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Werewolves (RP 7): Where Phantoms Reside (10/15-9/16)

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The change in Melinda's tone had its own, quiet effect on the Alpha, which became evident as he turned his ears behind to listen to her and tilted his head to his shoulder in acknowledgement of her words.

While Melinda spoke the Alpha sat unmoved with his back toward her, and when she had finished her appeal he turned his gaze slowly - not in her direction, but on Diane and Silas.


Up until this moment Diane had been observing with an eye of wonder equal to Levi's trepidation at the sight of that brilliant monster, yet she looked on the Alpha with different eyes of understanding. More than once she noted a likeness was manifest in the broad form and ever-commanding manner of his person, which to Diane was recognized as belonging to a different Alpha, yet even greater to behold in this individual were the things about him that Diane found unfamiliar; A creature of that size was in its own right a force to be reckoned, but the mastery he had, first over himself and then over all in his presence was a marvelous wonder.

Yes, indeed, Diane was impressed, perhaps more so than were the others, for she knew the significance of what she beheld. The Alpha's voice of command was undeniable, and his ability to carry fear into the hearts of all who heard or beheld him was, in Diane's mind, the most intriguing of all his attributes. Truly, this Alpha was an unquestionable leader who dictated with authority that none could ignore.

However, there was one thing Diane might have benefited from recognizing sooner, and had she not been so enthralled by her discoveries, she assuredly would have pieced the puzzle together in advance. The error, however, was amended the moment the Alpha looked in Diane's direction. It was much to her menial dismay that Diane suddenly caught hold on the reason for the Alpha's delegations of responsibility to his pack members, and she might glad be rid of the attention if she could manage, but as it was quite impossible, she determined to gain a better part.

"Forgive me for intruding on you this night, which has proven to be a most inconvenient time for you and your pack. We come merely as emissaries, and shall await on your time to be addressed." Diane spoke as she stepped forward and gave a bow of her head in a formal sign of submission, hoping to be less of an aggravation to the Alpha's position.

It was not to be. Kratos watched Diane's manner keenly while rain poured over the long fur of his neck and drained down his arms in unbroken continuity. There was nothing about the giant that seemed appeased.
"You are not welcome here by the desire of your own Alpha. Leave my land." His reply was in direct contrast to the one addressed, being blunt and direct without any degree of apologetic sympathy.

Diane raised her chin slightly, then carefully let it slide downward as to not give the appearance of offense.
"I have no doubt of the question, but I might so inquire before taking leave, if this is the son of Alpha Abravious; the Heir of the Svalnaglas Pack -"
Diane had hoped to follow her words with a compliment to the Alpha on what she had thus far observed, but she was interrupted.

"I am Kratos, the Alpha of the Calagathorm pack. Get off my land."
There was no room to question that the Alpha meant his words, and at that very moment lightening flashed away over the town of Reknab Bend, and a thunderous clap resounded moments after!

The Svalnaglas intruders were dismissed, and the Alpha turned his head away from them. The car on which he sat gave a grinding sound as it was released from the pressure of the Alpha's weight. No further attempt to reason with him could be made.
Diane watched the Alpha for a moment, narrowing her eyes and wondering. It could not have escaped the Alpha's attention that dismissing two members of a rival pack when his own was in such disarray could easily prove a greater danger. Yet Diane did not know how much information the Alpha possessed, and she was for the present unwilling to test him.

When Diane spoke next, it was with a contemplative air, but she instilled directness in her tone. "Very well, we will return at a more convenient time when our arrival may be announced," she said, and flashed a subtle glance to her companion. The Beta then took leave by way of the field, taking to her secondary form when she was well out of sight.


The Alpha seemed to treat the Svalnaglas' departure with indifference, yet the intensity of the atmosphere significantly decreased when they had gone from his presence. Now at last Kratos was free to turn his whole attention on a matter that simply refused to be "shuffled conveniently aside".

"Woman," Kratos addressed Melinda calmly as he came around the side of the vehicle, but his voice in speaking was immeasurably deep. "You have not been through what I have since the early spring, yet I do not esteem your knowledge to be of inconsequential value - if it is imparted freely. There is nothing I cannot acquire for myself. Yet if I am to receive your cooperation without your concern for Jackie, than it has no usefulness to me."

Sometime while Kratos spoke the rain seemed to slow and the moon peeked through a gap in the clouds, not perfect in shape or brightness yet, but still bright for the cleanness of the air.

"Contrary to your belief, and many of those who have preceded you even among my pack, there is no difference;"

"This," The Alpha said, taking his right hand into a fist from the pavement and presenting his forearm in a vertical position, with the palm turned inward to his shoulder. He then continued, "is not easily mastered, but it is not separate from this:"

In a single moment the thick black fur was gone and the fingers stretched away from the fist as if released a hold when Kratos took to his primal form. The black leather of his clothing conformed to his stature, drawn in by elastics and other materials to adjust itself perfectly to the shape and size of the man, while water still drained from his brow, down his face and off his lips.

Getting nearer now and looking down into Melinda's face, the Alpha stood directly before the small business woman, who was still, by comparison, very small in his shadow, and yet he was no longer a creature of terrifying description.
"I have seen both blood and tears enough to say I know Jacqueline Ryder. It is not easy to lose everything you once were to something you cannot control, but Jackie came broken already. She is not an animal, and I mean for her to know it; I have not permitted her to run, though both damage and growth are irreversible."

"You said you know her better than I. Then so be it. You will prove it with more than words."


Toby had only been out for a few minutes, but felt sure it had probably been a few days when he found himself in the arms of a large wolf that he definitely didn't know! As his mind was prone to doing in a second of panic, a whole story unfolded pertaining to how he ended up in this situation:

He must have blacked out after being crushed by everyone, so when they all got off, they mistook him for being dead. Poor Theo might have blamed himself for suggesting a hike in the first place, but wasn't allowed a second to mourn, because Jackie and Timothy must have somehow lost their minds. So, a big battle ensued-- Probably with casualties. Toby didn't even want to guess who had been killed. Oh, it would be so horrible! Even if Jackie or Timothy were. Toby would probably cry for days. He was sure the poor kids didn't mean to go crazy; they were just victims of tragic circumstance... Maybe they stepped on a thorn or something and were not really going to attack. They were just running, and were mistaken for being hostile. OH! Those poor kids. What a horrible thing to happen! ..Poor kids.

But he was getting ahead of himself. Timothy and Jackie might have won-- Aw, that was horrible too! But, it would make considerably more sense.. Boo. There's no winning with this thought pattern, someone MUST have died. Toby didn't want anyone to die, but yes. As sick as it made him to admit it, Jackie and Timothy must have won and left their victims for dead.. Theo, Toby, Jenn, Tammy, and those other two guys... They'd been left in the mud, probably for days. Now, some scavenger wolves had come and were picking up their dead bodies to eat--

Or what if Timothy and Jackie won and already ate everyone?! But they left Toby because he was too skinny and covered in mud. Now he was going to be eaten all by himself!!

NO WAIT! I'm not dead!! Toby shrieked, flailing his arms in desperation. He was punished for it a second later when the memory of his wounds returned to his realization, and caused him to grip the pain in his torso with a groan. His hip hurt from being displaced, and his other leg was loudly protesting it's use after having been shot. There was literally nothing Toby could do except groan. Having heard Theo's voice, Toby's mind turned from his agony and he realized that not much time had gone by at all really. Theo was still alive! So was Jackie, and everyone else by the looks of it... Jenn was there. Was she dead? No. Thank goodness! Where was Tammy?


Granny had almost reached the pack when the wolf she had intended to punish was freed from the pack and thrown a little further away, giving her the opportunity to escape into the mountains. This filled Granny with frustration. She could not see well enough to track a stray through the forest at night, not with all the phantom plant being around-- But she knew that if you let it slide once, it was liable to happen again.

In fact, it was only the sudden and alarming cry from Toby that stopped the angry elder from perusing Jackie with relentless intention to punish her: NO WAIT! I'm not dead!! Toby cried frantically.

Granny skidded to a stop just at the edge of where the pile had been. Her maw was still curled in a vicious snarl, but she took Toby's cry to mean that the wolf who had attacked him was of some importance to him; probably a member of his pack, and that he was trying to save her from his grandmother's wrath with a reassurance.

Granny had conceded the mountain to Kratos, because she no longer had the strength to manage a pack and saw a great deal of promise in the young alpha, but Reknab Bend was still her territory. She'd leave the ruling of his own pack to Kratos as often as was possible, but when the pups ran amok down here without his appearant supervision, Granny felt she had every right to put her bull in their pasture. From the way the blurry figure appeared to move, Granny felt the she-wolf that had attacked her grandson was discombobulated, struggling to stand and get away. It was a perfect time to attack with that proverbial bull!... But Granny held her ground at the edge, and only gave a vicious bark, in warning to the trespasser.


Jenn never needed to be asked twice. With adrenaline alive and flowing, Jenn not only got up but got out! even before Bianca had reached her.

Jenn didn't look behind her until she had hit the sidewalk on the other side of the road, when by then the darkness and rain were in earnest and she felt like she was soaked to the bone. She knew of a place to go, and no doubt she intended to go there, but Jenn needed to know that her friends were behind her, and if she didn't look at this very moment then she might never have the gumption.

When the young redhead looked back, she saw the large, blurry shapes and shadows tussling on Murphy Street, all obscured by the rain that wanted to sting and flood her eyes. Zander, across the street, she thought she glimpsed for a moment - and she found that Bianca and the other boy were nearby; they must have said something - but Tammy was missing, how would they ever find her in all that mess? And what happened to Toby?

Jenn could do nothing but think helplessly of her friends while the intuition of escape got her back on her feet.


Ulric swiftly made his way around the confusion of persons, calling out in a subdued voice, "Jackie!" to get her attention.

There had been no way Ulric saw to help in the flurry, but he had waited for any good chance to act, and the older male that had charged in and broke up the mayhem also provided a possible opportunity.

"Calm down, Jackie, please." Ulric pleaded, trying to get as much in between her and the other werewolves as he could without cornering Jackie or giving his back to the elderly strangers. "You've got to tell us what's wrong."

Both of Ulric's hands were held palm outward to Jackie, trying to convince her to let him approach without causing her to attack or flee.

Ulric couldn't estimate how unpredictable the scenario was, there were so many strangers and loners around mid pack turmoil, and it was hard to say whether it would be best for Jackie to flee into the arms of the next-awaiting drama, or convince her to stick it out here; but Ulric never could quite make out a mental supposition list of potential circumstances, there was only immediate uncertainty and his current purpose. But was it even possible to work out a communication with Jackie's intellectual under all that instinct?


At this moment, Cherise locked eyes with the stranger before her who held her limp cousin in his arms. A snarl curled about her maw. Every inch of her instinct told her to bite the fire out of him and get to Toby. But she did not move.. Instead, she analyzed his movements and the situation. If she were to attack, Toby would only be further injured. This was when she caught sight of Zander, Toby being lifted into his arms. Her eyes fixed on him with such a sharp stare as to penetrate. He was that lone wolf from before, whom her Grandmother had shown distrust toward. Did they really think she was just going to allow him to take charge Toby? Really?! She had been trying to get to Toby in the first place, and they should have known that. Did they not even consider her a threat? This proved to provoke her even more. But again, she didn't move. She noticed Zander was uncertain and frustrated. But oh did he say the wrong thing.

As he began to move toward the truck, Cherise's snarling figure slowly backed away from the mess, turning and moving as though stalking her prey toward Zander. Her movements showed careful consideration. In her eyes was a threat. She was calculating it all. From both sides this could be considered kidnapping. One from his pack, the other from his family. Toby's outburst then alerted her and she let out a quick sharp bark to signal an alarm to her grandmother of what was going on with Toby.


Sabrina had been rendered a little dazed for a few minutes, given that well-meaning blow of the elder Chapman's. Thus she alone was still sprawled out on the street, half raised and shaking her head with one droopy ear and sneezing as though she had got something stuck up her nose. What a pitiful mess. Then at last sense returned to her features and she swiped her maw. With a ponderous expression, she examined the crimson streak contrasting against the white fur of her wrist, before looking over her shoulder up at her attacker. He was a stranger, but she quickly gathered that what he had done had been in the defense of her young pack mates and that he had averted certain calamity. Still rattled, but miffed, she muttered, "I suppose I can forgive that, given the circumstances."

But crisis was far from over yet. Quickly Sabrina searched out the positions of her pack mates--the loners, where had they gone? There was Jackie, standing some distance off. Not far from her, Ulric. He seemed to be attempting to appease Jackie, but where was--Ulric! "Where's Timothy?!" she barked out loud, heaving herself to her feet.

There was no sense in waiting for an answer. She would seek him out herself. His scent was in her nostrils already--like a string she let it pull her towards him. Adrenaline and a deepening sense of dread surged through her veins with every step! Though each was faster than the last, it was not possible that she should be fast enough.


Melinda’s hand touched the door-handle just as the rain stopped plastering her hair flat. She glanced over her shoulder and saw the man who’s handshake she rejected holding an umbrella above her. Melinda dipped her head faintly in what could very well be appreciation before tugging at the handle with an almost inaudible click.

Melinda shifted her weight inside but did not close the door behind her; she dare not risk any further wrath or set off any suspicions. Those who looked inside would be surprised, however, to see the back of the vehicle was not empty. A variety of garments hung on a handle, a stack of towels and blankets towered just below the window, a cardboard box full of gauze and ointments sat in one of the back carseats, and a dark plastic lining covered the lumpy form of the floor all the way back to the edge of the trunk. Melinda Channing had not left her hotel that evening unprepared for many scenarios. Yet much of this would go unnoted, for at the very moment the woman opened the car door, Diane had made her presence known and the alpha had found himself a more pressing matter to attend to. Perhaps the only one who saw inside the SUV at that instant was the one who had held the umbrella for her to get inside in the first place.

Melinda did not waste any time and she set to work immediately. She grabbed the hanging black trench coat from its hanger and fished a pair of sneakers from besides a seat. With some consideration for her top, which was plastered like a second skin, she grabbed a simple, white cotton shirt and set it with the others. Melinda first grabbed the trench coat, but rather than putting that on first, she instead draped it over her shoulders and turned so her back faced the open door. Now many of her movements were obscured. What could be clearly seen was this: the drenched silk top was thrown over the car seat to air-dry and the cotton shirt was carefully slipped over her head in such a way that the trench coat did not slip. She fussed a moment more with something else that could not be seen from the opened door before turning around and slipping her hands through the armholes of her coat.

By the time the alpha’s attention had returned to her, the woman was sitting with her feet dangling just above the road – she had just finished tying the laces of one sneaker and reached for the other as the alpha began to speak. The woman swiftly tied the other shoe on and stood while simultaneously shutting the car-door behind her. Melinda pulled up the hood of her trench coat and tilted her head once more at the stranger, indicating his umbrella was no longer needed.

With apparel sorted out, she gave the alpha her undivided attention. She did not react in surprise as he shifted back to a man, but instead studied him rather curiously. The only sign of shock was the parting of her lips and a deep inhale; yet even this might have been an expression of something else entirely.

Wolf,” Melinda began just as Kratos’ final words had settled in the air,”I believe I can be of assistance in this matter and while I could go to great lengths to persuade you of my intention, ultimately the nature of my heart is something you will decide on your own terms”.

Her voice softened, “However, you are correct. Jackie has spent much of her life treated like an animal well before she was one. But to be shown this level of humanity, now of all times…

Melinda tilted her head upward, meeting the alpha in the eye. While many might consider this an unwise show of dominance, the gaze that met hers would see to the contrary. Her face was dry and yet water trailed her cheeks all the same. Melinda was not a person used to displaying such weakness so readily, however, and just as quickly as she met the man’s gaze, she looked away. She smeared the trails until any sign of their existence was gone.

She’s spent so long in the dark it is difficult for her to find the light, even when it surrounds her,” Melinda sighed, her voice tired,” I will offer my assistance readily where her welfare is concerned, I promise you this. I just don’t know if it will be enough


Zander wasn’t pleased when the man started squirming and screaming. Holding on to squirming people was difficult, especially when trying not to cause them further injury. He nearly lost his grip at least twice.

Yes yes, of course you’re alive. I wouldn’t be lugging you around like this if you weren’t” he grumbled.

Meanwhile Zander became aware of something… lurking. He’d been followed enough times in his life to know what it felt like. And sure enough, just over his right shoulder, was the young she-wolf. He didn’t know her intentions just yet, but she looked angry enough to give Zander a moment’s pause.

Look, are you well enough to walk? We’re going to the car, where you’ll be safe and out of harm’s way. There should be first aid supplies to treat anything urgent and I will be happy to take you wherever you want to go

He glanced back at the she-wolf as she followed him. His last line was directed at her. “Does that make you happy? I promise I’m just being helpful


Each step forward came more quickly, but shakier than the last. The final attack on Jackie had taken its toll. Injuries that once could be ignored now sapped her strength away. Yet still the wolf stumbled into the night, her chest heaving to gather enough air.

Her ears flicked forward as she saw Ulric approach. She was poised low to the ground and ready to move if need be, but she paused nonetheless. She eyed his palm suspiciously as he extended it. Slowly, however, she began to relax. And when her turquoise gaze flickered to meet Ulric’s, there was something beyond instinct in those eyes.

Momentarily distracted, she did not see as the elder she-wolf approached. All the tension returned when the elder barked. Ulric was momentarily forgotten as she assessed the new threat. Even with the elder’s great age, it was clear this was a fight that was not in her favor. With such little energy left, she knew her next move would have to be carefully considered.

Her gaze flickered back at Ulric’s once more and she met his gaze as a low, soft whine gathered in her throat. Then without warning she launched herself into the open night. Her pace could not be maintained for long, but for what little time she had, the she-wolf’s only motive was to put as much distance between herself and the pack.


Walk? Toby had to think about that. He'd have given anything to be able to walk, or better yet, to run at that moment... But no. Not with one leg recovering from injury, and the other dislocated at the hip.

No, walking was not even an option right now, but Toby wasn't about to admit it.

He knew all about sugary promises and a stranger's car- He'd been cautioned and warned same as every kid. Granted, he was a young man now, and a werewolf besides-- Albeit a scrawny and sickly looking one. But getting in a stranger's car just wasn't appealing at the current time. Besides, Toby's mind was still spinning with other things.

"I promise I’m just being helpful” The stranger said.

Unbeknownst to Toby that the man had been addressing a rather aggressive looking female behind them, Toby patted the fellow on the shoulder. Of course you are, my good man, and I really hate to be a bother. Goodness knows there's nothing more frustrating than an uncooperative victim-- er, of circumstance that is: Someone you are trying to help, but who is not making it easy. Truly, I understand your frustration. Your kindness holds deep meaning in my heart that I am unfortunately too discombobulated to express at the moment, but never doubt that I really do appreciate it.. Really. Toby said, as warmly as he could. His feelings in this matter were quite sincere, and he gave his hero an extra pat and smile just to be sure he knew he meant it. Then, he turned his attention back to the chaos around them.

It's just I am too concerned about the welfare of my friends. Theo! Where are you, Theo? And has anyone seen Tammy? He said, cupping his hands around his mouth and calling out toward the end of his sentence.


Granny was content with Jackie's retreat. Watching until her blurry figure had gone out of sight, she then turned her attention back to those who were still in her territory. With a deep breath through her nose and open mouth, she was able to determine how many were still around, and lock their scents into her memory.

Cherise had given a yip to alert her that some stranger was walking away with Toby. Granny wasn't sure she could trust her granddaughter to properly identify which of these wolves or people was actually the young woman's cousin, but having taken in the smells and determined Toby truly was among them, she moved slowly to Cherise's side. The elder focused her attention on the blurry figure she knew was carrying Toby. She had scented this tramp before. He was that loner who had broken her priceless vase in the antique shop earlier. Oooh! Vandal, loner, and now a bystander in this chaos. The elderly alpha felt she had plenty of good reasons to run him out on a rail right now, but she knew his heart was in a good place this time, so she lowered her aggression.

She'd tested him earlier in the shop, so she knew he was not one of those deceitful, cowardly loners who would pull a fast one. The fact that he had been so persistent as to remain in town despite her coldness toward him was promising, if also somewhat annoying. Whatever his reasons for coming to Reknab, if he was going to stay, she was going to make use of him-- And seeing to Toby was currently the best use she could think of, and he was already on it, it was best just to leave him be.

She conveyed this to Cherise with a relaxed scoff, and nudged her to get her attention. Separate the humans from wolves, and herd the humans to safety. She said in a low voice. Don't bite anybody.


Now when Ulric heard Sabrina's voice and her urgency in calling his name, he looked wildly for her and saw that she had left, but he, feeling compelled to stay, knew he could not go to the aid of his superior. Instead, Ulric looked again to Jackie.

With the face of a recently deceased officer in mind and a terrible memory brought back from the forest of Middlecrest, Ulric struggled with the decision to stay. He knew Sabrina would need help, and that for his own failure to detect Timothy's presence in time, another life was in grave danger. But Ulric also knew that he could not leave Jackie to face this alone.

There was an wakefulness in Jackie's eyes, Ulric had seen it, and he knew then that she could be reached - if he only knew how. Jackie was greatly distressed, partly afraid, but not out of control.

Whether Jackie would run, or drop, or turn on him, there could be no way of knowing, but Ulric could think of no other way to help her other than to be at her side. It was at that moment when Ulric began to understand why Kratos had sent him with Sabrina. Although his injury had slowed him down, losing him the opportunity to communicate with Jackie before she attacked, or to see Timothy before he had run off, Ulric knew there was something he was meant to do that night...
So much could have been avoided if only he had been in the right place at the right time, Ulric's regret seemed immeasurable and outside his power to contradict. Yet, always his heart clung to the hope and trust that was taught to him in his youth, that there was a reason in all things, and he relied on some force outside himself for comfort when he made his decision.

No sooner had Jackie turned tail than Ulric hit the ground running after her, though he winced as he took to his second form and sprinted on her heels. He would be behind her, come what may, and look that he might know a way to help her when the time came.

When they had gotten some distance out, Ulric called fervently, "Jackie, please, you've got to try and talk to me!"


Diane came to a stop and stood upright after she had gotten a substantial range away from the young Alpha Shragron and his current situation.

In the distance Diane could hear the sounds of the town, though it could not be seen anywhere, and the intensity of the storm overhead could be smelled on the wind being blown in from all directions. Diane took a moment to consider it.

"Bowing out was the surest way to serve the interest of the Svalnaglas' pack at the present..." Diane said at length, she was still looking out over the field and she spoke very slowly. "There is no doubt that that is the son of Alpha Abravious."

The woman was quiet a moment in thought before she looked to her companion. "Silas?" she said, "Might I make an odd request?"

Diane turned down her chin, looking darkly at the grass and weed. "I might appeal to you to keep our recent encounter confidential at this time ... It occurs to me that bringing this to the Betas attention would be the cause of discord between them and our dear, old Alpha Abravious. I would feel sorry for anyone who had to claim the responsibility of causing acrimony between them, especially given the current timing..."

At that moment, a rustle was heard from somewhere nearby. Diane turned to face the sound and presently detected another or maybe two other Svalnaglas presences approaching.


This particular storm was of an unsettling brew, a merciless downpour of cold rain that almost seemed undying--but to say it’s chaotic nature didn’t apply to the events taking place in real time? Would simply be untrue.

And with stakes for success boling higher, it wouldn’t be long before a certain bodyguard took matters into his own hands..

Drake approached the group confidently, giving very little expression to indicate his thoughts, but Drake’s posture spoke a thousand words more than his expression ever did, and when he wanted to speak, everyone was aware. “This is unsatisfactory.” He bluntly stated, keeping a steady and consistent eye contact with the beta’s daughter, Diane.

Truthfully Drake rarely did anymore than protect and safely transport those of his pack. And certainly wasn’t a good negotiator, choosing to leave the talking to those better informed. But when the time came to speak his peace, the man was never known to backdown.

“I refuse to accept failure given the circumstances. Ulric has avoided us long enough..” Drake tightly clenched his fists, a frustration slightly biased on a petty grudge. “Forgive me if I speak out of terms, but I’d like the opportunity to personally, speak to Kratos.”


The rain, upon hitting her pelt, looked as though it glided and danced on it way down her large wolf figure. Her eyes, still alight with glowing gold, peered through the down pour at young Zander. However, her snarl quickly vanished, her face softening as she listened intently to the conversation of the young men before her. It was obvious, due to the current situation, Zander's frustration, and the fact he had not gone into full wolf form, that he truly was ..well, forced? to try and help, yet it also conveyed he didn't want or mean to be in this mess. Who would?

As her Grandmother appeared beside her, Cherise lowered her head to listen for her input, yet was careful not to take her eyes off the young man. Through body language, she spoke clearly that he was not yet dismissed. However, Mrs. Buttermilk soon gave different directions. How many humans had been present exactly? She knew that most were of Toby's pack, then there are the two loners and the new stranger that broke up the tussle. Cherise finally turned her head from Zander and looked around. It was hard to make out from the rain, but she knew there had been two human girls at least, standing side when Toby got crushed.

It was not long for Cherise to located one of the young women across the street. One of the loners was heading for her and a pack member. Clearly it was in motion to help her. But, where was the other? Then a thought crossed the young adult's mind that made her heart freeze. Cherise sniffed the air, struggling through the smell of rain and dirt. In a moment, Cherise was on the move, her slender form providing added speed in her chosen direction.

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