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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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The Alpha did not appreciate Ulric's reminder, but he did very little to indicate it. He acknowledged Sabrina's look with an encouraging nod, but otherwise left her to her attempts. Then Bianca came outside, having risen well beyond the call of duty to provide food for the prisoners, and cued the Alpha at the fence.

"Ulric, get the gate." Kratos said. He changed shape as he came forward and bent down like a beast on all fours. Ulric went ahead of him and, with the key to the gate, opened it.
Kratos had the ladder lowered halfway into the arena, about ten feet down. Then he laid down his shirt, which had previously been tied about his waist, and stacked the plates thereon. The other items were likewise gathered. Kratos then tied and folded the shirt over and took the top of the bundle in his teeth. He descended the ladder to its lowest step, then, from ten feet, he leapt to the cement floor of the pit. It was a descent of one foot further than he was tall, but he made the landing without effort.
The captives of the pit stood well away from the alpha. He took the bundle from his mouth and held it hanging from his hand as he turned to face them.

Levi had offered an apologetic smile to Logan and Jackie as he passed them, and said simply, "It's in the barn," before hurrying on his way to follow Bianca.

Sabrina had not been privvy to Levi leading Logan and Jackie to the house, so she had no idea what he meant. Frankly, she didn't care either.

When Logan set off towards the woods at Jackie's suggestion to hunt, she was happy to invite herself along.

Jackie caught sight of Sabrina from the corner of her eyes, but that was all she did. The woman seemed capable enough not to frighten away the prey. Although certainly the last adventure they had together, had resulted in a less than savory outcome...

She recalled the spear Logan had with her. During its crafting, she had admired it, although Logan of course had not spoken to her then. She had supposed it not a thing for hunting deer with its delicate tip. She had supposed the creatures Logan had intended to capture with it and came only to one conclusion.

She broke away briefly to stop by her room in the dens and emerged with a small backpack. Inside it, presumably, were the tools of her trade she had come to acquire in her new position as hunter. As they all assembled, she gave a motion ahead and began in the direction of the river.

Bianca watched Kratos take the food down to the prisoners from near the gate. She noted his method - the ladder was too high up for them to reach but he could still get back out. So he must have been the only one who could feed prisoners. The pit wasn't actually intended to hold people in, originally, but for training as she knew... if he had intended it to house prisoners he might have installed a hoist to drop the food down.

She looked over her shoulder in the direction Jackie, Sabrina and Logan had gone... grateful that the peace was no longer disturbed. She knew things were tense between Jackie and Logan, but she hadn't expected them to have it out right in front of anyone. Probably for the best.

"Sooo..." Bianca muttered awkwardly, glancing between Levi and Ulric. "Has this actually ever been used for training?"

Logan walked ahead of the other two women. Seldom had the three been joined in company, yet had all spent time together in some capacity.

In regards to each Jackie and Sabrina, there was plenty more to be asked.

Although Logan did not know if Sabrina would continue their conversation had coming back from the pool, it had not been cast aside. Twice Sabrina had been dismissed in their conversation at the cabins-what might have been seen as a sign of disrespect, so she would be addressed presently.

Jackie had seemed to retreat inward and Logan knew that she required a certain amount of physical activity to relieve her mind, so she would wait until they had hunted and were fed to broach Jackie's thoughts; yet would not exclude her from the conversation.

"Speak truthfully - of these among the pack, who do you each call friend?" she asked when they were well out of earshot, even by the standards of a werewolf.

"Truthfully? No one. We've been together almost a year and I'm only just beginning to learn anything about any of you. I've shared little to nothing, myself. We've been strangers, all of us, every day in this so-called pack," said Sabrina haughtily. "The only thing that has kept us together this long is the Alpha's wish that it be so, and each of us the inner wolf that wishes to please him. That desperate little thing inside that yearns for company. To be part of something. To have people we can rely on around us."

She looked at Logan seriously. "I assumed displacement was the issue. Those in the pack who do not vie for rank seem to get along well enough. Levi, Ulric, Chime, Theo, Toby, even Bianca. Though the latter two seemed predestined for their roles here and were placed in them almost as soon as their toes touched the territory."

She looked ahead again. "And then there's us. And Timothy."

Jackie listened, not sure what to make of the question. It seemed as though her attention was far away from the conversation with her eyes busy on everything but the two women. Yet as Sabrina finished, she just shrugged.

"If I could answer that question, I would know what a friend is..."

She turned around to Sabrina, "What do you mean by us? I don't even understand pack titles enough to ask for one..."

"You don't have to understand it. It's an instinct. Like the urge to eat when you are hungry. You'd feel it whether you understood what you needed to do about it or not. Up until recently, did you not feel disconnected, without purpose or place in the pack?" Sabrina asked, tilting her head so she could look past Logan at Jackie. "Was it not fulfilling to be given such a place?"

Logan looked over her shoulder to Jackie, her long black hair swaying gently behind her with each step and movement. It seemed Jackie was troubled, or could not find the words.

"Those you have mentioned Sabrina, they are younger than us. At that age it is easier to trust. You have not yet chosen a path for yourself and must rely someone who is more wise to decide it for you," she said, waving a hand low at her side with her palm up as she spoke. "Although, I am learning they have faced their own challenges.. still, I do not think it compares. For myself, I cannot live each day without purpose and responsibility. It is against my nature. I am glad for my title."

Silent only for a moment, Logan spoke again before another's reply would come.

"Jackie, is not Ulric a friend to you?"

Jackie had been quiet as she thought again about the us in Sabrina's words. She had danced around answering it with another question.  Did everything make more sense when she was out in the woods?  She could not deny it didn't help - the senses of a werewolf made far more sense under the boughs of trees than in the chaos of a city now.  And yet it didn't make the path ahead crystal-clear as it did for Logan. The future felt clouded in uncertainty.

She was brought up from her thoughts by Logan and blinked twice. Once the name was said, she could not deny the truth in it. And yet...

"Yes... he is," she hesitated, glancing away, "But sometimes I am not sure I am a good friend to him...He's saved my life three times, and I've only saved his once. He wanted to save that woman on the mountains from the moment he met her, and I'm probably half the reason she and her son got turned... and even then, I didn't want to save her like he did. He has a good heart. And that worries me sometimes".

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