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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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"You say you worry if you are a good friend to him? Then you are a good friend; a bad friend would not worry. If his nature was not good, maybe, you would not be his friend. Do not worry. We will defend him."

Logan looked now to Sabrina. She found it curious that Sabrina, with little else to hold onto, would stay only because of the Alpha. Feeling disconnected for so long would have driven Logan away some time ago. She did not address it in the moment..

"It is true that if Ulric had not been a friend to me, I would not still be here. Yet.. even for my actions, know that I considered you as a friend, Jackie. I do not ask that you think the same of myself; my actions against you have not proven so. Still, I hope to redeem myself again in time."

Jackie stopped. The same sentiment that had been brimming at her eyes returned. Yet what was it? Why had it came back now, and why with such urgency?  She felt in her a strange urge to grab Logan by the shoulders, not in an act of violence, but simply to hug her.

Though she had grown up in France, a place not shy with touch, it had been long since she had expressed it and even longer since she had meant something by it. She stood there only a moment longer in consideration. Who was she ever to question her impulses? Then she did just that, stopping, standing on her tiptoes, grabbing Logan by her massive shoulders in an embrace and burying her head somewhere on the bottom of her shoulder.

"Stupid. We've always been friends..."

It happened so quickly. So unpredictably. Even for Sabrina, who always seemed ready for everything. But apparently it was an unforeseeable switch. In the few seconds that it happened, Sabrina had already walked on a step or two without them, before she looked back to see why they had stopped--dismissed it as unimportant--and had to do a double take to finally register.

Then she just sort of stood there. A wave of mingled emotions went over her face. None of them discernible. If it had been colors, there would have been no blues, reds, or yellows, but a swirl of colors all muddied together. Was there annoyance? Satisfaction? Impatience? Acceptance? Bitterness? Longing?

And then there was nothing. She raised her chin just so, watching, seeming at ease, but sharp of gaze and intent to be going, though she would let them have their moment and not move or speak to interfere until they were finished with it.

Although unexpected, Logan did not hesitate but for a moment to return the embrace. Facing Sabrina, the woman did catch the strange show of expression, if only briefly, before lowering her eyelids and tightening her dark, scarred arms around Jackie.

It was well to have a responsibility to someone-whether it was to defend them or ensure their bellies were full. It was good to have allies. Yet how much better was it to have friends? Those you could call upon in your darkest hours without fear of judgement or condemnation?

The woman held the embrace for some time. Eventually, she relented, stepping back, but giving one of Jackie's shoulders a gentle squeeze. "Buď ticho, Divoké Srdce."

Now she looked beyond Jackie to Sabrina but let her hand stay.

There was something more there. Logan recalled that Sabrina had mentioned relying on allies when they first spoke on Zeit's ranch. She mentioned this again at the pool, and a third time just a moment ago.

It carried with it the meaning "to trust", for you could not rely on anyone you could not trust. A word repeated was important to the speaker, or so Logan believed. This word, it seemed, was important to Sabrina. And for all that had been offered to Logan for her benefit, Logan did not offer much in return.

"I have been guarded, though you have given me no reason to doubt your heart. I give you my trust, that you can rely on me," she said to Sabrina in particular. Then, removing her hand from Jackie's shoulder, she looked between them both.

"If you feel as outcasts, know my door is open for you. Your ways have not been easy... still, I believe that you will call this place home as I do, in time."

Now, she began walking again, passing Sabrina.

"Let us talk at the river. I must eat before my senses are lost. I have seen fat fish in the streams.."

Ulric lifted his face from the solemnity of the pit to flash Bianca a smile. "Nope." He said simply but with confidence.


John might have swallowed that last bit of rabbit a bit too hard. It was the only sound heard in the pit for the moment.

The great black alpha stood with the three captives before him. A soft, light breeze blew down from the wall and the crimson tips of his fur swayed like the grass of a red field. His long, hair-like hackles were carried unbound over his shoulders and across his chest. His tail swayed lightly in the breeze behind him.

The woman with the wild blonde curls felt the breeze go past. It carried her curls like a white tempest carries seafoam.

Kratos crouched down and deposited the bundle on the cement before him. Then he opened it, and presented the plates and all items therewith in front of it.

Tiffany stepped forward and untied the cloth from one of the plates.  The aroma which had wafted over the prisoner's heads now flooded their senses, and the effect was immediate.
"Oh wow..." Tiffany breathed the word out with amazement and passed a plate to each of her companions.

"If this is how you treat your enemies, sugar, I'd love to know how you treat your friends." She said. Then she lifted the plate and nodded in gratitude to Bianca on the wall. "Thank you!"

Kratos reclaimed his shirt from the ground and tied it again at his waist. Then he stood to his full height and folded his arms upon his chest, with one massive black paw outside each elbow.

"We already know who you're with," He said. "So now you can tell us who you are and why you are here."

"My name's Tiffany." The wild-haired woman replied. "This is Ami, my long-time friend, and John."

Kratos looked at each in turn. To John he made motion. "What is he doing in your party?" He said.

"Oh, I, uhm..." John spoke up with a mouthful of bread and apple butter.  Nervously, he swallowed again.

"He's a friend of a friend." Tiffany answered for him. "I'm looking out for him for his uncle."

Kratos peaked a brow.

"Yes. We, eh... went camping and got lost." John said, wiping his face in vain to restore his composure. He chuckled nervously and rubbed his fingers together. "You know, friend of a friend camping trips... can... go awry like that."

Bianca saw Ulric’s smile and grinned in return. “Figured,” she said, rolling her eyes before looking back down at the prisoners as the blonde one, Tiffany, gave her introductions. She only waved in response to the blonde woman’s thanks, and withheld a smile-for a prisoner and technically an enemy, Tiffany sure was pretty, and it was nice to be called “sugar” in her voice.

Then she observed the guy name John nervously stumble over his words in front of Kratos-and couldn’t blame him-before pushing herself away from the chainlink.

”That story smells like fish…” she said outta the side of her mouth and under her breath.

“Anywwaay..  back to cooking. We have a few steaks left. There’s still some rice and bread if you guys are hungry,” she said, turning on a heel and heading back into the cabin where the food was prepared.

Ulric watched Bianca go back to the cabin. There was a cold autumn breeze behind her. He didn't know why his ears felt so hot. He scratched at them and dismissed the sensation, looking back to Kratos in the pit.


Clearly, John still believed he was dealing with a bear-sized brute. Of course, he was not awake when that "bear-sized brute" carried him down the ladder, all bundled up like a stork's package from his teeth...

Kratos looked back at Tiffany. He said not one word.

Tiffany had fought big dumb brutes before. None of them were a match for her charm and dexterity. If this alpha were a brute, she could have reached the ladder on his back in two seconds, despite his fearsome size. But no, Tiffany knew how to gamble. She could see through any man's poker face and seldom lost a game she wanted to win. This giant was no brute, and not someone she wanted to play around with.

"Look," she said, "We don't want any trouble. We're sorry for being here -"

"-Not that sorry. The food is great!"

"Shut up, John." Tiffany had better words for correcting him, but she withheld them. She continued, "As corny as it sounds, we've been lost for awhile and didn't get wind of those kids til we were in the meadow this morning. We don't know who you people are. We're just heading for home."

The kitsune had finished most of her first meal with the alpha came down the pit. She watched him as he came down, but did not say a word. She was seated cross-legged, the remains of the rabbit in one palm, slowly chewing. Though she could not deny the appeal of a cooked meal, she would not betray it even here.

She did not add to Tiffany and John's words, for they seemed suited enough - and her own tongue, a thing not known to earn many allies. She continued to chew, eyes half-closed, her breathing deep and measured.

"You are lucky that no permanent damage came to my pack for your ignorance of our boundaries." Kratos said,  "I have vowed to repay blood for blood, but this morning blood was exchanged in turn, so we will have no more of it. Yet, I am not inclined to let you go free. Your people have trespassed here one time too many at our expense."

"I'm sorry to hear that, sugar... May I know where we are?" Tiffany inquired carefully.

"You may not." Kratos answered. "I am not in the mood to entertain any more of you before the full moon. If you give me no reason to make other arrangements, you may go free in the morning. Until then, we hope to make your stay as comfortable as it can be."

Tiffany felt uncomfortable already, but besides a slight wince she didn't make it much known.
"That's sweet of you." She said. "I can't help being a little confused though... I would of thought you were strays up here, the way those kids were talking earlier, and him making eyes at her like some criminal. But then you're marked like one of ours, and strays dont have an alpha. Who are you?"
"If you're a deserter, don't worry your head any. We won't tell them where you are."

Ulric shuddered visibly from atop the wall and must have turned red from ear to ear. Tiffany was far too observant. Even when she didn't seem to be looking in the direction of the details, she seemed to pick them up. That was what made Tiffany so deceptively good at playing cards, though Ulric knew nothing about such things.

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