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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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Kratos, on the other hand, had played a time or two.

"If you are trying to protect him, you are in a bad place to do so." He said, referring to John. "Come the dawning of the moon and he will be in a very precarious situation. I can let him go free tonight if you tell me the real reason he is in your company."

Tiffany looked at John. John looked between Tiffany and the alpha. Kratos remained standing with his arms folded and his eyes level.

Tiffany looked at Alpha Kratos again.
"I'm looking out for him for his uncle." She reaffirmed. "He came into trouble awhile back, and so did we. We've been trying to get him back to town before tonight. We half hoped we could make the city before nightfall ourselves."

Kratos raised his chin just slightly. "How long have you been in these woods?" He said.

"It's been about ten days, right, sugar?" Tiffany turned to look at Ami briefly, before turning to look back at the alpha. "Ten days."

"And where were you camping?"

"Turbulence Mountain."

"You came from Mount Turbulence, on foot, in ten days, and you didn't encounter the rivers, roads, or rails that would take you through to Middlecrest?"

Ulric was leaning casually on the fence now, noting that John looked very uncomfortable - and with good reason. Ulric heard that bit about the jacket earlier. There wasn't a fat chance the Svalnaglas had found a van parked in the middle of the woods.

"We thought it was best to stay off the roads..." Tiffany said, softly.

"Of course you did. Because you are being hunted. Probably because he is with you." Kratos replied. "Have I called your bluff, yet, or shall I continue?"

Tiffany wasn't willing to put all her cards on the table just then, bluff be whipped. "How do you figure that, sugar?" She said. She folded her arms and leaned on one leg, suggesting that she had moved to the defensive.

"Simply this..." Kratos said, "I have known many men and women who have crossed the threshold of knowledge between our world and his, and not a one has sat comfortably on the morning before a full moon able to eat without fidgeting."

Kratos looked at John. John swallowed hard, yet again...

"I... I... I've been eating raw rabbit for ten days! This food is good!" John moaned. He looked rapidly between Tiffany and the giant. "I'm a desperate, hungry man!"

"You are also talking to a nine foot werewolf in his second skin in broad daylight." Kratos said, unimpressed with John's answer.

"Only nine?" John had no real return for that, of course. Magnificent drops of sweat had formed on his forehead. It was beginning to dawn on him that this creature might not be a dumb brute after all... 

" I was just drawing," Samantha replied to Toby. Her amber eyes drifted to the briefcase that was in the omega's hands briefly before her gaze returned to his face. " What are you doing?" she asked with innocent curiosity.

Smoke rose up from behind the cabin as the last of the steaks were put on the grill, and Bianca was back inside with her headphones on. She snacked on chocolate chip cookies and made herself a small plate of food, but didn't sit down to eat just yet.

Instead she first washed her hands thoroughly, then crossed over to the other cabin and collected Saber's food out from the fridge. She removed her headphones and brought it upstairs, knocking on his door softly.

"Hey - sorry if I woke you up.... people-including me-are really worried about you.. your food has been in the fridge, so it's cold. Do you want me to reheat it? I haven't cooked anything downstairs in this cabin. I can make you something fresh, too." she spoke loud enough that he could hear her through the door, but her tone was soft and gentle. She didn't normally say anything--she was certain he hated her deeply--but that didn't stop her from almost constantly thinking about his health.

Tiffany's countenance had fallen gradually over the course of the conversation, and with it fell her curls into her face.

John's last word sealed his fate. Tiffany looked miserable. But she tossed her chin and sent her hair cascading back over her head.

"Yeah, you best get him out of here." Tiffany conceded at last. "Once I get all hairy I'm not sure how I'll feel about him."

"Tiffany?" John looked hurt.

"She's right, you know." Ulric chimed in from above. "Once the moon comes up, and you're the only one not wearing claws... she might eat you."

"Oh, hah hah." John said, rolling his eyes at the notion. "Ionone, very probably will. But not Tiffany."

"Ionone." Ulric echoed. "That's your pack name... What's yours?"

Tiffany raised a brow at Ulric.

"Tiffany is a Greek name, sugar." She said simply.

"Ancient Greek?" Ulric asked.

Tiffany did not answer.

Ionone gave John a reproachful look at mention of her name. She had finished nibbling the soft tissues of the rabbit, and the affect on her blank visage was downright eerie. It seemed to be lending well to his theory she would be the one to eat him.

In truth, she was far less concerned by either herself and Tiffany taking a little midnight snack after the bountiful offerings given to them, and moreso that John would do something stupid once he was in a pit with two werewolves. She would not put it past him to run straight into her claws. And then what would she do when Tiffany was crying over her beloved pet?

"He's the little hunter we adopted," she mused thoughtfully while snapping aimlessly at a rabbit bone, "Do with him as you will".

No response came to Bianca from behind the door.

Bianca waited a moment longer in silence.

"OK... well, it's in the fridge downstairs if you get hungry." she said, then the sound of her footsteps could be heard walking away. She dropped the food off in the fridge, and went out the back door, closing it behind her and crossing to the grill at the other cabin to bypass the front of the buildings.

John made a face at Ionone.

"So you are a hunter." Ulric said. "Are you with Harvey?"

"I don't think I should say..." John looked slowly between Ionone, Tiffany, and the other two. "The current pitch of this conversation does not appear to be going in an auspicious direction."

"Look..." Ulric said softly. "When the moon comes up, we're going to know who you're with anyway. You might as well tell us while we're here asking."

Kratos had one of his white-tipped ears turned back, but he otherwise made no expression or motion.

"Your current location is not an auspicious direction," Ionone noted just as her teeth crunched through the thigh-bone. She slurped at the marrow, none to mindful of her manners.

"Play nicely, and maybe they'll let you live little rabbit".

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