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Werewolves (RP 4): Danger on the Horizon (12/11-08/12)

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 Hour Glass: 

Ziet grumbled to herself watching the woman walk away. "Kratos will need to know about this" she muttered, wincing as she touched the side of her face that had been punched. Recently she had been working on her temper and keeping from acting out so violently with the other wolves, knowing some violence could send the newly turned ones over the edge. But she really wanted to rip this new one up a bit, and really show her what Ziet was made off. 

She grumpily stormed to her car before rushing into the house, finding the nearest place to change so she could shift. She briefly passed HawkThorne, who was int he kitchen cooking up a meal for himself. Ziet quickly hide herself and changed into her wolf clothes, neatly folding what she had been wearing into a neat pile. She then shifted, becoming her familiar striped wolf self, ready to run out her anger, and maybe track and chase off another wolf on the pack's territory.

She quickly left the house, leaving in a blur out the open door and sprinting out into the open fields. Maybe she would find some interesting to chase, or something to check as her face swelled a bit. When she saw that wolf again, she was going to prove herself and give the wolf a few bruises to remember.


'Thanks for the offer, but I need to be going.' the sentence that would be Logan's typical immediate response played in her head, but she couldn't get the words out. Her pride told her to speak them - these were werewolves, after all. How could she accept anything from them? But her ego was smothered, beaten down by her ravaging hunger. 

She followed the other, although walked as she normally would. They had hardly begun their little venture to the kitchen when the woman she had just walked away from rushed in, only to rush out at again; this time as a werewolf. Or at least, Logan was fairly certain it was the same person. Either way, it made her hair stand on end; considering that was the first werewolf she had seen, to her knowledge, since she turned, and it was shocking. Nevertheless, she focused her attention again on the man leading her into the kitchen. 

"Logan is my name." she muttered, finding a seat. She noticed another person in the kitchen, and quietly she envied the meal he was preparing. "Will you tell me what is this place? Why did I wake up here?" she asked, resting her arms on the table, crossed over each other. Leaning forward, she added, "I do not want to ask your alpha...." Logan trailed off, before releasing a long, tired breath. "I want only answers." the last word was hardly audible, and somewhat desperate in tone. She didn't want any more fighting now, just a little knowledge, a simple explanation.


Part of Theo couldn't help but feel slightly curious about Logan. In all outward appearances, she seemed hostile, angry, and snappy. But this might have been due more to a lack of food and dealing with Ziet (something he sympathized with), than actual personality. Still, there was no doubt that whoever she was, she wasn't exactly fond of werewolves; Theo thought she was going to either attack or pass out as Ziet passed by. Or maybe she just didn't like Ziet, which was again very understandable.

Once in the kitchen, Theo sort of loitered by the table, uncertain of what to do next. That is, until he noticed a few hungry glances from his "guest", and realized he ought to feed her if he wanted to keep his head. Right. Too bad he was about as aqueduct in the kitchen as a five year old to nuclear science.

Fortunately, where his own capabilities as a chef failed, leftovers came to the rescue. A few pancakes lay in a pan, already cool to the touch, but still very much edible. Theo began to busy himself in prying the pancakes out the pan. 

Some time after Logan spoke, Theo let the silence hang. Not because he hadn't heard her because he was consumed with his pancake scraping duties. No, more because it was an awkward question that would warrant awkward answers. She would not be pleased to know what had happened last night...

But no use putting it off; she deserved to know. With a deep sigh, the 16-year old slowly brought the plate of cold pancakes along with an old bottle of maple syrup and a fork. Maybe with food, she would take the news better.

"Logan.. alright Logan. My name is Theo. That's the simple part. The not so simple part...," The curly-headed teen grimaced, pausing as he debated his words before altogether giving up on "putting it gently".

"I'm just going to come out and say it. Last night... well you know what always happens on those nights. And you sort of her... came across our little pack. And I guess decided to go on a savage rampage? You sort of horribly attacked one of our pack members... dunno if you remember anything about it, doubt it-- but don't worry, I think she might be okay. Eventually you were incapacitated and brought here, for everyone safety really, not just yours"

In a desperate attempt to smooth it all over, Theo added pathetically with a half hearted smile,"But don't worry, its not like you're the first one. I mean its quite normal to go crazy like that.

Oh yes, smooth.


Logan hadn't even gotten to taking her first bite when Theo began to speak. It didn't take long for him to get to the point, and when he did, she sat there quietly. That would explain the moodiness of the beta woman. She rubbed the back of her neck, leaning back in her chair and staring off to the side, thinking over what Theo had said.

She was silent until Theo opened his mouth again. And then he used the word "normal". Big mistake. That word hit Logan like a ton of bricks.

"We are not normal..." she stated slowly, the tension welling inside. "Do normal people become wolves? They do not cower in mountains, afraid of their own families. They do not fear the full moon with dread in their hearts." her fists tensed on the table. "If I was normal, I would NOT be here!" she slammed both fists on the table.

By the time she was done yelling, she could feel her heart slamming against her ribcage, and with every throbbing pulse her head felt more and more like it was going to explode. Letting out a shaky breath, she began to scarf down the pancakes. At over half way through, she stood and went into the kitchen, opening cupboards as she tried to find the one where the medicine was be kept. Or at least, that's where her grandfather always kept medicine. Dishes, baking necessities, snacks. Nothing. So she found her way to the bathroom instead, and lo and behold, the cabinet was stocked with pain relievers.

After taking an appropriate dosage, and taking the time to wash up a little, she returned to the kitchen, having let her outburst hang in the air.


Logan seemed to hate werewolves, hated her own species. To her, normal was what? Not turning into a werewolf? Living a normal human life? This seemed to suggest the woman might have been a first generation, and therefore have everything to hold against werewolves who had probably turned her "normal" human life upside down. 

Theo remained silent as Logan yelled at him; knowing full-well trying to defend his species would probably result in more yelling. A woman's fury was nothing to be trifled with unless you had a death wish. Theo did not.

Therefore, Theo opted for the path of passive resistance. Like a brick, he didn't say or do anything, but observed her anger with an interested detachment. He watched her snap up the pancakes in a few hungry bites before going on to raid the medicine cabinet down the hall. 

She returned to the kitchen, and Theo starred back at her uncertainly. Could he dare talk to her now? Maybe the pancakes might have calmed her. Maybe the moment away would have made her less angry. No, strike that thought; she was probably still pretty furious. But the only other alternative was to continue to ignore her. Perhaps at some point earlier in his life, this may have been an option for Theo... but unfortunately, to ignore an angry first-generation would be leaving an awful lot to chance.

Chance that she wouldn't leave the ranch. Chance that if she did go to the city, she wouldn't go crazy psychopath on them. Perhaps he could follow her; but unfortunately, it would be a case of the blind leading the blind. Theo wasn't entirely sure, given the right set of circumstances, he'd be any more in control than Logan.

The teen sighed, studying Logan like he was trying to say something really thoughtful.

Instead he blurted,"Umm... sorry you're a crazy monster and you're stuck with other crazy monsters?".


Logan hadn't really expected a reply, so it sort of caught her off guard. "There' is no reason for you to be sorry." she stated with an even tone, brushing past him and moving into the kitchen. She picked up her plate scraped off the remains of the pancakes into the trash before rinsing the dishes and setting them in the sink. "Thank you for the food." the dark haired woman had once again regained her more quiet composure, feeling sort of... humbled? A bit awkward maybe? After the little rant she had. Usually she was good at keeping her thoughts and emotions under control. On the days before, of, and after a full moon? Not so much. Either way, her mood was bound to balance out now that she had eaten and received answers to her questions. 

"I should leave.. I do not think this 'alpha' will be happy to find me still here when he returns. Which way is the town?" she left the house, expecting Theo to follow. Then her eyes drifted over the area, namely towards the worn road in which it seemed many vehicles had passed over time and time again. Without waiting for a response from the teenager, she began on the road. If there was a town nearby, this would surely take her to it. Possibly. Even if there was a chance it wouldn't, she'd still be on a road, which of course was far better than wandering through the forest. 

The morning wasn't going well. Someone was in the hospital on her account, which no doubt made for some very unhappy pack members. And even in her now awake and well aware state she'd managed to enrage one person and burden a stranger with unnecessary ranting. Of course, she was likely to disregard it all later and act completely as if it never happened, as was how she handled things she preferred not to remember. She was perfectly content with forgetting and moving on, blaming it all on the fact it had been a full moon; there was no regret for her actions and she had no intention of apologizing.


Ulric had watched intently as the Beta interacted with the stranger. It was against the culture he had been raised in to interfere with a challenge against a higher ranked member unless ordered, thus he held his ground passively.

The fight was over relatively quickly, and then both women stormed off; the Beta went inside and emerged almost immediately afterward in her secondary form only to charge off into the woods, and the stranger was invited indoors by a member of the pack. Ulric did not yet know the names of the individual pack members. 

Things outside then fell quiet for a little while and Ulric stood silent and motionless by his car. It would've been too much to ask Ulric to go exploring or in the very least to go inside - he was tired beyond his wits. Thus after nearly dozing off on his feet, Ulric decided to get back into his car and slump into the driver seat....

A faint thump brought Ulric out of his light sleep. The stranger from before had just come out of the large cabin and started down the forest road. 

Ulric sat up slowly and laid his head on his fist with his elbow rested on the steering wheel. The stranger hardly seemed to notice him as she passed his car. Dropping his hand he leaned back in his seat, for a moment he watched her walk away in his side-view mirror and debated on the proper course of action.


Timothy never did reply to Sabrina; there had not been much more to be said. So after shedding a few more tears, Timothy finally decided to get out of bed and gain consent to leave the room. Likely Sabrina would follow, she had other things to do downstairs.

Timothy walked the hall very cautiously; the night had been rough, and he was looking to avoid confrontation with Kieoki. He did not notice how keen everything looked, smelled, and sounded; he believed it to be a result of crying so much.

As it would happened, he arrived at the bottom of the stairs just as a very unfamiliar woman exited the house and suddenly he became very stiff. His heart began pounding in his ears, he felt his fists tighten and all his senses become incredibly focused.. It seemed to be a repeat of the event when Savannah and Ulric first entered Reknab Bend. 

"Who was that?!" Timothy would have vocally asked if he could, but his thoughts never got passed his lips.

Without really thinking about it Timothy threw a fierce glance up the stairs, then toward Theo. In a split second he appeared to heavily debate some irrational idea and came to a definite conclusion.


Sabrina sighed in exhaustion as Timothy closed the door behind him. She was exhausted and considered the worst of last night's aftershocks to be over, so she decided to wait a moment or two before leaving the room herself, to give Timothy some space.

Casually she glanced out the window. She saw the stranger leaving. Odd. Hadn't the Alpha ordered Zeit to keep an eye on her until he returned? But she sighed again and touched her temple. It's hardly my business. After last night I'll never expect this pack to act professionally again.

She turned then, and approachd the door. There was no hurry, no concern in her step as she walked down the hallway. But at the top of the stairs she froze, midpose in sweeping a rogue lock of her platinum hair our of her face. She saw Timothy standing at the bottom, and some subconcious red flag went up. Something was wrong. She felt her heart begin to start pounding hard--there was something wrong with him--his face--she'd seen that look in his face before!

"Timothy, no!" she said, hastening down the stairs to grab his shoulder in some attempt to break this trance before something rather tragic occured.


Theo was slightly annoyed at the rush Logan was in. She’d barely come to and already she was ready to dive back into the action of the “mortals”. Who from time to time, tended to smell delicious to “uncontrollable monsters”. Theo wasn’t sure whether to admire her courage or to condemn her stupidity after last night. 

Regardless, it seemed like a stupid idea to set her off on her own. Everyone in the pack seemed too busy to watcher her… and as it was, he doubted she’d like too many of them watching over her. So far, she’d only seemed to tolerate him. Ah yes, there was the stupid idea that had been festering in the back of his skull. Go to town. Make sure Logan didn’t try to kill anyone. And meanwhile, try not to do likewise.

Therefore Theo prepared to follow close behind—not before snatching a pair of hiking boots by the door. As he turned to close the door, he saw a set of eyes fixated on him… was that Timothy? Theo began to feel anxious. He hadn’t talked to Timothy much; he was rather reclusive and kept to himself; but Timothy’s control made Theo look like a well-trained poodle. And that stare that kept burning at the back of Theo’s skull; well it was hard to tell if it was out-of-control, but it certainly didn’t feel healthy to have Timothy’s interest.

Theo rushed out the door in a heart-beat as soon as he managed to shove his feet into the shoes. He had no plans of waiting around. His hiking crunched underfoot as he approached the woman, and he breathed a sigh of relief as he felt himself moving farther away from the house.

Hey Logan,” Theo paused a moment, to ensure he had her interest,”I think you’re going the wrong way. You should go on the paved road. Unless you really like apples, I guess ”.


Kieoki stayed silent for another moment before she realized that she was sincerely hatingthis chat with Chime. Maybe it was because Chime had such a lifting personality, but either way, Kieoki felt like she was only trying to casually chat considering they really had nothing to talk about. Sighing, Kieoki shook her head and gave up on the situation. She passed in front of Chime and went to her window and vaulted over the edge and out. She landed softly on the grass before she stood up and glanced around, not wanting to give Chime time for her to follow. That was the very last thing she wanted. Well, that, or a confrontation with Timothy.

Kieoki mentally winced at the thought of Timothy. She just couldn't interact correctly with people, could she? She'd been trying to help in the situation, but the more and more she thought about it, the more she realized she'd probably made the situation worse. Idiot. She shook her head and walked off into the forest, keeping herself behind a tree so at least Chime wouldn't see her walking away. Kieoki realized though, that always going off into the forest to be alone wasn't a good thing, and it wouldn't solve any of her interaction problems. But it wasn't like she'd found a quiet place in the house, and so this was the next best thing. But maybe she should be trying to interact with people? She should at least try, but after thinking about it she realized she didn't know how. She wasn't used to all the company. And granted, she knew she wasn't the only one with problems, and yet, she was the only one acting like she had problems.

Suddenly angry with herself, Kieoki sat down and leaned against a tree, her back to the house as she frowned at herself. Yeah, most of the people here had their various backgrounds, and yeah, she'd been this way for a long time now, but a lot of them hadn't. And yet here she was, acting like a baby by stowing herself away in the forest. No one else was doing that, now were they? But then again, most of them had lived around people all their lives before they were turned. So they at least knew how to interact with others more than she did...but instead of hiding, Kieoki realized she should at least try to talk to someone. Yes, she'd just shot down the conversation with Chime, but that was because the girl had been in her room. Or was that really the reason? Could the reason have had been that Kieoki just was to ignorant to even try to talk with someone here? Kieoki sighed and shook her head at herself. She really was acting like an idiot. Everyone in this pack had their flaws, their backgrounds, their different pasts, and yet she was the only one refusing to even try to make friends. What had she been thinking when she joined the pack? That she could be left alone and still have their protection? As if. She couldn't expect them to trust her or to protect her if she wasn't willing to do the same back.

Kieoki stood, realizing that she needed to try and fix her situation. She decided to start with accepting help with her arm, and so she untied the piece of cloth she'd had there, and frowned when she saw that it'd healed shut by now, though the skin was still red. Of course. By the time she decides to interact, it's fine. But while looking at herself, she realized another problem that was making stand out. She really had nothing appropriate to wear, did she. Seriously, what she was currently wearing wasn't casual clothes; it was something she'd wear to a formal party, or one of those dances she'd seen happening in towns that she'd passed. And for the first time, Kieoki realized she was embarrassed with herself. But how would she work at getting something casual? She doubted that Krat would let her go all the way to the town at the moment. And sure, she could go without asking, but that was only a good way to get him upset without need to. Maybe someone else had some extra clothes? But the thought of asking made Kieoki cringe. She slowly walked back into view of the cabins, but sat down this time against a tree, while being able to see both cabins at the same time. Krat wasn't here right now, and so maybe she'd ask him for permission to go herself when he got back. He doubted he'd let her, but it wasn't as embarrassing as if she'd ask someone else for something extra that they had. Frustrated, Kieoki sat with her head resting on her one hand, her eyes closed.

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