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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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It was on an early autumn morning when the phone rang at Zeit's cabin. While outside, birds talked of the changing weather and the current affairs in the valley, inside, all was silence and peace. The tables and countertops were clean. The windows were open to let in the autumn air. The smells of a cool, clean, wet sink rose into curtains lightly fluttering in the breeze.  All the magazines in the living room were neatly stacked. The fireplace was clean with new logs waiting to be lit. Spools of yarn and household crafts sat in baskets by the couch, alongside many cozy blankets. Withal, the cabin was still and quiet save for the house phone that rang on it's perch. But no one was around that morning to hear the phone ring, for with the cold wind that had taken the mountain was a feeling of change.

Up in the meadow, Ulric bounded and loped like a school boy! He kicked his heels in the grass and caught stalks of it in his hands, laughing.
"Do you feel it?" He said, to no one in particular. He jumped on a big rock sticking out of the meadow and stretched his arms across the sky.

"Ah!" He breathed. The air was rich with that earth-smell, the smell of a world slowing down and slipping into a dreamy rest. It was the smell of crusty red leaves, and dark, wet bark. It was the smell of overflowing streams of frogs and fish. It was the smell of yellow fields ripe with seeds. It was the smell of change.

It had been over a month since Ulric had taken his secondary form. He felt like he could burst. With the full moon predicted to come tonight, small wonder he was up so early. Restlessness came with curse, as they said when he was young. But it felt like a blessing to him, to want for no sleep and yet to still feel energetic and able. This was the power he possessed, among many others, a world only he and his kind would know. It was only a matter of time, now, before what had been locked to him would be released.

"Heh." Timothy scoffed. He was less enthusiastic than Ulric by far as he sat by the stream. He didn't seem bothered at all by the ice-cold waters in which his bare feet were submerged. Perhaps that was also a part of the inhuman gift.

Ulric didn't attempt to enliven his unenthused friend - if friend Timothy could be called - for Ulric was much too immersed in the splendor of the day, and he had better companions to entertain besides. What was was he to think then, when suddenly all the birds fell silent, and a feeling of imminent danger interrupted the mood of the morning?

Ulric found himself staring in the same direction that had Timothy's full attention. The meadow had become silent, and there was a hush in the woods wherein they stared.

"Timothy..." Ulric said cautiously. "Dont -"

As was typical of every morning, Saber was not awake.

And as was typical of every time he slept, his bed had been pushed against the door of his little windowless room, blocking it while he did so. With pillow over face, he wasn't likely to stir for several more hours.

Bianca sunk into a couch with a cup of tea and her headphones on. It was part of the routine she'd built. Every morning, by seven, she'd showered and was making breakfast, true to the Chapman way. When she finished, she'd take some time to listen to music on the couch with a cozy blanket, as she was doing presently.

Every morning, the tables in each cabin were ready by eight-thirty. She had the sense to cook the bacon and sausage on cookie sheets and prepare her potato and pepper hash ahead of time and freeze it to make it easier. People would filter in, nibble, make small talk, she would put the leftovers away. Rinse and repeat the next day. It was her job, and she took it seriously.

Saber's was always prepared first, before anything else had touched the dishes. His was usually plain white rice and unseasoned strip steak. She put it in a designated container and left it by his bedroom door every day.

A little over a week ago, Bianca had finished sorting the cabins - "A" and "B", they were boringly named. She decided to temporarily call them the Titans Tower (B) and the Batcave (A), but it probably went over everyone's head. They needed better names than A and B. Regardless - this was her first self prescribed duty as Den Mother.

Right after she'd finished getting everyone sorted, her Grandpa had shown up to fill a surprise request of hers made some time ago; that he use her funds to help her prepare them for the winter. This was her second self prescribed duty as Den Mother.

He showed up with no less than twenty large totes, half of them full of food. Therefore, they were sufficiently stocked with dried, canned and frozen goods for the winter. As a special treat, he even brought out dairy products and meat sourced from a rancher he was well acquainted with.

Per Bianca's request --as it had become apparent to Bianca early on most members of the pack had arrived with the clothes on their back--everyone was brought new clothes and these filled the other half of the totes. Tee shirts, tank tops, underwear and socks, pajamas, thermal clothing, sweatpants, sweatshirts, beanies and gloves, hoodies, coats--even extra sets just in case someone else came along. Her savings account was much lighter for it (or mostly depleted rather), but the assurance that nobody would be cold during the wintertime was priceless and brought her comfort.

There were other surprises, gifts; most of them had been squirreled away in her room for the appropriate time, but Logan and Jackie were given theirs to share - a punching bag. Bianca realized only after it arrived there didn't seem a good place to put it, so it was still sitting in need of assembly somewhere.

A couple of days prior to this morning, Bianca had cut and dyed her own hair. It was short - almost a pixie cut - and had been blue, but mostly washed back to blonde for her excessive showering. A week before that, it had been pink and blonde and she had cut bangs into it - every style more dramatic as she tried to stave off the anxiety by combating it with impulsivity.

Bianca leaned her head back on the couch with her eyes shut, and let the music engulf her.

Sometime in the past month the cabins in the mountains saw its youngest visitors to date begin living within its walls. Between the two, Dakota left far more of an impression on the place than Samantha of their presence.

First there was his fathers truck, usually parked outside the cabin. While he was not legally old enough to be driving it, Dakota had driven it plenty of times to bring over several things from his fathers cabin, the two's previous residency.

Being assigned to share a room with a teenager named Levi of the mountain's pack, most of the things Dakota brought over ended up in Levi's modest sized bedroom on the upper cabin floor. Boxes of books, furs and horns from many different kinds of beasts were brought and stored in the room. Some tribal garments and a staff carved with wolf and beasts, along with many other handcrafted decorations were tucked away as well. Several instruments moved into the room too, but these were carefully tucked near Dakota’s bed for easier access, a beautiful mahogany guitar being the most prominent of them. With not only the belongings of Dakota, but of his father, coming with him it wasn’t long till the small room was filled to the brim with very little room left to move.

But even with so much of the boy’s presence to be found at the cabin that morning, Dakota himself was not.


Samantha wanted to get up early that morning to help Bianca with breakfast, but having a hard time getting to sleep last night, she had slept in. Once she was up however, she had made her way timidly to the nearest bathroom and carefully brushed her hair, like how Bianca had taught her.

She put on a flowy little long sleeved red dress embroidered with autumn leaves that was given to her from Bianca shortly after she and Dakota had moved into the cabins. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, only her head and chest really visible as she gave the dress a twirl. The skirt danced around her legs as she moved. She smiled into the mirror, feeling pretty. Then she skipped out the door, before growing timid and shyly proceeding down the steps towards the kitchen.

Breakfast was already on the table by the time she had come out. She had eaten a little, but was worried when she couldn't find Dakota present. Soon breakfast past. Samantha had continued to look around the cabin for Dakota but he was still missing. Eventually after staring out the cabin window long enough, she went and found Bianca on the couch.

As much as she liked living in the huge cabins, (There was so much space to run around and explore) she was still unsure of the pack that lived in them. But Bianca was by far the nicest person there- So nice that Dakota had told Samantha to go to her if she needed anything. Dakota seemed like he trusted her, and so Samantha was trying to trust her too.

Seeing Bianca lost in the music in her headphones, Samantha carefully tapped her to get her attention. " Um Bianca...?" She said quietly.

Bianca opened her eyes and smiled to see Samantha, quickly removing her headphones and setting her tea down on the end table.

"Oh my goodness-look at you! That dress is so cute, Sami! You did a great job on your hair, too."

She said, standing and coming around to the other side of the couch. It was then that she realized the concern on Sami's face and she knit her brow, "Hey, is everything alright?"


Levi hadn't gone up the hillside to watch Ulric and Timothy. He'd gone up there to... well, he wasn't quite sure. Find some solace, he supposed. Four days ago, September 12th, had been his "full moon birthday". Five years ago on that day, he'd had his first change. He didn't remember too much about it. He'd had other things on his mind. His mother's fever had been getting worse. He didn't know how to get in touch with his father, or which of the neighbors he could trust for help.

The nearest people to their property lived forty miles away. The Murphy's, a young Catholic family. He'd just resolved to set out under the cover of darkness so as not to attract undue attention to anyone--himself and his mother, or the Murphy's--and ask them for help. Along the way, he'd had his first change. It was terrifying. He had never been told he was a werewolf. He didn't know if the change was real or some kind of hallucination, or vision. He took it as a sign from God that he wasn't supposed to go to the Murphy's. He tucked tail and went home to his mother. But he didn't want her to see him like that. He hid in his room that night. A scared little 12-year-old boy, covered in monster fur, listening to his mother cry but being sure if he went to her like that, he'd frighten her so badly it would be the end of her.

Four days later, the end came anyway.

Four days later. Five years later. Today.

The what ifs always haunted him on this day. When his father did come, he told him not to blame himself. "If you need to blame anyone, blame me," is what his father said. "I should have been here for you. For both of you." And while that was true, Levi didn't want to be angry at his father. He knew if he placed the blame on his father, he would always resent him. Somehow, it was easier to resent himself. What if he'd taken care of her that night, instead of being a coward, hiding in his room? He left her alone, when she had needed him the most. She'd known father was a werewolf. It wouldn't have frightened her at all. Or what if he'd gone to the Murphy's? Twelve hours later or so, when he got there, it would have been day time. He wouldn't have been a wolf anymore. Or maybe if he'd gone the next day?

What if...

That was when he noticed the stillness of the birds. The way Ulric and Timothy's body language changed. He swivelled his ears in the direction they were looking. What were they looking at?

Theo had scarcely been seen in the cabins those last few weeks. With ferocious tenacity, he had been ominously missing. And where in his absence to those common places, it felt as though a shadow cast to a tree that was no longer there.  He rose early in the morning, just before the sun had breached the horizon, and returned late at night. He smelled strangely - or rather not at all - and nothing could be discerned of his activities other than it was consuming on his mind and soul.

Yet ever so, the gentle-eyed boy still smiled when found... but as of yet, had not revealed the nature of his latest project.

So it was he stumbled upon the small scene with  Levi.  He rounded at the corner. He had been walking quietly, and unless anyone's ears had been in his direction, he knew they would not have detected him. Not one to cause alarm to his packmate, he opted to walk a little more loudly and come up just to his immediate side - rather than behind.

At his waist was a stray basket with a haphazard lid. It appeared to have been something he had woven from thin strips of thinly sliced wood, carefully brought to form before the moisture had left the wood, then tied at the ends with a solid chord. The contents within could not be seen. Otherwise, he was garbed in a pair of shorts and a comfortable T-shirt that Bianca had purchased for him. As usual, he wore no shoes.

He came up just behind Levi, and at once felt troubled on his friend's behalf. He suddenly felt guilty for the neglect, and could not help but miss the countenance of his companion. Something troubled him. But what?

He would never know, unless he asked.

"Uh... hi Levi..." he said rather abruptly, feeling again guilty he might cause an inadvertent spook.

Levi's ears turned to Theo before his head did. He hadn't known he was there until he spoke, but Levi always felt comfortable in Theo's company--his appearance was not at all alarming. He looked at him now, noting his clothes and the basket, then looked out at the meadow again.

"Ah, hullo Theo!" he said cheerfully, though he still watched Ulric and Timothy below with some concern. A look at Theo. The meadow. Theo. He stood up. "Always a sight fer sore eyes. I was just..." Spying. "Ah, well, does somethin' seemae bit strange down there to you?"

He gestured to the pair in the meadow.

If Theo thought anything less of Levi's character for his vantage at the top of the hill, he did not let on. As usual, his expression was cheerful and upbeat. He looked down more closely at the two figures below to his motion without missing a beat. Although he had not been paying particular mind to either of them at his approach, now he turned to them with closer attention.

"Something has startled them... that isn't us..." he murmured. He looked beyond the two figures to see what else he could detect besides his two packmates. Although with smell out of the picture, he was forced to rely on sight and sound alone.

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