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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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Sabrina chuckled. "Just flesh," she repeated under her breath, shaking her head.

When Logan spoke again, she nodded solemnly. "Opäť hovoríme o vašej duši? Alebo hovoríš o bolesti pod mäsom?"

Možno hovoríme o tom vašom.” Logan gestured to Sabrina.

Sabrina smiled. "Oh, sme? Povedz mi, čo vidíš?" 

Logan shook her head,

Nebudem si robiť domnienky. It is not my way.”

"Oh, come now," Sabrina said without opening her eyes. "What happens between you and me stays between you and me. You needn't guard your pride so preciously. I judge others by their actions. You have already earned my respect. You shall not lose it, no matter what you think of me."

She drew her hand out of the water and opened her eyes to examine her claws. "Viem, že si všímavý. Takže, len medzi nami dvoma, čo vidíš?"

Nie,” Logan responded firmly and leveled her gaze harshly on Sabrina, making her thoughts of the game clear.

Logan turned and hoisted her body out of the water, walking up to a tree where a blanket lay draped over a branch. She pulled it down and dried herself off, before digging in her bag for her clothes, slowly dressing herself.

“I assume no weakness until it is revealed to me. It is a fools game to allow someone to do so of you. This is not how to earn my respect if you will be my future beta.”

Sabrina's eyelids lowered, annoyed. "Fine. Keep your guard up. That has ever served you well, hasn't it? I suppose it's shields up for me again too."

She scoffed. "It's not weakness to appraise an ally, Logan. How else can you rely on them? Or do you suppose relying on an ally is weakness too?"

"I do not believe your shield was down. You say it is not a weakness to assume - I say it is not weakness to offer. You do not give it freely, tak si strážený, a ja to rešpektujem, ale nájdeš urážku? It is not sense. Buď ma rešpektujete natoľko, aby ste so mnou hovorili jednoducho, alebo ma nerešpektujete natoľko, aby ste videli, ako riskujem moju hrdosť." the words came fast and sharp, with little breath to fill the space between them.

Logan finished getting dressed and grabbed a spear from beside the tree. She turned sharply and pointed the blunt end of it at Sabrina, "Will you speak plainly as sisters or is this matter done?"

Sabrina was sitting up straight now, her ears and eyes both focused keenly on Logan.

She thought a moment before responding. A glance down, looking inward. Then eyes intently on Logan again.

"I would like nothing more," she said, standing. Her white gown was rendered nearly transparent as it clung to her pelt. Only the water spoke, as it raced down her hair and clothes in its bid to return to the pool.

"...Than to be sisters," she added after a moment, to be certain her meaning was clear.

She swept her hands through her hair and down her torso to dry off some before she stepped out of the water. Then she did the same for her legs and tail.

She stood at her full height and looked at Logan again. "Forgive me... if I seem to speak in riddles. Slovak is your primary language. Subtlety is mine. I asked you to lower your guard. You did not ask the same of me. I thought I offered you some form of vulnerability by asking you to speak freely of what you think of me. But you saw this as something else. It seems to me that you always suspect that I am an adder, certain to bite if allowed under your coat." She shrugged, and moved to squeeze the water out of her tresses. "I can't change who I am." She stopped, and blinked. Looked eyes and ears at Logan again, her golden eyes bright and intense like an eagle's. "Well, I could, but that would be a mask, and even less worthy of your trust."

Logan did not intend to change how she behaved for anyone, and therefore came to some understanding regarding Sabrina, though it still did not suffice to bring Logan's guard down.

She had long withdrawn the spear and it was attached by a strap at her back.. She picked up her bag and brought it over her shoulder. She was quiet and contemplative as she waited for Sabrina to dry herself off.

"You will tell me nothing of your story unless I guess?" she asked somberly.

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