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Werewolves (RP 3): A Time to Teach and Hunt (04/11-12/11)

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Levi's heart was pounding a mile a minute, adrenaline shooting painfully through nearly every vein in his body! Fear was such an exquisite feeling, one he rather enjoyed with some sort of addicted satisfaction. Pain and inevitable death, however, he wasn't crazy about. So just don't get caught. Don't get caught--easier said than done. This stranger had an odd knack of staying right on his heels as he ran, regardless of how suddenly he made a swerve in his path or what tree he dodged behind.

Terror was intoxicating--relishing it and surviving were almost the only things he could keep his mind on--but he had to keep himself under control. He didn't want to blunder right into--the enemy Alpha's howl! He heard it just then--loud, close! He'd only just recognized this fact when he heard the snap of the stranger's jaw in midair--he could almost feel the release of pressure next to his flank! He let out another of those stupid short yelps and the rhythm of his run was completely thrown off--his back legs instinctively made a leap his front legs weren't prepared for! They didn't take the sudden impact very well--gave out from under him, and resulted in a head over tail tumble!

He couldn't afford to miss another beat. He whirled around and pinned himself flat against the ground with fur on end and teeth bared, gravel and small plants flying up in his wake! His wild yellow eyes were wide, his snarl wider. He knew that in seconds she'd be on to him--the short flight wouldn't have tired her in the least--if he was going to die though, he'd at least give her a few scars to remember him by!

So it was his surprise when he saw that her attention wasn't fully on him anymore. Much worse! A giant shadow rose up over her--his scent Levi immediately recognized: that was the enemy alpha! He was huge! In his eyes was a desperate rage and pain--he was furious and ready to kill! The only thing that stood between Levi and this monster was the strange female who also desired to relieve him of his head!

Forget this. An inhuman, almost even unearthly shriek exploded from his throat and he tore past the both of them! He'd completely lost grasp of where he was headed--he was just getting out of there!

But he wasn't expecting what happened next. "Hu-augh!" he grunted, barreling right into a small black wolf--which resulted in yet another head over tail roll, this time for the both of them.


There wasn't time given save a single moment alone to size up the situation. Kratos had already made up his mind and had taken in the whole scene almost in a single breath. Then the stranger raced forward with her attack and the fight ensued!

With the stranger's lavander eyes targeting his neck, Kratos shot up on two legs with his hand flying straight over her head and catching her at the base of her skull! He then thrust the weight of his shoulder down upon her and forced her to the ground with her jaws clamped against the dirt!

But Kratos was not done after thwarting the attack, oh no..

Giving the stranger no time to react the Alpha twisted his hand on the stranger's neck and locked a large fistful of fur, flesh, and her right ear under his grip, then with one brutish tug he tossed her away against the trees!

He hadn't drawn any blood yet, but for her sake the Alpha hoped that she couldn't control that form. Jackie's blood was already on this stranger's hands and if Kratos found her a conscious enemy, then in the interest of protecting his pack he would have no reason to show forth mercy.

"Want to try that again, or should I use my teeth this time?!" Kratos snarled and crashed back down on all four paws! The Alpha had fought both men and wild animals before now and he knew their tactics well.


The alpha retaliated so quickly, and with so much strength that by the time Logan had hit the tree she wasn't quiet sure what had happened. Even though she'd been in brawls with large men in the past, they were usually all brawn, no brains; or too slow to land a single blow. This certainly wasn't the case. The alpha wasn't just a big hulking beast, he proved to have both experience and speed well on side.

That taken into account, Logan stood again, pushing past the throbbing in her head and stars scattered across her vision. She briefly looked over the alpha twice, in attempt to find any faults or otherwise vulnerabilities, but the effort was fruitless.

Nevertheless, she wasn't going to back down so easily. Or at least, that's what she thought until she tried to move forward and attack. Her legs wouldn't budge. Her whole body wouldn't move an inch for that matter! She tried once more to sum up the courage and move forward and again it was to no avail. She couldn't even muster up a meek growl. Maybe she had some sense left in her after all.

Logan found herself staring blankly into the alpha's yellow eyes, realizing for the first time the full extent of his fury. And that instant it became clear that this was one battle that she couldn't win - not wouldn't. He'd already proven well enough that he was far more powerful, she didn't need a second demonstration this time around.

She refused to run however, as it seemed the most cowardly thing to do, and instead, bitterly lowered herself nearly all the way to the ground like a scolded dog; as to declare that she had subsided and turned her fate over the alpha.


The forest seemed to go on forever. Tree after tree after tree... Jackie was getting sick of trees. She wasn't getting any healthier and she couldn't take this endless monotony. It almost seemed to mock her as she continued to drag herself back to the ranch, only to see more trees standing in her way. A delusion of which grew and fed into her frustration of fear. At one point she felt like tearing every tree to the ground, but was stopped from carrying this out due to one simple, physical fact.

She couldn't. She could barely walk and she could hardly tear a forest to shreds. Every inch of her hurt and each step felt like one step away from collapsing. But she grit her teeth and pressed on, attempting to ignore the pain and continuing to peer hopefully at the distant, snaky outline of trees for the ranch.

And then something happened. It was hard to describe at first. The blood loss and fever made sure of a much slower reaction time. But as the seconds passed, the best way Jackie put words to it was a stampede. Of horses, people, or lions she didn't know until she suddenly remembered her heightened sense of smell and allowed the scent to curl up maliciously into her nose. It was werewolves. Not a lot, but from the sound of it, they were coming in fast and right for her.

Instantly she adjusted herself to a defensive crouch, fear and pain glinting into her eyes like an injured animal that was about to be cornered.


Chime yipped in surprise as the male bumped into her, making them both roll further after from the other weres. After the rolling stopped Chime laid in shock for a few seconds before dizzily getting up and looking at the male. He seemed to be just as afraid of the two weres as she felt, though it annoyed her how he bumped into her. She found her tongue not to long after the fall and soon put it to use, "Who are you?" She asked in a smaller voice then she intended. Clearing her throat she started talking again, "Why did you bump into me?" Her voice was stronger and had a bit of annoyance in it.


Levi lay on his back for a few moments, his chest heaving up and down as he tried to collect his senses again. He groaned--or whined like a puppy, or some noise between the two--and rolled to a sitting position. Panting, he looked over the little female he'd just bumped into. She was talking--her voice sounded rather upset, but that was a given after what had just happened. There was a look of confusion in his face for a moment as he tried to figure out what she was saying... his pack mostly spoke in animal tongue while in wolf form, so he had been expecting those sorts of noises. Instead, he came to realize that she was using human words--quickly he pieced together what he had heard and understood.

Suddenly looking alert rather than dazed as he had before, his ears shot up and he looked back in the direction of his previous enemies. Quickly he looked back at the little female. "I am leavin', that should answer booth of yer questions!" he said hurriedly, springing to his feet. "G'day!"

He gave a quick nod of farewell, glanced back a mere moment to see where the alpha was again, and made an attempt to dart past her!


The smell grew closer and Timothy slowed his pace, his eyes glinting through the darkness as he caught sight of his target. He did not approach at first but simply stared at the wounded werewolf through the branches of the thick foliage.

"There it is.." Timothy thought to himself as he drew nearer. The other werewolf was injured but yet alive.. He could not recognize her scent, however he detected the smell of the pack faintly about her. Was she a member of the pack, or wasn't she? Timothy could not decide, but he knew that the other werewolf was too weak to have the advantage here, so he began to investigate further.

Steadily Timothy's black shadow slipped from the bushes and approached the injured werewolf, but only by a single step. He did not want her to attack him, so he stayed at a distance and stalked around her with his hackles raised, smelling about her as he went. Then his paw passed through a dark puddle of liquid on the forest soil and he paused, lowering his head to smell it.

Suddenly Timothy threw back his head and withdrew several steps! His teeth bared were now bared and a wild look was in his eyes!

"I would rather die! I would rather die!" He shouted in the words of a human. Then a low growl rumbled in his throat and he again lowered his head to the blood on the ground.

Timothy took several deep breaths with his nose to the ground, and flickered his ears back to listen..

Timothy pulled up his head again and looked the wounded werewolf in the eye. "You will not die.." He whispered. "Not tonight.."

Then he shot out of the clearing and thrashed away into the woods just to vanish like a shadow in the dark!


Kratos snarled at the stranger's submission and flicked an ear back when he heard Chime's yip.

"Get up." He demanded in a deep snarl. Then he crouched and snapped his jaws at the stranger to support his demand with a show of strength and aggression!

"You have surrendered, thus I have won and now you will do as I say!" The Alpha said in a low growl. "This is my land and you will come with me. We will bring the spy back to my pack and if you step out of line than you will get what you deserve from me."

Kratos snapped his jaws again and slammed his fists into the dirt violently!


Twilight had followed the sun below the fields and the dark shape of the forest loomed like a black gate built to conceal nature's dangerous mysteries from the naivety of mankind. Yet one such danger escaped out from it and came as a silhouette across the fields, moving swiftly and silently over the land in the dreary blue light of the full moon.

Timothy passed through Zeit's pastures and did not slow his pace until he came within the shadow of the small ranch. He then stalked slowly around the house and thought that perhaps something smelled amiss, but he could not be sure, for he did not recall this place well.. Yet, he felt some part of him very fond of it.

Now why had Timothy come here? No other reason than to satisfy a curiosity, and perhaps that nagging feeling at the back of his mind that kept telling him to do so. Thus he slipped slowly to the front of Zeit's cottage and traced the faint scent he had picked up near the wounded werewolf through the door..

Suddenly, Timothy knew that things were more than amiss! A strong scent wafted out from the open entrance and filled Timothy's senses with a sudden craving.

"That door was suppose to be shut." The young werewolf growled to himself. "I saw the Alpha lock it myself, didn't I?"

Timothy slowly crept up the stairs, sniffing and growling with the uneasiness that he was not alone in that dark house. Upon reaching the top of the stairs he looked around, and slowly entered the room where he recognized the scent of the wounded werewolf..

The strange smell which was in the house had not entered this room, but Timothy had another reason for being here.. In the blood of the wounded werewolf, Timothy had caught onto a smell which he could only briefly recall being in this house, so he came looking for it.

"It was an odd smell, like plants or rock.. No, that's not it.. Chemical, isn't that what it is called?" Timothy tried to remember the scent and follow it through the room. His ears were trained back listening to the silence in the hallway; he still felt uneasy.

After pacing around in the room for several minutes, Timothy finally found what he was looking for. Under the bed was a closed contraption which the young werewolf dug out and knocked to the center of the room.

This was definitely the source of the scent he had smelled in the blood of the wounded werewolf. "But now what?" Timothy wondered.

Timothy clawed at the box seeking to open it and figure out what was inside, but his attempts were in vain. He then picked it up in his mouth and began cracking the plastic casing with his teeth. However, he did not get far before he heard a noise downstairs and jumped to his paws with a threatening growl!

Ears focused forward, Timothy slowly approached the door and looked out into the hallway... Nothing could be seen, even with the keen sight of a werewolf.

Timothy growled and withdrew into the room again. He felt as if he were being hunted, and he hated that feeling even above the taste of blood. Thus he went back to gather his discovery; he would inspect it later, and quickly left the upper level of Zeit's cottage.


Kieoki was running hard, her paws thundering lightly across the ground. Her breath came in short pants as she tracked Timothy across the forest. She was surprised when he dashed past the injured were and continued onwards. Kieoki's wolf whined as she soon passed the blood filled area, but Kieoki snarled and locked it down, buckling down as she ran faster after Timothy. Where was he going anyways? Kieoki vented her confusion as she ran and it wasn't until she smelled the house did she realize where Timothy had gone.

Kieoki slowed then, as she came up to Zeit's cottage, and immediately went to the front door that was hanging open. She didn't realize that this was a bad idea until after her one paw made a creak on the floor of the home. Kieoki muttered to herself, cursing as she froze and listened for noises. Hearing nothing, she stayed where she was, debating on whether to try and go upstairs and catch him or go outside. In the end, Kieoki ended up going outside because there was more room to manipulate things and maneuver them.

Taking a few steps away from the building, Kieoki sat down, surveying the entire house and the fields surrounding it. Timothy wasn't going to escape her this time...


In her current state, Logan had only a small grip on the human tongue. She understood however, that the alpha was taking authority over her. This sent a burning, helpless resentment through her, which she expressed with a low growl towards the male. And the other part - something about bringing someone back. Although it was vague to her, she managed to grasp the initial idea.

Her eyes shifted over to Chime, but she quickly knew that this of course couldn't be the one he was talking about. It must have been the werewolf she was chasing before. Without waiting another moment, she began slowly past the alpha, head high and muzzle twisted into a snarl, before bolting off after this intruder.

Kratos had failed to mention whether or not he wanted him brought back dead or alive. And so it was, Logan decided that if she didn't know then there would be no harm in spilling his blood. She briefly surveyed the area ahead of her, trying to find the best way to use the land to her advantage in order to make up for lost speed, but failed. Still, she had no intention of letting him escape, and quickened her pace as much as she could. Maybe if she could force him towards the alpha, or more werewolves for that matter, he would falter. And even if that didn't work, he would hopefully get tired sooner or later.


Chime was going to give chase but after the big brute of a female ran after Levi she decided against it. The female managed to remind her of the earlier 'spat' that she and alpha had. The shaken werewolf stood there for while, trying to calm herself down. She finally moved from her spot and wander to the two houses. She reached them though she did have the look like she had seen ghosts, she calmed down a lot but still would rather stay around the two houses where she felt safer.

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