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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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Samantha's hands fidgeted for a moment. She worriedly looked at the window she had been staring out a moment ago, before looking back at Bianca.

" Um, have you seen Dakota today?" She asked quietly.

Bianca followed Sami's eyes to the window and frowned, but the look was gone by the time she returned her focus on the young girl.

"No.... He does that a lot, doesn't he?" she asked, "No worries, we'll find him!"

Bianca grabbed her hoodie off the back of the couch - but she didn't put it on, instead she tossed it over Sami - it looked like a dress on the girl!

"Gotta stay warm out there," she said, then offered a hand to Sami as she turned towards the door.


Elsewhere on the mountain...

Logan came slowly and alone to the same pool that the pack had bathed in prior to the last full moon. Once the sun had come up, she carefully brought a greater portion of her body down into the water and stayed that way for some time, with her head and arms laid on the cold stones along the waters edge.

There were plenty of scars that existed on the surface, a handful of which that had caused her trouble at some point in the past. Fewer still were those, that on occasion, presented current challenges.

Although the pain was always bearable for her, the wounds acquired during her third change--the month prior to having joined the Calagathorm--inflicted the most turmoil. She was never sure how they were acquired, as she possessed no memory of those first few changes. Nonetheless, the three long scars on her lower back told Logan a story of a battle more vicious than the rest, and were still the newest in her collection; save for where the strange creatures spear had pierced her shoulder a month ago.

When she had awoken the day after receiving the injuries, her ability to walk had all but been taken from her, and it seemed the only thing to soothe and awaken the nerves were ice baths.

It wasn't the first time she'd gone off to nurse the injuries in solitude. It was however, the first time they caused her trouble during the day preceding the full moon. Jackie was a scout now (a fact that in and of itself was already enough to both enrage and humble Logan all at once) - and Logan would be utterly ashamed to be caught vulnerable. But the area was checked and no sign of the pack was detected, so Logan stayed that way for over an hour.

Down in the meadow, Ulric stepped down off the rock. Timothy stood up. Both were staring at a little corner of the woods...


"Don't what?" Timothy asked sharply, but he didn't look away.

Ulric could have breathed an audible sigh of relief that Timothy said anything at all. In truth, Ulric much preferred the sky, the grass, and the birds to Timothy's company that morning, but it was his intention to keep him out of the way, or at least keep an eye on him. Thus, here they were, together not for the first time. This time, however, Ulric was determined to heed the alpha's advice and not follow Timothy into danger.

"Just don't, wolf-up on me..." Ulric said. He cautiously stepped down off the stone and strained his ears into the corner of the meadow. The silence was eerie. The wind had died down, so there wasn't even a breeze. No leaf moved. No scent came out of the trees. Everything was still...

If there was anything out there, Ulric had to detect it before Timothy did.


"I thought I might find you here," said a voice from above Logan--up on that old boulder she'd once meditated on before.

How she had gotten up there unnoticed was a mystery. How long she had been up there, less so, for she certainly hadn't been there when Logan first came to the pool an hour earlier.

She was in wolf form and garb, white as the snow. After making her presence known, she stood and slinked down the rock slide, her long body and features then favoring a ermine more than a wolf, until her toes were just at the pool's edge.

"Mind if I join you?"

Logan flinched inwardly and opened a single eye with the other still against the stone. She glanced in the direction of Sabrina but remained otherwise still.

"Myslím, že aj tak budeš, Biela Líška."

Logan responded placidly, submerging herself just a little deeper.

"Nie. Do as you wish,” she waved a hand dismissively and closed her eyes again, her chin alone rested on the stone now.

Sabrina eased down into the cold water up to her breast, and leaned back on the stone with a sigh, closing her eyes. She took a moment to adjust to the chill, then raised her head and levelled her gaze on Logan. The sharp contrast between white fur, black eyelids, and golden eyes made her gaze that much more intense, though her expression was soft.

"You've never come to me for any of those," she commented, referencing Logan's old wounds.

Logan turned to face Sabrina and brought her arms up on the stones behind her. Her fists flexed and loosened, and she observed Sabrina’s countenance and overall appearance.

“They are scars, there is nothing to come for. Do you think you will go back to another time to stop them from becoming?” She said with an eyebrow raised, one hand opening up with her palm out. Her ink black hair fell around her bare shoulders with all the grace of the water flowing from it.

A small shrug of the shoulder. "Nothing to be done for the past, I suppose," she said nonchalantly.

She tilted her muzzle down and looked at Logan earnestly, curls from her white mane falling from where they had been tucked to frame her face. "But, in the future, know my door is open."

Logan nodded once.

“It is just flesh.” She waved a hand dismissively. In fact, Logan looked forward to acquiring her next scars. It was a show of what had been overcome.

Najťažšie rany sú tie, ktoré nevidíš. Do you think?” she asked solemnly, lowering her chin as she looked on at Sabrina.

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