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Werewolves (RP 2): The Legacy Written in Blood (12/10-04/11)

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Kale was in the middle of flipping over yet another piece of french toast when she head Jackie yell from upstairs.

"Yo, any of you nimwits get about to breakfast yet?,"

Kale growled angrily and yelled back "your a werewolf! use your nose idiot!" she didn't appreciate being called a nimwit by someone so new, or so irritated. kale was known to have a short temper, and after not having eating something since yesterday afternoon she was already cranky herself.

"Kratos is out.....doing what he does." Kale replied vaguely to Kalebs question. truth was, Kale didn't know where kratos was half the time, as long as she could easily come across a recent scent of him, she didn't worry much since he was more than capable of taking care of himself. he took care of a bunch of werewolves for moon's sake.(yes, she swore by the moon, yay or werewolfness)

what worried her more was not that she hadn't seen Kratos, but that she hadn't seen Timothy. she suspected he had been sneaking out lately, but if Kratos caught him in the town he might get angry. it was dangerous for newer wolves to be around so many people, and while Timothy wasn't as new as some, he still had...issues that could make him lose control.

the bitter scent of burning bread drifted up from the frying pan and kale turned her attention back to breakfast.


"I try not to. It smells. Bad. Breakfast or no breakfast, hmm?," Jackie mumbled hotly and took an abrupt (and some-what noisy) seat that was closest towards Kale.

With her unbroken left hand, she fingered around the spare silver-ware on the table, making obnoxious tapping noises on its surface. Inspiration struck and she clung two knives together, making a fantastic metallic shrill. The game became boring rather quickly, however, so she offhandedly picked up a sharper steak knife. She studied with intrigue, then aimed it meticulously at the wall and threw it. The dart hit its target on the dry wall with a thud and Jackie nodded with satisfaction.

"Is it done yet?," she asked loudly in a tone reminiscent of an impatient 5 year old.

Hour Glass:

Zeit looked up, her eyes trained on the knife now in her wall. She was instantly up, and at Jackie's side, and whamped the back of her head. "There is a knife in my wall!" she growled, "Kale just finished the repairs from an attack by a rouge wolf, and you go and stick a knife in my wall!"

Zeit's mood had swung, which could be counted as odd, but she still had been tense from the life in the werewolf pack. "Now, you are going to fix the hole in my wall, or I will have your tail" she said coldly, before turning and taking her seat. "This house is going to be torn apart" she muttered to herself as she went back to her doodle, trying to contain her anger a bit, it wasn't working.

This called for another run later, and a nice good hunt, maybe she would ask Hawk to run with her, but right now he just seemed surprised that Zeit had just smacked another wolf. She grumbled to herself, the air around her seemed to crackle around her, as it seemed her mood could change at the slightest second.


Kale growled once more at Jackies reply and winced as some horried metal on metal noise was sounded. between the sizzling of the french toast in the pan and the other subtle noises of the kitchen kale heard a soft thwump followed by a reverberating ringing. she turned round just in time to see a knife in the wall before Zeit lost it.

Kale snickered a little and then took note of exactly what Zeit said. attack by a rouge wolf. so she hadn't seen who crashed through the wall. Kale hadn't seen the guilty party actually do the damage either....but she was pretty sure it was a couple of pack members from the lack of any strange scent. they had beter hope zeit doesn't find out, she herself didn't know because the scent of everyone around the barn mingled together.

"the heaping pile of french toast beside the stove isn't for show, but i'm not a maid, dish yourselves." just after giving them the all clear Kale picked one up off the plate and folded it, taking bites as she cooked. tempers were running high today....


Levi walked casually through the town with his hands shoved in his pockets. He was even whistling ("Oh where has my little dog gone" just for the sheer irony of it). He smiled and gave a friendly wave or nod to those he passed, even helped a young woman whom had in her hurry to get home dropped a bunch of packages on the ground.

As he walked on, he cheerfully exhaled and watched his breath turn white. No common onlooker would ever have suspected that the guy was a werewolf.

Yet, even though he didn't imediately appear like he was doing anything in particular, his green eyes were sizing up town residents--reading them, as it were. The people seemed mostly cheerful and busy. Apparently a popular holiday or celebration was coming up, or so he'd heard. Well, he thought, This doesn't much look like a town tormented by rogue wolves. Still, I can't ignore the scents... there are definitely wolves here.


Sabrina coughed as she approached Timothy, to alert him of her coming. "Hey," she said, smiling a little.


"Yes. But not just that. I believe I made a bulls eye," Jackie smiled cockily, noisily pushed her chair out, and got up to investigate her handy-work.

She smiled with a rather cheerful nod, despite the fact that Kale was full out loosing her head. It was a rather odd scenario that she remained level-headed and someone next to her lost it. Usually it was the opposite. Then again, she was the one who had really irked off Kale. It was a great pleasure of hers to get under other people's skin.

"Sorry, my schedule is completely booked for the lowly duties of a carpenter," Jackie tore the knife out of the wall and some of the dry-wall leaked onto the floor,"I'll have to do it next Friday. No, make it next next... Sunday".

She rubbed her fingers over the hilt of the steak-knife, as if it was of great importance. With a flash of glinting metal, she threw it a foot or so in the air and watched it spiral. At the last second she snatched the knife on the handle, then did it all over again. Perhaps there was a threat in the way she constantly repeated the knife trick over and over again or perhaps not. It all varied on one's paranoia.


Kratos raised a brow when the stranger addressed him by name, but other then that he did nothing else to question it.

So, this girl was a loner.. She has had previous experience with being a member of a pack, supposedly knows how to control her werewolf form, and says she is stuck here because of snow... Interesting.

"I do not force anyone to join my pack unless they are victims of it, and I only keep them until they know how to control and deal with the changes. If they wish to stay after that it is their choice." Kratos informed as his arms crossed over his chest and his head tilted to the side. "However, you need no such guidance, and as you claim to be a victim of bad weather, I'll treat you as a guest for now."

The Alpha then turned his back and walked toward the door. Glancing over his shoulder he said, "Forgive my intrusion, I meant for only the safety of the ones I protect.. Perhaps I might be able to invite you to our place that we may become more acquainted? Farewell for now."

Then Kratos left.


Timothy was startled by Sabrina's approach. Up until a few moments ago he had been anticipating the others to come find him, but that unfamiliar scent called for a different reaction...

"Wha- oh." Timothy practically jumping around to face Sabrina. Once he saw it was her though, he again turned his back and pretended to resume a casual walk. "Uh, Yeah.. What do you want?"

Hour Glass:

Zeit growled again, "I suggest not doing that, and you will have the wall fixed within 24 hours." She rose her cold gaze to meet the other wolf's eyes, "PLus to pay for the damages, you'll be doing more odd jobs around the ranch" she said, "When you live under my house, you go by my rules."

She got up once more, taking her paper with her, "Kale, I'll come back down later for some of your food, I'm not to hungary at the moment.

She walked past Jackie, grabbing the knife swiftly out of the air. "Since your apart of this pack, it means you listen to those who hold a higher rank then you" she said stiffly to Jackie, "Which means you have to listen to the betas, which happen to be Kale and I." She moved past Jackie, bending the knife in her palm, before tossing it into the trash.

"If you do not like the rules I set or the orders I give" she said, "You could try and knock me out of my rank, but I doubt that could ever happen, plus, Kratos would have to approve first." She gave one last cold glare to Jackie, "Don't you even think about grabbing anymore knives or forks, or anything and toss it around here again!" she said, directly and firmly, "or you life here will turn into a living ****."


Kieoki watched Kratos leave, shock borne upon her face. Does that count as being kind?She blankly asked her wolf, having the shake her head and lean upon the stove for balance.

**** if I know. I'm as shocked as you are. Her wolf spoke back, trying to shake it off. But they couldn't just shake it off, both of them knew that. Glancing around the corner and to where Kratos left, she narrowed her eyes, contemplating of following him. After all, if would be very easy to find where his pack was staying. It was a larger pack after all. Still unsure of what she was going to do, Kieoki walked to the window of the small place and watched Kratos exit her 'home' and walk off.

What was she doing? Why were her feet carrying her towards her door and making her step outside? She growled, a warning to her wolf who snorted as Kieoki forced herself to stop just outside of her door. What are you doing? She growled out at her wolf, annoyed.

Sorry! Can't help it if wolves hate traveling alone. Outcasts are normally those exiled by another pack or those who have killed, neither of which I've done so pardon me for my instincts. Her wolf blatantly replied back, more or less muttering out the reply. Kieoki rolled her eyes and sighed, glancing up at the sky before making sure she couldn't see Kratos anymore, before she struck off towards the woods.

How about I do something for you kay? Screw instincts. Kieoki growled her, her hands twitching as she picked up her pace until she was running towards the woods. The stray person watched her flash by, but they paid no real attention, and it was only a minute or so until she was in the forest, her body quivering as she ran along. Another moment and she was jumping into the air, shifting before she hit the ground, her paws making no sound as she continued running, her jaws parted in a soft laugh. Her wolf was running happily now, racing across the forest and through the snow, leaving only pawprints to show they'd been there.


Anger began to boil in her cold blue gaze as she watched her knife get rolled into a little tiny ball and tossed in the trash. She had grown attached to the knife in the minute or so it was hers. Seeing it destroyed was like stepping over a personal line of hers.

" It's not exactly like I have a choice on living here, now do I? I told you I wasn't getting to it for a few weeks!" Jackie growled, her voice escalating closer and closer towards full-out anger with each new word.

Angering Zeit had lost its charm when the woman had, so foolishly, insisted on her doing house-keeper chores. So that left something of a disaster to unfold- two very very angry werewolves ready to blow at any time. But this little fact didn't bother Jackie. She could only hope she destroyed most of Zeit's house in the process.


In the mean time, Theo had very well followed Zeit's advice. He had snatched 5 pieces of french toast from the stove-top, placing it on a plate he grabbed from the cupboard shortly after, and applied a big glob of syrup on top. Theo made way for the table and took a seat farthest from Jackie.

In normal circumstances, he wouldn't have cared on his location from the fight. However, considering his current relationship with the alpha, he didn't exactly want to be blamed for something else.

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