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Werewolves (RP 7): Where Phantoms Reside (10/15-9/16)

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Chapman, standing at his full length, rotated one arm and pressed the other hand on his shoulder. "I'm getting too old for this.." even as he grumbled under his breath he looked around to make out the remaining of the group. The wolf he hurled had run off, with another tailing behind. 'As long as they're off the roads'.

It seemed the white wolf he had pushed aside didn't take it the attack personally, so there was some relief in that. Or else her attention was merely snatched away by something far more pressing, as was made evident when she took off suddenly!

The numbers had dawdled besides the obvious from their previous bulk of some ten werewolves and two civilians that he had made careful note of prior to entering.. one of the girls had run across the street before Bianca could even approach her. Zander was still struggling to get the scraggly looking omega to the truck before he hurt himself any more, the older female had subsided in her aggressiveness for the most part and he noted that the young female at her side was carefully tending her eyes on Zander, when her attention too was suddenly set on something. Both she and the white werewolf must have to come to the same realization at different times; only one werewolf and one civilian hadn't been accounted for. Although every set of circumstances in motion was undoubtedly of serious consequence, it was the unknown circumstance that brought with it the most dread and urgency.


Bianca's first attempt to approach Jenn was lost when the woman darted across the road. So instead, she made her way over to Zander and Toby.

"Tammy's your friend, right?" she asked, directing the question at Toby and moving ahead of Zander to open the door to the truck. "So you just wait here in case she comes back to her truck, since you can't very well do anything else. We'll find her." she spoke loudly enough that the torrent of rain couldn't completely drown out her voice, and when she finished there, again she sought out Jenn and made her way towards the woman.

"Jenn!" sprinting ahead of Theo she at last grew near to the female, and followed her gaze to the vague figures cloaked in the rain and the shadow of the night.


Not once looking at Diane, even when his name was mentioned, the man listened to her words with a tongue in his cheek. "Ah... what a humble request, if only it wasn't tainted with just the slightest bit of manipulation. You'd feel sorry, my-" his eyes cut towards the sound of rustling, and soon Jodecai had drawn near to them. Silas stepped aside and gave the bodyguard due space. When the request was voiced, he could only wait and see how it would play out. Jodecai was a decisive man when he did settle on an idea, and still Diane was the superior.. not all the bets had been thrown in the pot just yet.



The question of where Timothy had gone, and what had happened to Tammy loomed over an increasing number of concerned minds. But it was far too late now for anyone to have stopped or prevented what took place.

The night-flight had begun long ago; the streets went black and were already quite wet by the time, and the wind was blowing down from the sky through the pampered trees of the small town. Thunder rolled mightily over the mountain peaks, but never struck the earth save for that one bolt that had put the lights out.


No one but Tammy had seen how the black werewolf lowered his head with a smile on his maw, nor how his eyes set on her just after the marked white werewolf had given her grunt of command.

When those features became real and humanly recognizable, Tammy felt as if there was warm milk in her viens; it made her feel like the street had suddenly fallen out from under her and left her to plummet into an abyss.

Yes, Tammy had fled, there was no compelling force on earth that could make her stay. Tammy had seen something else under that scarred brow and in those liquid-steel eyes that was more terrifying to her than the very presence of the monster itself, she had seen familiarity, and that was enough to make her run despite every bit of good sense that told her to hold her ground.

That aforementioned sensation made Tammy's limbs feel numb just moments after the streets went pitch black and she knew that those eyes and features were soon coming for her. She simply was not prepared to face what fate would give her that night.


As for Timothy, his mind had been a mystery since the day he had arrived on the ranch, so much was done behind his eyes that never reached the surface, but now at last, many things concerning his mind and motives might become known.

How often had Timothy seen Jackie on the ranch? How often had he witnessed her loyalty sway at times and in different places from the rest of her pack?

All those months ago, when Timothy had found Jackie bleeding in the forest, when the Alpha assumed that Timothy would take her life... he had gone instead out of curiosity to seek her medicine.

When the one who had done Jackie that harm appeared at the dens without having payed the penalty for attacking her, Sabrina saw Timothy take unprecedented control over his werewolf form, and for no other reason than to avenge a fellow pack member who he knew not as of yet was alive.

For Timothy had fled into the mountains and waited out a time, watching for the moment when he could attack without offending the pack. When the moment came, however, Jackie chose favor, and it was alongside that very same loner, Logan, that she regarded Timothy with teeth.

Ever since that time, Timothy knew that Jackie would be an unreliable companion, she wavered in temperament and decision so often that by instinct it was expected, but nonetheless she would be forgiven for her foibles. Jackie was a member of the pack, and both strengths and faults were accepted in the mind of the wolf.

Yet it could not be said that Jackie's last minute assault on Toby was unforeseen, for there was simply no way to mistake it: Theo and Toby were standing right beside the loners, they didn't think of them as a threat for otherwise they would have regarded them with hostility. Sabrina was right there looking on, and Timothy knew Sabrina to be a higher ranking official who had interfered in behalf of strangers before.

When Jackie decided to attack despite all these clear signs of passivity and control from her pack members, she had already chosen to go against her pack.

So why had Timothy let Jackie make the call? He had played Jackie's excuses to be his own, and he had let her make the calculations... or so it appeared. No, in reality, Timothy had let Jackie make her calculations, and he knew that she would make a mistake. The only way for Jackie's plan to succeed was if the distraction she concocted would work on her own pack as well, otherwise they were sure to interfere in the Loner's behalf. Timothy was counting on it.

The moment Jackie made her decision, Timothy was gratified for his own. Sabrina could not recalculate fast enough to throw Jackie's attack, much less give Timothy more than a glance of heed. Ulric was not near enough to be a factor.

In the end, the way it played out was the only way that Jackie, or Timothy, would get what they wanted... and it worked. Jackie took the fall, and Timothy took the target she had given him.


It was rain and pavement and the beating of hearts for a time. During the chase the asphalt glinted, the wind blew cold, and the streetlamps were all dark. The corners of the streets of Reknab Bend, with every tree, stop sign and fence appeared to be an ominous sight in the dark hours of the night.

Sometimes the breathing of the beast was so near, Tammy could hear it on her heels. Other times it seemed Timothy would vanish completely, only to reemerge in another direction, ushering deviation to the set course.

Tammy ran with unprecedented strength and Timothy drove her all the while, but he never sprang upon her with the same agility that everyone knew he was capable in a moment of notice. The two had passed three street blocks before the brawl behind them had been broken by Chapman's arrival.

Reknab Bend was a small suburban town surrounded by rural countryside, where roads came to abrupt ends and fields were found not only beyond the residential backyards of town-dwellers, but within the town itself. Those greater fields that led right up to the mountain foot were often separated from public areas by cheap posts and barbwire to deter the trespasser from private land, yet such barricades were more often than not a temptation to young idlers who would diverge their pathway home from school into these places of secrecy and mischief. Truly, the fields within the town's limits however, away from the responsible eyes of humanity, were justly dangerous places for youth; therein many predators could hide and go unseen like the snake in the gophers burrow. But were these dangers fewer and less in comparison to the dangers that Phantom Mountain had so long concealed?: It was a question to be considered in warning. But as for Tammy, she knowingly led the way into one such field, first following a beaten path, and then taking off through the straw.

The direction suited Timothy's purpose, he was never far behind Tammy and she diverted her course away from any place where she might have hoped to find rescue. The possibilities that she could lose him now in such a place were scarce to none, so it was just him and her, the Hunter and the Hunted...

At length it seemed appropriate that the chase should come to an end, so Timothy advanced, he came upon Tammy's heels swiftly and lunged out of the brush and weed to nip the hem of her jeans. He caught the ankle of his prey in his teeth and she fell, but gave no cry, and so Timothy went for another attack. It must have been anticipated where the attacker intended strike next, for Tammy ducked and her neck was spared the bite, letting the large beast fly over her head.

A heavy blow met Timothy's sternum from beneath when the attack failed and something sharp marked his skin. A growl followed and Timothy retaliated with an infuriated attack on whatever part of the person beneath him he caught hold of, shaking it violently with his neck and drawing the taste of blood.

The figure was left lying in the grass.

The sensation of that blood which met Timothy's maw startled him, and he had fled a few steps to recollect himself. There was something odd that came over him, Timothy felt his joints quivering and he was struggling to catch his breath.

It must have been a memory that stopped him, something Timothy had recognized. "But what is it? Where do I remember it?" he asked himself in his confusion.

Images sped through Timothy's mind as he remembered that he had been searching in a dark but familiar place. He remembered that there had been a strange smell, and that he had heard a breath that night, alerting him that he wasn't alone.

Timothy gave a quick jolt as if he had been hit!

The werewolf ducked his head as a peculiar feeling gave rise in his stomach, something like hunger but far worse. Timothy couldn't place what it was, he could remember now that he had experienced it before, and it was when he had been searching for the strange box in Zeit's cottage, the one that smelled like something in Jackie's blood. That was when Timothy had came across this feeling the first time, he had sensed the intruder in the house, but she had fled from him before he could catch her. Yes, someone had been there that night, Timothy had pursued the intruder into the field, when he was suddenly attacked by a thunderous beast.

Timothy lifted his eyes and ears to look at the fallen figure laying motionless in the grass.

"It was you." He said, and followed the words with a snap of his teeth and a bark! But the figure did not respond.

Timothy advanced a step and began growling as he did so. "Get up! You're not dead." He demanded.


Tammy lay still as stone, in the exact position she had fallen; one arm outspread before her, on which her head rested, and the other hand laid over her right ear. At length she moved her fingers, a soft flinch from her ear and then feeling the thick moisture that was there, thus finding and confirming the severity of the throbbing in her nearby shoulder.

After a moment, Tammy drew herself up with one arm but would not look at her attacker, she hid her gaze from his view beneath the rim of her cap and behind the collar of her jacket.

"Change bac-k," Tammy said at length, managing to speak though her voice cracked when she swallowed the lump in her throat. "I know you can... so change back."

Tammy coughed and spat out the rain, but Timothy's hackles only raised in reply.

Tammy swallowed hard, she was still breathing heavily and looking for a way out. Not far away was her intended aim: Herby's Pond, but it was still too far away to get to if she tried to escape the werewolf with him so close. Nothing he said was easy to understand, nonetheless she listened to him as he sorted out some inner conflict in his own strange language.


Timothy was battling himself, and he did not know why. Something was amiss inside him, "If this girl is an intruder, why isn't she dead yet?" Timothy had seldom felt the need to speak to others, there were few advantages in conversation, but he wanted to ask why the girl had been in Zeit's house that night, who she was, and what had attacked him in her defense.

"Please, just leave me alone..." Tammy's quiet plea interrupted Timothy's thoughts.

Timothy bared his teeth afresh at the girl and glared, returning a snarling in reply. "Why?"

Tammy gave no answer.

Somehow that feeling inside Timothy's stomach hadn't subsided, in fact, it had grown, and now he began feeling a tingling, jittery-feeling in his limbs that made him want to leap or dig or do anything to get the energy out. ... Was the feeling desperation?

"Sabrina is sure to be on her feet by now and will be coming. Maybe that is why." Timothy reasoned silently to himself, and no sooner had the thought occurred to him, when then the approach of that very werewolf was detected.

Timothy did not want to give Sabrina the chance to steal his catch or immobilize him as she had done before, therefore he made a move she could not neglect to heed.

"Don't move!" Timothy shouted in demand and he pounced so suddenly that Tammy gave a cry! Catching the nape of the girl's neck in his teeth and standing over her like a carcass of prey, Timothy was daring anyone to face the consequences of getting too close. There wasn't a move that could be made fast enough if someone should try a sudden move in the wrong direction!


Levi afforded Melinda her privacy - even though she was perfectly well hidden from his vantage point by the car and the trench coat, he still averted his eyes respectfully. Instead he found some puddle in the asphalt to examine and consider the intricacies of. While he was at it, he might have even pondered things like his place in the universe and why oranges are called oranges. Is the colour orange called orange 'cause oranges are orange? he might have thought, Or are oranges called oranges 'cause they are predictably always orange? If that's the case, why aren't bananas called yellows? These are the sorts o' things I wonder aboot...

After a few minutes, he heard the shuffling of the trench coat and looked up. Melinda had changed and nodded to him in regards to the umbrella. He nodded in kind and stepped back a couple of steps.

He continued to listen and observed the exchange between Melinda and the Alpha of the Calagrathorm with deepening curiosity. He must have missed the first book in this series, for though he was familiar with the names and faces, their significance had not before been established to him.


The outsider was not welcome to follow, but whether she would heed Sabrina's message or not was up to her. Sabrina had snapped her jowls at Cherise and growled over her shoulder the most concise way of putting it that she could muster: Pack business. Butt out. Though rude even by wolf standards, she considered her only a meddling foreigner who would complicate matters. If the situation had escalated to the point she predicted it had by now, she desired as few factors to calibrate into the scenario as possible. Fewer factors, fewer variables. Sabrina's expertise had just been burned by variables. Once was unforgivable. Twice would not be done.

She smelled blood long before she heard the noise. Any emotion that had been simmered by the fact that she had indeed miscalculated and been too late had to be quelled. Attachments had to be severed. She had to clear her head and handle the situation at hand with the passion of a reptile.

She slid to a stop before Timothy, instantly appraising his threat upon the girl. She was alive, but wounded. If she survived, she could be another wolf by morning. That made her more than a casualty; it made her a charge. Swift and cold judgement would have to be made now. A total, frozen calm had come over her, before she even revealed herself to Timothy's sight.

"Timothy," she said softly, "Talk to me. What is it that you want?" She paused a moment to let him process the question. After a few minutes, she went on, still in a calm, caring voice, "We're your pack, Timothy, not your enemies. We love you. That girl you have there is not your enemy either. She's somebody's daughter, and she's kind of scared right now. Do you know what her name is?"


What eyes to meet, and what a face to behold where so few had dared to look! In only a brief moment spent, even in the dark and in the rain, it would be hard not to notice what was seen.
In what words could it be described, what Melinda found when she had looked to face the gaze of that giant? His eyes were a placid pool of undisturbed sincerity under a brow that was incomprehensibly unlike what one might expect to encounter in an unfeeling monster. Nonetheless, they were no easier to meet, for the eyes of that man were fit to judge and see deeply beyond the facades and fallibility so regularly associated with the exterior of mankind; He would look and he would see, and no man or woman could deny him who met his eyes.

So it was.

Meeting the Alpha on the same level of honesty which he lay bare before his beholder would prove difficult, nevertheless, Kratos studied Melinda's face and eyes every bit as much as she had his. The woman's face had been dried, her tears therefore unmistakable, yet so swiftly were they wiped aside, as if a weakness unwanted before an audience of one man. It showed how quickly indifference could replace empathy by one practiced in the art of concealment, but these simple tears were sufficient for the Alpha to know there was indeed emotion behind Melinda's words - how much and how far it would extend were yet untested, but for now he was content.

Melinda broke the gaze to wipe her tears and Kratos listened to hear her finish, then he said but few words to her and turned away in an instant, both becoming a beast and releasing a deep, bellowing howl into the night at once.

The Alpha's voice was loud and powerful, an echoing horn with deeper meaning and varying tones to carry his message far over the land and into the ears of his dispersed pack, bringing them back to him again.

Meanwhile, the few words the Alpha gave to Melinda, were hers to keep and consider for as long as they might remain upon her mind...
"I am a man, and my name is Kratos."


The direction Silas seemed to be going left Diane feeling sure to be disappointed, thus she saw the Defender's approach as a welcome interruption.

Diane's attention was drawn to look upon the imposing figure who came out of the straw and weed, and was careful to notice his expression and overall demeanor before he spoke, which then brought about a smile upon her face and Diane's manner changed accordingly.

"Jodecai? I didn't think you were the talking type." Miss Baltronan said, walking over to him in a sidling manner and turning a doubtful glance at Silas. Being reminded of certain formalities, Diane was sure to regard the present conversation more carefully than she had the last. "Actaeon, believes we should return and tell Father... and the young Alpha has already ordered we leave; I don't believe going back to speak with him after such a deliberate dismissal would be in our best interest. However, if there is no way I can dissuade you -"

Diane was cut off by the powerful and magnificent howl that broke over the land, the message resoundingly clear from the Alpha to his pack: "Return to the ranch, every one of you, and do so swiftly."

Thus that smile curling at the corners of Diane's lips was deepened, and her green eyes glinted over her shoulder toward the sound while she finished her comment. "...then it looks like you might just get the chance."



Why Kratos had insisted this woman return with them, Logan was unsure. Their conversation seemed to span a great deal of time, that in reality couldn't have been very long at all. All to say what, Logan wondered? The business was between the stranger and Kratos, so she would not seek answers regarding the matter right now. Nor could she rightfully press for them while there were secrets hanging over her head, things which she had no desire to hold onto for too long.

When the great howl sounded over the land, it seemed at first Logan was unwilling to comply; she remained as she was, crouched and staring off into the silhouette of the field and the trees that lie ahead. At last she pressed her hands on her knees and stood slowly.


Her eyes shifted to her arm, where she found a wolf spider, no doubt trying to get as far from the wet ground as he could. She cupped a hand over it and scooped it up, clasping the small creature in between her palms.

"You have had to leave your home.. so I have." she began towards the ranch. "It is not easy, has it? No.." moving over to a line of trees and brush, she found a relatively dry place and let the little animal go. "The rain will stop, tomorrow we have another chance."

And she continued on her way.



Cherise sped like a bullet after the white she-wolf. It was clear that they were after the same thing, for they went in the same direction. She gave no heed to the demand to stay out of it. She did not know this wolf, nor had she any reason to trust her. It could very well be pack business to kill the child and leave her in the cold of night. And that was never going to happen.

It was then that Cherise caught the smell of blood. That was the braking point.. In the dark of night, drenched in the cold rain beneath the Phantom Mountain, something had awoke.. Something changed in the air about Cherise, something which seemed to provide new courage and strength in the dormant wolf. Her paws lifted with some unknown authority, and landed with command. There was a sense of connection and familiarity, her eyes seemed to glow with it. A call from a past unknown, now was being answered in the heart of the young she-wolf.

In moments Chersie came upon the heart freezing sight. The young woman trapped in the jaws of a beast, who stood before them in a threat. Though alive she was, it was uncertain how one could save her as yet. Cherise looked upon those before her without known emotion on her face. She stood diagonally behind the white female, far enough as not to pose any interference with her as she tried to reason with, what Cherise would deem, the unreasonable. But her eyes were fixed, sharp and piercing upon Timothy. Everything, her eyes, her body language, everything stated clearly that he had taken what belonged to her, and, if it was not retrieved alive, she would come for him with no hesitation.


Her breath came out short and fast as her shaky feet carried her on the dark asphalt path. The street was empty, save for herself and the creature that pursued behind her. She didn’t have the energy to outlast Ulric, even with his injured arm. Yet even if she had, she suspected there wasn’t a distance that would loose him. Ulric always had a tendency to trail close behind the aftermath of her chaos.

Futile as it was, she pushed her weakened form as far as it could go until her breathing rasped and her mouth frothed. She couldn’t loose Ulric altogether, but perhaps for just a few moments she might flicker out of his sight. Pushed to the limits, she could barely do more than breath and run.

Just as she was passing the corner of what appeared to be an elementary school, she took a misstep and her mass slammed into the asphalt of the parking lot. As she skidded to a halt she struggled to stand, but her strength had long ago ebbed and will power was no longer enough to reclaim it. The corners of her vision were speckled with blackness and the ground spun beneath her; if she wasn’t careful she could very well pass out. She wretched hot bile and her chest heaved in and out air as though she had been drowning.

For how long she was like this she could not say. She knew that she had not passed out altogether for she could still feel the gravel beneath her; but most other signs of the outside world had been obscured. With what could have been seconds or minutes later, she heard a resonating sound fill the air… the call of the alpha, requesting his pack come home. But she was not pack and she had no home.

She knew Ulric must have been watching; he hadn’t been too far behind her. She twisted her head to where she suspected he was and curled her lips into a faint snarl.

Catch a hint,” she spoke, the words low and worn, but unmistakable,”And leave me alone


Zander eyed Toby suspiciously as he began to talk. Perhaps the young man had suffered some sort of concussion, or was it simply pain and distress that made him talk so? The night had been long and Zander found his patience to listen had worn thin; however Zander’s attention returned full at the mention of Tammy’s name. A weariness passed over his eyes and he sighed deeply.

For those few moments the young man didn’t know what to say. He had a dark feeling in the pit of his stomach that told him there was no good news for his friend’s fate. He cast Bianca a grateful look that she spoke first. By the time she had finished, Zander had gathered his thoughts on what to say next.

She’s right,” Zander nodded and as Bianca opened the car door, he gently settled Toby inside,”Right now what you can do to help the most is make sure you stay safe so no one has to worry about you too. I promise we'll do everything in our power to help your friends” He smiled faintly, hoping Toby might somehow find it reassuring, but he doubted he could entirely mask his uneasiness. With the young man now settled in the car, he gently eased the car door so it was partway open.

Zander watched as Bianca abruptly left, presumably to check on Jenn. Zander nodded; this was what he had planned to do next as well. Jenn was in his power to help right then and there. He turned to follow her, trying to keep his approach to Jenn as non-threatening as he could manage.

An eerie howl filled the air and Zander listened to it thoughtfully. It was a call for the pack to return. Though perhaps it was a little too late on account to the young woman that had vanished in the night.


Theo stopped trailing after Jenn after she’d shot up and run away from him the second he’d reached out to her. In retrospect, maybe helping her hadn’t been his best decision. He wasn’t a familiar face and she must have been very afraid. Once he saw the two loners go to follow her, Theo stepped a few steps backward. She knew those two better than she knew him and he was certain they’d do a far better job than he would.

He turned to check up on Toby. He’d heard his friend shouting earlier, but hadn’t responded immediately. He was frustrated and embarrassed by how little he’d managed to do that night. He trudged towards the truck where he’d seen the loner drop him and sheepishly grinned.

Then the alpha’s call hit the air and Theo gulped. He couldn’t exactly tell if Kratos was annoyed or not that so many of the pack was out – but given the circumstances, he probably was, and he could only hope the alpha didn’t figure out he and Toby had been out for a good few hours. They needed to get back to the pack fast! Which would be no problem if it was just himself, but Toby’s condition would make swift moving painful if not impossible…


The chill in the air had ebbed. Whether it was the new clothing or a subtle shift in the air, Melinda no longer found the beat of the rain and the icy wind so concerning. The warmth filled her to her fingertips. For the first time that night, the woman felt as though she was right where she needed to be and her plans had not been, in fact, cast in complete disarray.

So content was she that she visibly flinched with surprise as the tree of a man leaned in close to murmur words in her ear. Melinda said nothing of his statement as he pulled away nor gave any sort of visible reaction beyond the fading remnants of her initial surprise. He wished to be called a name and known as a man? Then so be it. He would be the first man she knew that dented car hoods with their bare hands as a statement of power or else took the form of a beast moments after asking to be considered human. Melinda smiled wryly. A man indeed.

As the man named Kratos took to his fours and pointed his maw to the sky and howled, Melinda was temporarily deafened to nothing else but that sound. As her ears adjusted she could make out more of its notes, more of the varying pitches that comprised the single breath from which it came. Was it strange to find comfort in a voice she did not understand? She was no wolf, and yet all the same there was a quality in it she liked. When she closed her eyes for just a few moments, she could understand why her sister liked it here.

Melinda’s fingers began to trail until they brushed absently on the left side of her waist. Her hand stopped short as it met something unseen beneath her coat and she could feel the fine pin-pricks of cold against her hand. She had not meant for her fingers to wander there, but nonetheless found her hand confirming the thing she had so deliberately sought to grab from the back of her car just a few minutes prior. Her hands slacked almost immediately, before any might see the subtle movement, but the warmth she’d taken from the howl receded from her mind. For now she and the alpha’s goals aligned. But a chill filled her at the thought of how long it might last.


Ulric was nearby, standing under the torrents of rain not three feet from where Jackie lay, a perfect silhouette against the red haze cast by a lonely streetlamp flickering some distance behind him.

There would be no hesitation had Ulric been someone else, for as Jackie lay there, with her body trembling, her legs weakened, and the smell of blood and vomit around her, Ulric knew he was watching his friend fight a very real battle with death.
But Ulric did hesitate, because he respected Jackie her words bit deeply into his heart. Ulric's loyalty to Jackie never permitted him to so much as consider withdrawing a step from her, but if she forbid him to come near, the only other option in compliance with her wishes was to lay on the ground nearby and watch her succumb.

It was not unheard of, that poetic threnody, when one pack member in honor to the other would refuse to depart, but would respectfully not assist, thus waiting out the night for the companion to die. In the world of werewolves that Ulric knew and had witnessed the greater part of, he knew Jackie could not make it on her own. The world was a dominion, and what remained invisible to mankind was no less avarice than its counterpart.

The truth was that it was a dangerous transition every time anyone intentionally took on the change, but Jackie simply hadn't been ready for it, she had forced something that was meant only to come in time.

Maybe Jackie wanted to die, but if that was what fate intended, then it would have to remove Ulric from the picture, because he simply would not stand by and do nothing.

After a long moment, and yes, Ulric had bowed to the ground under the weight of the decision before him, the lithe soaked figure banished his tears and came forward.
"Okay, Jackie... Okay." He said, "Then I'm sorry."


Meanwhile, Jenn had retreated several more adrenaline-based steps while scrambling for her phone. Knowing that Tammy wasn't with her, and knowing that Bianca had left at least once, Jenn Peters would of course find time to look back and set on the first step of calming down ... But the funny thing about it, was that when Jenn looked back the second time she thought there was a break in the clouds, and that the sun must have shown down, because she could see many details of the buildings around her that were quite obscured a moment before. She might later recall the absurdity of that thought however, when she chance permitted her remember that the sun had set only hours before.

Nonetheless, Jenn came to a conclusion that night which was quite extraordinary:

"My... word. They're werewolves!"

Testing 123

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