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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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Sabrina looked at her meaningfully. "Unless you ask."

Ulric listened... If a forest could resemble a grave for silence, then this part of the meadow surely did. Nothing moved. Nothing stirred. When then, gently, a soft breeze swept the low-laying foliage. Ulric watched and listened intently as the grass at his feet began to sway. All at once, he detected it - the scent of a werewolf.

"Timothy, get back!" Ulric warned, but it was too late. Timothy detected it in the next moment.


From the land above the meadow, Ulric could be seen to reach his arm out toward Timothy. The latter changed shape like a shadow on the field and darted into the woods like an arrow! Ulric ran after him.

Timothy's speed was unmatched on four legs. Ulric wasn't sure how he used his body so cleverly. All he knew was that in one minute he saw Timothy zipping through the underbrush, and then he was gone. He heard a young man cry, but it was not Timothy. The cry was silenced on a sudden, and Timothy's growling and snarling echoed out of the trees!

Ulric ran as hard and as fast as two legs could carry him! Even in his primal form he was faster than most bipedal men his age. He raced, heart pounding, to save whatever hapless loner Timothy was beset upon. But just as he broke through the underbrush, he was caught by a strong arm about the throat and mouth! He could not call for help.

"Not good!" Levi said, the moment Timothy shifted. He was already on his feet. He looked back at Theo, for only a second, then at Ulric as he darted after Timothy. And then he sprang after them!

Unlike Ulric's desperate charge, Levi's was speedy, but cautious, recalling his movements as a spy: he moved to pursue, to observe, and not be seen.

Were it though the woods could speak, indeed so did these. In a moment, the shadow of the leaves shivered, hewn and given form by the earth itself.  It grew to the size of a beast with long delicate ears, snout, and a long bushy tail in tones of silver and grey  much as the shadows it had occupied until just a moment prior. It's violet eyes were upon Timothy in a moment, stepping forth as it inspected the exchange with weary ease.

It's ears quivered backwards. A step was taken. It turned its expression, perhaps pleadingly, to the wild-haired woman whose hands had taken to Ulric's mouth.  A hesitation.  But not for long, for though consideration had been met and weighed within moments, to linger too long upon it would surely spell the doom of the young man in Timothy's maw. In those violet gaze, a calculation was drawn surely on the blond-haired woman's next decision - however much this beast wished it to be elsewise.

In a flash, the lithe figure was upon Timothy as quickly as he had come upon the poor, hapless boy.  The assault was impetuously direct - simply the momentum of weight to throw off the enemy's attack and give the boy a moment to un-pry himself. Yet the directness of the attack led only to mask the indirectness of the other. From below a dagger swung from Timothy's blind spot, aiming straight for the throat where the thick ruff of his mane would not protect him.

Theo jumped with surprise to the appearance in the woods. He watched Levi flee and stared after him... what, what was he supposed to do? His talents had never been for battle, espionage, or much anything else. In fact, most of his talents had little to do with his alter-form, and all to do with the things he made with his hands.

He might have stayed that way for some time... but something in him gave. A little inch that became a mile, and suddenly he was moving.  The strange, wild-haired woman may have thwarted Ulric's attempt to call for help, but she could not deter him.  Racing up to the highest point of the hill, he set his basket down and called on the voice of his alter-form.  At first he was concerned it would not come to him given the weariness of the week's tasks, and how long it had been since he had last called to it... but whether due to the proximity of the moon, or his skin's willingness to always answer that call, he found himself on four limbs and the forest alive all about him.

Lifting his head, he offered a long and throaty howl. There was nothing particularly melodious to it, but it was nonetheless a thing which served the job it needed to. Far over the mountains, he gave their location and called for help...


Logan nodded, pleased, and began on the trail slowly, looking back once to make sure Sabrina would follow.

The first time she spoke with Sabrina, she had the opportunity to ask about Timothy, and learn something about the territory and Sabrina's goals. Now she had the opportunity to ask more specifically about Sabrina.

Kratos had told her once that the human part of them died when they became werewolves - but then there were those who were born with it. Were their stories born anew when they came to this pack? Logan did not believe so, for how one was brought up would speak volumes about how they behave in the current time and place.

"Your father is Alpha over his own pack. Yet you came here and now try for the title of Beta. Why did you not stay with your first pack?"


Sabrina did follow. She fell onto all fours and proceeded in the gait most comfortable for the wolf.

She lowered her head and pinned back her ears at the mention of her father, looking annoyed. But she shook it off. Literally. A shiver started at the tip of her nose and ran down her back, and the shake of her body followed it, like a wave, from the flap of her ears when she shook her head to the flick at the top of her tail when it ended there.

"I would never be Beta of my father's pack," she said. "My growth there was stunted. He can see only one purpose for my abilities. Here, I have hope to start anew."


"What was that purpose?" Logan asked quickly in response, looking back and brushing off water that had managed it's way from Sabrina's coat to her arm.


"To kill," Sabrina said coldly, gazing up the path ahead."

She took a deep breath and let out a short sigh. Leaving it there was too vague. If she was to tell her story, it may as well be the whole story.

"I'm an assassin, Logan. I have been trained since I was a child to hunt down rogue werewolves. Not to apprehend them. If I am tasked with their case, the situation has progressed past that point. Far past. My duty then is to kill them."


Logan on at Sabrina and paused intentionally to let her come up by her side.

"Why is this? Hunting ah... rogue werewolves?"


"There is a delicate balance between our world and that of other people," Sabrina said. "Werewolves have existed for thousands of years. And in the early days, we were hunted like animals. We still are, albeit to a lesser degree, to this day. We preserve our race by secrecy. Rogues present a threat to that balance. They are restrained by the laws and traditions of no pack. But it is the doom of every loner to seek out their own. If they cannot find them, they are driven to create them. This is a point of concern for both worlds. It draws too much human attention to us. The optimal course of action is, of course, to find a place for the loners. A pack. A sense of belonging. Connection to the past that will preserve them and future generations. But if they cannot, or will not, less optimal methods are necessary. To preserve the balance."

It was a recitation. Something she had heard and said a million times before. She recited it with some air of self-importance, but bleached of all emotion or any real passion. It was simply the way it was.


Logan looked grave.

“You are a woman. It is our nature to give life. Your own father would have you take it?”


A wry smile, as she turned her head to look at Logan as they walked. Then she looked ahead again. "Balance," she said again. "I can preserve life almost as efficiently as I can end it. And so I came to be Kratos' healer. And so I tend a garden."

A deep growl started in her throat but was swallowed back. "It..." she said, hesitating. "It bores me."


Logan paused. A howl - a call for help - broke the otherwise serene atmosphere. Logan was a werewolf in a moment, and on all fours to meet the need!

Unlike Ulric, relying on his sight and hearing to pursue Timothy, Levi was pursuing by scent--his trail was quickly picked out and would pinpoint his every paw print through the woods. Perhaps it was not terribly surprising, then, that Levi, in spite of the distance he had been from the pair when they took to the woods, quickly overtook them. But he did not at first engage.

In the seconds of the stranger's body language to her companion and move to throw Timothy off-balance, Levi was already there, already assessing the situation with lightning speed. He knew neither of the wolves or the young man Timothy had captured. Which meant they were enemies.

He saw the flash of the blade coming up at Timothy's throat in the hand of the one-armed wolf. He did not snarl. He did not even whisper. His move was quick and decisive: leap to seize that hand by the wrist before the blade could meet its mark. Both his hands would be aimed for that endeavor, as his arms' reach would extend past his muzzle--and besides, she had a muzzle too. He did not know what her response would be, but he could already tell with the brief appraisal her skill was far superior to his own.

Ulric fought in vain against his assailant and watched with horror as the Kitsune warrior martialized out of the woodwork. - It was a Kitsune warrior! There could be no doubt of that! Ulric could identify her family from a thousand werewolves.
"Timothy! Timothy get away from her!" Ulric tried to scream for Timothy to retreat, but it was no use! His voice was blocked and muffled by his attacker's hand. Alas, Timothy was ignorant of the danger he was in. And yet, there was that slight moment of hesitation. That momentary lapse of action that proved the Kitsune was not at full strength. Made all the more worn by taking her secondary form, the Kitsune was disadvantaged. Timothy would claim that as an opportunity.

Then, Theo's howl hit the air and Levi shot to Timothy's aid!

Ulric's heart leapt. Was there a chance? Levi was no match for a Kitsune. But would Timothy and Levi prevail together? Ulric perhaps dared to hope, or dared to fear the outcome, when then the wild-haired woman whispered into Ulric's ear.

"Sorry, sugar." She said.

Ulric felt her arm tighten around his neck and his adrenaline spiked. He grabbed her arm in his hands, but could not get his fingers between her elbow and his throat fast enough!


No sooner had the Kitsune moved toward him than Timothy released his captive and made motion for her.  At that moment, Levi caught her arm and Timothy would have her neck!


The wild-haired woman sensed the danger her companion was in. She had to be rid of her captive quickly. And thus, her grip tightened. Ulric didn't have the chance to fight back. Within seconds his grip slackened, and his fluttered. He fell limply against his attacker. The woman held onto him just a moment longer, then she dropped him.

The woman leapt to her companion's aid, shouting, "Come on, sugar, we gotta get moving!" But she knew they could not escape in time.

Bianca's eyes went out to the door as soon as Theo's cry was sounded! Her heart began to gain speed but she quickly calmed herself for Sami's sake.

Could Dakota be in trouble? She couldn't leave and risk Sami following...

"Uhm, Sami - let's wait here for a minute ok?"


Logan traveled steadily south. Her speed was not much improved, and yet the obstacles did not serve to slow her; her powerful form trampled brush underfoot and her head and shoulders broke branches! The slopes would not deter her; she was becoming accustom to using gravity as an aid, and utilizing her powerful leg muscles to take the blow of the momentum from falls and slides.

She would reach the meadow in little time, and yet how precious every moment when the situation was dire!

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