure as she hadn't caught the scent of anything outside-it would buy them some time.

Then, checking to make sure Sami was still in tow, she went up the stairs and looked to see if the container was still sitting outside of Saber's door.


Logan watched Sabrina speed past her. If Sabrina ever wanted to help, she might take the time to show Logan how to move with a little more than the grace of a freight train. Still, Logan was grateful for her action - already she caught the scent of Levi's blood, and they would both be on the group in moments..

There was a daffodil on the lawn of the grey manor. It bobbled and jiggled on an invisible wind. An overly-sized hare was sitting by it and munching one of the daffodil's yellow petals. Why was there a manor here? The daffodil wasn't in the lawn at all... it was growing out of a bed. But, so were a lot of weeds. Where did the rabbit go?

Ulric woke up feeling dazed and confused. He thought for sure he was in his bedroom, but, if this were his bedroom ... someone had planted forest flora everywhere.

"What happened?" Ulric muttered as he lifted his head, - only to see the chaos unfolding in front of him!

There was teeth on teeth!

Timothy clashed with the kitsune warrior, fang to fang, but only for a moment before she kicked him off! The combination of tactics was not lost on Timothy, who would return the wiser. Levi retained his hold, and that meant the kitsune would die. Timothy was no sooner breaking branches with his fall than scattering leaves with his rebound! - He would have pounced the kitsune and torn her to pieces - had he not been intercepted.

The wild-haired woman came at Timothy the second he fell. She threw her fist hard and fast, down into Timothy's nose!

Timothy wailed in pain and retreated! But only a few steps. His anger was invoked beyond any passionate reasoning. He bared his fangs so sharply that the skin on his face seemed to retreat right up to the ridge of his nose. The woman retained her primal form, but she was no human. Her teeth were bared likewise and the white of her eyes lit her gaze on fire.

Meanwhile, Timothy's first victim had made himself scarce.

The manner by which the kitsune held the blade with the hilt at her thumb and the blade at the back of her palm, made it such that wresting it from her grip would prove challenging. She held to it firmly - all the while aware that even those moments she was engaged with Levi would serve as opportunity enough to Timothy.

As she braced for that assault, she twisted her arm and swung the blade again to try and make contact with the flesh of the arm that still held firm to her wrest. Her muzzle bore fangs, and she waited...

Only for her companion to attack Timothy in turn. Her eyes flashed violet in the savage light.  Still turning and twisting the knife against Levi's hold, she gathered strength in her hind legs and suddenly sprung back towards Timothy! The force of the launch, as well as any injury she had managed to arrange on Levi, she hoped would be enough to break his hold.

Levi's attempt to wrest the knife from her proved a failure, then, and only served to widen the jagged cut in his arm before she pulled the tip of the blade free of his bone.

A whistling dog-like whine came with his every breath, even as he rode her movements in the struggle to keep his hold on her wrist and not get stabbed again. Some part of his brain was registering pain. A tiny part. Otherwise he seemed oblivious to it, and the blood. It was just tiny yellow warning light in the peripheral of his vision. Not a major concern. The gas pedal was floored and he was fixed with tunnel-vision focus on the road. His eyes were focused and his face expressionless.

Every worry, doubt, inhibition, fear, and racing thought... the constant hum that tickled his brain and held him a distracted, shy, self-conscious captive... they all went radio silent. With the rush of his pounding heart, the feeling of electricity shooting through his veins, the automatic shedding of both fear and pain and leaving it behind him, the hyper-awareness of everything within his range of sight, smell, and hearing--it felt like a super power. Only when his life was on the line did his brain become possessed of razor-sharp focus. A single goal: survive. And it came with high doses of dopamine. Only when the threat of death became real did he truly feel alive.

He wasn't thinking, just reacting, as he snapped forward and bit into her forearm just when he lost his grip on her wrist to prevent losing control of the dagger. An inhuman growl surged through his body with the urge to shake her arm clutched in his jaws--but he didn't have the leverage for that. He hadn't been prepared for her to jump a half second later, and the force of her launch knocked him off balance.

He didn't let go. His head was yanked after her, the rest of his body a 165 pound dead-weight on her arm.

Samantha was still staring at the door when Bianca abruptly picked her up. She didn't know how much she weighted, but she must've been some odd 70 pounds- Bianca must've pretty strong to be able to lift her. Even Ezrah had a hard time lifting her the last time he tried, and she was 9 then.
Samantha didn't move as Bianca carried her, worried any movement might just make Bianca lose her balance.

" Um, Bianca- You don't have to carry me, I can walk," she said quietly.

Once they got into the other cabin, Samantha watched Bianca lock the doors.

" Are you sure you're pack isn't in danger...?" She questioned shyly. " I can wait here so you can go check on them..."

Bianca came back downstairs as Sami spoke, with the still-full container of food. It hadn't been out long enough to go bad, so she went to place it in the fridge and would try again tomorrow.

"They have assigned groups for that, Sami - my responsibility is here taking care of you," she reassured with a smile. "I'm not worried yet. Nobody has called again so there's a good chance it was a false alarm anyway." she shrugged.

Well, truthfully, she was terrified - on the inside her heart was racing and it was all she could do not to bolt out those doors. On the outside, she was cool as a cucumber. She knew Dakota would be furious if Sami was left behind. Bianca would have to convince Saber - Saber, of all people! - to keep an eye on her. And besides, she had never tussled or raised a hand at anyone in her life. It was out of the question.

"I made some cookie dough up yesterday... I can't use eggs in it here so I don't know if they'll be as good, but can you help me ball them up?" she asked, going to the kitchen and getting out the bowl of dough from the fridge, along with a cooking sheet. She set the oven to preheat.

" Okay..." Samantha said.

She gingerly pulled off the jacket Bianca had given her, and folded it up and placed it down on the couch. She then joined Bianca in the kitchen, sitting down at the table to help roll out the cookie dough. She was quiet a moment, her thoughts having returned to her brother Dakota.

" ...Is... Tonight the full moon...?" She asked, her amber eyes deep in thought.

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